You thought the treatment of folks going bare-faced in 2020 was intense? Wait until you see how unvaccinated people still wearing a mask - in good faith and according to CDC guidelines - are ostracized as dangerous pariahs in 2021.
She thinks the insurance system you were required to pay into, shouldn’t pay your unemployment claim if you disagree with whatever the vax mandates are this week
Indoctrinated children: Unvaccinated people put a lot of people in danger, so the government should cut *everything* from them, little by little, until they submit and get vaccinated.
Shared cultural norms are the way that free societies implement collective benefits via individual choice instead of tyranny.
When a society has broadly shared cultural norms - that evolved to provide the group with benefits that have enabled it to survive over time - then most of those benefits accrue to the society when *most* (but not all) of the individuals follow those norms.
This kind of system can be robust & anti-fragile. Even if 20% of people opted out of each norm - because individual liberty is valued - the society would still gain 80% of the maximal benefit from each. But the society has to keep a functioning set of beneficial norms intact.
THE story of 2022 will be the public’s total loss of trust in nearly every major institution - government, NGO, mass media, mega-corporation, health care, activism & academia - of this country and the world.
And so it begins… the “preference cascade” is officially underway. I admit that I thought it would take more than 9 days after my tweet for CNN to start acknowledging this loss of trust issue on the air.
Bari Weiss @bariweiss agrees with my prediction from 4 months ago - that the shattering of the trust & legitimacy of essentially every American institution is THE most important story of our moment…