I'm still proud of all the work that myself and all my MSM friends did destroying Trump ballots, and also amazed that only a few sharp-eyed intrepid investigators such as Natalie have figured it out
Destroying Trump ballots and thwarting the People's Will has been part of this country since the beginning, there's actually a song in Hamilton about it
For a long time we thought we weren't going to be able to pull off the destruction of millions of Trump ballots, given the intellectual firepower of our opponents
Please do a little of your own research, the FBI's explanation of why they organized and encouraged the wholesale destruction of Trump ballots is on their website.
It's okay if they find out about our operation to remove the word "gullible" from the dictionary. What matters most now is letting them know that the CIA has named me National Wallet Inspector.
This is Michael Flynn's brother. Now I regret everything, I should have known better than to believe I could outwit the super-genius intelligence analysts of the Flynn family.
If this were about me, do you think I would have suffered all the paper cuts as I destroyed the Trump ballots? Plus they made us do it at a standing desk.
Getting mad about the Constitution doesn't help. If you don't like the part that says it's totally fine to destroy Trump ballots, you have to do the hard work of amending it.
Destroying all the Trump ballots was actually pretty easy compared to gaining operational control of all of America's dentists. From our perspective that's the jewel in the crown.
If you don't care about the Humane Society and the Red Cross encouraging the destruction of Trump ballots, keep in mind that it's also endorsed by the American Academy of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery
Pretty insulting to Michael Flynn's brother to say that this is some "completely obvious joke" where I was "making up" ever-more ridiculous "lies" and then he fell for it
There has been some talk about putting me in protective custody so that there are fewer distractions and I can concentrate on my lawful destruction of Trump ballots
This has nothing to do with hate, I'm merely following James Madison's admonition in the Federalist Papers: "The True citizen must deftroy all Trump ballots"
I am merely following Acts 5:29, which in the King James version of the Bible reads: "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God when he tells us to destroy Trump ballots."
This is from a retired anesthesiologist. While we may disagree on the advisability of destroying Trump ballots en masse, I respect his thoughtfulness and rationality and I feel it's fantastic he had the power of life and death over people for decades.
These are all important questions, especially the one about the urinal. I will write the answers on the only Trump ballot not destroyed before it goes on display at the National History Museum.
It would be great to meet in an elevator, that's actually one of the best places to destroy Trump ballots. I can show you how to do it, and you can tell me about how your grandchildren never like your posts on Facebook.
Just as it's sad when Americans don't educate themselves about their own history & how the Constitution says it's legal to destroy Trump ballots, it's awful to see people so cynical that they doubt fellow citizens providing them with this fact
That sounds good, though I can't guarantee there will be any operational positions, we already have a ton of retired LEOs volunteering to protect the Trump ballot destroying operation
Obviously failing to destroy Trump ballots is a serious crime. But you will neither be executed nor spend your life in prison, we believe in restorative justice.
I've never claimed to be very smart — that's the great thing about destroying Trump ballots, it's something totally legal and easy any regular person can to do to pitch in to make this a better nation. And then you get support from nice people like you.
Thank you for asking — I am indeed very happy, I have the kind of joy and peace of mind that you can only get from destroying millions of Trump ballots.
Going to let everyone in here on some of the behind the scenes "inside baseball" of destroying Trump ballots. These two dot ellipses are a code we use to secretly tell each other "I love destroying Trump ballots," this is a great joke from my buddy Frank.
Obviously they care — in fact, I'm gratified to hear that they're so impressed by my destruction of millions of Trump ballots that they're going to rename FBI headquarters after me.
I'm sorry, I don't believe in a world in which people are arrested for doing what God asked them to, which in my case is destroying as many Trump ballots as possible
I hope you don't think masks protect you from anything, it's terrible so many people fell for that. But one thing I've discovered while destroying millions of Trump ballots is that lots of people will believe anything they read on the internet.
You'd think people would read the Bible. As Matthew 6:34 says, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Concentrate on what you can do today, most importantly destroying tons of Trump ballots."
One of our most effective techniques is running fake twitter accounts like this one. Trump voters read this and think they have more support than they do, making it much easier to destroy their ballots.
