JU⁷ *hiatus* Profile picture
May 3, 2021 728 tweets >60 min read Read on X
- 𝙸 𝙷𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞, 𝙸 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚈𝚘𝚞 -

When camboy Jimin's mom surprises him and hears him doing one of his streams she demands to meet his boyfriend so Jimin needs a fake boyfriend fast. Luckily his friend's brother Yoongi is back in town...

#yoonminfest #ymfest_d1 Image
⚫️ Fake Dating
⚫️ Childhood Friends to Lovers #ymfest_d7
⚫️ Kinda Enemies to Lovers too #ymfest_d2
⚫️ Smut 🔞
⚫️ Camboy Jimin

I'll keep updating the tags if something else comes up!
#yoonminfest is finally here! I'm excited to share my first story with you and I will keep updating it but please bare in mind that I'm working on multiple stories at the same time this month so updates might be a little slower!

I hope you enjoy!
It really wasn’t supposed to go like this.

It was supposed to be a regular stream, nothing out of the ordinary, the same stuff Jimin always does to give his viewers a good time.
He was just getting started too, just started slipping into the role, getting more and more comfortable in front of the camera with every comment he read, every stroke of his fingers over his body.
Jimin likes playing with himself on camera, likes knowing that there are eyes on him, watching his every move, getting off on seeing him touch himself. It does something to him that he can’t really explain, it just makes it all so much more real.
But besides knowing he’s being watched he especially loves talking to his viewers, teasing them and getting them riled up as well.

It’s also what gets him the most money to be fair.
He isn’t shy about it either. Ever since he moved out and has been living on his own he’s been very vocal in his streams. All those dirty words roll off his tongue so easily now and he doesn’t hold back, talking to his viewers as if they were actually there with him.
Normally this isn’t a problem because there’s nobody he could bother with this except maybe his neighbors, however then his last stream happened. He was so into it that he didn’t hear his front door open.

He didn’t hear his mom calling his name.
He had just shoved a toy inside him and his body was buzzing from the pleasure, from the feeling of being so wonderfully full and he just didn’t notice anything but the stretch inside him and the screen in front of his eyes.
He didn’t pay attention to what he was saying, all sorts of lewd things and suggestions spilling from his mouth until he hears his front door slam shut, making him startle and whip his head around with wide eyes.
He doesn’t find out what happened until later that night when his mom sends him a text message, demanding to get to know his boyfriend and complaining about how she can’t believe Jimin would keep something like that from her.
He also got scolded for all the naughty things he said. A lot.
But despite his mother’s obvious distress Jimin has absolutely no idea what she’s talking about so he decides to call her. She picks up after a few rings.

„Eomma, what makes you think I have a boyfriend?“
„I heard you Jimin-ah! I can’t believe you would do such dirty things and not even introduce this man to us! To me!“ She scolds him, the annoyance in her voice impossible to miss, making Jimin frown.
„You heard me? What are you talking about?“ He tries again. As far as he knows the last time he saw his mom was about two weeks ago when they got lunch together.
He hears his mom grumble under her breath, possibly some curse words but he can’t quite make it out, „I came by earlier to surprise you but you were busy!“
Jimin’s eyebrows draw together in confusion until suddenly his eyes shoot open.


Oh no.
„Eomma.“ He gulps, nervously scratching the back of his neck, „Ah, I’m sorry you heard that.“

„You better bring this man over for dinner, Jimin-ah. I demand to meet him.“ His mom insists, panic bubbling up in Jimin’s chest.
He would love to introduce his boyfriend to his family. There’s just one small problem. He doesn’t exist.

„Oh, Eomma I don’t know…“
„Why not?“ She immediately presses on, her tone snappy and making Jimin duck his head. She always manages to make him feel like a little kid no matter how old he is.
How does he explain to his mom that he’s been single forever and that he’s regularly fucking himself on camera for hundreds of people who pay him to do so? He can’t. He really really can’t.
„I think it’s too soon, we haven’t been together for long.“ Jimin nervously chews on his lip. He really feels bad for lying to his own mother, but he knows that the truth would hurt her much more than this.
„I don’t care, I won’t take no for an answer. You better bring him over this Friday.“ She decides, hanging up before Jimin can say anything else, leaving him with his phone at his ear, mouth open to say something.
He lets out a loud groan as he drops his phone on his bed, then buries his face in a pillow, screaming into it. Where the hell is he supposed to find a boyfriend in two days? That’s basically impossible.
Just then his phone beeps somewhere underneath him so he sits up to take a look at it, seeing a message from Jungkook.
Yoongi is back? They’ve hung out as kids sometimes but as Yoongi got older he kind of lost interest in the two younger boys and was more focused on his own friends so they lost contact pretty quickly. But Yoongi might be the perfect solution for Jimin’s problem.
Just about an hour later Jimin is knocking on Jungkook’s door and it only takes another minute before the younger pulls it open, immediately looking at Jimin suspiciously.

„Hi hyung.“
„Hey Kook, I’m sorry you’re suffering because of your brother but I really have to ask him something?“ Jimin smiles as he pushes past Jungkook into the house like he lives there. Which he basically does to be fair.
„Wanna tell me what’s going on?“ Jungkook calls after him, watching him walk up the stairs in confusion.

„Later!“ Is the only reply he gets before Jimin disappears upstairs, leaving Jungkook to close the door with a sigh, shaking his head in disbelief.
Jimin takes a deep breath when he’s standing in front of the door to Yoongi’s old room. He remembers being in there a few times when he was younger but it’s been a while. It’s been a while since he’s seen Yoongi too.
Is it really a good idea to ask your friend’s older brother to be your fake boyfriend?

His parents don’t know Yoongi, Yoongi is not a complete stranger to Jimin. It sounds like he should be perfect.

But is he?
He clears his throat and takes one more deep breath to calm his nerves before he knocks on the door, hearing nothing but a grunt in response. He can’t help but smile a little to himself because even as kids Yoongi wasn’t a big talker and it seems like that hasn’t changed.
He carefully pushes the door open, but doesn’t step inside yet, „Hi hyung.“

Yoongi turns around in his chair where he’s sitting at his desk, brows furrowed in confusion at Jimin’s unexpected voice, „Jimin-ah?“
„Hey.“ Jimin smiles at him, giving him a little wave, „I heard you’re in town so I thought I’d say hi. How have you been?“
„Um, good good, and you?“ Yoongi mumbles, scratching at the back of his neck as he averts his eyes from Jimin, letting them drop down to his feet instead.

He still can’t keep eye contact, Jimin thinks to himself.
„Pretty good, yeah.“ Jimin nods slowly to himself, then takes in a deep breath, „Hyung, can I come in? I have to ask you something.“
Yoongi’s eyes flick back up to his, eyebrows raising up in surprise, „Uh, yeah sure.“ He gives a quick nod towards the bed so Jimin closes the door behind him and sits down on the soft mattress.
„Uh, sorry for the mess btw, I just got here yesterday and didn’t really have time to clean yet.“ Yoongi mumbles a little embarrassedly, but Jimin can only chuckle softly at the fact that Yoongi would even be worried about that.
„I really don’t care, hyung.“ He smiles, Yoongi only giving a small nod in response.

„So what did you want to ask me?“ The elder asks, finally turning in his chair to fully face Jimin.
He’s not wearing anything special, just a white t shirt and black sweatpants, his dark hair hanging over his forehead and almost covering his eyes. Jimin didn’t remember Yoongi being so attractive and he’s a little taken aback by the realization. He grew up really well.
„Um…“ Jimin lets out an awkward chuckle as he runs a hand through his hair, „I’m not really sure how to asks this without it being weird.“

„My brother is Jungkook, I’m used to weird.“ Yoongi shrugs, causing Jimin to laugh and cover his mouth with his hand.
„Fair point.“ He nods quickly, then lets out a soft sigh as he rubs his slightly sweaty palms over his thighs.

„Alright I’ll just get right to it, okay?“ He asks, waiting for Yoongi to give him a nod, „I need someone to pretend to be my boyfriend-"
Immediately Yoongi rolls his eyes, „Jimin-ah…“

„Just for one night! Please, hyung, I really am in a predicament here and I don’t know who else to ask.“ Jimin begs with a frown on his face.
Yoongi narrows his eyes at the younger, seemingly scanning his face to see if he’s joking or not until he finally lets out a sigh, „What happened?“
„Oh um… well…my mom came by to visit me, surprise visit me…“ Jimin trails off and Yoongi snorts to himself, shaking his head.
„What? You were fucking someone and she heard you? Why don’t you ask that guy to be your fake boyfriend?“ There’s a teasing tone to Yoongi’s voice and Jimin can’t help it when his eyes narrow a little.
However he can also feel his cheeks heat up because while he is very confident in his streams, talking about what he does for a living always leaves him a stuttering mess.
„I wasn’t with a guy.“ Jimin sighs, noticing Yoongi’s expression turn to confusion, „I’m…I’m a camboy, hyung.“
Immediately Yoongi’s eyes grow wide, lips parting in surprise or shock, Jimin isn’t quite sure, „You’re a…“

Jimin just nods, chuckling a little awkwardly, „Yup…“
Yoongi blinks a few times, trying to collect himself and process the new information, „So you…“

„I fuck myself on camera for hundreds of people to see, yes.“ Jimin sighs, averting his eyes from Yoongi as he runs a hand through his hair, „You think it’s weird?“
„No.“ Yoongi slowly shakes his head, making Jimin look back up at him, „I’m just surprised is all. I mean I remember us playing in a sandbox together when we were kids so this is just a lot to process.“
„We grew up.“ Jimin shrugs, a small chuckle leaving his lips and Yoongi just nods in agreement.
For a second Jimin can see Yoongi’s eyes wandering over his body but then they’re already gone again. Nevertheless Jimin can’t help but smirk a little smugly having caught Yoongi checking him out. Maybe this could actually be fun.
„So…my mom caught me during one of my streams and heard me talk to my viewers and now she thinks I was with my boyfriend who doesn’t exist. Will you help me, hyung? I’ll pay you, I promise.“ Jimin tries one more time.
Yoongi lets out a heavy sigh, slumping a little in his chair as he leans back into it and folds his hands over his stomach, „Fine. One night.“
Jimin immediately squeals excitedly, lips splitting into a giant smile that makes his eyes disappear. He jumps up from the bed and runs over to give Yoongi a quick hug, „Thank you hyung!“
„Yah, you’re still like a hyperactive puppy!“ Yoongi whines, pushing Jimin off of him but the younger just continues laughing.
Yoongi sighs in defeat and shoos Jimin out with his hand, „Alright get out, I have to get some work done.“
„Dinner with my family this Friday! I’ll text you the details!“ Jimin grins, quickly ruffling Yoongi’s hair just because he can before running out of the room.
He hears Yoongi yell after him but he just continues laughing and closes the door behind him, then rushes down the stairs.
Jungkook is upset ImageImage
Friday comes by much faster than any of them really expected. Jimin asked Yoongi to come meet him at his apartment before they go to his parents’ house so they can go over the plan again.
Also so Yoongi can pick him up because Jimin doesn’t have a car and it’d be weird if they arrived separately anyway.
When Yoongi arrives Jimin is glad that he at least put in the effort to dress up a little bit, a nice button down and jeans, but Jimin can tell that he’s not excited about all of this.

„Can you maybe tone down the attitude a little bit?“
„What?“ Yoongi’s head whips in Jimin’s direction from where he’s sitting on the younger’s couch while Jimin finishes fixing his hair in the mirror.

„You look like you’d rather be anywhere else than here“ Jimin sighs, small frown on his face when he turns to Yoongi.
The elder just gives him a small roll of his eyes and looks at the watch on his wrist, „Come on we have to go or we’ll be late.“

„Wanna make a good first impression?“ Jimin grins teasingly, but Yoongi just huffs quietly and gets up, grabbing his keys and walking out the door.
„Yah! Wait!“ Jimin calls after him, cursing under his breath and rushing to gather his things, then quickly puts on his shoes and a coat and runs after Yoongi.
They get to his parents’ house pretty quickly. Traffic is good and it’s not too far. Once Yoongi parks the car in front of the house he’s about to get out, but Jimin stops him, giving him a stern look.
„Remember, you’re in love with me. We met three months ago, have only been dating for two though and we met playing bowling with mutual friends.“ Jimin starts seriously, soon cut off by Yoongi.
„I know. And I’m not Jungkook’s brother and no word about your job. Don’t worry, I read your texts.“
Jimin narrows his eyes a little but gives him a small nod, „Alright, let’s go, stop looking like you hate me for bringing you here.“
Yoongi groans quietly, „But I kind of do, meeting the parents is the worst part and we’re not even dating.“ He mumbles as he gets out of the car.
„Well…“ Jimin sighs, walking over to Yoongi and taking his hand in his, trying to ignore the unfamiliar feeling it gives him, „Tonight we are - honey.“
„I hate that.“ Yoongi quickly shakes his head, but all he gets in return is a shrug of shoulders before Jimin is pulling him to the front door.
They ring the doorbell and only a moment later Jimin’s mom pulls the door open, immediately looking at them in surprise, „Jiminie, I didn’t think you’d actually bring someone!“
Her face suddenly splits into a huge grin and she immediately reaches for Yoongi’s arm, pulling him inside, „Ah welcome! It’s so great to meet you, I’m Mijeong. Come in, come in.“
Yoongi stumbles a little and he honestly looks a little lost, quickly bowing to the demanding woman, „It’s nice to meet you too, Mijeong-ssi, I’m Min Yoongi. Thank you for inviting us for dinner tonight.“
„Oh of course!“ She laughs, ushering Yoongi to stop bowing, „Ah, you’re so polite. Such a handsome man too.“ She smiles widely as she reaches up to pinch Yoongi’s cheek.
Jimin decides to save him and finally steps up to his mom with a laugh, „Eomma, you have all night to gush over him, let the poor man settle in first.“
Suddenly his mom slaps his shoulder and glares at him and Jimin immediately ducks his head, „Yah! What did I do?“
„Why would you hide such a wonderful man from me?“ She snaps and Jimin can see the amused smirk on Yoongi’s face. He kind of really wants to wipe it off.
„Eomma!“ Jimin whines, knitting his eyebrows together and holding up his hands when she’s about to slap him again, „Yah, we’ve only been together for like two months. I wanted to make sure it’s serious first.“
„So it is serious?“ Mijeong’s face lights up and Jimin and Yoongi just look at each other a little lost before Yoongi clears his throat, scratching the back of his neck.
„I think… I think we’re getting there.“ He says with a small smile and Jimin nods quickly, stepping up to Yoongi and fitting himself against his side before he presses a soft kiss against his cheek.
This feels weird. His face almost scrunches up a little at how fake all of this feels.
„We’re getting there.“ He agrees. He could feel Yoongi stiffen under his lips, but judging by the look of pure happiness and adoration on his mom’s face he’s guessing she didn’t notice. It kind of breaks his heart.
„Well you got more than enough time for that, now come on in, dinner is almost ready.“ She rushes them inside with shooing hand motions and Jimin leads Yoongi over to the table.
Before they can sit down Jimin’s dad walks into the room, smiling at the sight of his son and immediately pulling him into a hug, „Welcome home Jimin-ah. You should visit more.“
Jimin immediately hugs his dad back, smiling softly at the warm embrace, „I know, appa, I’m sorry. I’ll try to come over more often.“
They pull away after his father gives him an approving hum and then the man’s eyes land on Yoongi, „You must be Jimin’s boyfriend. I’m Park Pilwoo, it’s nice to meet you.“
He holds his hand out and Yoongi immediately shakes it while bowing low, „It’s nice to meet you too, Pilwoo-sii. I’m Min Yoongi, thank you for inviting me to dinner.“
„You’re very welcome.“ The man chuckles and lets go of his hand, „No need to be so polite, relax. We don’t bite.“

„Usually!“ Mijeong suddenly calls from the kitchen, causing everyone to laugh.

