The cue that kickstarts a routine is also critical (see linked 🧵). Effective cues are:
Distinct → So they don't get mixed up with other routines
Multi-modal → They combine noise/speech with action/position
Punchy → They are quick and impactful
2/ Pre-print comparing ability grouping vs mixed-ability from @JohnPeterJerrim
→ finds no clear differences in student outcomes (but primary teachers feel slightly more able to help struggling and high-achieving students with ability grouping)
Norms are more powerful than rules. How to leverage this idea in school:
Norms are the unwritten rules that govern the behaviour and attitudes of a group (such as a society or school).
They are so powerful that they tend to override more formal rules or policies. Which is why, in schools, we ignore them at our peril.
The power of norms arises from two main mechanisms:
1/ Life is complex and uncertain.
Adopting the behaviours and attitudes of others is a quick and safe bet. This is why authors (like me) strive to get quotes on the front of our books and 5-star reviews on Amazon.