At @BL_Digitisation we produce high quality images of the BL's collection items, as well as for external institutions and customers that entrust us with their cultural treasures to digitise #OurDigitalBL
The @britishlibrary’s collection is enormous and doesn't just include books, but lots of different items like maps, drawings, paintings & 3D objects
However, the material we digitise most often is manuscripts, which can sometimes be breathtakingly beautiful... #OurDigitalBL
I’m particularly passionate about recovering information usually left invisible by traditional #digitisation procedures & standards. We've created a new Multispectral and Special Imaging service to help bring this hidden text to life:…#OurDigitalBL
Revealed under UV light, the erased script at the bottom of f.1r proves that Harley MS 45 was owned by Elizabeth Pickering, c.1510-1562, known as the 1st English woman to print books. "Elyzabeth Pickaryng is honor of this boke”…#WomenPrinters#OurDigitalBL
Iron gall ink can be extremely dangerous to documents. Corroding and darkening paper, it makes the page very fragile and difficult to read. We use infrared photography to recover information from this kind of material. As I have with Cotton MS Vespasian C I, f.57r #OurDigitalBL
@BLMedieval Infrared photography on Hatha Yoga manuscript Add MS 24099 revealed substantial changes to the original illustrations. On f.21v the tiger rug was originally in a different position, and the tail on the left was removed in the final version:…#OurDigitalBL
I digitised a manuscript of Elgar’s 'Dream of Gerontius' on location at Birmingham Oratory. On some pages corrections to the text were glued over the original score. By back-lighting the pages I was able to reveal the hidden text beneath:…#OurDigitalBL
Outside of work I am passionate about art, music and literature. I love backpacking and have visited numerous countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America.
I have been working with @BL_MadeDigital to make more of the Library’s digitised content freely available online. I’ve also been promoting the Evanion collection via blogs and an online Exhibit.
Join me today to find out more! 👇…
My first week involved training on the digitisation workflow used in the Library. Projects go through conservation before being digitised. We then perform image quality checks, gather metadata and ingest the images for display in the @universalviewer in #IIIF.