This week, we released a new policy brief at @RedePesquisa. We examine the scope and depth of attacks on the CoronaVac vaccine by @jairbolsonaro and politicians in social media. We show that the negative posts occurred in key weeks and may affect vaccination in 🇧🇷. Follow this 🧵
Throughout 2020 and 2021, the increase in the absolute volume of CoronaVac-related @Twitter activity was driven by attacks against the vaccine. Between September 29 and November 14 (epidemiological weeks 39 and 46), there was an escalation in the frequency of CoronaVac tweets.
Concomitantly, we also detected an increase in publications attacking the CoronaVac vaccine on @Twitter. Here we show the volume of anti-CoronaVac posts in dark blue.
As we show, CoronaVac negative tweets dominated in key epidemiological weeks in 2020 which coincided when the Fase 3 clinical trial was underway. As we all know, the speed and success of clinical trials is key to the development of vaccines.
Evolution of CoronaVac @Twitter posts between September and November 2020 (epidemiological weeks 39 and 46). Clusters in different colors - pro-CoronaVac posts in green; anti-Coronavac posts in blue; and neutral or non-categorized posts in pink in these directed network graphs.
The bold twitter IDs in the blue-shaded cluster are those individuals who generated negative tweets against CoronaVac receiving likes by many individuals, and also re-tweeted on @Twitter in select epidemiological weeks. Here are further directed network graphs.
Individuals including state and federal congressional representatives were active in the digital debate on CoronaVac by tweeting messages that questioned the vaccine's efficacy, side effects, and associating its Chinese origin. Does it matter? Yes! Vaccine hesitancy rose !
There have been 5 delays in the delivery of the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (IFA) from China that are required for CoronaVac doses resulting in a deficit of 7 thousand liters of IFA (10.5 million vaccine doses)+ 4 thousand liters of IFA in transit to Brazil.
Using the updated itinerary provided by the Ministry of Health and considering the delays in IFA deliveries from China to the Butantan Institute, there is a deficit of 12 million doses that should have already been distributed to the unified health system (SUS).
Furthermore, as we show, that the decline in the supply of this vaccine affected the speed of vaccination of the 1st administered dose of CoronaVac, which was the primary vaccine used in Brazil since the onset.
The problems have become even more serious when we examine those receiving a 2nd administered dose of the vaccine, which is essential to guarantee full immunization.
Social media has played an important role during COVID-19. We hope this policy brief helps journalists, policymakers and society to understand the implications and part of the reason why 🇧🇷today is continues to face high numbers of infections and deaths.
Dados mostrando que há um aumento importante de casos de COVID-19 no Brasil. Importante insistir: quem deve proteger a população são os governos com políticas públicas. Nenhuma "solução" individual resolve o problema. Um fio para insistir #CovidConsensus 1/
Na ultima nota da @RedePesquisa analisamos quais políticas estavam sendo propostas pelos candidatos pensando no pacote de políticas que são necessárias para dar conta da pandemia COVID-19. Nossa analise:… 2/
Precisamos cobrar governos por várias políticas incluindo: 1) um plano para testagem/diagnóstico com publicação transparente dos dados para ajudar a população a compreender períodos no qual o risco AUMENTA e com planos para aumentar a testagem; 3/
This piece could not be more timely or urgent as we see @minsaude without a plan, or procurement of vaccines for children in Brazil, with the Brazilian president threatening @anvisa_oficial officials after the approval of @pfizer vaccines for children 5-11. 2/8
We draw together on the efforts of researchers to analyze the policies directed at guaranteeing education and health to children and teens during the pandemic. The primary responsibility for failing to protect these groups lies with the federal government. 3/8
Discutimos as falhas nas políticas que foram adotadas no 🇧🇷 em 2020 e 21. Com base nos dados levantados e analisados, os riscos e as perdas na educação, alimentação e saúde para crianças + adolescentes foram elevados e o governo federal é o principal responsável.2/8
Baseado nos estudos liderados pela @RedePesquisa, chamamos atenção para os problemas detectados no oferecimento de ensino remoto e nos protocolos para abertura para o ensino presencial. Chama atenção a falta de liderança e orientação do @MEC_Comunicacao 3/8
In the Solidarity Research Network on Public Policy and Society @RedePesquisa, we have just released a new policy brief on the critical situation facing children and teens in Brazil. Here are some key findings. Please read if you want to learn more. 1/15
Brazil has made considerable advances in vaccinating teens (70% with 1 dose). Nevertheless, only 8% of teens have received 2 doses, and substantial heterogeneity across Brazilian states.2/15
Children are a sizeable share of the Brazilian population. State average= 16%, but again heterogeneity matters. The Brazilian regulatory agency has not authorized (and no clinical trials being undertaken) vaccines for children 11 yrs and younger. 3/15
Neste fio, vou explicar a nota da @RedePesquisa que divulgamos hoje com preocupações sobre a proteção das crianças e dos adolescentes em momento delicado de retorno às aulas presenciais. Precisamos lembrar que a população < 18 anos representa 25% da população do 🇧🇷). 1/15
Vale lembrar que @anvisa_oficial autoriza a vacina da PfizerBioNTech (COMIRNATY) para adolescentes de 12 a 17 anos, mas no início de outubro21, somente 8 % dessa faixa etária contavam com a imunização completa (veja a figura abaixo); 70% com a imunização com uma dose. 2/15
No Brasil, não temos nenhuma vacina aprovada para a população estimada de 0 a 11 anos. Em 2020, essa faixa representava 16,6% da população do país, totalizando 35,2 milhões de brasileiros. Abaixo mostramos que em alguns estados, a proporção em alguns estados é ainda maior. 3/15
Acabamos de publicar na @RedePesquisa sobre as mídias sociais e a vacina da CoronaVac. Os dados mostram que o "Alcance e profundidade dos ataques do Presidente da República e de políticos à CoronaVac nas mídias sociais é maior do que se imaginava."
Ao longo de 2020 e 2021 o crescimento no volume de atividades no @Twitter sobre CoronaVac teve como principal objetivo o ataque à vacina. Entre 29 de setembro e 14 de novembro (semanas 39 a 46), aumenta a frequência de postagens no Twitter e os ataques à vacina.
Influenciadores nas mídias sociais, deputados estaduais e federais tiveram uma atuação importante no debate digital ao publicarem postagens questionando a eficácia da vacina CoronaVac nessas semanas: