Today, a thread debunking (unintentional) misinformation on the origins of covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Starting with the top 10 easily fact-checked ideas or statements that are not true, although a shocking number of scientists still think these are true.
(1) (FALSE) Before COVID, SARS research was done in a BSL4 lab at the WIV.
Actually, SARS research, even the (humanized) animal infection experiments were conducted at BSL2/3.
(2) (FALSE) There is no precedent of SARS viruses escaping from a laboratory.
Actually, SARS virus escaped from labs at least 4 times in 3 countries within a year. One of the labs was a BSL4 lab. Investigators said that SARS virus could have escaped 4 times from a Beijing lab.
(3) (UNCLEAR) SARS-CoV-2 spilled from animal to human at a Wuhan market.
No animal samples from markets were (+) for SARS2. China-WHO team said they don't know the role of the Huanan market in #originsofCOVID19
Current evidence is consistent with both natural and lab origins.
(4) (FALSE) Wuhan is a place where SARS transmits from animals into humans frequently. That's why the Wuhan Institute of Virology was built there.
Actually, Wuhan is ~1000km away from SARS spillover zones. Its human population was even used as a negative (no SARS) control group.
(5) (FALSE) Bat viruses in Wuhan city & Hubei Province have not been studied over the years. We don't know if there are SARS2-like viruses there.
Actually, 1000s of bats have been sampled by different groups over the years in Hubei. We just don't have access to the full data.
(6) (FALSE) Because the same species of bats live in South China and also Hubei, SARS2-like viruses are also in bats in Hubei.
Actually, the WIV published a paper before COVID-19 saying that it is mainly geographical barriers, not host species, that separate virus lineages.
(7) (FALSE) If SARS-CoV-2 was engineered or manipulated in the lab, scientists can tell.
Actually, scientists can detect only specific ways of modifying pathogens. We cannot rule out whether SARS-CoV-2 has been cultured, passaged or genetically modified.
(8) If SARS-CoV-2 leaked from a lab, it would look unnatural.
Actually, many of the viruses that have escaped from labs are viruses collected from animals or humans outside of the lab. Even if slightly modified or manipulated, they look like viruses that can be found in nature.
(9) (FALSE) All of the WIV's virus sequences are publicly available.
Actually, there's a missing WIV database of more than 22,000 pathogen samples that became inaccessible since Sep 2019, weeks before COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan.
(10) (FALSE) The WIV has shared all of their sequences (data and sample histories) closely related to SARS-CoV-2 in a timely and accurate manner.
Actually, when they shared the most closely related virus to SARS2, they did not mention its link to severe respiratory cases...
.. they also did not disclose that the virus sample had been genome sequenced in 2018 or that they had at least 8 other SARS2-like virus samples collected between 2012-2015 & sequenced.
Those sequences are still not publicly available more than a year after the pandemic began.
Bonus: If SARS2 came from a lab, someone would've already spilled the beans. This secret is too hot to handle.
Actually, there's no obvious whistleblower channel. There's also no international investigation. How would someone safely communicate evidence on the origins in China?
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Leading science organizations and journals appear to be utterly tone deaf.
Up till last month, the National Academies kept Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance as head of their forum on microbial threats. Nature journal continues to play the mouthpiece of the Proximal Origin authors & friends.
There appears to be zero introspection that they created/are part of a system that incentivizes risky research including the work in Wuhan that likely caused the pandemic.
Just this month, another top journal published 2 studies where MERS-like viruses were used in human cell infection studies at low biosafety (BSL-2) in Wuhan. The journal did not attach notices of concern to either paper.
Are we just waiting for another outbreak of ambiguous origin to occur? And will we endure more years of "it was the pangolins/bats/raccoon dogs/name your favorite intermediate host?"
@CellCellPress when you publish papers that handle animal pathogens with unclear (human) pandemic potential at low biosafety, you signal to the rest of the scientific community that this is totally fine and will be celebrated in the best scientific journals.
@CellCellPress At the very least, there should be a note of concern. For example, pointing out that the human pathogen MERS coronavirus has a ~30% fatality rate and, in the US, has to be handled at BSL-3. And that researchers should take extra precaution when handling its close relatives.
When the SARS-CoV-2 sequence was released in Jan 2020, EcoHealth could've said
1⃣They planned to put furin cleavage sites in SARS-like viruses
2⃣In 2013, the Wuhan lab discovered a new lineage of SARS-like viruses that the covid virus belongs to
3⃣Work was done at low biosafety
Instead we had to go through 5 years of the lab leak hypothesis being painted as a racist, anti-science conspiracy theory and a ton of misinformation from EcoHealth about the work being done in Wuhan.
No punches pulled piece on #OriginOfCovid by @ianbirrell
"The pandemic revealed the arrogant and contemptuous behaviour of leading scientific figures, aided by prominent academic journals, patsy journalists and weak politicians."…
@ianbirrell I suggest one correction @ianbirrell please replace 'despite' with 'because of':
WHO "hired Sir Jeremy Farrar, despite the former Wellcome Trust boss’s exposure as a central player in... branding any suggestions Covid could have come from a laboratory as conspiracy theory."
@ianbirrell On Feb 19, 2020, the authors of Proximal Origin realized that Jeremy Farrar - who had convened them and led their efforts - had signed the Lancet letter by Daszak condemning all lab #OriginOfCovid as conspiracy theories.
5 years ago, the authors of Proximal Origin wondered where the pandemic virus had been transmitting *intensely* so that it gained a furin cleavage site and passed it on.
One said, "No way the selection could occur in the market. Too low a density of mammals." #OriginOfCovid
Until today, there has been no reported sign of intense transmission of the virus in animals prior to the detected outbreak in Wuhan.
Investigators, including one Proximal Origin author, searched fur farms in China - no sign of any SARS-like virus.…
On the other hand, a 2018 research proposal surfaced, showing Wuhan and US scientists with a plan to insert novel furin cleavage sites into novel SARS-like viruses.…
"5% chance that H5N1 starts a sustained pandemic in humans in the next year. 50% chance that H5N1 starts a sustained pandemic in humans in the next twenty years..."
@slatestarcodex In addition, under the new US gov policy on research that enhances the pandemic potential of pathogens, it will be the funding recipient (not the funder) who is responsible for flagging their own federally funded projects for review.…
Peter Daszak, who partnered with the Wuhan lab that likely caused the pandemic and is being debarred by HHS, continues to chair @NASEM_Health's forum on microbial threats.
@NASEM_Health @theNASEM The event disclaimer and website make no mention of Daszak's involvement in this event or any conflicts of interest.
@NASEM_Health @theNASEM This echoes Daszak's behind-the-scenes coordination of the infamous letter in @TheLancet casting lab #OriginOfCovid as a conspiracy theory without disclosing his conflicts of interest.