So far so good, Jimin thinks.
He steps a little closer to Yoongi and reaches for his hand, letting his fingers slide in the gaps between Yoongi’s and giving him a small smile, „You’re doing good.“ He whispers and Yoongi just smiles back at him, but Jimin can’t really tell if it’s real or fake.
„Well, sit down, dinner is almost ready.“ Pilwoo tells them.
„Is there something we can do to help?“ Jimin quickly asks, but his father just waves him off.
„You know your mom doesn’t want anyone in her kitchen. I insisted on helping her and she almost gave me a black eye before agreeing.“ He laughs, both Yoongi and Jimin joining in before they give quick nods and sit down next to each other at the table.
Jimin lets out a small sigh when his father join his mom in the kitchen and he finally pulls away from Yoongi. The elder narrows his eyes at him and rubs his palm against his thigh, „Why the hell are your hands so sweaty?“

Jimin frowns at him, „I’m nervous, okay?“
„Why?“ Yoongi huffs, „It’s not like it matters if they like me, we’ll break up after this anyway and they’ll never see me again.“
„Hyung!“ Jimin frowns more, lightly hitting Yoongi’s shoulder, „You’re the first boyfriend I brought home, this is important.“

The elder lets out a heavy sigh and gives a small nod, „Sure, I’ll be on my best behavior, don’t worry.“
„Thank you.“ Jimin mumbles.
Yoongi only hums in response, then his hand is suddenly on Jimin’s thigh and he’s leaning in to press a kiss against his temple, causing the younger’s eyes to widen in confusion until he sees his mom carry in plates of food and he understands what Yoongi is doing.
He can’t help but smile a little. Yoongi really is playing along.
Dinner is served pretty soon. Before they start eating Yoongi also meets Jimin’s younger brother Jihyun who doesn’t seem to care about the stranger too much. Jimin can’t really blame him.
Over dinner Jimin’s mom is attacking Yoongi with endless amounts of questions, her curiosity truly getting the best of her. At some point his dad even steps in and reminds her to slow down a little and give the man some time to eat and breathe.
It’s going pretty well, they all seem to get along pretty good, but Jimin is getting tired of all the acting. He leans against Yoongi when he laughs, presses kisses against his cheek and rests his head on his shoulder whenever he gets the chance.
He does everything he can think of that the disgustingly cute couples in his friend group do and he can tell that Yoongi is getting annoyed too.
He figured out pretty quickly that Yoongi isn’t the biggest fan of touching. He likes his personal space and while Jimin would usually respect that, he has an act to sell tonight and his parents know that he is a very touchy person.
When his parents leave to the kitchen to get dessert and Jihyun is distracted, playing on his phone with both headphones in, Yoongi finally pulls away from Jimin with a sigh.

„I think they’re gonna believe you even if you’re not all over me all the time, you know?“ He suggests.
Jimin just shakes his head, „I’m already toning it down, hyung. I’m a touchy person, you should see me with Jungkook. If I don’t touch you they wouldn’t believe it.“
„At least stop leaning on me every time you laugh.“ Yoongi sighs, Jimin’s eyes suddenly narrowing.

„Well then at least laugh along next time I make a joke.“

„You’re not funny.“ Yoongi shrugs, not looking at Jimin.
Jimin huffs in annoyance, lightly pushing against Yoongi’s thigh „You could at least pretend you think I am.“

„That costs extra.“ Yoongi shakes his head, Jimin’s lips parting in disbelief.
He’s about to say something when his parents return and he quickly puts a smile back on his face, leaning close to Yoongi’s ear, „I don’t like you.“
„And you have no idea how relationships work - darling.“ Yoongi whispers back, tapping his finger on the tip of Jimin’s nose before pulling away.
In any other situation Jimin knows the gesture would’ve made him blush and sputter but right now it only provokes him more and he has to force himself not to show it on his face.
When they finally finish dessert they both know the night will come to an end soon and Jimin would be lying if he said he wasn’t excited to finally be alone, to finally stop pretending.
The longer they sit there together the more they bicker when nobody is looking and at this point both of them are more than annoyed with the other.
They’re all just having a glass of wine, sitting on the couch when Jimin’s mom suddenly perks up with an idea, „You two should stay the night. I make really good breakfast, Yoongi-yah, you have to try it.“
Both Jimin’s and Yoongi’s eyes widen and they share a quick glance before Yoongi awkwardly clears his throat.

„Eomma, Yoongi-hyung has to work tomorrow. I can bring him over for breakfast another time.“ Jimin lies but Mijeong just shakes her head.
„I won’t take no for an answer. I know you’re just trying to get out of it.“ She grins teasingly and Jimin lets out a heavy sigh.

„Eomma please. He really has to work.“ Jimin tries again but Mijeong just shakes her head.
„I’ll get your room ready for you.“ She smiles and soon she disappears up the stairs.

Jimin sighs heavily and lets his head fall on Yoongi’s shoulder. He nudges Yoongi a little and the elder quickly puts an arm around him with a small huff.
„Sorry about her.“ Pilwoo starts, making both of them look at him, „You know how she is, Jimin-ah.“

„I think you got that from her.“ Yoongi chuckles, shaking his head and Jimin is sure only he can hear the teasing tone but it makes him pinch Yoongi’s side nevertheless.
„Yah!“ Yoongi laughs, immediately jerking away from him and pulling his arm away as well, „Don’t tickle me.“

„Why not?“ Jimin grins, watching as Yoongi’s eyes narrow before he quickly pulls Jimin close and starts tickling him mercilessly.
Immediately Jimin’s loud laughter echoes through the room and he can’t help but throw himself over Yoongi, trying to stop his hands while his body is turning and twisting helplessly.
The elder doesn’t stop until there are tears brimming in the corners of Jimin’s eyes and he’s begging Yoongi to stop.
As soon as he does pull away Jimin is heaving in heavy breaths, clutching at his cramping stomach, „Oh my god, hyung I thought I was going to pee myself.“

„Please don’t.“ Yoongi shakes his head, Jimin chuckling once more before finally sitting back up.
He glances over at his dad who is just watching them with the fondest expression and he can’t help but smile a little at the sight.
„You two make a beautiful couple, you know?“ He suddenly says, Jimin’s cheeks flushing even though there’s really no reason for that at all.

He glances over at Yoongi and gives him a small smile before the elder suddenly takes his hand and presses a kiss to his knuckles.
„I think we’re alright.“ Yoongi agrees, making Jimin blush even more.

He has to get his shit together. This is all just for show.
Just then his mom returns back down the stairs, stopping next to her husband and resting her hand on his shoulder, „Room’s all good, go ahead and make yourselves comfortable upstairs.“

„Thanks eomma.“ Jimin says softly, getting up and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek.
„Sleep well, kids. We’ll see you tomorrow.“ Pilwoo smiles.

„Good night.“ Both Yoongi and Jimin respond before Jimin leads Yoongi up the stairs.
Once the door is closed and they’re alone, Jimin turns to Yoongi, „You’re doing really fucking well.“

„Jimin-ah, you said one dinner.“ Yoongi narrows his eyes at him and Jimin frowns a little at the tone of his voice.
„It’s not like I was planning for this to happen, you know?“ He huffs back, crossing his arms over his chest.

Yoongi just sighs heavily and rubs a hand over his face, „This will also cost you extra, just so you know.“
„Sure whatever.“ Jimin rolls his eyes, averting his gaze from Yoongi.

„Also I’m taking the bed.“
Jimin immediately turns back to the elder, „What do you mean?“

„I’m sleeping in the bed. You can take the floor.“ He clarifies but Jimin just keeps looking at him with a confused expression on his face.
„Um hyung…no.“ He shakes his head. He can see he is about to protest so he quickly holds up his hand, „Are you stupid? We have to sleep in the same bed.“

Yoongi’s eyes immediately widen, „What? No.“
Jimin rolls his eyes, planting his palm against his forehead, „Oh my god, use your brain. What if my mom comes in to wake us tomorrow morning? Sure would be fun to explain why the happy couple is not sleeping in the same bed together.“
„Oh my fucking god Jimin, I can’t believe you. This was not part of the deal!“ Yoongi complains, Jimin immediately shushing him so he won’t get too loud.
„Stop being a big baby, it’s just one night. Get over it.“ He sighs and just when Yoongi is about to say something else he hears footsteps coming up the stairs so he quickly holds up his hands to shush the elder.
„Shit, that’s my mom. She can’t see us fighting, quick come here and kiss me. Kiss me right now!“ He whisper-yells only for Yoongi to stare at him in complete disbelief.
„Are you serious right now?“

Yoongi rolls his eyes and pushes himself up from the bed in annoyance, „Fine.“ He sighs, finally walking over to Jimin and stopping right in front of him.
„This will also cost extra.“ He mumbles before there is suddenly a big hand on Jimin’s waist, pulling him against Yoongi’s body while the other hand comes up to cup Jimin’s cheek.
The moment the door opens there are soft lips against Jimin’s and his eyes fall shut, hands coming up to rest against Yoongi’s chest. For the first time he realizes how firm and broad Yoongi is and he’s kinda overcome with the desire to explore more of the body pressed up +
+ against his own. Yoongi’s lips actually feel really nice against his and Jimin tilts his head just a little out of instinct, allowing for them to kiss more comfortably.
„Oh! I’m so sorry!“ Mijeong’s voice makes them immediately pull away from one another, either really good acting or both of them actually forgot why they were kissing in the first place.
Nevertheless they jump away from each other like teenagers caught making out by their parents.

„Ah eomma,“ Jimin gulps, chuckling a little awkwardly, „Sorry about that, you should knock next time.“
„I see that.“ She laughs, nodding along before holding out a little tray with bowls filled with different snacks, „I thought you two might want some snacks. You’re both so skinny, you need to eat more.“
She places the tray down on Jimin’s bed, „I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone now. Good night!“
„Good night.“ They both say in unison, glancing at each other as Mijeong just laughs, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Jimin lets out a heavy sigh while Yoongi awkwardly clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair, „That um…“

„I’ll get ready for bed.“ Jimin quickly cuts him off and disappears in the bathroom that’s attached to his room, locking the door behind himself.
He immediately steps in front of the mirror and stares at himself, slowly shaking his head.

Why did he enjoy that kiss?

Maybe he just really needs to get laid, it’s been a while…

It was probably nothing.

Yeah, it’s harmless.
He lets out a small sigh before he gets ready for bed, eventually leaving the bathroom and letting Yoongi get ready as well. He takes the chance to change into a big t shirt and his boxers.
He honestly prefers sleeping naked or at least shirtless but he doesn’t think that’s a good idea in this small bed. They won’t have a lot of space anyway.
After a while Yoongi returns in the same attire while Jimin is already snuggled up under the covers on his side of the bed - not that they really have assigned sides.
Yoongi walks around to get to the other side and slips in under the covers beside Jimin, scooting as far away as possible without risking falling out of the bed.
„Please tell me you don’t snore.“ Jimin eventually breaks the silence, causing Yoongi to snort and roll his eyes.

„Not that I know of. Do you?“
Jimin shakes his head, „No…“ He can’t help but yawn, suddenly feeling the tiredness wash over him, „Let’s just stay on our sides and get this night over with.“
„Okay.“ Yoongi agrees with a small nod and then Jimin is already reaching for the lamp and turning off the light, leaving them in darkness except for the little bit of light coming in from behind the curtains.
„Good night, hyung.“

„Night, Jimin-ah.“

It feels quite awkward lying next to each other like this but sleep does eventually take over, both of them falling into a deep slumber.
When Jimin wakes up the next morning something feels different. It’s nice and warm, cozy even like every time he sleeps at his family’s house, but it’s warmer than usual.
He basks in it for a moment, his mind not fully back to consciousness yet until he nuzzles into the bed and feels something or rather someone behind him.
His eyes shoot open immediately, looking down at himself where - that’s an arm… That’s Yoongi’s arm around him.

Why is Yoongi’s arm around his waist?
The elder seems to be asleep still and just pulls Jimin closer in his sleep, nuzzling against his back and letting out a quiet grunt until suddenly his eyes open too and he’s faced with nothing but Jimin in front of his face.
He jerks away immediately, pulling his hand away and scooting to the other side of the bed, „What the fuck, Jimin?!“
„Me?! You’re the one who came closer! Don’t touch me!“ Jimin huffs angrily but Yoongi just rolls his eyes at him, getting out of bed without saying another word, immediately going for the bathroom.
Jimin just sighs and shakes his head in disbelief, running a hand through his messy hair to try and tame it.

What a way to wake up.
They eventually get ready for the day and eat breakfast with Jimin’s family. It’s nice, or it would be nice if it was real but every time Yoongi and Jimin’s eyes meet they can both tell that they don’t want to be here.

At least his mom’s food is amazing.
After breakfast they finally say good bye and Jimin’s mom demands to see Yoongi again soon. Honestly, she really doesn’t want to let him go. She probably loves him more than Jimin already.
When they’re back in Yoongi’s car and pull out of the driveway Jimin lets out the heaviest sigh and slumps in his seat, „Fucking finally.“

„Yeah.“ Yoongi mumbles, eyes focused on the road, „They’re nice.“

„Your family. They’re nice.“ He elaborates with a shrug of his shoulders.
Jimin just sighs dramatically and nods his head, „Yeah and they fucking love you, goddammit.“

„Yah!“ Yoongi huffs, glancing over at him for just a moment, „Why so surprised? What’s there not to love?“
„Do you want a list?“ Jimin deadpans, eyes narrowing at the elder who just rolls his eyes.

„Rude.“ Is all he says, shaking his head until he eventually sighs, „Isn’t it good that your family likes me? Wasn’t that the goal?“
Jimin nods slowly, lips pursing as he glances out of the window, „Yeah…But now they’ll want to see you more and my mom will hate me for breaking up with you.“
Yoongi snorts beside him, causing Jimin to turn his head to look at him questioningly, „Who says you’re breaking up with me? I think it’s far more realistic that I’m breaking up with you.“
„Oh fuck off!“ Jimin rolls his eyes, „You’d be lucky to pull someone like me.“


Yoongi has been trying to reach Jimin for an hour now. He’s texted him, called multiple times, even asked Jungkook if he knows what Jimin is doing, but nothing.
He has no idea where Jimin’s mom got his phone number, but she messaged him asking him to hang out soon so she can get to know him better. If Yoongi was Jimin’s actual boyfriend he would probably be happy about this, but since he’s not it just…complicates things.
And on top of that Yoongi has no idea what Jimin wants him to do. It’s only been a few days since dinner. Have they already „broken up“? Jimin would’ve told him, right?
He doesn’t want to keep Mijeong waiting any longer so he eventually decides to drive over to Jimin’s place in hopes of finding him there.
He knocks on the door and waits for a bit, but nobody opens so he knocks again. Still nothing. However Yoongi can hear noises coming from inside, faint but still there.
He really doesn’t want to break into Jimin’s apartment, but he checks under the doormat anyway and finds a spare key, mumbling to himself about how fucking stupid Jimin is for leaving a key in such an obvious place.
He unlocks the door and pushes it open, carefully stepping inside, „Yah Jimin-ah! Why are you so stupid to leave a key under your mat? Do you want to get murdered in your sleep?“
„Hyung!“ Jimin squeaks out in a breathless and panicked sounding voice, then there’s some hushed talking, then some crashing and stumbling, causing Yoongi’s eyebrows to furrow in worry.
„Are you okay?“ He’s about to open the bedroom door, but then Jimin does so himself, startling the elder.
He’s in nothing but a thin silk robe, skin sweaty and hair sticking to it a little bit, messy in a way like he ran his fingers through it multiple times. He’s holding the robe closed, but Yoongi can still see how flushed not only his face but also his chest is.
When Jimin looks up to meet Yoongi’s gaze he clears his throat before speaking, but his voice still comes out shaky, „W-What are you doing here?“
Yoongi just stares at him with his lips parted, letting his eyes take in the sight in front of him.

