Last year, I published Prenatal Child Support Across the United States, a book w/ original legislation scans for every state/territory going back as far as 1793.
I originally started researching legal history after seeing how the mainstream media gave no effort in research.
This year, Utah’s legislature expanded (Fig 1) the state’s existing prenatal child support requirements from those of 1996 (Fig 2) & 1997 (Fig 3), bringing the state from the bare minimum Federal requirements (Fig 4) to being at the forefront in the nation.
Obviously, UT wasn’t the 1st state w/ reqs. (It was 46th.) Yet, the media reported otherwise, using Planned Parenthood & (sometimes) the bill’s sponsor as their sources, rather than actually referencing the Utah Code.
Let this thread serve as a wall-of-shame for lazy media:
@23ABCNews (AP) - also asks if CA could have such a law (It has since 1925; tweet 5, Fig 2) @KAKEnews (AP) @WPLGLocal10 (AP) @B1039Radio (AP, w/ added notes by Joe Winner)
I could go on & on, but I’m sure the point is clear by now. One could give *some* leniency to local affiliates that publish what their national counterparts provide, but major publications like the NY Times, USA Today, ABC, Fox, NBC, etc., don’t even bother to fact check.
Since numerous publications depends on the AP, it’s also paramount that reports be well-resourced by them so that misinformation doesn’t proliferate.
It’s also interesting that 2 CA publications asked if the state should have any such laws, when it has for a century.
Kudos to these sources that actually did their research:
Also, here is the article I wrote on Utah’s prenatal child support legislation, referencing earlier laws & comparing the state’s requirements to those of other states:
With recent claims that the phrase “late-term abortion” was manufactured by the pro-life movement, I figured I’d do a little research into the truth behind that.
Here’s what I found…
There’s a reference to spontaneous abortion happening “late-term” in this 1905 article on “Small-Pox” from A Manual of Midwifery.
General gestational references to “late-term” (approaching “near-term”) seem common in medical journals even earlier.
Further into the 20th century, references to “late-term abortions” were common in veterinary journals, as well, as attested by “Antibodies in Psittacosis Abortions” in The Cornell Veterinarian (1970), which also references sources from the 1960s.
🧵 This pseudonymous individual claims to work in emergency medicine & has been outright admitting to falsifying patients’ medical records to protect from liability of botched induced abortions or complications from induced abortions.
Correct med coding is very important for patients to receive proper treatment, as proceeding w/ incorrect treatment or delaying proper treatment can endanger patients’ lives.
There are distinct ICD-10-CM diagnosis codes for several types of abortive outcomes to pregnancies:
O00 Ectopic pregnancy
O01 Hydatidiform mole
O02 Other abnormal products of conception
O03 Spontaneous abortion (miscarriage)
O04 Complications following induced abortion
O07 Failed attempted induced abortion
O08 Complications following ectopic and molar pregnancy
Several other states also had language in their criminal abortion statutes that likely extended to implicating means of externally harming pregnant women and causing them to miscarry. Unlike the states in the map, they did not directly treat the unborn children as the victims.
Last week, I drafted proposed legislation for Ohio (& emailed a copy to my state representative, @realJeffLaRe).
This bill borrows ideas from several other states to address protection of rape victims, expansion of prenatal child support, & tax benefits for pregnant women.
I am going to briefly discuss the aims & influences of this bill in each of its 5 pages to solicit ideas. Feel free to adapt it to your own state, wherever applicable.
Section 1 begins by addressing victims of rape for which a child has been conceived.
This has been a hotly-discussed topic for the past decade, as the general public was made aware that most states had deficiencies in their laws which could allow a rapist to later claim parental rights (including visitation) for a child was conceived during the crime.
Here’s why so many are lying that bans on induced abortions prevent treatments for ectopic pregnancies or after miscarriages:
They’ve lived a pseudo-religion for decades, sacrificing their own offspring to ward off storms & preserve the illusions of prosperity.
If they can convince any women to fear emergency treatments & die, they’ll evangelize against the heretical bans & grow their church membership. In the Church of Abortion, the women’s deaths are necessary for The Cause.
Church members evangelize w/ grand myths & legends of those who have been snatched from the darkness & strife through the Holy Sacrament. They preach these parables, but many heretics question their veracity in details. Thus, only the uninformed are sought.