hey guys guys guys!!! remember like a couple years ago how when like the government came out and used the media to get us all afraid of covid and how like they said 30 MILLION people were gonna die from it and how it like never actually happened?
but like instead 1,000,000 small businesses closed instead because of all the BS restrictions that didn't make any sense...
and isn't it weird how like 95% of the people that actually did die had like multiple comorbidities? isn't that weird?
I AM a very high level violence technician. there is an art to it there is also a science. predators have an extreme advantage. they have the advantage of planning, they choose. when you find yourself in a bad place there are crucial factors that need to be taken into account.
arm yourself with a tactical mind. make good habits. be unpredictable. always carry a force multiplier this can be something as simple as a strong fat pen or a fat sharpie. some good books: the gift of fear, the book of five rings, on killing, meditations on violence.
don't go stupid places with stupid people and do stupid things. "yeah my friend Jezebel is in town for the weekend, we were thinking of flying down to Vegas and maybe doing a bunch of blow and getting drunk with the hell's angels"...
the prospect of this hellish NWO we find ourselves on the brink of being engulfed by is unsettling to be put quite mildly.
Quite sincerely eye see many of us realeyes this and are doing everything in our power to end it b4 it manifests.
Deception is all around, all encompassing in every angle it would seem.
It would appear that even many many many of the would be "good guys" or white hats are grey hats or even black hats.
Who can You trust in all honesty?
Listen when people tell you whom they are.
I find my unconscious mind giving me in-sight in subtle context of feeling, for the unconscious mind consistently processes far more than the conscious mind...