And what a sight it is.
Jimin’s pupils are dilated and Yoongi has a pretty good idea what Jimin was doing but he decides to ask anyway, „I think the question is what were /you/ doing?“
„Working.“ Is the only answer Yoongi gets and he’s about to dig deeper when his eyes widen I realization.

„You were… oh my god! I-I’m.. I’m so sorry for interrupting, I-“
„It’s okay.“ Jimin laughs, still sounding slightly breathless but more collected now. But then he shifts his weight from one foot to the other and he lets out a soft sigh as his eyelashes flutter.
„Wait.“ Yoongi stares at him, carefully licking his lips, „Do you still…is there still something…inside you?“
„Mhm.“ Jimin nods, biting down on his bottom lip before letting out a nervous chuckle, „You surprised me. I barely had time to turn the stream off before you came in here so I had to leave the plug in.“
„Fuck, um I-I’m sorry?“ Yoongi tries but Jimin just waves him off telling him it’s fine. Yoongi allows himself to let his eyes travel down Jimin’s body once more and then his curiosity gets the best of him, „So…you like it when people watch you?“
Jimin tilts his head to the side in question, eyebrows raising up in surprise, „I mean…“ He straightens up and shrugs his shoulders, „That’s the job, isn’t it?“
Yoongi licks his lips as he hums lowly, „Yeah, yeah of course but…“ He thinks about his next words for a moment, not really sure what got into him, „But what about outside the job?“
Jimin’s eyes immediately narrow at the elder and then his arms cross in front of his chest and an almost amused smirk makes its way onto his face, „If there’s something you want to ask me, just ask hyung.“
„Ah no nevermind sorry.“ Yoongi quickly shakes his head, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck and averting his eyes from Jimin’s.

„Well…“ Jimin chuckles to himself, „What are you even doing here?“
„Oh right.“ Yoongi quickly clears his throat to collect himself, „Your mom texted me?“

Jimin’s eyes shoot open wide, „She did what now?“
„Yeah, I don’t really know how she got my number to be honest…“ He gets out a sigh as he pulls his phone out to show Jimin the message, „She asked me to hang out with her.“

„Oh my fucking god, that woman will be the death of me!“ Jimin groans, rubbing his hands over his face.
Yoongi clears his throat as he scratches the back of his neck, „Yeah so basically my question is what do you want me to do?“

Jimin just looks at him as if he’s stupid, „Well meet with her of course.“
„What?!“ Yoongi deadpans, staring at him in disbelief, „I thought we’re breaking up?“
„Well yeah, but I have to figure out how first. It will break my mom’s heart, hyung.“ Jimin frowns even though he knows this wasn’t part of the agreement. He just really doesn’t know what to do.
Yoongi lets out a frustrated groan, „Jimin-ah, no. I won’t keep lying to your mom.“

„I’ll write that easy you’ve been putting off for you.“ Jimin suggests with a shrug of his shoulders, the elder’s eyes immediately narrowing at the younger.
„You’re the devil.“ He grits out, obviously unhappy with the situation but nodding nevertheless, „You write the essay and buy me dinner.“

After that day Jimin is a little lost.
For some reason he can’t get Yoongi out of his head. He can’t stop wondering if Yoongi has watched one of his streams and he realizes that he really wants him to watch one.
Maybe it’s the fact that he stood in front of him wearing only a robe with a plug in his ass or maybe it’s the way Yoongi reacted to it, asked about it. Maybe it’s both.

It’s probably both.
Whatever it is, Jimin doesn’t have time for it because Yoongi is about to pick him up and he just can’t figure out what to wear to save his life.
His bedroom is just one giant pile of clothes at this point but eventually he manages to pick something. It’s not too dressed up but he still looks nice and yet he feels oddly nervous.

This is just Yoongi, why is he acting like a teenager before their first date?
It’s a few days later now and Yoongi just saw Jimin’s mom so Jimin suggested to take him out to dinner afterwards as promised. It shouldn’t make him as nervous as it does.
He almost jumps up at the ceiling when he hears the doorbell ring, but he manages to collect himself and checks his appearance one more time before he grabs his things and walks to the door, pulling it open.

„Hi hyung.“
Yoongi looks nice, really nice actually. Maybe it’s because he was out with his mom and wanted to look good for that, but a part of Jimin hopes that he dressed up for him.
„Hey, ready to go?“ The elder asks, Jimin giving a quick nod as he slips his shoes on, then grabs his coat and steps out, closing the door behind himself.
„You look good by the way.“ Yoongi suddenly tells him as Jimin is locking his door and he almost drops the keys in surprise, turning his head to look at him with big eyes.

„Oh uh, thanks, so do you.“ He mumbles a little awkwardly, but Yoongi doesn’t seem to mind.
They make their way to the car in silence, then drive to the restaurant Yoongi picked, apparently one of his favorites.
It’s nice, cozy. Jimin can see why Yoongi would enjoy it. It’s not too loud or crowded and everyone has their own booth so you have more privacy than usually. It’s honestly a good spot for first dates.

He immediately tries to push that thought to the very back of his mind.
They sit in one of the booths and soon order their food and drinks. When the waiter leaves them alone Jimin finally turns to Yoongi and smiles at him, „So…how was it with my mom?“

„Honestly?“ Yoongi lets out a soft chuckle, „Pretty good, we had fun. She’s lovely.“
„Yeah?“ Jimin’s face immediately lights up hopefully, for what he’s not even sure, „What did you do?“

„We went bowling.“ Before Yoongi can continue Jimin bursts out laughing, causing the elder’s eyebrows to knit together in slight confusion.
„No way! She did not get you to play bowling with her!“

Yoongi rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smile, „She did. She’s really fucking good at it, completely destroyed me.“
„She wanted to intimidate you.“ Jimin laughs, nodding along, „She used to play when she was younger, she and her team won trophies and stuff.“
„I’m not sure if I was intimidated, but I was definitely impressed. She also told me a lot about you.“ Yoongi grins and Jimin’s eyes widen instantly. This can’t be good.
He hides his face behind his hands as he lets out a frustrated groan, „Oh my god please no. What did she tell you?“
The elder just keeps grinning at him, letting out a small chuckle as he leans forward to rest his elbow on the table, head in his palm, „Well…you still travel with your favorite stuffed toy that you’ve had since you were born?“
„Excuse you? Barnacle Jr. is a family member.“ Jimin immediately huffs, leaning back against his seat and crossing his arms over his chest.
Yoongi immediately breaks down laughing, quickly covering his mouth with his hand because it did come out quite loud and a few heads turn in his direction. He quickly apologizes to them before turning back to Jimin, „You named a freaking giraffe Barnacle Jr.?“
„Yeah, got a problem with it?“ Jimin huffs with a playful glint in his eyes, lifting up his fists as if ready to fight Yoongi.
„Not at all.“ Yoongi laughs, shaking his head at Jimin’s antics, „She also told me that you’ve never been in a real relationship before and that you have horrible taste in men. Like really Jimin what he fuck?“
The younger lets out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair and slumping a little in his seat, „Gosh, sorry you had to listen to that…she hates all my exes.“
„Well I agree with her.“ Yoongi huffs, causing Jimin to tilt his head to the side curiously, „I mean, I’m sure she doesn’t even know the full stories but those guys were shit. You might be annoying but still deserve someone who loves you the way you are and treats you right.“
Jimin can’t help it when his cheeks suddenly flush pink and he quickly lifts his hands to try and hide them, averting his gaze from Yoongi, „Hyung that…that’s really nice of you to say, thank you.“
Yoongi just hums, suddenly a teasing tone to it that causes Jimin to look back at him, „Well your mom thinks I’m amazing…too bad.“ He grins at the younger whose eyes immediately narrow before he rolls them dramatically.

„Shut up.“
Their food arrives soon after that and they spend the night talking about whatever comes to mind. They share stories from when they were kids and hanging out with Jungkook, running through the streets and making up fantasy worlds they used to play in.
It’s nice to reminisce these old times with Yoongi, it reminds Jimin of how close they used to be.
Jimin also notices that being with Yoongi like this is extremely comfortable. It’s like getting to know someone that you’ve already known in a previous life and it feels like the easiest thing in the world.
The atmosphere is what really catches him though because he can’t help but feel like this is an actual date. It’s not even like either of them is trying to make it anything else.
They’re actively flirting with each other, complimenting each other, even share dessert after their dinner and Jimin isn’t complaining, not at all. He’s just confused honestly because he has no idea what’s going on.
After their dinner they decide to take a walk through a nearby park. It’s a little chilly but it’s a nice night, barely any clouds in the sky so you can even see a few stars.
They’re just talking when Yoongi suddenly sighs and turns to look at Jimin, „You know, this evening is going a lot better than I expected.“
„What?“ Jimin asks in surprise, turning his head to face Yoongi as well, „You thought it’d be bad?“

„I mean…you are annoying after all.“ Jimin knows Yoongi is teasing by the way he’s grinning at him but he still can’t help but roll his eyes.
on Jimin’s shoulder to give it a squeeze which has Jimin’s cheeks heating up just a little, „I also don’t believe you think I’m all that annoying.“

Yoongi’s eyebrows raise up at that, „What makes you think that?“
„That time you walked in on me…“ Jimin is the one grinning now, „I know that look you gave me.“

Yoongi’s eyes immediately widen as he coughs loudly, then sputters helplessly, „W-Wh-hat are you…? I d-don’t…? What?“
Jimin can’t help but laugh at his helpless reaction, but he’s not done teasing Yoongi yet so he just leans in a little closer and smirks at him, „You wanted to watch me, didn’t you? Or maybe you already have…?“

„Jimin- what? I-“
„It’s okay, hyung.“ Jimin laughs so much that his eyes disappear, „It’s my job, you’re free to watch any time you want.“

Yoongi stares at him completely lost, parted lips and wide eyes. Honestly he looks like he’s just seen a ghost and is trying to process it.
„Uh…thanks?“ He mumbles after a few moments of stretched silence, causing Jimin to giggle once more.

„Sure.“ He nods, then his phone suddenly beeps so he pulls it out, eyebrows drawing together in a frown, „Fuck.“
„Hm?“ Yoongi hums, still trying to collect himself, clearing his throat in the process.

„You won’t like this.“ He sighs, running a hand through his hair, „My mom just texted me…My cousin’s getting married next weekend and she wrote you down as my date.“
„No Jimin.“

„Hyung!“ The younger whines loudly, pouting as cutely as he can at him, „Please just one last time?“

Yoongi narrows his eyes at him, arms crossing over his chest, „You keep saying that.“
„Please! I promise this really is the last time.“ Jimin tries but Yoongi just rolls his eyes.

„You’re only making it worse. You’ve been lying to them for way too long already.“
Jimin sighs in frustration, rubbing his hands over his face, „Hyung, if we break up now everyone at that wedding will ask me about it. Everyone will look at me full of pity and talk behind my back about how I can’t keep a man anyway. +
+ No amount of alcohol can get me through that so please, I’m begging you, help me out one last time. I’ll do anything.“

„I can’t fucking believe you.“ Yoongi groans, hand coming up to pinch the bridge of his nose as his eyes squeeze shut, „Goddammit fine. One last time.“
„Oh my god thank you so much!“ He gasps in a mix of surprise and relief, immediately throwing his arms around Yoongi’s neck and hugging him tightly. To his surprise Yoongi actually hugs him back, strong arms wrapping around his waist and holding him against his body.
It’s nice. Their first genuine hug that isn’t forced acting. Yoongi actually feels really nice against him.
He pulls away eventually, looking at Yoongi almost a little sheepishly, „Seriously, thank you, hyung. It’s just…weddings with my family are tough. I’m so tired of being the single one there and constantly being asked when I will finally find someone.+
+ Hell, some of them haven’t even accepted that I’m gay and keep asking when I will finally find a nice lady. I just can’t handle it anymore.“
Yoongi lets out a deep sigh, giving the younger a small nod, „Listen, I get it, I know how much that sucks. However I still don’t think that this is good or right and you should definitely end this afterwards.“

„I will, I promise.“

They continue walking and Jimin isn’t sure if it’s because the temperature just dropped or it just feels colder after hugging Yoongi and having to pull away from his warmth, but he’s suddenly shivering, wrapping his arms around himself +
+ because of course he left his jacket in the car. He didn’t think he’d be outside tonight.

He startles when Yoongi suddenly wraps his own jacket around his shoulders, immediately looking up at him in confusion when he notices that Yoongi isn’t even looking at him.
„You’re trembling in that stupidly thin shirt.“ Yoongi mutters under his breath.

„Oh.“ Jimin’s eyes widen and he quickly shakes his head, immediately fumbling to get the jacket off and hand it back, „No, no, I’m fine, hyung.“
Yoongi stops him before he can take it off, placing both hands on his shoulders to keep the jacket in place, „Just take it.“

„You don’t have to do that…“
Yoongi finally turns his head to look at him, taking in the sight of Jimin wearing his oversized jacket. Jimin swears he sees the hint of a smile on his face, „It’s fine, it looks good on you.“
Immediately Jimin’s eyes widen and his cheeks tint bright pink even though he doesn’t really know why. It’s not like he’s never gotten a compliment before but from Yoongi it’s just different.
He grabs at the jacket and pulls it tighter around himself, nuzzling into it’s warmth as he mumbles a soft thank you, letting Yoongi’s scent fill his nose.

Yoongi just hums in response.
They continue walking in silence for a while, but both of them can feel that tension from earlier still in the air. Jimin can’t believe that he actually told Yoongi to watch one of his streams. The fact is just now settling in his brain. That was fucking weird, wasn’t it?
He suddenly lets out a soft giggle, causing the elder to turn and look at him questioningly to which Jimin quickly covers his mouth and bites down on his lip, „Hyung, this might sound stupid, but we’ve been really awkward so far…“
„Tonight?“ Yoongi asks in surprise, but Jimin quickly shakes his head.
„No not tonight, tonight is great actually but… our acting is horrible. It’s so forced.“ Jimin pouts, getting a hum from Yoongi in response. When Jimin realizes he won’t get any other reaction from Yoongi he continues talking, „I’m a little worried about the wedding, you know?“
Yoongi scoffs quietly, „Why? You think we can’t do it?“

The younger gives a small shrug of his shoulders, „There will be a lot of people there, we can’t let our guard down for even a second.“
„You’re worried we’ll break out of character?“ Yoongi asks, Jimin giving a small nod to confirm his guess.
„Please don’t laugh at me.“ He sighs, waiting until Yoongi hums in agreement, both of them stopping to look at each other. He takes a deep breath, then, „Maybe we should… I don’t know…practice?“
Yoongi halts, just staring at him, „Practice?“

Jimin nods.

