coco nut Profile picture
Aug 1, 2021 84 tweets 15 min read Read on X
#Dkfembk #fantasyau
lady of the valley izu and barbarian dragon king kat

"That's so expensive!!" Katsuki slammed her hand on the wooden table, bewildered "my citizens will starve to death"

The advisors gave her side eye, displeased with her outburst or with her to be specific
"harvest this time hasn't been good. We have no choice"

Katsuki sat back at her chair, appearing calm and rational even when her blood was raging with anger.

She knows where her advisors were coming from but no one can afford this price, aside from few noble families
Katsuki intertwined her fingers on her lap, keeping the thumbs pressed together, looking for a different path that wouldn't drove majority of commoners to death

" Why was there such a decrease in this time's harvest?"

"Lack of rain" another advisor she's yet to know the
Name of in the group of eight spoke up, not bothering to look at " due to light rain, there wasn't enough harvest to begin with. On top of it the magical beasts have been relentless. They stomped on big portion of the remaining"

Katsuki couldn't hold back her anger this time, this has to be the shitties reasons that has been ever presented in this table ever since this country was born

" This country have wasted away her sorcerers" Aizawa, the only advisor katsuki herself had assigned
Spoke out, glaring at the other six

Others took the statement with great offence. They seem to dislike Aizawa just as much they dislike katsuki

If not more.

" Half of the sorcerers died in the last war with our precious nobel king and the other half fleed the country in fear
Of Their life. But perhaps you're trying to imply something /else/ here Aizawa"

" All I'm saying is maybe the excessive taxes your /precious king/ had put on magic items or potions may have forced the sorcerers to look for living somewhere else"

Aizawa retorted, not
Willing to back off

"Enough" Katsuki placed her hands on the table of oak, asserting her authority

As much as she likes to hear how poor of a job the previous king, her late uncle, had done, katsuki needs to end this argument

That bastard had stolen
Katsuki's throne back then, turning her people against her, making them believe katsuki, a woman, can never walk the same path as that of a king and bring any prosperities to the country

That old bat took her throne, rage a war and left the country on verge of a ruin and famine
This was katsuki's chance

She has been building this country little by little ever since the war, if she can avoid the famine, she's sure to gain the favour of her people and secure her position on her own throne
She'll make people believe a king should be let rule a kingdom based on their skills and abilities, not what's between their legs

That being said, Aizawa doesn't need to waste his breath trying to reason with these old farts.

They're opinion on katsuki is set.
She'll not be accepted as king

Which is fine. Katsuki doesn't need their acceptance

When she survives this, she'll replace each and every one of them eventually.

With people who cares about the country, not their pockets

But that's a matter of different time
"Aizawa, do you have something you want to share with the rest of us?"

Aizawa didn't break his eye contact with the rest, but respected katsuki's wish

"Yes your majesty" aizawa spoke, being the first person to acknowledge katsuki
" we can still prevent the famine. In few region, the crops were effected earlier than others. The farmers redo from the start. If we can manage a sorcerer now we can still have decent harvest. For the rest we need to trade"

The advisors sitting beside katsuki started laughing
As if aizawa Just had make a joke " trade? And who's gonna trade with us?" The man kept laughing, as if he's happiness has no boundaries" have you forgotten we had just a war. The rest of the world is waiting for the aftereffects of war to kick in. So they can finally conquer the
Dragon kingdom"

/ And who's fault is that/ katsuki bit back. Such remarks will only cause more loss of time.

But a king never does anything without consulting his advisors.
Her uncle was no different
" what better plans do /you / have" to everyone's surprise the man beside aizawa protested " by his method the effects of famine will be lessened to the very least. But by increasing the price like you suggested, the food will be limited to certain amount of people. I hardly call
It a solution"

Katsuki narrowed his eyes on the person. Blonde hair with small mustache. She recognise him as a member of previous king's advisor.

The sudden remark had everyone silent, including the loud mouth moron ridiculing aizawa.

They surely didn't expect this from
Their own group.

But the feeling of victory didn't lingered in the air for long, as they stood up, ready to leave the court

"Very well. Do as you please. But don't come to us when the whole country is doomed"

Katsuki relaxed the moment they leave the room

What a headache
TBC ( I didn't expect it to be big but now I think it's turning huge)



Katsuki tugged at her red cape, cloaking herself tightly.

It's been a while since she last flew around, she seems to have forgotten how cold it tends to get

Even where she brought her deep blue jacket as precaution, it doesn't seem to be
As effective as she thought it would be

She wrapped herself around kirishima's one of many spine, for added warmth

This is the worst

To think her skills have lost their sharpness to this extent.

