Whenever I perish, make sure my obit includes the sentence “Mx. Riesman died as she lived: furious at Bari Weiss”
When I was younger and living in NYC, I’d go to any party someone invited me to. “Who knows, maybe I’ll meet the love of my life — or make a business connection!” I abolished that policy after I attended a secret-guest-list dinner that included Judith Regan and Cary Joji Fukunaga
“Hey, lay off TikTok! I use it a lot! And it’s given opportunities to lots of influencers. Banning it won’t solve anything.” I don’t care, shut up, fuck that app
mfw I read about Gnostic interpretations of scripture
Neokayfabe in wrestling (& elsewhere) is a form of gnosis. A wrestling superfan will laugh at you for merely discussing the text of what you saw on TV, the same way a gnostic will chortle at your dependence on scripture. To UNDERSTAND what you see, you must have secret knowledge
Of course, the genius of those who have mastered neokayfabe is their ability to manufacture and copyright the Secret Knowledge™️ about their product, making it a closed, top-down system, devoid of spontaneous revelation and reverent of priestly authority
Lana Del Rey cover “Trains Across the Sea” challenge 2023
{lana del rey crooning over heartbreaking strings and synths}
Half-hours on earth
What are they worth?
I don’t know
In 37 years
I’ve drunk 50,000 beers
And they just washed against me
Like the sea into a pier