„Well, practice touching each other and all that…you know what I mean. It should come more naturally.“ Jimin explains with a whine to his voice, obviously unhappy about having to spell it out for Yoongi like this even though he really can’t blame him for wanting clarification.
The elder keeps staring at him, studying his face as if trying to figure out whether Jimin is joking or not until he finally sucks in a deep breath, „Um…okay.“

„Okay?“ Jimin asks in surprise, not having expected Yoongi to agree but the elder gives a small nod.
„So um…“ Yoongi awkwardly scratches the back of his neck as he looks around them, „Wanna do that here or…?“ He vaguely gestures with his hand and if Jimin wasn’t so nervous himself he would probably laugh at the sight but instead he only shakes his head.
„Let’s… go to my place? I don’t know…“

He can visibly see Yoongi gulp, then a quiet, „Okay.“
The drive to Jimin’s apartment is probably the most awkward car ride either of them has ever been in. The air is full of awkwardness but also some undefined tension as if both of them are expecting something but can’t quite place what it is.
What the hell are they even going to practice? How would they make this seem natural when both of them are this tense?
Eventually they make their way up to Jimin’s apartment and as soon as they step inside Jimin offer Yoongi something to drink, honestly just needing something to do to take his mind off things.
Yoongi immediately agrees as if he was only looking for an excuse to do or say anything as well and Jimin quickly disappears in the kitchen.
He comes back with two glasses and a bottle of whiskey because he remembers that that’s Yoongi’s favorite and they definitely need to loosen up.
He also grabs a coke bottle on the way for himself and then places everything on the coffee table while Yoongi already sits down on the couch.
Jimin pours their drinks, mixing his own liquor with some coke before he sits down next to Yoongi, keeping some space between them as he hands Yoongi his glass. They clink their glasses before both take a big sip, sighing quietly at the warm feeling that immediately fills them.
„So…“ Yoongi finally trails off, quickly taking another sip of his drink before placing the glass down on the table again. Jimin honestly can’t help but think it’s hot that Yoongi can drink straight whiskey like it’s water, but he doesn’t let himself dwell on it.

„What now?“
Jimin hums quietly, downing the rest of his drink in one go before putting the glass down as well and turning to face Yoongi, „Well…we just…we practice.“
„Okay.“ Yoongi nods slowly, head barely moving and then he’s suddenly reaching for Jimin’s hand, holding it in his own, „This okay?“
Jimin glances down at their hands, watching as Yoongi intertwines their fingers and giving a small nod, „I think we know how to hold hands, hyung…“
„Then what did you want to practice?“ Yoongi asks quietly. His voice gets a bit lower and Jimin honestly doesn’t know if it was by accident or if he did it on purpose but it makes him squirm in his seat as his body heats up just a little bit.

Probably the alcohol, he thinks.
„Maybe try putting your arm around me.“ He suggests, voice a little more breathy than he expected so he quickly clears his throat, „If that’s okay.“
„Yeah.“ Yoongi mumbles, nodding for a few seconds before he snaps out of it and carefully moves closer to Jimin until there’s barely any space left between them, thighs brushing together.
He hesitantly puts his arm on the backrest of the couch, then slowly scoots it closer to Jimin’s shoulders until it finally wraps around them.
Jimin takes the chance to lean against Yoongi’s side, hesitating for a moment but eventually daring to put his head on the elder’s shoulder.
He can feel the other shift his body a little to make it more comfortable and then there’s Yoongi’s warm breath hitting the top of his head and Jimin fights the urge to close his eyes and let himself get lost in the feeling.
Honestly this is nice. It’s warm and comfortable and Jimin knows he could fall asleep like this. He’s always been a big cuddler and their bodies seem to fit together exceptionally well.
He feels Yoongi shift against him once more and then his voice is suddenly incredibly close to Jimin’s ear, „What now?“ The elder whispers, the sound sending a shiver down Jimin’s spine.
„Act natural.“ Jimin mumbles back, slowly cuddling closer to Yoongi and getting comfortable against his side, „Pretend you’re in love with me.“
To his surprise Yoongi doesn’t laugh or object, instead he replies with a quiet ‚Okay‘ and then his arm is pulling him closer, the other one reaching out to grab Jimin’s legs and gently pull them over one of Yoongi’s thighs so his feet are dangling between Yoongi’s spread legs.
Jimin can’t help it when his heartbeat picks up at the new position and he immediately nuzzles against Yoongi’s neck, trying to hide the blush on his face as a small smile makes its way onto his lips.
He knows he’s enjoying this way too much but it's been so long since he got to cuddle with someone like this and he doesn’t want to fight it. He just wants to relax.
Suddenly there are lips pressing against the top of his head and Jimin lets out a quiet gasp at the unexpected feeling, hand coming up to lay on Yoongi’s chest, feeling the other’s fast heartbeat.
„You shouldn’t do that.“ Yoongi whispers as he brings up the hand that was around his shoulder and cards it through Jimin’s hair instead, „If you react like that it gives it away.“

„Sorry.“ Jimin mumbles immediately, letting out a shaky breath afterwards.
He’s not sure why he’s acting so shy. He’s never been this shy with previous partners but for some reason Yoongi brings out this side of him.
He takes a deep breath through his nose and gathers his confidence, forcing himself to turn his head to look up at Yoongi. He’s immediately met with the elder’s intense gaze and his heart rate picks up at the sight.
Honestly, he almost chickens out but instead he swallows down the lump in his throat and pushes through his worries, lifting his hand up to gently cup Yoongi’s cheek.
He lets his thumb brush against his cheekbones a few times as they just keep gazing into each other’s eyes and then he’s leaning in to Yoongi’s other cheek and presses a sweet kiss against it.
Immediately he hears Yoongi’s breath stutter and his lips almost twitch up into a smile but he forces it down as he pulls back, meeting Yoongi’s eyes again, „Okay?“
„Yeah.“ Yoongi whispers, giving him a small nod as his free hand now settles on Jimin’s knee that’s still resting on Yoongi’s lap.
Jimin’s gaze immediately flicks down to it but then he feels Yoongi’s fingers move from his hair to his jaw until they settle under his chin and gently guide his face, lifting it until Jimin is looking at him again.
Their eyes lock once more and Jimin watches as Yoongi’s tongue darts out to lick his lips.
„Jimin.“ Yoongi suddenly mumbles, the younger blinking a few times at the sound of his name spoken by Yoongi’s deep voice. It’s not like he hasn’t heard it before but for some reason now it makes a shiver run through his body.
Yoongi’s eyes drop down to Jimin’s lips just for a moment before they’re locked on his eyes again, „What…what else did you want to practice?“

Jimin takes a deep inhale, trying to calm his racing mind but all of his thoughts are running wild, „We…we should…um…“
„We should practice kissing, shouldn’t we?“ Yoongi finishes for him and Jimin immediately nods, unable to say another word.
But he doesn’t have to because Yoongi is already leaning in, closing the last little bit of distance between them as he finally connects their lips.
It feels like Jimin is finally able to breathe, like Yoongi’s lips are bringing him to life and the feeling immediately actives Jimin’s body.
The kiss starts off slow and almost a little shy but once they realize that the other is kissing back and that this feels good, right even, they quickly become more eager. It’s obvious that both of them were just waiting for this moment to finally come.
It doesn’t last nearly as long as Jimin had hoped for because Yoongi pulls away before it can get too intense. Both of them are panting slightly, staring at each other as they process what just happened.
They kissed.

There’s no reason for them to pretend right now and they kissed.

Jimin’s heart feels like it’s going to jump out of his chest any moment now.
„That…“ Jimin gulps heavily, „That was good practice.“

„Practice…“ Yoongi agrees quietly, giving a small nod as he takes a deep breath, „You think they’ll believe that?“
„Um.“ Jimin bites down on his bottom lip, pulling it between his teeth to nibble on it and he immediately catches the way Yoongi’s eyes follow the movement once more.
„I think,“ Yoongi halts for a moment to gently brush Jimin’s hair out of his face, „That we should practice some more…just to be safe.“
„Just to be-“ Before Jimin can finish his sentence Yoongi’s lips are back on his, taking his breath away with the newfound intensity of it all.
There’s desperation laced in it now. It’s as if they got a taste and now they can’t get enough and are trying to devour the other. It’s also freer this time, hands traveling over each other’s bodies, exploring them and pulling at clothes to be closer.
It’s a lot to process but Jimin is just letting himself get lost in it, in Yoongi.
The elder’s tongue swipes across his bottom lip and Jimin doesn’t even hesitate, instead immediately grants him access to his mouth and tilts his head to deepen the kiss.
Yoongi’s hand settles on the back of Jimin’s head, gently gripping a handful of his hair to guide Jimin closer as he licks deep into his mouth, exploring it like he owns it and drawing a soft whine out of Jimin.
The sound only seems to motivate him because suddenly Jimin is being pushed down on the couch and Yoongi is hovering right above him, pinning him down as he lets their tongues rub together.
Jimin just pulls at Yoongi’s shirt, bringing him down until their bodies are pressed together as he sucks on Yoongi’s bottom lip, nibbling on it with his teeth ever so slightly until Yoongi is letting out a soft groan.
He feels the elder’s hand slip under his shirt, his fingers cold against his warm skin but it only adds to the sensation, sending shivers down Jimin’s spine.
He brushes his hand over his skin, tracing the faint lines of abs underneath it as he leaves a trail of kisses from Jimin’s lips over his jaw until he finally gets to his neck and starts giving that some love.
He never stops exploring Jimin’s body with his hand almost as if he’s starved for touch, like he wants to remember every curve of Jimin forever and burn it into his memory.
Jimin is arching under his touches, letting out soft whines as he’s pulling at Yoongi’s hair and clothes. When he suddenly fumbles with Yoongi’s belt the elder pulls away and looks down at him with blown out eyes.
„Is this…“ He groans quietly when Jimin suddenly takes the chance to start leaving kisses all over Yoongi’s neck, suckling lightly on it to leave a bruise on its side, „Mhh…J-Jimin-ah,“ Yoongi sucks in a deep breath through his nose, „Is this still practice?“
„Mhm.“ Jimin mumbles as he slowly pulls away, finally meeting Yoongi’s eyes and nodding at him a little breathlessly, „Y-Yeah, sure…practice.“
He watches Yoongi’s throat bop as the elder swallows heavily, „Practice.“ He mumbles more to himself than anyone else as he nods as well and then he’s suddenly claiming Jimin’s mouth with his own again.
Jimin whines against his lips, hands making their way into Yoongi’s hair, effectively messing it up as Yoongi uses his hand to pull Jimin’s shirt up until it’s bunching under his chin, exposing his torso.
He pulls away to take in the sight underneath him, sucking in a sharp breath as he shakes his head, mumbling something under his breath that Jimin can’t quite make out.
„O-Oh!“ He gasps when Yoongi suddenly rubs his fingers down against his nipple, lifting his head first to watch Yoongi’s fingers before letting it fall back, exposing his neck.
Yoongi takes the chance to cover the skin there in more kisses and little bites with his teeth. He sucks a deep bruise into it when he pinches Jimin’s nipple between two fingers, then smirks at the way Jimin’s body arches and the moan that escapes him.
„H-Hyung.“ Jimin gulps, quickly gripping Yoongi’s shoulder and pushing lightly against it as if trying to get Yoongi to pull away so he immediately does, searching Jimin’s eyes for any sign of discomfort but he finds nothing but need and desire in them.
He licks his lips before he carefully rubs his fingers down in circular motions again, watching the way Jimin’s lips part in another silent moan, his eyelashes fluttering and back arching off the couch ever so slightly. Jimin looks fucking stunning.
„Is this what you look like in your streams?“ Yoongi finds himself asking in a low voice, settling between Jimin’s legs, making them wrap around his hips.

„W-What?“Jimin breathes out in surprise, „You haven’t watched?“
The elder just shakes his head, „Didn’t feel right but fuck do I regret that now.“
Jimin feels the heat spreading through his body at the words and he can’t help the surge of arousal that fills him.
He licks his lips as a small smirk makes its way onto his face and then he’s suddenly flipping them around until he’s straddling Yoongi’s hips and his hands are resting on Yoongi’s chest.
„Well then let me show you what you’re missing out on.“

„Please.“ Yoongi breathes out the word giving a quick nod as his hands make their way up to Jimin’s hips, „Show me.“
„You wanna watch me?“ Jimin mumbles with a teasing lilt to his voice. He trails his fingers up and down Yoongi’s chest, „A private show? Just for you?“
Yoongi can only nod as he swallows down the lump in his throat and squeezes Jimin’s hips encouragingly. He wants nothing more than to watch whatever Jimin has to offer.
Jimin hums softly and reaches up to start unbuttoning his own shirt almost teasingly slow, „It’s all still practice, right?“
„Practice.“ Yoongi nods quickly, licking at his lips as he watches more and more smooth skin getting exposed, his hands glued to Jimin’s thighs as if he doesn’t dare touching anything else.
Eventually Jimin undoes the last button and leaves his shirt hanging open. He gently runs his fingers along Yoongi’s arms until he gets to his hands, taking them and moving them to his chest, „You can touch me, hyung, don’t hold back.“
Yoongi immediately takes up the offer and starts trailing his fingers over his skin, tracing muscles once more. He shakes his head in disbelief as his eyes follow the movements, „You’re so fucking pretty.“

„Just pretty?“ Jimin muses teasingly, head tilting to the side.
With wide eyes Yoongi immediately shakes his head, suddenly sitting up while wrapping his arms around Jimin’s waist to make sure he stays on +
+ his lap, „You’re sexy, Jimin-ah, fucking beautiful.“ He mumbles breathlessly, then quickly leans in to mouth along his chest and collarbones, tasting the skin with his tongue.
Jimin has no idea if Yoongi means it, if any of this is real or if it’s part of an act, if it’s really just practice. He’s not stupid, he knows this isn’t practice, far from it actually, but he also knows that they’re both using it as an excuse to explore whatever this is.
It’s almost like role-play so Jimin can’t be sure if Yoongi really means what he’s saying or if he's just saying it to keep this going. However Jimin hefinds that he doesn’t really care because whether it's real or not, it still sends tingles through his body.
He cups the elder’s cheek and uses his hand to guide Yoongi’s head up until he’s looking at him. They just stare at each other for a few moments before Jimin pulls Yoongi into another hungry kiss, tongues immediately meeting.
They just make out for a while, clinging to each other’s bodies while they grind their hips together, both of them struggling to hold back their moans.
It’s hot, it’s really really hot and Jimin has no idea what they’re doing or how far they’ll take it but he knows that whatever this is is hot and he doesn’t want it to end.
However life doesn’t seem to be going in his favor because just as Yoongi is sucking on his tongue and brings his hands down to squeeze Jimin’s ass, Jimin’s phone starts ringing loudly, startling both of them.
„Who is it?“ Yoongi mumbles into the kiss, not showing any signs of planning to stop and honestly neither does Jimin.
He just hums against Yoongi’s lips as he fumbles a little to get his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans, then holds it up beside Yoongi’s head and turns his head just barely to be able to look at the screen.
Yoongi continues kissing at the corner of his mouth but then settles for his neck instead, eagerly covering it in more kisses and little licks.
„It’s Jungkook.“ Jimin finally breathes out, free hand moving to cup the back of Yoongi’s head to keep him there, whining softly when Yoongi lightly bites down.
The elder lets out a sigh against Jimin’s neck and nuzzles his nose behind Jimin’s ear, nudging him lightly, „Answer it.“ He mumbles before pressing a few more light kisses against his skin.
Jimin does as told, lifting the phone to his free ear, „Hey Kook, what’s up?“ He asks a little breathlessly.
„Hyung finally! I’ve been trying to reach you for way too long!“ Jungkook huffs, causing Jimin to hum quietly, „How’d your ‚date‘ go?“ He can hear Jungkook laugh but it sounds a little distant with the way Yoongi is continuing to mark up his neck.
The light suckling is causing his lashes to flutter for a moment and his hand comes up to squeeze at Yoongi’s shoulder, trying to tell him that it’s really hard to focus like this.
„It…it wasn’t a date, Kook.“