Bakugo pressed her lips together, in frustration. She needs to pick herself up
And she needs to do it quick


katsuki screened at the sudden Sharp pain raging in her head


If she hadn't been hugging the spine, she would have
Fallen off this stupid dragon by now

"Sorry bro" the stupid dragon of her's whined "But I've been calling for soooo long, you weren't answering"

Katsuki looked up, wanting to meet kirishima's eyes. Well she tried to. The sun at once was on her eyes, forcing her to
Look down again.

As much as she trusts kirishima's skills, she hated her own blindness to what's Infront of them

Katsuki pressed her eyes on the hard but cold spine in front of her. She had already been feeling sick from flying so high and now headache from the stupid scream
" what do ya want shitty dragon?"

"Where are we going bro? You called me so suddenly"

"To the temple"

"Which temple?"

"The high priestess one"

Kirishima abruptly halted, making katsuki jolt and meet the many hard spines nose first

She's going to kill him, she's going
To kill this dragon here, right above the ocean and nobody would know a thing

Katsuki holds her nose, which of course was bleeding " YOU BETTER FUCKING HAVE A GOOD EXPLANATION FOR THIS YOU OVERGROWN LIZARD"

Kirishima hesitated before wailing quietly "I don't wanna go
To her. She's mean. She'll turn me into a frog again!"

Katsuki gritted her teeth, too done
" How the hell did you make her that mad?"

She pinched the bridge of her nose, lulling her head forward, letting all the blood out. By the looks of it there were plenty
"I only eat one fruit, red and pretty one.And she got so mad! She said next time I show mysy she'll keep me a frog for eternity. IS YOUR NOSE OKAY?" Kirishima yelled, again, noticing katsuki's nose for the first time looking back

"Don't.SCREAM.every single plant there is a rare
One. Even a cow knows it. Now move" the pain was getting intenser with each passing second. She must have broken something.

Kirishima, however, didn't move a inch. He was glued to the spot, fapping his wings leisurely

" But I don't wanna turn into a frog. Frogs aren't manly"
" kirishima if you don't start moving right now, I swear YOU'LL WISH YOU WERE A FROG"katsuki kept her tone stern, making sure each of those word is going through that thick skull of his.

She don't have second to spare to childish excuses. A kingdom is waiting for her dammit
Kirishima, albeit slow, started moving forward.

She could feel his pout

Which she ignored. He'll forget about it like a stranger's face.

She held her face upwards, closing the eyes to shield them from sunlight. Now that kirishima was moving
She could feel the soft salty breeze on her face. It makes her broken nose itchy but soothes her headache

" Why can't any other pair go to her instead?"

Katsuki kept her eyes closed. " The old bat doesn't trust any of us since the great war. I might be the only one who
Can get one or two sorcerers from her"

"What do you need more sorcerers for?"

" We have none"

Kirishima snorted " what? Your land ran out of sorcerers. Is this a sign of calamity" he jokingly added

Katsuki didn't answer

"Wait are you serious? What happened to
Them? What are you gonna do if some land attacks? How is even your land working right now?"

So many questions

Katsuki have answer to none

Kirishima speed up, finally understanding that gravity of the situation.

"So this is what the elders were talking about"
Kirishima continued, as he got no response from katsuki " I wasn't high enough to be part of the discussion, but they said if this continues they'll leave for peace. I didn't understand it that time but I think they meant the king"

Katsuki gripped the spine, her throat
Suddenly feels too dry, too narrow

To hard to breathe

Dragons were the last blessing they have left. If they were to leave, this country is doomed.

She doesn't have the power to fend off the next attacker, whoever it may be
Katsuki narrowed her eyes, the sun no longer hurting

She was pissed off at her own helplessness.

" It won't come to that" she took a deep breath" I won't let it happen. I'll restore it to her full glory. How it used to be"

Then no one would have to leave
Katsuki may not know what her uncle had done but she refuse to watch her Land fall apart.

She'll hold it together, whatever it takes

"Yeah. I can tell you can do it. You'll finally show how worthy of a king you are"

Katsuki grunted. Well that part is obvious
" but even if something goes wrong" kirishima continued in a soft tone " I'll always be by your side, bro. I would never leave you"

A silent thank you was heavy in the air

kirishima didn't heard it

Katsuki didn't say it

But both knew it was there
" hate to break the mood but I think we're lost"

" how the fuck did we get lost?" Katsuki's voice was coated with annoyance, even when tried hard not to

It's not kirishima's fault. They were moving across blue sky, over bluer sea

Moment of distraction can get you to unknown

She herself has been keeping her
Eyes low, off the road

" I don't know, we were supposed to pass by a milestone by now"

Katsuki pulled herself off the seat with the help of the spine

She leaned right, looking down on the sea

Kirishima was right. The rocky Islands with equally rocky three pointed mountains
Were no where at the sight.

