If you are building a startup or looking to launch a project or creating content on the Internet, you should have a community and building one is not an option, it's a must!
Here are 13 tools that I think will help you start and scale a community.
What it does: Dubbed as "A modern community platform for creators", Circle gives creators the ability to create their own integrated community platform.
What it does: Orbit is like mission control for your community, unlocking new insights about who are the most active and influential members, which channels are most important, and where they can improve their community programs.
What it does: Beam provides everything a brand needs to power its online community—from management and moderation tools, to subforums, data analytics, and gamification features.
If you are struggling with being transparent on the Internet, use this 5-step framework that will help you form a habit of building in public and make it a second nature:
🌟 Promise
🌟 Tease
🌟 Deliver
🌟 Share
Let's get into it 🧵
🌟 Promise
Many founders skip this step and start right with building. It makes a hell lot of difference when you promise and deliver - you build trust and confidence with your audience.
It is scary but keeps you accountable and makes you legit in front of the world.
🌟 Build
Fundamentally a step where you need to be as transparent as possible - share prototypes, WIP screens, your ideas, brainstorm in public, and such.
Do it to establish a tight feedback loop, show you listen and involve the community directly.
I’m a big believer when it comes to building systems, and I still follow the same routines that I established after reading @JamesClear's Atomic Habits.
A thread on the routines I follow 🧵
1/ Do micro-actions with no expectations
Never underestimate the power of micro-actions. They may be small, easy to do but will have a lot of impact on your confidence. They fuel micro wins which fuel the doer mindset inside you. One condition: do them with no expectations.
2/ Show up and be consistent
You get what you want when you show up. Compound interest works like magic when you implement it. Be consistent no matter what, the results will knock your door.