CSS art is a good way to enhance and improve your CSS knowledge.
Let's create Phineas using pure CSS in few simple steps 🧵👇🏻
STEP 1. Create a head
create a triangle and rotate it so that it looks like a head
STEP 2. Create smile and ear
We have a pseudo elements in CSS, so we can create smile and ear using head::after and head::before. Its a good way to learn about pseudo-elements
STEP 3. Create eyes
This is the most trickiest part because in order to make an eye we have to create
- One bigger white circle
- then a small black pupil inside white circle
- then a small white reflection in black pupil
Let's create a outer white circle first
STEP 3(I). Create a black pupil
We can create pupil using pseudo element
STEP 3(II). Create white reflection in black pupil
Again make use of pseudo element and create small little white reflection inside pupil
STEP 4. Create moles
Well CSS art is all about creative ideas and solution. In previous step we made oval shape white reflection. We can also create moles using shadow of the white element(reflection) and align them properly
STEP 5. Create second eye
Same as step 3
STEP 6. Create hair spike
This is the easiest part in my opinions because all you need to make are just random spikes.
What I have done here is just created a border-top 20px and rotate it in order to give it a spike look.
STEP 7. Create hairs
Repeat step 6 and create multiple spikes so that they look like hairs
That's it!! Wasn't it easy and fun? Create any cartoon face with CSS and post the link below. I'll be more than happy to check it out.
If you want to get started with CSS arts, chec out this thread
In the next 3 minutes, you will be able to tackle CORS errors much more effectively.
CORS is not rocket science.
It's the biggest pain for developers because the majority of us don't know its core concept.
Let's try to build a solid fundamental.
Stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
It is a security feature implemented by web browsers (almost all) that controls how web pages from one domain can request resources hosted on another domain.