There's already been plenty of complaints on here that the Prime Minister is 'sucking up to Trump'.
No folks. He's trying to maintain the most incredibly fine balancing act. And so is Macron by the way.
Both of them have to do that.
Macron has more leeway for several reasons.
1. He's known Trump for much, much longer. He's one of very few world leaders who's been in office almost as long as when Trump first became President.
2. He has no more elections to fight, so can be a little freer in what he says.
3. The long, long tradition of Gaullism in French foreign policy means that France usually sides with the US - but is more independent and critical in how it conducts itself.
Yet despite that, and the images yesterday of Macron challenging Trump, he also did the following.
UNPOPULAR OPINION (among the left and probably many of my followers): the modern liberal left, of whom I've always been a card carrying member, got it VERY wrong on mass immigration.
And all because it didn't try to remake society after Thatcher wrecked it and the working class.
What the UK has been crying out for for many decades now has been huge investment across the country.
When Johnson spoke of 'levelling up', he was more than onto something. He'd hit the nail on the head. But because the Tories are a bunch of shysters and crooks, nothing happened
Britain's has been a quite ludicrously unbalanced, unsustainable economy for as long as I can remember now.
Skewed completely towards property, financial services, speculators and billionaire leeches. And quite unbelievably skewed towards south-east England too.
While Andrew Neil - who played more than a minor part in turning Britain into an ungovernable failed state through his complete non-journalism over Brexit: which had no consequences for him but terrible ones for most - wets himself in excitement, a note.
About the UK media.
You'll recall the hysterical cries of LABOUR CRASHED THE ECONOMY LABOUR SPENT ALL THE MONEY when Gordon Brown actually *rescued* the economy.
And the hysterical cries of WE'RE GOING TO TURN INTO GREECE when the coalition negotiations weren't allowed to run their proper course.
And the hysterical cries of WE HAVE TO LIVE WITHIN OUR MEANS IT WOULD BE IMMORAL TO LEAVE OUR DEBTS TO OUR CHILDREN as Cameron and Osborne set about state-sponsored manslaughter of the poor and disabled, and devastated the supply side of the economy.
For almost a quarter of a century, you've had to put up with fear and hatred for the crime of your being a Muslim.
You've been stigmatised, you've been stopped and searched, and going through airport immigration is a nightmare.
Everyone else walks through customs with no problem at all. You don't. You randomly get stopped by officials again and again and again.
And you know why. It's because you're brown. It's because you're a Muslim.
Through the 2000s, amid horrific terrorist attacks in New York, Washington, Bali, Madrid, London and elsewhere, the Labour government says "our quarrel is not with Islam" - but it bombs Iraq, it bombs Afghanistan and it kills many, many, many Muslims there.
Ireland have qualified for 6 major tournaments. They reached the knockout stages 4 times.
Wales have qualified for 4. They reached the KO stages 3 times.
Northern Ireland have qualified for 4. They reached the KO stages 3 times.
(Technically, twice in their case - because of FIFA's daft format of four groups of three in the 1982 second phase - but Northern Ireland reached the last 12 and BEAT HOSTS SPAIN, so we'll ignore that).
Scotland have qualified for 12 major tournaments in their history.
This being the twelfth. They have NEVER reached the knockout stages. Is today, Sunday June 23 2024, when the interminable, excruciating wait finally ends?
By the way: they've actually qualified for 13. But in 1950, they refused to take up their place!