Based on Valmiki Ji's Ramayana, this film explores the FUSION style of animation that consists of three different schools of animation-Manga from Japan, Disney from the US and Ravi Varma from India.
2. 🎬 Adi Shankarachary (1983)
Adi Shankara, the eighth-century Indian philosopher, consolidates the doctrine of Advaita Vedanta, which means non-dualism in Indian philosophy.
Top 15 Disturbing Netflix Documentaries that you wouldn’t believe actually happened! 😨
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1. 🎬I Just Killed My Dad (2020)
This documentary explores the shocking true story of a teenager who admits to killing his father, unraveling complex family dynamics and hidden secrets.
2. 🎬House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths (2021)
This documentary dives into the mysterious deaths of 11 family members in Delhi, India, blending psychological, spiritual, and cultural elements to unravel the case.
Top 15 Disturbing Movies that needs to be watched Alone!
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1. 🎬The Dreamers (2003)
Dir. Bernardo Bertolucci
When Paris is on fire an American student moves in with the French siblings who are way more intimate with each other.
A movie which is set on a 1968 student riot in Paris.
2. 🎬Maharaja (2024)
Dir. Nithilan Swaminathan
A barber seeks revenge after his home is robbed. He tells the police that his "Lakshmi" has been stolen, leaving them unsure if it's a person or an object.
A nonlinear storyline with great performance of VJS.