Instead there were green Island with smaller green Islands clustered around it

This was not the path they were meant to cross

Katsuki narrowed her eyes on the island, urging kirishima to fly lower, surveying for familiarise
She knows the sea around her land like the back of her palm

Islands such as these, without her noticing, shouldn't exist

" Kirishima that IS the pointed mountainous" katsuki intuited

She can't make out the pointed mountainous, no, those are no longer detestable, but
Something about the shape Of the island that gives her feeling of nostalgia

"How can you tell bro. Nothing looks similar to me"

Kirishima was right but katsuki wasn't wrong.

Nothing looks similar. But this is the island, she's sure of it
"a hunch" katsuki gripped the spine with both hands, sitting down. She didn't forget to remind herself that past her could do this standing " now dive"

"Wait- didn't you say we were tight on time"

"All the more reason to Hurry up"

Kirishima folded his wings and fell
Towards the island, trusting katsuki's judgement

This island has been center of war for centuries

It's rocky, it's dead, it's soaked with blood of thousands

For it to give life has to be a miracle

You don't let miracles go unattended
Kirishima spread his wing, piercing through the air, slowing their fall for a halt

"are you seeing this" the disbelief in his voice was louder than the howling of the winds


katsuki can see this

Katsuki can see the vast and vast field, brimming with corps
It almost Makes her feel she's dreaming

" I don't wanna step on them I'll ruin it" kirishima hovered over the green sea, searching for a place to land

But there were none. The entity itself was green. Even the mountains had strange plants over them.

"Can you jump off bro"
Katsuki made her way to the dragon's tail, reluctantly. Her eyes still feels a betrayal of reality with the scene Infront of them

Kirishima lowered his tail enough for his raider to jump off before transforming into human form, something suitable to walk these land
Katsuki squatted down to look at the green leaf hiding her Yellow seeds, yet to be golden, like a mother protecting her child

Is this for real. Not some illusion or trap by other leaders

Is this really happening

Katsuki touched the leaf, holding it between her fingertips to
Feel the rough yet Sharp texture.

The leaf danced back from kirishima's wind, pulling herself away from katsuki's grasp, leaving a gentle cut as a gift

Katsuki looked at her thumb, at the small bubble of blood forming. As if this was their way of proving their existence
She didn't realize she was smiling

This, little miracle in the middle of nowhere, could make everything, could solve half the problem she has just like that

But the little rock that went passed her Prompted her to realise

she was yet to claim it
She stood up, keeping her posture relaxed while secretly placing her hand on the handle of her weapon

She doesn't want blood on this ground

No, she'll try hardest to avoid that path but she's also prepared to do what might needed to be done

She softly warned the red head
" we come in peace" she spoke, hoping her words would be respected

But laughter filled the air in the next second

" You idiot, you couldn't even hit her from that close"
Someone or something not so far in her right, joked

What's that supposed to mean?

" Shut up I almost had her" another voice, coming from almost the same position protested

" Yeah can see that"

" You do it then if you're gonna be so cocky"
Katsuki's narrowed her eyes, anger filling her up

She was being completely ignored
She bit her lip, focusing on the pain, giving herself moments to calm down and not roar out her anger- frustration in words

Her words carries weight. One misplaced later rage war and This leafy garden dresses in red

She balled her fingers into fist. When she thought
She was calm enough, she looked for another opportunity

" I'm willing to negotiate"

'Patience' katsuki reassures herself This is one in million opportunity

'Patience or you're no different from your uncle'
"we also come in peace"someone else entered the garden

The two Infront of her had long gone silent. It seems they are not the decision makers here

Kirishima silently stood beside her, keeping an eye on the attackers on katsuki's stead,letting her speak with the voice of reason
Katsuki focused on the approaching new comer

From this position, she could only see round shaped hair, that looks a lot like grapes, unusually purple

The person had his hands up what katsuki assumes is a surrender gesture, because other than his palm nothing
Else was visible

Matter of fact, other than the palm and hair, rest of the body was hid behind the tall grass that reaches up to katsuki's waist



That explains why katsuki couldn't see those men sitting in midst of grass

That explains a lot of things actually
The person soon came to her view, proving katsuki right

This little fucker had heart in his eyes, just by coming close to katsuki

Ah yes. dwarf

Air heads, quick to anger and so so SO horny

Makes her work unnecessarily easy
" you morons, is this how you treat a lady" this new one hush- yelled in the direction of the previous two, making himself a little gentleman

"That's a lady? Doesn't look like one. Why is her hair so short?"