„Sure whatever.“ The younger laughs, „How was it? Did you almost kill each other?“
„Mmh, no.“ Jimin shakes his head, quickly biting down on his lip at a particularly well placed bite to hold back the moan that dares to slip out, „No we had fun, it was good actually.“

There’s silence on the other side for a moment, then, „Are you being forced to say this?“
„N-No, I’m serious. Yoongi-hyung isn’t as bad as he seems.“ Jimin mumbles, voice a little strained.
He feels Yoongi smirk against his neck and then his hands are back on his ass, kneading it and Jimin almost goes crazy over how big his hands feel against him, how long his fingers are…

He can’t help but let out a small gasp but quickly covers it with a cough.
Jungkook doesn’t seem to notice because he just continues talking, „Alright then…that’s good I guess. Speaking of hyung, do you know where he is? He hasn’t come home yet.“
Jimin takes a moment to pull away, meeting Yoongi’s eyes who looks at him in slight confusion, „He’s still with me actually.“

„He’s what?“
Yoongi’s eyes widen slightly in realization, hands suddenly moving away from Jimin’s ass and settling on his thighs instead when their minds start clearing up from the haze they’ve been in. It’s almost as if both of them are just now realizing what they’re actually doing here.
„Yeah, yeah, he’s here.“ Jimin mumbles into the phone, nervously licking his lips, eyes never leaving Yoongi’s.
„Alright um…“ Jungkook stops for a moment, staying quiet until he suddenly gasps, sounding offended, „WAIT! Where you two just making out right now? Don’t you dare lie to me, I know what you sound like when you’re about to get fucked.“
„I- um…n-no?“ Jimin stutters out helplessly but Jungkook is immediately yelling into his ear.

„Park fucking Jimin!“
Jimin frowns, desperately wanting to get out of this conversation, „Kook, I…I gotta go, I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?“

„Hyung don’t you dare-“
„Alright see you, bye!“ Jimin rushes out, then quickly hangs up the phone and throws it to the other side of the couch, letting out a deep sigh.
An awkward silence falls over them, both of them avoiding the other’s eyes even though Jimin is still in Yoongi’s lap and Yoongi’s hands are still on Jimin’s thighs. It seems like both of them are just quietly processing what just happened.
Honestly neither of them really seems to know what to say or do.
Yoongi is the first to break it, inhaling sharply, „I-I think…“ He clears his throat, „Maybe that was enough practice.“

„Yeah.“ Jimin breathes out, nodding slowly before he finally snaps out of whatever trance he was still in, „Yeah no you’re right. Thanks for uh…this?“
„Of course.“ Yoongi nods, giving him an awkward smile as he pulls his hands away, „No need to thank me though I…um…it was good practice.“

„Yeah.“ Jimin nods quickly, returning the smile to the best of his ability, „Yeah, it was.“
He finally gets out of Yoongi’s lap and starts buttoning up his shirt with slightly shaky fingers as he stands up, „Well uh, thanks for the nice night, hyung.“
Yoongi gets up as well, quickly straightening out his clothes, both of them trying to ignore the fact that they’re still very much so hard in their pants.
„No yeah, it was great. Thanks for dinner.“ Yoongi quickly agrees.

It’s obvious that there’s still tension in the air but now they’ve made it so awkward that whatever moment they had is ruined and Jimin honestly just wants to get out of whatever this is now.
„Course.“ He nods at Yoongi, giving him a small smile, „I’ll show you to the door, yeah? I’m quite tired…“
„Oh yeah of course. You should sleep.“ Yoongi agrees, following Jimin to the door even though it’s literally just a few steps away. He quickly puts his shoes and coat on, then turns back to Jimin.
„Uh, good night, Jimin-ah.“ He mumbles awkwardly.
Jimin frowns a little. He doesn’t want their night to end like this. He pushes through his worries and pulls Yoongi into a hug, nuzzling against him for a moment while he mumbles his own good night, then pulls away, „Get home safe, yeah?“
Of course.“ Yoongi nods, gaze now softer and the smile seeming genuine this time.

„Good.“ Jimin mumbles, „Bye hyung.“
„Bye, Jimin-ah.“ Yoongi murmurs back and then Jimin is watching him turn around and walk out the door, the sound of it closing following only a moment later before Jimin is left in silence.

What a night.
[Author's Note]

Adding some more tags before the next part since it's very 🔞🔞🔞
- Voyeurism & exhibitionism
- Size kink
Yoongi honestly has no idea what he’s doing. He just knows that it’s probably a bad idea.
It’s been a few days since their…date? He’s not sure if he’s allowed to call it that. He doesn’t even know if it was a date or if he even wants it to be one. It felt like one though, he can’t deny that.
Whatever it was, he hasn’t been able to get Jimin out of his mind since then. Especially Jimin’s offer - suggestion? He’s not sure what to call that either, but it stuck with him and the thought of watching Jimin crossed his mind more than he’d like to admit in the past few days.
And today is the day that he finally sat down and searched up Jimin’s twitter profile only to find out that he’s starting a stream in an hour. Well, guess who’s been sitting glued to his chair and staring at his computer screen for the past 55 minutes?
He knows that he shouldn’t do this. It doesn’t feel like he's supposed to see these streams but at the same time he feels like he might have more right to watch them than most of the other watchers. At least he has made out with Jimin before.
However that just causes his mind to spiral even more because how the hell did they end up making out? Weren’t they in a constant state of being annoyed with each other before? How could one night erase all that so easily?
The last five minutes pass in what seems like seconds and then there’s a link and Yoongi’s mouse curser is hovering above it.

Jimin told him it’s okay for him to watch, didn’t he? This is fine, this is okay.
Yoongi finally sucks in a deep breath, holding it as he clicks on the link. He slowly lets out the air, but then immediately chokes on it when Jimin’s video pops up. He’s wearing a big oversized t shirt that goes down to cover his lap and white and pink striped thigh high socks.
That would be enough but Yoongi also notices that he’s kneeling all prettily on his bed with his hands between his thighs to support his weight and to top it all off, of course his wrists are cuffed with soft pink leather straps and there’s a matching collar around his neck.
He looks so insanely hot and yet his whole demeanor seems innocent, sweet.

Yoongi swears he can’t take it and he’s about to click out of the stream and forget he ever attempted this but then Jimin’s voice draws +
+ him in, „Hi everyone, thank you for joining me again! How have you all been?“ He sounds so sweet, voice dripping with honey and in complete contrast to how he looks right now.
Yoongi watches as he leans a bit closer to the camera which Yoongi assumes is the webcam of his laptop and his breath hitches. Jimin is insanely beautiful. He’s put on some makeup, mostly eyeshadow and lip gloss from what Yoongi can tell and it accentuates his +
+ features so well that all Yoongi can do is stare.

His eyes scan the comments for a while, lips sometimes curling up into a smile and even reading some out loud, giggling at all the compliments and covering his mouth with his hand, +
+ „You’re all so sweet to me, but I know it’s just so you get to see more of me.“ He grins mischievously and teasingly lifts up his shirt just a little bit without really showing anything, but Yoongi finds himself staring at the little bit of newly exposed skin nevertheless.
Jimin wiggles his finger at the camera, shaking his head, „You’re all so naughty.“

Yoongi can’t help but feel called out, gulping heavily as he leans back in his chair and tries to calm himself down. Jimin hasn’t even done anything and he’s already struggling.
„You know, today is a special stream which is why I made myself look extra pretty.“ Jimin explains, gently brushing his hair out of his face. All Yoongi can do is stare at the cuffs around his wrists.
Jimin leans a bit closer once more to read the comments, then grins, „Why is it special? Well I might have a very special viewer today…I hope he’s watching.“ Jimin’s eyes flick up to the camera, staring right into it as he smirks teasingly, „Hyung, are you watching?“
Yoongi’s eyes widen in shock and for a second he can only sit there completely frozen. Did Jimin just address him directly? Is there someone else he’d want to watch?
Oh god he should click out of this immediately, he should just bail but for some reason he can’t bring himself to. He wants to see where this leads.
„I am watching.“ He mumbles to himself, knowing very well that Jimin can’t hear him but still feeling the need to respond.

Jimin seems to be watching the chat for a while and that’s when Yoongi realizes he must be waiting for Yoongi to comment, to make himself known.

Oh god.
He takes a deep breath as he hesitantly enters a nickname - M.Yoon, Jimin should be able to figure that out - and then he’s hovering above the chat. What should he even say?

>> I’m watching << He finally types, nervously chewing on his lips as he waits for Jimin’s reaction.
Suddenly the younger’s smirk grows and his eyes flick back up to the camera, „Hi hyung.“
„Hi.“ Yoongi mumbles back as he feels his cheeks heat up involuntarily. Just the way Jimin is looking at him - at the camera, he corrects himself - is making his knees feel weak.
He’s pulled out of his little bubble when Jimin suddenly laughs loudly and covers his mouth with his hands, „Ah guys! Don’t be jealous, he’s not my boyfriend.“
Yoongi’s eyes narrow, suddenly feeling possessive, but then he realizes that it’s the truth. He isn’t Jimin’s boyfriend. They’re only faking it.
„Alright, we got a lot of viewers today! Should we get started?“ Jimin smiles all sweetly but Yoongi can tell that there’s something mischievous hidden behind it. This boy is about to ruin him.
Jimin leans back on his heels to get a bit more comfortable, letting out a soft hum as he holds up his bound wrists to show them off, „The question is just how will I do anything like this?“
He pouts cutely, but Yoongi can look right through it, „Should I keep them on or take them off?“
Yoongi watches all the different comments and Jimin seems to be doing the same as if waiting for something in particular. Could he be waiting for Yoongi’s response? There’s no way.
Just then he sees the hint of a frown on Jimin’s face before it’s quickly replaced by the confident smile again, „Alright, most of you want me to keep them on. You want to see me struggle, don’t you?“

A part of Yoongi does, yes.
Jimin lifts his hands up to his chest and starts trailing his fingertips over it, lightly dragging the fabric along with his movements. Yoongi isn’t sure if he’s doing it subconsciously or not but he can’t help but watch him intently.
„So, what do you guys wanna see me do today, hm? Anything in particular?“ Jimin grins at the camera, that teasing glint back in his eyes, „Wanna watch me play with myself? Fuck myself? Watch me squirm?“
Yoongi can only gulp at the thought of Jimin squirming helplessly on that bed. What a sight that would be…
[Author's Note]

Sorry me again, forgot to add another tag!
- Lingerie / panties

Now carry on!
Jimin suddenly lifts up his shirt, trailing his hands over his flat stomach, exposing the white cotton panties with a small pink bow at the front that he’s wearing. The sight of them in combination with Jimin’s smooth thighs has Yoongi’s mouth watering, the desire to feel the +
+ skin and get a taste of it bubbling up inside him. Goddammit Jimin hasn’t even started and Yoongi is already completely gone for him.
„You guys like my new panties?“ Jimin asks all innocently, then turns around and pushes himself up on his knees, leaning forward on his hands to show off his ass to the camera, „They’re a bit more simple, but I liked them.“
Staring at Jimin’s ass would already be enough but what really catches Yoongi’s attention are the pink capital letters spelling out the words ‚Fuck me‘ across the backside. How is he supposed to survive this whole stream?
„I just got them, they’re so cute, don’t you think?“

Yoongi’s not sure if cute is the word he would use to describe them…
Jimin twists his torso a little so he can look over his shoulder, then teasingly wiggles his ass as he lets out a giggle, „Ah, I wish I could touch myself better to give you a good show, but I’ll be good for you. I’ll listen to your wishes.“
Yeah, there’s no way Yoongi will survive this.
Jimin turns back around, kneeling in front of the camera again as he lets his hands travel down his torso until he finally cups himself through the t shirt, letting out a soft gasp before he bites down on his bottom lip, his slightly hooded gaze meeting +
+ the camera, „Can I keep going? Can I touch myself?“

For some reason Yoongi thinks that Jimin is talking to him directly and he’S overcome with the need to reply so he does, >> Go ahead <<
He sees the corners of Jimin’s mouth twitch up into a smile, „Thank you.“ He mumbles before he starts rubbing his hands down against himself, eyelashes fluttering at the feeling.
„Mmh, feels so good.“ He breathes out, wrapping one of his hands around his length through the layers of fabric and continuing to stroke it slowly, teasingly. It doesn’t take long until Jimin starts squirming slightly and Yoongi can tell that this is not enough for him.
He can’t blame him, it also isn’t enough for Yoongi. He got a taste and now he wants to see more.

Jimin bites down on his lip again as he lifts his shirt, then continues stroking himself through the panties only, sighing contently at the feeling.
Yoongi can watch how his dick grows hard under the white fabric and the sight makes his own dick twitch slightly in his pants.

He can’t believe this is happening.
„Wish you were touching me instead.“ Jimin mumbles letting out a soft hum as he trails his hands up to his chest, taking the shirt with him only to bite down on it to keep it up. His hands easily find his nipples, teasing himself by trailing his fingers around them until he +
+ finally pinches them both and whines quietly, body arching against the touch, „Mmh I want more, can I please get more?“ He mumbles, the shirt falling out of his mouth as Jimin’s fingers continue playing with the hard nubs.
Yoongi wants to give him everything he wants and more but all he can do is watch and it honestly feels like torture to know that he had this stunning boy lying underneath him and yet he didn’t get to explore him in all the ways he really wanted.
>> Touch yourself Jimin-ah << Yoongi types quickly, then watches as Jimin lets out a shaky breath and smiles into the camera, „You want to see more? Wish you could be the one touching me?“

„I’ll give you a good show, I promise.“ Jimin giggles before he pushes the panties down just enough to sit around the middle of his thighs, just enough to expose Jimin’s cock and Yoongi should’ve expected that it would be pretty like the rest of Jimin and yet he’s taken +
+ aback by the realization.

He’s not sure if he’s ever thought of a cock as pretty but Jimin’s definitely is. It’s all pink and the skin looks so soft, glistening with just a little bit of precum that Yoongi wants to lick up more than anything right now.
He watches as Jimin picks the little bit of the white stickiness up with his index finger, then lifts it up to his mouth and while keeping eye contact with the camera suggestively licks it off with an innocent look on his face.
He hums appreciatively at the taste, licking his lips, „Mmh, wish I could taste you instead. I’m sure it’d be so good.“ He reaches back down and finally wraps his small hand around himself, letting out a soft gasp when he starts stroking himself with gentle movements.
Yoongi lets out a helpless groan at the sight, gripping onto the arm rests of his chair so tightly that his knuckles turn white. He doesn’t want to jerk off to watching Jimin like this. Watching him in the first place feels so dirty and he just can’t do it.
However he is getting harder and harder and his pants are starting to get more than uncomfortable and he just knows that he’ll have to do something about it soon before it will start to get painful.
And the thing is, can you really blame him when Jimin is letting out all these pretty little moans while his eyes keep scanning the comments? His lips twitch up into a smirk every now and then and Yoongi can’t help himself when the possessiveness bubbles up again, +
+ the realization that he’s not the only one watching Jimin like this hitting him.

