PM, NSC, KKM, MOSTI putting all their eggs in the Vaccine Basket!
No one is doubting importance of ramping up V-rollout.
BUT it must NOT be done at the expense of FTTIS.
Protection for individual is at least 5 weeks after 1st dose.
Protection for nation earliest 4th quarter (1)
Meanwhile we must ramp-up Testing!
We must detect the infected, isolate them and stop them from becoming outbreaks or clusters
Ramp-up Testing to drop Positive Rate <5%
Conservative estimate of daily test is 1% of the unvaccinated population
We’ve vaccinated 5 Million
Test required = 1/100 X 27 Million = 270,000
Tests from 19/7-21/7 =107,495 (11.06%)
Positive rate since May 2021 >5%
We can do 350-400K vaccinations daily but not Testing. Why?
Testing tak glamor berbanding dgn Vaksin ke?…
WHO syor:
Tingkat akses ujian secara percuma
Luaskan penjujukan genom
Beri insentif kpd yg jalani kuarantin
Asing kes positif.
Kesan kontak utk putuskan rantai penularan
Beri vaksin kpd golongan risiko tinggi.
FTTIS-V adalah ABC pengurusan pandemik
Wake Up Call for PM, NSC, PPN, MOH, GKVTF, MOSTI et al
UK, Israel & Holland are well ahead of us in Vaccine Coverage
Yet are experiencing exponential spikes of Delta covid!
Stop putting all your eggs in the Vaccine Basket
Big time Vaccine push and indifference to the back to basics of Public Health (PH) is insane!
This is not a push & pull between Vaccines & FTTIS
Both are integral components of Public Health Pandemic Management…
24/7/2021 155K people tested/day (Positive Rate 10.2%)
23/7/2021 500K vaccine doses/day
This chronic marginalization of FTTIS since May 2021 has kept our Positive rate >5% ie Pandemic Out Of Control
Speed is of the essence
It took KKM 6 months before decanting non-covid & creating more covid hospitals
GKVTF had to be pushed to kickstart “CAC Maya” an idea mooted since Jan 2021
Is it any wonder we are in this terribly deadly mess?
Our rakyat are dropping dead like flies!
We need new guys at the helm of KKM, not old tired faces, short on ideas, biz as usual mindset.
They’ve failed us since Oct 2020.
The present is like a 6pm news reader churning out numbers with no serious strategy to exit the nation out of this pandemic…
I’d advocate an authentic Public Health Physician from the army to helm KKM.
Not a surgeon or obgyn etc please.
For strategic leadership, precision, coordination and regimented logistics
of our broken hospital & ICU services
Time, Tide and Delta waits for no man!
22 nations in Global BLS Movement
1️⃣ Australia 🇦🇺
2️⃣ Philippines 🇵🇭
3️⃣ Malaysia 🇲🇾
4️⃣ Indonesia 🇮🇩
5️⃣ Pakistan 🇵🇰
6️⃣ India 🇮🇳
7️⃣ Jordan 🇯🇴
8️⃣ Kenya 🇰🇪
9️⃣ South Africa 🇿🇦
🔟 Ghana 🇬🇭
Catch-up Pneumococcal Vaccination for Children born in 2018 & 2019
✅From June 2023-May 2024
✅Don’t miss this 1 shot of PCV13 vaccine
✅Walk in at Health Centers OR
✅Register on My-Sejahtera
✅Please inform all parents with kids born in 2018 & 2019 who have not received the 1 dose Pneumococcal Vaccine (PCV13) to get it ASAP at all our KKM Health Centers.
✅Protect against Pneumococcal meningitis, pneumonia, ear infections, sinusitis.
The ABC of Vaccination: 1. Coverage 2. Coverage 3. Coverage
Coverage of PCV for 2020 birth cohort from Jan-Sept 2021:
1st dose: 95%
2nd dose: 93%
Dropped during pandemic 🥵
Let’s target coverage at least >70% for herd immunity
Setakat 19 Ogos 2023 (7.5 bln) ▶️23 kematian Pertussis!
Tertinggi sejak 2011
Melebehi 22 kematian pada tahun 2018.
19/22 (86%) kematian 2018 berumur <6 bln.
Audit terperinci mesti dikongsi untuk intervensi kesihatan umum yg tepat.
Susah nak cari data KKM
Boleh share di-DOSM?
Kebanyakan kes Pertussis:
✅Terlalu muda untuk vaksin (un-vaccinated) ✅Tak cukup dos vaksin untuk umur (under-vaccinated)
Solusi untuk ⬇️ kes dan kematian Pertussis:
✅Vaksin Tdap (Tetanus-Diphteria-Pertussis) ibu hamil utk melindungi bayi
✅Vaksin 6 serangkai (termasuk Pertussis) 2,3,5,18 bulan yang pertama
✅Vaksin tambahan untuk remaja dan dewasa
Just thinking!
The issues in the MOH are
✅Chronic maybe 10-20 yrs
✅With an acute on chronic crisis
✅Due to the acts of omission or commission
✅Mainly by technocrats warming seats in Putrajaya
✅Who marginalised the best & bold brains in MOH who dared to open their mouths
✅But of course the jurassic political stewardship is like hopeless with no roadmap for the future of healthcare
✅But despite lousy political masters, I’ve served under 2 excellent DG’s who made MOH a class act
✅Undoubtedly the current YBMK can do better.
✅But if one has a mediocre set of technocrats, one is compromised in one’s health deliverables.
✅And mind you, this technocrat malaise is not just in the MOH
✅The paucity of ideas, imagination, motivations & skill sets is pervasive in the civil service-kinda open secret la!
Calibration from the perspective of Maqasid (Higher Objectives) Shari’ah:
⬆️No of lives saved: Hifz an-Nafs
▶️To live another day to repent & improve: Hifz ad-Deen
⬇️Morbidities to preserve their intellect & progeny: Hifz al-Aql & Hifz an-Nasl
⬆️Cost-savings: Hifz al-Maal
1980s- Heroin abuse considered a🇲🇾national threat
Drug rehab programs failed miserably!
Criminal & punitive centric👊
Malay IVDU▶️87% (2009)
Majority▶️20-29 yr (2009)
IVDU Quality of Life (QOL)
❌Very poor QOL
❌Frequently ill
Since 1998 I’ve cared for women & children living with HIV/AIDS in @imamalaysia Rumah Solehah
I have some insight into the problem though not as great @adeeba@ummuafeera whose passion & dedication I totally admire & respect!
✅Unfortunately, many who dabble in the PrEP issue have virtually no hands on experience in dealing with this most painful, sensitive & explosive issue.
✅They lack empathy and more crucially, they lack rahmah, compassion & love for the marginalised communities
✅They stigmatise further these vulnerable groups mainly young Muslims, instead of engaging with them to decrease their risky behavior & saving them from being infected with HIV/AIDS
✅You don’t achieve abstinence with one turn-over camp or 1-2 sessions of dr consult!