Let's talk about the most moral army in the world..
Operation Protective Edge was a war waged on Gaza's children
Operation Protective Edge, which lasted 50 days between July 8 and August 26, claimed the lives of 2,220 Palestinians..
..including at least 1,492 civilians, according to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
DCIP independently verified the deaths of 547 Palestinian children among the killed in Gaza, 535 of them as a direct result of Israeli attacks.
Nearly 68 percent of the children killed by Israeli forces were 12 years old or younger.
Five Israeli civilians, including a child, and 67 Israeli soldiers also lost their lives.
“Repeated Israeli military offensives and Israel’s complete disregard for international law have thwarted any meaningful efforts toward implementing comprehensive protections for Palestinian children,”
...said Khaled Quzmar, general director of DCIP. “The international community must demand an end to Israel's illegal blockade of Gaza..
..and challenge systemic impunity by investigating allegations of war crimes and holding the perpetrators accountable.”
DCIP’s investigation into all Palestinian child fatalities during Operation Protective Edge found overwhelming and repeated evidence that Israeli forces committed grave violations against children amounting to war crimes.
This included direct targeting of children by Israeli drone-fired missiles and attacks carried out against schools. Israel, the world’s largest exporter of aerial drones, killed 164 children in drone strikes during the conflict.
Those who survived these attacks will continue to pay the price for many years. More than 1,000 children suffered injuries that rendered them permanently disabled, according to OCHA.
For the children who managed to escape physical injury, the psychological effects of this latest operation have been severe and resounding.
Many have lost one or both parents, or other family members. Some have lost their entire extended families. All have experienced violence, fear and instability at close quarters.
Le Contrôle De La Population.
À un moment donné, l'élite a au moins tenté de dissimuler au grand public son enthousiasme sans bornes pour le contrôle de la population, mais maintenant, elle n'essaie même plus de le cacher.
En janvier 2020, une nouvelle étude alarmante qui prône le contrôle de la population mondiale comme l'une des solutions à "l'urgence climatique" à laquelle nous sommes confrontés a été publiée dans la revue BioScience. academic.oup.com/bioscience/art…
Ce document, signé par 11 258 « scientifiques » de 153 pays différents appelle ouvertement à une réduction de la population humaine de notre planète.
L’éprouvette du pangolin.
Ou comment l'histoire de l'origine de la fuite du Covid d'un laboratoire est passée de la «théorie du complot» au débat gouvernemental.
Décembre 2019
Un groupe de cas d'une mystérieuse maladie respiratoire est signalé dans la ville chinoise de Wuhan, les premières traces d'un virus qui "tuerait des millions de personnes" dans le monde dans la pire pandémie depuis des décennies..
16 février 2020
Le sénateur Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) devient l'un des premiers politiciens à avancer la théorie selon laquelle le coronavirus est né dans un laboratoire, soit comme un virus créé artificiellement, soit comme un virus naturel qui s'est échappé. nytimes.com/2020/02/17/bus…