>> Who are you thinking about when you touch yourself like that, Jiminie? <<
Yoongi can see the exact moment Jimin must’ve notice his comment because his hand squeezes down on himself and he lets out a quiet whimper followed by a stuttered curse under his breath.
He collects himself quickly though and then he's suddenly smirking into the camera again, „You wanna know who I’m thinking about?“
There’s no denying that Jimin is addressing him directly this time, „Well who do you want me to be thinking about? You? Your big cock pounding into me? Fucking the dirtiest screams out of me while you press me into the mattress? Is that what you want, hyung?“

How the fuck is Yoongi supposed to stay calm like this?
He can’t stop himself from pushing his palm down against his crotch, letting out a loud gasp at the relieving feeling that washes over him, „Oh my fucking god.“ He mumbles to himself, quickly shaking his head.

He can’t do this.
„Too busy jerking off to reply to me?“ Jimin’s teasing voice sounds through the speakers of his laptop and Yoongi’s head shoots up immediately, eyes widening before they suddenly narrow at the challenge.
He quickly removes his hand from in-between his legs and types another comment >>You fucking brat you’re killing me<<
He hears Jimin giggle breathlessly, then „You want me to stop?“

A part of Yoongi wants to say yes just to put himself out of his misery but of course that’s not what he really wants and both him and Jimin know that.

>> Don’t you dare<<
Another triumphant chuckle falls from Jimin’s lips before he finally lets go of himself and lifts his hands up to his mouth. He loosens them with his teeth before he easily slips out of them, then gets back on his hands and knees, backside facing the camera.
He takes his sweet time pulling down his panties until they’re resting around his mid-thighs before his hands settle on his bare ass, squeezing it and spreading it apart.
He reaches around his thigh with one hand, the other helping him keep his balance, and rubs one finger down over his hole, immediately letting out a content hum.
When the digit suddenly slips inside without any struggle Yoongi chokes on his breath because Jimin must’ve prepped himself before this and that fact alone is enough to have him press his hand down against the tent in his pants once more.
He groans at the sight of Jimin slowly thrusting his finger in and out and he can’t help himself when he starts lightly rocking his hand back and forth against his crotch, sighing in relief at the much needed friction even though it’s not nearly enough for how hard he is.
It’s not really satisfying but at least it’s something.

His eyes keep following the movements of Jimin’s finger, watches how it disappears inside him over and over again only to be pulled out a second later but he can tell that it’s not enough for Jimin because Jimin seems +
+ to be growing impatient quickly. He’s only letting out soft little pants and breathy moans and Yoongi would do anything to hear more.

Then he realizes that he probably just has to ask, >>Add another one, you tease<<
Jimin suddenly giggles so Yoongi assumes he saw the comment, but then instead of another finger entering him, he pulls the one out and sits up to smirk at the camera, „You’re all so impatient. You just want to see me fall apart on my toys, don’t you?“
Fuck yes. Yoongi wants to see that.
„Fine, let me start with a small one.“ Jimin muses and reaches under his bed from where he pulls out a purple box, placing it in front of him on the bed, „Now you all know where I keep my toys.“
He grins before he opens the box and while Yoongi can’t really see what’s in it he still thinks he has a pretty good idea.
The younger pulls out a pink toy, proudly holding it up for his viewers to see. Yoongi’s eyes immediately widen in shock. In what world is that considered small? What is going through Jimin’s head?
„Don’t worry, I’ll go bigger later.“ Jimin giggles innocently, then closes the box in front of him and moves it out of the way.
Once he has more space he moves closer to the camera and brings the toy up to his mouth, giving the tip a small lick while still trying to look innocent. Yoongi knows it’s all for show and yet it still makes his dick twitch helplessly, begging for attention and he just can’t +
+ do it anymore. It’s getting so painful at this point that he just has to touch himself so he finally unbuttons his pants and pulls them down just enough to free his dick, immediately wrapping his hand around himself and hissing at the feeling. Fuck, he needed that.
Jimin continues giving the toy little kitten licks for a while until he eventually runs his tongue up and down the full length of it.
The sight is almost too much for Yoongi and when Jimin actually wraps his lips around the head he can’t help but let out a low groan, squeezing his hand down around the base of his dick.
He watches as Jimin’s eyelashes flutter when he sinks down lower, then catches the small whine that escapes him and Yoongi realizes that Jimin enjoys this. He likes giving head and that’s probably the hottest thing he’s seen all night, maybe ever.
He doesn’t even realize that he’s typing another comment, >>You like the weight on your tongue?<<

He doesn’t get a reply this time but that’s okay because Jimin is now eagerly bopping his head back and forth on the toy, letting out soft moans around it as his eyes fall shut +
+ in what looks like pure bliss. Either Jimin is really enjoying this or he’s an amazing actor because his hand fumbles to get back on his own dick, tugging at it eagerly.

How can one single person be this hot?
He continues sucking the toy off for a while and Yoongi never stops the movements of his hand on himself, panting lightly at the pleasure rushing through his body.
When Jimin eventually pulls off with a pop he immediately grins into the camera, his lips slightly swollen, „Did any of you come yet?“

This fucking brat-
„I hope not, I have a lot more to show.“ He hums teasingly, then turns back on his hands and knees, lining the toy up with his hole. He rubs it over it a few times, teasing everyone who’s watching, but then he finally pushes it inside, letting out a satisfied moan, „Ahh finally.“
Yoongi agrees. Wholeheartedly.
He gasps watching the toy disappear inside Jimin, stretching him out without any problems and Yoongi can only groan at the sight when Jimin starts pushing it in and out, the movements of his hand speeding up.
When he pushes it in as deep as possible he immediately turns into a whining mess, continuously trying to get it to go deeper, spreading his legs further apart, arching his back just a little more as if that would somehow help.
He looks so sinful like this and Yoongi is sure that at this point he could come just from watching him.
„C-Can I use the bigger one? Please? I-It’s not enough.“ Jimin suddenly stutters out helplessly and Yoongi notices that there’s a shift to his voice compared to before. He sounds less bratty, more submissive and eager to please and Yoongi can only moan at the sound. Jimin is +
+ asking so sweetly, so prettily and politely and Yoongi can see endless amounts of comments telling him to go ahead but yet Jimin doesn’t, seemingly still waiting.

And that’s when Yoongi realizes that Jimin must be waiting for him.
He doesn’t think he’s ever typed faster, >> Fucking hell go ahead. Fuck yourself on your biggest toy, baby<<

Yoongi can actually see the shudder that runs through Jimin’s body and he doesn’t miss the way his cock twitches either. Only a moment later he pulls the toy out of +
+ himself, letting it drop somewhere on the bed before he’s rummaging through his box of toys again, eventually pulling out another toy.

Yoongi actually chokes when he sees that size of it, hand halting for a moment. How the hell is that supposed to fit?
„Not sure if I’m prepped enough for my biggest toy, but we’ll try.“ Jimin mumbles a little breathlessly as he pulls a bottle of lube out of his bed side drawer, then finally gets rid of both the panties and the shirt, leaving him in only the stockings and his collar.
He sits down and immediately starts slicking up the toy with generous amounts of lube, then gets back on his hands and knees and rubs some more lube between his cheeks, letting out a deep breath, „Alright, let’s see if this works.“ He looks over his shoulder with a smile, +
+ glancing at the comments once more.

>>Don’t hurt yourself<< Yoongi types quickly and judging by Jimin’s almost shy smile he probably saw it, but Yoongi can’t be too sure.
Only a moment later Jimin is lining the toy up with his entrance, relaxing his muscles as much as he can before he carefully pushes in the head.

„Oh fuck.“ Both Yoongi and Jimin gasp at the same time when the head slips past his rim and Jimin immediately whines at the +
+ stretch, squirming a little in his position to try and adjust to the size.
„Oh my god.“ Jimin pants out when he pushes the toy in just a little deeper, his eyebrows knitting together in a mix of pleasure and pain and Yoongi swears he feels like he’s about to combust on the spot. This can’t seriously be happening.
He’s watching in complete awe at the way Jimin’s body greedily swallows up more and more little by little. He honestly has no idea how this works. Jimin is so small and this really shouldn’t fit but somehow it does.
Jimin eventually settles into a slow rhythm when the toy is about halfway inside him, pulling it back out to the tip before carefully pushing it back in. Yoongi is glad that he’s taking it slow and letting himself adjust. He really doesn’t want him to hurt himself.
When the slide finally gets easier, Jimin’s moans start getting louder and with every thrust he pushes the toy deeper until he finally manages to get it all the way inside. Immediately his thighs start shaking violently and his body almost collapses on the bed but Jimin catches +
+ himself in the last second.

„Oh fuck, oh my fucking god.“ He moans loudly, clenching around the toy as his hands grip onto the sheets and he lets out more helpless whimpers, „Ahh that’s so- mmh fuck - it’s so big…s-so full, I- fuck I can’t.“
His voice is shaking so much and every part of Yoongi wishes he was there to force Jimin down into the mattress and fuck him senseless with that toy, forcing him to take it while he falls apart.
„P-Please.“ Jimin whimpers, seemingly forgetting that he’s alone and there’s nobody there to fuck him but himself. The realization makes Yoongi groan in frustration.

>>Ride the toy baby<<
It takes a moment before Jimin’s eyes seem to be able to focus on the comment but when they do, they immediately widen and he nods quickly. He pulls the toy out of himself with a wet squelching sound that honestly sounds way to obscene but everything about this is. Jimin +
+ whimpers at the empty feeling, his hole immediately clenching around nothing as he shudders once more.
He pushes himself up to kneel on the bed with shaky legs, then places the toy behind him on the bed, holding it with one hand before he slowly starts sinking down on it again. He doesn’t even seem to pay that much attention to the fact that he’s on a livestream right now +
+ anymore, he just wants to chase his own pleasure.

As soon as the toy starts filling him again more whimpers fall from his lips and his eyes squeeze shut, but he doesn’t stop until he’s all the way down, sitting right on the toy and crying out at the feeling, head falling back
„Fuck.“ Yoongi moans helplessly and immediately speeds up the movements of his hand, „Park Jimin what the fuck.“ This has to be the hottest thing he’s ever seen

He’s so close at this point but he doesn’t want to come before Jimin does and judging by the way Jimin is shaking it+
+ probably won’t take all that much longer with that toy inside him so he forces himself to slow down his strokes.
„I-It’s so deep.“ Jimin whimpers, rubbing his hands over his thighs, then slowly up to his belly where he lightly presses his fingers down over his abdomen, feeling the tip of the toy inside him, making his belly bulge ever so slightly.
„F-fuck.“ He moans loudly, then finally starts lifting himself up until only the tip is inside him. He sinks all the way back down and cries out at the feeling, immediately throwing his head back as another shudder runs through his body and his dick twitches helplessly between +
+ his legs but Jimin doesn’t seem to want to touch it.

When Jimin actually starts bouncing on that toy Yoongi has to squeeze the base of his cock tightly to hold back his climax, hissing loudly at the feeling and gripping onto the arm chair with his free hand. Jimin is +
+ moaning so loudly, the sounds so breathless and broken as he’s chasing his own pleasure and desperately tries to hold onto something while the toy makes him see stars.
At this point only incoherent ramblings and moans are falling from his mouth and he’s not focusing on the camera or his chat at all, keeping his head thrown back and eyes closed and honestly Yoongi prefers this. This isn’t for show, this isn’t acting.
This is just Jimin desperately trying to come, feeling so good that he’s completely overwhelmed by it.
Yoongi can tell that his legs are getting tired but he isn’t stopping, keeps pushing through it and continues bouncing, occasionally only grinding down to give himself a bit of a break, but never stopping.
Yoongi is jerking himself off quickly at this point, moans filling his room but his eyes are completely fixated on the screen of his laptop and the boy he’ll be going to a wedding with soon. Fuck he still can’t believe any of this is real.
He can feel his orgasm creeping up on him, feels it bubble up in his stomach as the knot there tightens but he tries to hold on, tries to hold it back just a little bit longer.
„I-I…“ Jimin’s high pitched voice suddenly fills his ears, „P-Please I n-need to come. C-Can I? Please?“
Yoongi swears the way Jimin begs so prettily, so brokenly almost does it for him, almost sends him over the edge but he quickly lets go of himself to type into the chat instead.

>>It’s okay baby, go ahead. You can come now, you did so good<<
Jimin’s eyes scan the comments, forcing himself to keep them open until he suddenly cries out, „T-Thank you!“ He gasps loudly when he sinks down on the toy one more time and then comes all over himself, hand quickly wrapping around himself to stroke him through his high.
He falls forward as nothing but a trembling and moaning mess, body jerking with the waves of pleasure crashing through him and as soon as Yoongi sees and hears it he gets pushed over the edge himself, finally allowing himself to come in his hand as he reaches his climax and +
+ moans loudly, cursing under the breath at the intensity of it.
It takes Jimin a minute or two to fully come back to it. He’s still shaking when he lifts himself back up, whimpering loudly when the toy shifts inside him before he carefully lifts himself off of it with trembling thighs and pushes the toy to the side somewhere on the bed.
He turns around on his hands and knees, letting his chest fall against the mattress as he pulls his cheeks apart with his hands to show himself off for the camera one more time, sighing softly at the feeling and carefully slipping one finger into himself, immediately gasping +
+ at the feeling and quickly pulling it back out.
He sucks in a deep breath as he sits back up, facing the camera and slowly running his hands over his chest as his eyes scan the chat. He picks up a little bit of cum that landed on his chest and guides his fingers up to his mouth, easily slipping them past his lips and sucking +
+ on them as his eyelashes flutter.

All Yoongi can do is watch in disbelief and ask himself how it’s possible that Jimin is real.
Jimin pulls the fingers back out and chuckles quietly as he shakes his head, „Fuck, that was intense.“ He sighs as he runs a hand through his messy hair, trying to at least somewhat fix it until he eventually just gives up „I hope you all enjoyed the show.“
Enjoyed? That was a spiritual awakening.
„I really need a shower now.“ He chuckles to himself, then looks around his room, „And I have to clean, made a big mess.“

Yoongi can’t help but smile at the way Jimin is giggling, quickly typing one more comment >>You did will, get some rest<<
Jimin’s eyes grow a little fonder when he reads it and he gives a small nod to the camera, „I will get some rest, don’t worry. Bye guys, I’ll see you next time!“
He gives a cute little smile to the camera, then a little wave before suddenly the screen turns black and Yoongi is faced with his own reflection. His eyebrows draw together at the sight, face scrunching up a little and he lets out a heavy sigh.
He can’t believe he just did that. They just did that.

He’s about to get up when his phone suddenly beeps.
Yoongi hesitates for a moment looking down at his cum covered hand, chuckling quietly to himself before he takes a picture of it and sends it to Jimin. At this point he's past being embarrassed.
The day of the wedding comes much faster than either of them expected and to say Jimin is nervous is an understatement.
It’s the first time they’ll be seeing each other after the stream and their make out session and he honestly doesn’t know what to expect. Will things be awkward? Will they go back to being annoyed with one another? Is it still pretend dating or are they past that?
Jimin has way too many questions and absolutely no answers.
He’s just finishing getting dressed and fixing his hair in the mirror when the doorbell rings and his heart almost drops. He sucks in a deep breath, trying to mentally prepare himself to face Yoongi.
In a suit.