"And why is she so muscly"
Katsuki threw the Cape, that somehow had come to her front, to the back

And each of the three audibly gasped
"Look at the mountains on her chest- "

She blocked out this comment and the stream of crude reactions that followed suit

She wanted to roll her eyes, maybe throw this fuckers in the sea as well

"Dude you're taking the sexy way. I mean it's awesome against
Horny ones but you suck at this"

She's throwing kirishima at the sea too

"I'm fucking killing this shit"

If she could show her emotions, she would be smirking

She had hit a win

If she plays her lady card correct, she can get a trade here with minimum cost
And problem

It may not be her favourable response, nor her comfort zone

But she's / the/ bakugo katsuki

She can do anything she puts her mind into

Let it be playing the lovely lady for a while

Besides she has limited options to begin with, as a king she should adapt for
The wellbeing of her land

" I'm really sorry for the stuff boys did. It was a misunderstanding"

Surely a /misunderstanding/

"I'm mineta minoru. Please call me mineta" the grape head extended his tiny hand
"katsuki" katsuki shook it, leaving her last name behind. Them knowing she's a royalty can be problematic

She'll hide it till it's necessary

"what reason this island might have interested you, my lady"

Katsuki almost broke the character and laugh at this dude trying to
Be high and elegance

"You're not asking a lady to talk here, are you?"

Kirishima whistled in her head, laughing at her choice of words, how it doesn't /fit/ the person

Her fist sure would fit on his face sooner rather than later if he keeps this up
Katsuki wants to know more about people here first. What's she dealing with, their numbers, interests, the changes in this island

If there's one thing she had learnt on her countless hours with Aizawa, it was to be prepared

It would work on her favour sealing deal, giving her a
opportunity to present something irresistible

"My apologies. Where are my manners. Please this way" the little grape moved the grass, indicating the way he had come through

"Hold on.That naked man ain't coming with us" the attackers protested, finally standing up
Which didn't serve much purpose. they were still too short to be seen behind grass shielding them from her eyes

"I'm not naked, can't you see I'm covered in scales" kirishima exclaimed, thrusted his pelvic area forward, pointing with his fingers to emphasise on the scales
The dwarfs groaned, spat in disgust

They don't want to see naked man around them

The grape head looked at her with questioning face that said " does he need to come"

" He's with me and he's coming with me" katsuki was stern. She was /not/ leaving kirishima here on his own
The grape head stared at her, examining her stubborn face, then looked at his people, then nodded at her words "sure he can"

The attackers didn't hesitant to show how displeased they were with gestures,as they walk forward, keeping a distance

Her headache,she hasn't been given
A chance to forget about

If they are acting so spiteful even when he's mostly covered, They should have met hair for brains few months prior, when he used to walk around naked

Katsuki had deal with unwanted stare, giggles behind palm, even dual challenges from egoistic bastards
But when some grandma pulled her to side and lectured how she shouldn't showcase her man just because he was /full/ katsuki had lost it and forced that lizard to cover up

Kirishima had used scales to cover lower half for the sake of covering and arms for attack, since he's her

It had its drawbacks of course

A smaller version of his wings and tail would still be intact, giving away that he's a dragon and Katsuki's a dragon raider

It ruined the element of surprise

Even so, it was worth it, up until this moment that is
Katsuki groaned, pissed

She still decided to take the path same path as grape head, for greater good

" Don't stress it man, I don't mind" kirishima gave her a toothy grin, being cheerful for both of them

Katsuki stared at her friend but her eyes involuntarily snapped to the
Rustling she had witnessed from the corner of her eyes

There was a guy, standing, another dwarf, with a spear

He was bigger than others, boarder as well, noticeable above the grass

His white hair with white beard made him look more mature than the rest
Without exchanging anyword, he moved forward, denying katsuki

She hadn't heard him there, neither did she see

She had failed to pick any sign of his presence this whole time

This guy, could prove to be dangerous

TBC ( twt limit. Next up will finally have izuku)

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“ Stand fucking away anyway “

“ But kacchan would get splashes! The wind is too strong “

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Katsuki: it's you! Look!

Iz: THAT IS SO- kacchan, change it! PLEASE!
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