We can assist with:
🔹A zero-carbon economy.
🔹Improving the attractiveness & biodiversity of areas alongside major transport routes.
🔹The #NationalForestWales to extend from the North of Wales to the South.
3/ 🔹A new system of farm support that'll maximise the protective power of nature through farming #HedgesAndEdges
🔹A new National Park to cover the Clwydian Range & Dee Valley.
🔹Supporting communities to create 30 new woodlands & connect habitat areas.
4/ 🔹Strengthened protection for #AncientWoodlands.
🔹Trees for sustainable drainage systems #SuDs that provide wildlife habitat.
🔹Delivering nature-based flood management #NFM in all major river catchments to expand wetland & woodland habitats.
6/ ..new increased tree cover to go hand in hand with protecting the trees we already have from a multitude of threats. We can all help @WGClimateChange to protect & restore nature & expand appropriate new tree cover. @futuregencymru
7/ To be meaningful, @WGClimateChange 'programme for Government' needs to be squared with funding & collaborative action according to the scale of the emergency. gov.wales/programme-gove…
8/ Ensure trees are protected & restored. Stop the risk of imported tree disease, source & grow trees in🏴 #NationalNatureService; involve community. This is essential if we're to tackle the nature & climate crises!
#Pontpren's delivery of integrating trees into a working farm cluster worked better for wildlife, & for water management, & freshwater quality. It also worked for livestock welfare the farm business.
It appeared to us as being a style of🏴#Agroforestry
#Agroforestry 5yrs ago wasn't readily understood. We decided to re-phrase it⤵️
#HedgesAndEdges - described what #Ponbren farm cluster had delivered.
We'd also supported #NantAlan another then 10 farm cluster working with @morris_dewi of @severnrivers 3/
This makes woodland on farms come out at 6.15% of the total area of farmed land. We'd suggest this is probably the lower end of a figure.
It's not clear to what extent the definition of woodland uses, or includes trees outside of woods. 2/
The WG woodland strategy gives almost exactly the same figure - 92,000 ha for the area of trees outside woods, which would include some trees not on farmed land, but most must be on farm land. 3/
🧵Farms aren't required to plant 10% of their land. Only to bring their existing tree & woodland cover up to 10%. On average, farms in Wales already have 6-7% tree cover.
Farms are not required to take 20% of their land out of production as tree cover and habitat. There's lots of flexibility, including counting native tree and woodland cover towards both the tree cover and habitat requirement.
1/7 Mae angen mwy o orchudd coed arnom yng Nghymru, er mwyn helpu i amsugno carbon i liniaru newid hinsawdd a creu lle i natur, ond hefyd i gefnogi economi coetiroedd e.e. twristiaeth a cynhyrchu pren i'w ddefnyddio wrth adeiladu.
2/7Dydy plannu coed ddim yn ‘esgus’ i gynhyrchu allyriadau carbon: y flaenoriaeth gyntaf i gwmnïau ydy lleihau eu hallyriadau'n sylweddol, yn enwedig y rhai sy’n dod o ddefnyddio tanwydd ffosil. Dim ond i ddileu'r allyriadau na allant eu hatal y dylid troi i plannu coed.
3/7Does dim rhaid i ni ddewis rhwng coedwigaeth a ffermio. Mae'r rhan fwyaf o dir yng Nghymru (dros 80%) yn dir fferm: os gall pob fferm yng Nghymru blannu ychydig mwy o wrychoedd a lleiniau, buasai hynny’n gyfraniad mawr at dargedi plannu.