Oh god, he’ll look incredible and Jimin probably won’t even get a word out.
He hesitantly walks to the door and pulls it open, his lips immediately parting when his eyes take in the sight of Yoongi in a black suit right in front of him, „Holy shit.“
„I could say the same about you.“ Yoongi mumbles with wide eyes, eyes traveling over Jimin’s body in the dark purple suit he’s wearing, „You look incredible.“
„So do you.“ Jimin mumbles as a faint blush makes its way to his cheeks and they both just stand there staring at each other until Yoongi eventually steps inside and leans in to press a soft kiss against Jimin’s cheek, hand gently resting on his waist.
„Hi Jimin-ah.“ He whispers, giving him a shy smile and the younger can only stand there and stare at him before he breaks out into a fit of giggles, quickly bringing his hands up to cover his mouth.
„Hyung“ He whines cutely, small pout on his face that causes Yoongi to raise his eyebrows at him, head tilting to the side as he lets out a soft laugh.
„What?“ He asks, a hint of amusement in his voice but Jimin just shrugs and bites down on his lip before he quickly grabs his coat from one of the hangers by his door to try and break up whatever this is.
He looks around his apartment once more to make sure he didn’t forget anything, then smiles at Yoongi, „Let’s go, I’m so ready to show you off.“

Yoongi only rolls his eyes but Jimin can see the faint blush on his cheeks and the hint of a smile on his lips.
The drive to the wedding venue isn’t long and once Yoongi parks the car and they get out, the elder holds out his hand for Jimin to take. He glances at it for a quick second before he lets his own hand be completely enveloped by Yoongi’s bigger one, their fingers +
+ intertwining as if it’s second nature.

Jimin can’t deny that his feels really nice.
As soon as they walk to the entrance of the venue Jimin’s parents notice them, his mom immediately running up to them, „Ah you two look so handsome! Honey look at them!“ She gushes over them immediately, then pulls both of them into +
+ a hug, „I’m so happy to see you again, Yoongi-yah, we have to go bowling together again soon.“
„I’d love to.“ He chuckles, letting go of Jimin’s hand to rest his own on the small of Jimin’s back where it dips in instead, letting his thumb rub against it soothingly.
Jimin’s father walks up to them only a moment later, also pulling both of them into a hug, „How are you boys?“

„We’re great, excited to introduce hyung to the rest of the family“ Jimin grins, leaning against Yoongi’s side ever so slightly as the elder laughs.
„I’m a little nervous.“ He admits, wrapping his arm around Jimin’s waist, but Jimin’s mom immediately assures him that they’ll love him, going on and on about how charming he is and what a great son in law he would make.
„Alright mom, message received.“ Jimin laughs, shaking his head with a smile on his face, „Let’s go inside.“
They do just that, Yoongi’s and Jimin’s hands intertwining again as they find their seats. The ceremony is beautiful. Jimin’s cousin looks incredible in her dress and the vows make Jimin feel all warm and fuzzy inside, making him realize that he actually can’t wait to get +
+ married one day. Yoongi holds his hand throughout the whole thing and Jimin can’t help but feel like this all comes to them awfully natural now.

It’s nice. He feels like he doesn’t even have to think about it, doesn’t have to force anything.
When the newly married couple kisses for the first time everyone erupts in cheers and whistles sound through the room, causing everyone to laugh while Jimin takes the chance to quickly wipe his tears. He’s just so happy for his cousin to have found someone she wants to spend +
+ the rest of her life with.

After the ceremony they all meet up at the next destination where the reception takes place and for the first time all the guest will be able to walk around freely and really talk to each other. Jimin knows this will be the hard part.
Of course it only takes until about a minute after Yoongi and Jimin entered when Jimin’s first relative, one of his aunts comes up to them, greeting them dramatically, „Jimin-ah! It’s been so long! Who’s this handsome man at your side?“
„Hi auntie, this is my boyfriend Yoongi.“ Jimin forces a smile because she comes up to him at every single family gathering asking him when he will finally settle down and find someone to spend his life with. It’s getting tiring to say the least.
She immediately gasps, holding up her hand to her chest, „Boyfriend? The Park Jimin actually settling down with someone? Someone pinch me!“ She laughs obnoxiously and he can see out of the corner of his eye that Yoongi’s smile is just as fake as his own.
„It’s nice to met you.“ He says, bowing slightly to her which she quickly reciprocates, „I don’t think it’s necessary to pinch you, I’m definitely very real.“

She laughs once more and shakes her head, „He’s a funny one, good catch Jimin-ah.“
„Yeah.“ He forces another smile, „Auntie, we’ll go get some drinks, yeah? I’m sure we’ll get the chance to talk again later.“
Before she can say anything else Jimin is grabbing Yoongi’s arm and pulling him away from her. He leans against a wall with a sigh and Yoongi frowns sympathetically at him, „Hey, you’re doing great.“
„Sorry…I just…they care about nothing but my relationship, you know?“ He mumbles, shaking his head in frustration.
„I know, it’s as if there’s nothing else that matters.“ Yoongi agrees, reaching out to take one of Jimin’s hands, gently pulling him closer to him and wrapping his arms around him in a warm hug, „It’s just one night, Jimin-ah, you can do this.“
Jimin feels a wave of calmness wash over him in Yoongi’s arms, allowing himself to hug back and nuzzle against him as his eyes fall shut.
He doesn’t care whether this is real or for show because whatever it is it makes him feel good, it comforts him and that’s exactly what he needs right now.
„You smell really nice.“ He mumbles against Yoongi’s shoulder, causing the elder to let out a quiet chuckle of which Jimin can feel the rumble in his chest.
„Thank you.“ He replies quietly, gently rubbing his hand up and down Jimin’s back in a calming manner, „It’s a new cologne, I just got it.“
„You should use it more often.“ The younger suggests, feeling Yoongi nod against him as he lets out a small hum.

They eventually pull away, both of them smiling at each other sheepishly before their hands find each other again and they start looking for their table.
They sit with Jimin’s parents and his grandparents and Jimin is already preparing himself for his granddad’s comments since he’s never been too supportive of Jimin’s life and this is the first time that he’s actually bringing along a boyfriend.
However he doesn’t get the chance to do much more than throw them a dirty look because the newlyweds enter only a moment later and announce that dinner is ready.
The food is great and so are the drinks. Jimin probably downed a whole glass of champagne in one go just to settle his nerves but he needed it. He knows that throughout the night more people will come up to them.
And they do. The first one he has to deal with is, as expected, his granddad, lecturing him once again on how he should be with a woman instead of a man and how this is all just a phase.
Jimin realizes that it doesn’t get to him as much this time though because he can feel Yoongi’s hand on his back rubbing soothing circles into it and he feels like he isn’t alone this time.
He actually just smiles at his granddad, letting him finish his rant before he turns to Yoongi and simply grabs him by the tie, gently pulling him closer and kissing him right in front of the man.
Yoongi is a little surprised but kisses back immediately, just a soft press of lips that only lasts a few seconds before Jimin is pulling away again and looking at his granddad.
„You can lecture me all night but that won’t change who I am or who I’m with. Accept it or don’t, I don’t care.“ He simply shrugs his shoulders, seeing Yoongi smile widely at him out of the corner of his eye before he takes his hand again and brings it up to his +
+ mouth to kiss his knuckles.

„So proud of you.“ He whispers, causing Jimin to smile as well and give Yoongi’s hand a light squeeze.
His granddad actually shuts up after that and everyone can enjoy their food in peace. The room is so full and loud that conversation is really quite difficult but they manage by shouting across the table. It’s actually kinda nice to catch up with family.
After dinner the lights eventually dim for the married couple’s first dance. Everyone’s eyes are on them and Jimin can’t help but gasp at how beautiful they look. They seem so in love and Jimin instinctively leans against Yoongi’s side, head on the elder’s shoulder as he +
+ lets out a soft sigh. He wants what they have.

Yoongi rests his hand on Jimin’s thigh, letting his thumb gently rub against it as he rests his head on top of Jimin’s and like this they watch them dance together.
When they’re done everyone cheers for them and they bow a little as they’re laughing. They open the dance floor to everyone and Jimin immediately grins at Yoongi, pulling him out of his seat, „Come on hyung!“
„Jimin-ah.“ Yoongi whines but Jimin doesn’t accept a no and simply drags him along until they’re between all the other couples.
Jimin wraps his arms around Yoongi’s neck while Yoongi’s easily find their place around his waist and gently pull him a little closer. They just kinda sway to the music, nothing too special but it’s nice, Jimin likes it and he can’t stop smiling at Yoongi.
„What got you smiling so much?“ Yoongi finally asks, tone slightly teasing but Jimin knows there’s no bite behind it.

He just gives a small shrug of his shoulders, „I’m having fun. Like don’t get me wrong this is stressful but it’s also really nice.“
„Mmh me too.“ Yoongi nods, gently squeezing Jimin’s waist, „It’s nice to spend time with you.“
Jimin can’t help but blush a little, glad that the lights are dim and it’s probably not too obvious. He takes the chance to lean closer to Yoongi, resting his head on his shoulder as they continue swaying to the music.
„I like it too.“ He admits, closing his eyes for a moment to just let himself get lost in this moment.
It doesn’t feel forced or rushed or anything, both of them just enjoying the fact that they’re together, they’re touching, they can feel each other’s bodies pressed up against them and it’s nice. It’s what Jimin has been craving ever since their date or whatever it was.
They eventually stop dancing and return to their table. Jimin tells Yoongi that he’ll be right back to get them some more drinks, then walks over to the bar where he orders something for both of them.
While he waits there he suddenly feels a hand tapping on his shoulder so he turns around, eyes widening when he’s faced by none other than his ex, „Jaeyong…“ He blinks in surprise, quickly trying to collect himself, „What are you doing here?“
The man just glances over at one of Jimin’s cousins who is talking to some other family members and not paying any attention to them. Jimin’s eyes narrow. Of course it’s the cousin he cheated on him with only a few months ago.
„So you’re still together?“ He asks, trying not to let any sign of him hurting shine through. He’s mostly over it but having them right under his nose still hurts.
„Yeah I guess.“ Jaeyong nods. Jimin notices the way his eyes travel up and down Jimin’s body before he licks his lips, „You look good, Jimin-ah.“
A part of Jimin feels disgusted hearing the words coming out of Jaeyong’s mouth after being hurt so badly by him and yet he stills feels a little shy. Their relationship has never been healthy, their power dynamic completely off and for some reason Jimin still finds himself +
+ affected by him.

„Thanks.“ He mumbles, then quickly clears his throat and turns back to the bar but Jaeyong just steps up beside him and leans against the counter.
„So how’s your life going?“ Jaeyong smiles at him, „Still doing that camboy stuff?“

„Shh!“ Jimin quickly shushes him, looking around them to make sure nobody heard anything, „You know very well that my family doesn’t know about that.“
„Ah come on, you’re so good at it. We had lots of fun with it, don’t you remember?“ Jaeyong grins and Jimin’s face immediately flushes.
He remembers, of course he remembers. During their relationship Jaeyong liked to join Jimin in his streams sometimes. Jimin later realized that it was purely possessive behavior and thinking back to it now makes Jimin feel more than uneasy.
Luckily that’s exactly when the barkeeper places his drinks down in front of him and Jimin quickly takes them. He throws Jaeyong a fake smile, „I gotta go.“ Is all he says before he makes his way back over to Yoongi who is already staring at him with narrowed eyes.
„Here you go.“ Jimin sighs quietly, handing Yoongi one of the glasses but the elder just puts it down on the table and stands up.

„Who’s that?“
„Hmm?“ Jimin’s eyebrows draw together before he follows Yoongi’s line of sight, back to his ex, „Oh that’s…that’s my ex, Jaeyong.“

„The one who cheated on you with your cousin?“ Yoongi specifies, Jimin tilting his head in surprise.
„My mom really told you everything, huh?“ He chuckles, taking a sip from his drink. He notices that Yoongi is unnaturally tense so he gently places his hand on his arm, „Hey is everything okay?“
„You’re not thinking about getting back together with him, are you?“ Yoongi suddenly asks, causing Jimin to sputter, staring at him with wide eyes.
He’s not even sure what would make Yoongi think that, „N-No…no of course not.“ He quickly shakes his head, eyebrows knitting together.
Yoongi’s eyes are more narrowed now, „Are you sure?“

„Hyung yes I’m more than sure! I swear I don’t want to have anything to do with him.“ Jimin sighs in frustration until Yoongi finally nods.
He glances back at Jimin’s ex for a moment, „Good, because he’s a piece of shit and he definitely wants to be with you again.“

„What? No he doesn’t-“

„I’ll prove it to you.“
Before Jimin can say anything else Yoongi is pulling him close by the waist and presses their lips together in a passionate kiss. Jimin’s eyes widen in surprise before he relaxes into it and lets his eyes fall shut, arms wrapping around Yoongi’s neck.
It’s probably one of the best kisses they’ve ever shared. It feels like there’s desperation in it, but not from arousal, just from wanting the other close, wanting the other to understand without words. It’s a lot and Jimin feels his knees buckle slightly from the intensity of it
It doesn’t take long until Jaeyong’s voice is suddenly interrupting them, „Oh come on, you can’t seriously tell me that you’re in love with this guy, are you? You’re just using him to make me jealous, admit it.“
Jimin blinks in confusion, needing a moment to come back to reality after the kiss before he clears his throat, „I’m not sure what makes you think that but I’m definitely not trying to make you jealous, Jaeyong.“
„Yeah sure.“ The other rolls his eyes, suddenly grabbing Jimin’s hand and pulling him away from Yoongi, „Well your little game is working. I’m jealous.“
„I’d appreciate it if you took your hands off my boyfriend.“ Yoongi glares while Jimin struggles to get the other’s hand off.
„Let go off me!“ He huffs in annoyance and when Jaeyong finally does he immediately goes back to Yoongi’s side, glaring at his ex.
„Cute, you really got him playing the part, don’t you?“ The other smirks, causing Jimin to narrow his eyes even more.
„We’re not playing anything, now fuck off. I don’t want you anywhere near me or my boyfriend.“ Jimin spits out, the other’s eyes suddenly widening in realization.
„Wait you’re seriously with him?“ He suddenly breaks out laughing and looks at Yoongi instead, „Man good luck, Jimin is so fucked up, I doubt you’ll be able to handle him.“
„You little-“ Yoongi takes a step forward, about to lunge at the man but Jimin quickly holds him back by his arm.

„Hyung, hey it’s fine.“ He tries to calm him down, making him look at him, „Ignore him.“
Jaeyong speaks up again, trying to rile Yoongi up even more but Jimin simply grabs his drink and throws it in the man’s face, „I said fuck off. You have no control over me anymore. I’ve moved on, it’s time you do the same. What you’re doing is just sad and pathetic."
His ex just stars at him in disbelief, Jimin’s drink all over him to the point that his hair is dripping and when Yoongi holds out a tissue for him with a smirk on his face the man just storms off, grumbling under his breath.
imin immediately notices his cousin’s shocked reaction when he walks past her to the bathroom, then her eyes fall on Jimin who’s just grinning in satisfaction and giving her a cute little wave. She immediately blushes and looks away and +
+ Jimin can’t help but think that his work here is done.

