1/ These new interesting insights could provide answers for #MEcfs and #LongCovid.
"Researchers tracked antigens and other substances crossing the arachnoid barrier (known for his impermeability) but they found leaks in this particular area" #LeakyBrain quantamagazine.org/how-the-immune…
2/ "Immune cells are waiting there. When these cells find a worrisome antigen, like one that suggests disease, they initiate a chain reaction that creates an immune response" #NeuroImmunology
3/ “Immune surveillance of the brain takes place. It’s absolutely normal, like in any other tissue,” said Jonathan Kipnis. “The only exception is that instead of this happening within the tissue, the brain pushed all its immune activity to its borders.”
4/ "Nath found evidence that #Covid19-patients had suffered from small brain bleeds across their brains. He speculated that the leaky blood vessels he found could have set off a strong immune response and he also found evidence of microglial activation"👇 healthrising.org/blog/2021/01/2…
5/ "Leakage in the blood-brain barrier is a signal that damage will also occur in the brain tissue in the long term. Scientists concluded this with the help of new #MRI techniques used in small brain vessels disease" #Neurology #LeakyBrain #Microbiology
6/ "Dr. Avindra Nath found that immune complexes associated with IgM & IgG antibodies were found on the endothelial cells lining the blood vessels. They indicated that the immune system had attacked the endothelial cells" #Autoimmunity #LongCovid #MEcfs healthrising.org/blog/2022/07/1…
7/ "These results suggest that #SARSCoV2 is neurotropic, with deleterious consequences for the blood–brain barrier integrity and central nervous system cells, which could underlie neurological disorders following SARS-CoV-2 infection" #LeakyBrain jneuroinflammation.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.11…
8/ "Our data suggest that sustained systemic inflammation and persistent localized blood-brain barrier dysfunction is a key feature of #LongCOVID-associated #brainfog."
1/ Deze schrijnende getuigenis van een voormalig klinisch psychologe die na een infectie #MEcvs ontwikkelde laat zien hoe ons zorgbeleid anno 2024 faalt voor ernstig zieke ME/cvs patiënten.
2/ #MEcvs is een invaliderende ziekte die vaak nog onterecht gepsychologiseerd wordt en eigenlijk niks te maken heeft met 'chronische vermoeidheid'. Het meest kenmerkend symptoom is immers post-exertionele-malaise of #PEM (inspanningsintolerantie).
3/ #PEM in combinatie met Orthostatische Intolerantie of #POTS - wijzend op het disfunctioneren van het autonome zenuwstelsel of kortweg #dysautonomie - is wat (afhankelijk van de gradatie) deze ziekte zo ernstig invaliderend kan maken.