Explore and create accessible color palettes using color wheel, in a variety of color variations and contrast levels. It will tell you automatically if two colors are not accessible
Here you can find the perfect matching color scheme for your next project! Generate nice color palettes, color gradients, and much more! Your space for everything that has to do with color
Filter through the worldβs largest marketplace for icons with flexibility and ease. Made up by submissions from top designers around the world, and curated by the team
- Website Speed Test and Website AnalysisTest, analyze and optimize your website performance
Run a Website Speed Test and get your analysis report for free
In the next 3 minutes, you will be able to tackle CORS errors much more effectively.
CORS is not rocket science.
It's the biggest pain for developers because the majority of us don't know its core concept.
Let's try to build a solid fundamental.
Stands for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing.
It is a security feature implemented by web browsers (almost all) that controls how web pages from one domain can request resources hosted on another domain.