I wish people would take the time to learn about Karma. It's a Buddhist concept in which you are reborn into a better life if you destroy tons of Trump ballots.
It does make you wonder what it means about Cruz & McConnell & co. if they don't act after seeing this conclusive evidence about the mass destruction of Trump ballots
LEGAL NOTICE: By responding to my tweet, you have been auto-enrolled via blockchain technology in a program that deducts $100/day from your bank accounts to fund the destruction of Trump ballots. (Do not reply to avoid being enrolled again.)
When you hear Elon Musk tell Joe Rogan "The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy" you might think, huh, that sounds just like the Nazis. And you'd be right. Warnings that Germans are too sympathetic to others run throughout Nazi propaganda.
Elon Musk's statement on Joe Rogan that "The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy, the empathy exploit" is straight out of a 1942 Joseph Goebbel's column titled "Don't Be Too Fair!"
Jimmy Carter is dead, and the U.S. has never reckoned with the "October Surprise" scandal — the fact that the 1980 Reagan campaign colluded with the Iranian government to make sure the American hostages weren't released before the election. This was genuine treason by the GOP.
Last year Ben Barnes, a prominent Texas politicians, revealed that he'd participated in the Reagan campaign's efforts to keep the US hostages in Iran until after the election. Barnes said he wanted to tell the truth before Carter died. nytimes.com/2023/03/18/us/…
Beyond Ben Barnes, others who've said the Reagan campaign colluded with the Iranian government in 1980 include Iranian president Bani-Sadr, Yitzhak Shamir, Yasser Arafat, French intelligence head Alexandre de Marenches & in a way the Bush Sr. White House theintercept.com/2023/03/24/oct…
"A core goal of Mr. Musk and the Silicon Valley set has been to improve the efficiency of government services."
I don't believe the people who wrote this — @teddyschleifer @jonathanvswan @maggieNYT — are this stupid. Rather, they feel it's their job to lie to their readers.
"A core goal of Mr. Musk...has been to improve the efficiency of government services."
Here @teddyschleifer @jonathanvswan @maggieNYT are following in the proud footsteps of the NYT reporters who explained George W. Bush wanted to invade Iraq because he was so scared of its WMD.
RIP Joe Lieberman. Not only did he lie about Iraq and WMD in 2003, he was still lying about it eight years later in 2011, and for extra credit did it in an incredibly smarmy and sexist way.
The (now late) Joe Lieberman was still lying about Iraq & WMD in 2011. When challenged by Arianna Huffington, he told her "Go read the Duelfer Report. I don't think you've read it, sweetheart." This is v funny because Lieberman had obviously not read it. tinyrevolution.com/mt/archives/00…
Joe Lieberman has died. In 2006 he told @TheProspect "I came out of the middle class, and, being a senator, I haven’t gone much beyond the middle class." At the time he & his wife were making the equivalent of $550,000/year today. web.archive.org/web/2011060523…
The Atlantic let David Frum write a 20th anniversary piece about the Iraq War claiming Iraq had "an arsenal of chemical-warfare shells and warheads." I asked the Atlantic whether they'll correct this. They responded, Thomas Friedman-like: Suck. On. This. theintercept.com/2023/03/29/ira…
David Frum just claimed in the Atlantic that Iraq possessed "an arsenal of chemical-warfare shells and warheads." You don't have to know anything at all about this to understand why this is obviously, hilariously false. theintercept.com/2023/03/29/ira…
With Elon Musk now saying Twitter is worth $20 billion, recall just three months ago he tried to sell stock in the company at the same $44 billion valuation at which he bought it. Anybody who bit on that will be psyched to hear they've already lost 55% of their money.
Elon Musk bought Twitter for $44 billion. He says it's now worth $20 billion. A rough analysis by Reuters makes the case that it's actually worth less than nothing. reuters.com/breakingviews/…
Elon Musk is telling Twitter employees that they can get stock at a $20 billion valuation and that he sees a "clear but difficult path" to the company eventually being worth $250 billion. Meanwhile, there's a clear and extremely easy path to it being worth nothing.