He turns back to Yoongi who is frowning at him, hands coming up to cup Jimin’s face, „Are you okay, Jimin-ah?“

„Are you?“ The younger chuckles, smiling up at him, „You got really mad there.“
„I did.“ Yoongi sighs softly, leaning in to press a kiss to Jimin’s forehead, „I didn’t want him talking about you like that.“

Jimin chuckles softly and turns his head to place a kiss against one of Yoongi’s palms, „I’m okay, hyung. It was easier with you at my side.“
„We make a good team.“ Yoongi smiles fondly, Jimin nodding in agreement as he brings his hands up to cup them over Yoongi’s.
„We do.“ They just stare at each other fondly for a little while, both smiling until someone suddenly clinks their spoon against a glass and the music gets turned down.
The toasts are beautiful and really funny, causing the whole room to laugh when Jimin’s cousin’s friends tell their embarrassing stories about the couple. It’s great and the whole time Yoongi is holding Jimin’s hand and things just feel right for the first time in a long time.
The rest of the night goes by without any issues. They talk to more family members, eat and drink and dance and never leave each other’s side.
Jimin loves it, he really really does. Tonight he isn’t acting, he’s just doing whatever he wants to do and that’s more than enough because he can’t keep his hands to himself anyway. Or at least that’s what it feels like to him.
He feels butterflies in his stomach all night, every single time Yoongi looks at him and he realizes that maybe all of this isn’t as fake as it used to be anymore. Maybe he did pick up feelings along the way and the realization makes him panic.
It’s scary how fast it happened. Just a few weeks ago they couldn’t stand being close to each other and now Jimin can’t imagine not having Yoongi at his side. However that realization is absolutely terrifying too. Jimin’s never cared about someone like this, never saw much more +
+ than sex in a relationship but with Yoongi he can imagine them growing old together one day and maybe it’s because they’re at a wedding and it’s making Jimin extra sappy but he really can see a future for them and that makes it all way too real all of a sudden.
He feels panic bubble up inside him, suddenly not so sure about any of this anymore as the emotions that come with his realization overwhelm him and he quickly excuses himself to the bathroom, basically running away from Yoongi.
Once he’s alone he stands in front of a sink, breathing heavily as he just stares at himself in the mirror. He’s never been good with feelings or relationships or any commitment of that sort.
He has never allowed himself to be that vulnerable with somebody and realizing that he cares for Yoongi in that way is too much for him to process right now.
It’s all been fun and games, the whole time he’s been able to pretend that it’s just for show but he can’t deny any longer that being with Yoongi makes his heart skip a beat and he doesn’t know what to do. He’s never been in this situation before.
He knows he’s overreacting, knows that anyone else wouldn’t have a panic attack because of something like this but Jimin is scared.
The thought of opening up to Yoongi in that way, the realization that he has real feelings for Yoongi…it’s all way too much and Jimin wants to run away and hide from all of it.
When the door to the bathroom suddenly opens his head immediately whips around, eyes falling on Yoongi whose eyebrows are knitted together in worry as soon as he sees him, „Jiminie, are you okay?“
„I-I…“ Jimin stutters out, not really knowing what to say. What would he even tell Yoongi? How would he even begin to explain this? What if Yoongi doesn’t even feel the same way? What if it’s just for show and he’s a really good actor?
He feels a lump in his throat, mouth opening to say something but nothing comes out as he takes a step back.

„Hey.“ Yoongi frowns, carefully walking closer to him and taking his hands in his, „Talk to me, what’s going on?“
Jimin is still breathing heavily, his eyes starting to fill with tears but he just quickly shakes his head, pulling and turning away from Yoongi, „N-Nothing.“
He knows it’s not fair to push Yoongi away, knows he should be honest and talk to him about this but he’s too scared, too worried that Yoongi won't feel the same way.
Yoongi hesitates for a moment but then he nods, „Okay.“ His gentle voice mumbles behind Jimin and then he feels strong hands on his shoulders, „You don’t have to tell me.“
Jimin doesn’t say anything and just sniffles quietly, trying not to cry. He hates that he can’t open up to Yoongi about this, that he feels the urge to push him away and never see him again just so he doesn’t have to deal with this.
It all got too much way too quickly and Jimin feels so overwhelmed that he doesn’t know what to do.
„Jimin, can you look at me?“ Yoongi asks quietly and when Jimin doesn’t object he very slowly turns him around to face him, then cups his cheek to make him look up.
He carefully wipes at the first tear that rolls down Jimin’s cheek with his thumb and just looks at him for a moment, „You’re okay. I promise whatever is going on, you’re okay.“
Jimin just gives a small nod, taking in a deep shaky breath as his hands clench into fists at his side, forcing himself to keep it together. His chest feels tight and his breathing is harder than it should be but Yoongi guides him through it, inhaling and exhaling with him +
+ until Jimin feels at least a little bit calmer.

„There you go.“ Yoongi whispers, pulling Jimin into his arms and letting him nuzzle against his chest, „I got you.“
„T-Thank you.“ Jimin squeaks out, voice barely more than a whisper while Yoongi just continues rubbing his hand up and down his back in a soothing manner. He feels the elder’s lips against his head and allows himself to close his eyes and just bask in the comforting warmth of +
+ Yoongi’s embrace.

Yoongi does pull away just a little bit after a while, looking at Jimin for a moment before he gives him a small smile, „Better?“
„Yeah.“ The younger breathes out, finally pulling away completely and running a hand through his hair, „Sorry I…I don’t know what happened.“

„Don’t apologize.“ Yoongi shakes his head, „Do you want to try talking about it?“
Jimin looks at him, really looks at him this time. Yoongi’s eyes are still full of worry but they’re also caring and gentle, yet staring at him with an intensity that Jimin can’t quite place. If Yoongi didn’t care about him he wouldn’t do all of this just to calm him down, he +
+ wouldn’t get protective of him in front of Jimin’s ex and he wouldn’t continue the sweet touches and the soft gazes when nobody is watching.
There’s no way that all of this is just for show.

Absolutely no way.
Instead of answering, Jimin steps up to Yoongi before he can think about his actions and just grabs his collar, pulling him into a deep kiss, eyebrows drawing together as soon as their lips touch.
There’s not even an ounce of hesitation from Yoongi’s side, his hands immediately finding their place on Jimin’s waist, pulling him closer against his body as he’s kissing back just as passionately.
Jimin can feel tears rolling down his cheeks at the realization that Yoongi isn’t pulling away and for a second he feels dumb for ever expecting him to. He wraps his arms around his neck, pulling him closer and closer, tilting his head to deepen the kiss.
He’s pouring his everything into it, hoping that it will somehow tell Yoongi everything he’s too afraid to say. Yoongi swallows it all up, one hand coming up to cup Jimin’s cheek and feeling the wetness under his fingers, causing him to pull away with a frown on his face as he +
+ takes in Jimin’s tear stained cheeks.

„W-What? Why are you crying? What’s wrong?“
Jimin just shakes his head, tugging at Yoongi’s clothes to get him closer again, „Don’t stop kissing me.“ He mumbles until he can finally connect their lips again, arching his body against Yoongi’s and letting out a shaky breath through his nose.
Yoongi does kiss back, thumbs wiping at Jimin’s tears as he tilts their heads to deepen the kiss and Jimin takes the chance to slip his tongue into Yoongi’s mouth, continuing to pull Yoongi closer until they’re backing up against the sink and Jimin can feel it pressing into +
+ his backside.

Yoongi suddenly reaches down and grabs Jimin’s thighs, easily lifting him up and setting him down on the counter as he stands between his legs and continues kissing him eagerly.
Jimin lets out a soft hum against the other’s lips and wraps his legs around him, pulling him closer as he pushes at Yoongi’s suit jacket until the elder gets the hint and takes it off.
Jimin’s hands are all over his shoulders immediately, going down his arms and squeezing lightly at the muscles underneath his fingers. He slides them into Yoongi’s hair but then he feels Yoongi’s hands on his thighs and the elder is slowly pulling away, panting a little as he +
+ tries to catch his breath.

„Jimin-ah.“ He mumbles, gulping heavily as he stares at him, „I need to know what’s going on before we take this any further.“
„Just…I just want you close.“ Jimin whispers, quickly shaking his head as he tries to get Yoongi closer again but the elder stops him with a gentle but firm grip on his arms.
„Jiminie, baby talk to me.“ He frowns and Jimin’s bottom lip starts quivering immediately at the pet name before he just can’t take it anymore and breaks out into tears, letting his head fall on Yoongi’s shoulder and hiding his face in the crook of his neck.
Yoongi just holds him, rubbing his hands over his back and shushing him gently, trying to soothe him even though he has no idea what’s wrong.
„Hey it’s okay, you’re okay.“ He whispers, running his fingers through Jimin’s hair to hopefully calm him down, „Is it something I did? Did I do something wrong?“
Jimin just shakes his head against Yoongi, clinging to him as he sobs quietly, just letting it all out. Yoongi holds him throughout the whole thing, continuing to whisper sweet nothings into his ear until Jimin’s crying eventually dies down to nothing but small sniffles.
Only then does Yoongi pull away again and he cups both of Jimin’s cheek, then peppers his face in sweet little kisses until Jimin can’t help but let out a wet giggle, lightly pushing Yoongi away before he wipes at his eyes.
„Sorry.“ He mumbles in embarrassment, „That wasn’t supposed to happen.“

„Don’t apologize.“ Yoongi quickly shakes his head, placing one more kiss on the tip of his nose, „Tell me what’s going on?“
Jimin sucks in a deep shaky breath, then hesitantly nods, trying to figure out what to say to Yoongi, „I just got a little overwhelmed.“

„By the kiss?“
Jimin shakes his head, then nods before he lets out a frustrated sigh, „By everything. By us.“

Yoongi’s eyebrows knit together, „By us?“
„Yeah.“ Jimin breathes out, feeling his nerves bubble back up, „I-I…I’m not sure if I’m still pretending to like you hyung.“
„Oh.“ Yoongi’s eyes suddenly widen before he stares at Jimin in disbelief, „I thought it was obvious that we’re past that? I mean I think we’ve crossed that line when we made out at your place after our... date.“
Jimin just blinks at Yoongi, „B-But…“ He needs a moment to organize his thoughts, eyebrows drawing together, „But how…why…I don’t…“
Yoongi hums softly, brushing Jimin’s hair out of his face with a sigh, „I like you Park Jimin. I don’t know when it changed but I like you and I haven’t been acting all night and I don’t think you have either.“
„Y-You like me?“ Jimin whispers with wide eyes, watching Yoongi nod in response as he tries to process what that means, „And you aren’t saying that to get me to sleep with you?“
Yoongi immediately frowns at the words and slowly shakes his head, „You’ve never been shown what real love is, have you?“
Jimin blushes at the words, gulping heavily as he averts his gaze, „I-I mean…“
„It’s okay.“ Yoongi whispers, gently cupping the younger’s cheek, „I’ll show you if you’ll let me.“

„H-Hyung.“ Jimin stutters out in shock, suddenly feeling the urge to run away again, „I don’t know…I-I…that’s a big word…“
Yoongi chuckles softly and nods, „It is, and we can do it all at your pace but you deserve to be loved and treated right.“

„I don’t know how.“ Jimin whispers in embarrassment. His exes have never treated him right, have never cared for him, only for his body. He’s never been +
+ good enough for anyone and having Yoongi say these sweet things to him is overwhelming.

But Yoongi just brushes his thumb along his cheekbone and smiles at him, „I’ll show you, you just have to trust me.“
Jimin lets out a shaky breath, just staring at Yoongi for a moment to try and find out if he’s really being genuine. He can find nothing but honesty in Yoongi’s eyes and it makes him gulp heavily because this is really happening.
He’s about to make himself vulnerable for someone for the first time.
„I-I’m really scared hyung.“ He admits quietly, unable to hold Yoongi’s eye contact, „I’ve never been in a real relationship, I’ve never…I’ve never trusted someone in that way, never let someone get close to me like that.“
„Is that why you ran away from me? You got scared when you realized you aren’t acting anymore?“ Yoongi asks in a gentle voice while his thumb continues brushing against Jimin’s cheek.
The younger just nods, sniffling quietly once more, „I didn’t know what to do, it all just got too much and then I kissed you and you kissed back and I couldn’t believe that you liked me too but that made it even more real and it all got even scarier and I just…I got scared.“
Yoongi lets out a soft chuckle at the words, leaning in to press a gentle kiss against Jimin’s forehead, „I’m proud of you for opening up like this, Jimin-ah. I do like you, I like you a lot and I want to prove it to you over and over again if you’ll let me. +
+ I want to show you how you should be treated because you only deserve the best.“
Jimin feels tears well up in his eyes once more and he just nods, unable to say anything else as he pulls Yoongi back into a kiss because that’s the only way he knows how to express himself.
The elder smiles against his lips and kisses back eagerly. It’s softer this time, calmer and when they pull away they keep their foreheads resting against each other’s, both with small smiles on their faces.
„So is that a yes?“ Yoongi whispers, Jimin humming quietly in question, „You’ll be my boyfriend? For real this time?“
Jimin feels his cheeks heat up and the panic does bubble up in his chest but it’s completely overshadowed by the excitement that immediately fills him, causing him to smile widely as he nods against Yoongi’s forehead.
„Yeah.“ He whispers quietly, then lets out a breathy laugh, „Fuck, yeah okay let’s try it.“
Yoongi immediately breaks out into a grin and pulls Jimin into another kiss. Both of them are smiling into it and it makes it almost impossible to kiss but it doesn’t matter because Jimin feels happy.
Don’t get him wrong, he is scared and this is very new to him, but he’s mostly just happy. He feels like they could really have a chance, feels like Yoongi could show him what a healthy relationship looks like, could show him what love is.
He knows it won’t always be easy, there will be ups and downs and he will get scared at times but he’s sure they can get through it together if they put in the work. He has a feeling that it will be worth it.
And he’s proven right a few months later when them being together is the most normal thing.
He’s proven right when Yoongi and him are entangled in the sheets of Jimin’s bed and Jimin manages to whisper „I love you.“ to Yoongi for the first time and watches the elder’s face light up with nothing but love and pure adoration for him.
He’s proven right when a year later Yoongi falls down on one knee in front of him and pulls out a small box with a ring inside and Jimin has not a single doubt in his mind.
He’s proven right when he looks at Yoongi and feels nothing but calmness wash over him because he knows he’ll spend the rest of his life with this man and he wouldn’t change a single thing.
--- THE END ---
[Author's Note]

Thank you all so much for reading! I had a lot of fun with this story, sorry for the tears at the end. I hope you all liked it, thank you for your sweet words it means a lot to me 💜
Here is the ao3 link for anyone who wants to check it out there! archiveofourown.org/works/31207904

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- Fwb (but only implied, no actual smut this time sorry)
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- Light angst
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- Jimin goes into heat
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- Strangers to Lovers
- Very minor Minimoni (there's like one scene of them dancing)
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May 12, 2021
𝚃𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝙼𝚢 𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝙵𝚕𝚢 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚢 #yoonminau

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#yoonminfest #ymfest_d8 Image
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- Witch Yoongi
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- Hurt/Comfort
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More tags:
- Running away from home
- Infertile Yoongi
- Unaccepting/racist family on Jimin's side
- Mpreg
- Unwanted arranged marriage on Jimin's side
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