I welcome thoughtful critiques of degrowth, and I often learn from them. But this piece by Kelsey Piper is so wildly off the mark that it's hard to know where to start. Here are a few responses, in the thread below. vox.com/future-perfect…
1. Piper says degrowth is "most compelling as a personal ethos, a lens on your consumption habits". In fact degrowth literature explicitly *rejects* this approach in favour of a system-level critique. It's the economic system that's the problem.
2. Piper cites a paper saying that decoupling of GDP from emissions is happening in some rich countries. Yes, of course it is! Renewable energy! The problem is that it is not feasible to decarbonize fast enough for 1.5C if high-income nations continue to pursue growth.
3. We make this argument here, and it has been demonstrated several times in the scientific literature since. I shared this piece with Piper, but she is apparently uninterested in the empirics. tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.108…
4. Here's the problem: more growth means more energy demand, which makes it harder to decarbonize. Rich nations need to be cutting emissions by 12% per year - they are *nowhere near* that. The solution: scale down energy use so decarbonization can be accomplished faster.
5. Also, we have to keep in mind that emissions are not the only problem we face. Ecological breakdown is being driven also by resource use, which is tightly coupled to growth - and there is no evidence this relationship can be broken even with aggressive efficiency measures.
6. But here is where things get strange. Piper says that degrowth, which focuses on rich countries, would do nothing about the emissions coming from poor countries. Hello - renewable energy transition?
7. Piper seems to assume that degrowth's *only* climate proposal is to scale down production. This is false. We support the Green New Deal, and rapid renewable energy transition; but we argue that this can only succeed if rich nations abandon growthism. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
8. The road to zero emissions requires a renewable transition. But to accomplish this in the short time we have left, rich nations need to dramatically reduce energy use by scaling down unnecessary production. The policies I lay out in Less is More illustrate how we can do this.
9. Piper claims degrowth in rich nations would harm poor nations. But in fact scholars argue it would liberate the South from extractivism, and allow them to mobilize their labour and resources to meet human needs rather than to service Northern growth. sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
11. Piper says reducing excess production (e.g., planned obsolescence) and shortening the working week would cut wages. But we argue for a living wage policy and radical redistribution of income to ensure strong livelihoods for all, with higher welfare purchasing power.
12. Next, Piper says "there’s an extremely strong association between GDP growth and welfare outcomes of every kind." For evidence, she plots child mortality vs GDP per capita, *but uses a logarithmic scale* that creates the impression of a one-to-one relationship:
13. This is a favorite trick of the folks over at OWID. But it is deeply misleading. Put these charts on a normal linear axis and the reality becomes apparent: it's a saturation curve.
14. This Preston-Curve pattern has been understood for nearly half a century. Past a certain point, the relationship between GDP and social outcomes breaks down or becomes irrelevant. After that, what matters is distribution and access to public services.
15. This is what explains the fact that Spain, for instance, can so dramatically outperform the USA on social indicators, including a life expectancy that's *five years longer* with less than half of the GDP per capita.
16. Plotting GDP alongside social indicators and calling it a relationship is not science. We need to analyse the actual causal drivers of social outcomes. This yields a very different story indeed: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
17. This is not new. For thirty-five years, from Amartya Sen on, scholars have critiqued the notion that GDP has a direct causal relationship with social outcomes. Ignoring this literature is not an acceptable approach.
18. Also, I should mention that Roser's claim here that GDP is just good stuff that people need is Pollyannaish in the extreme. Sure, there's good stuff represented in GDP, but there is also a *tremendous* amount of production that is totally irrelevant to well-being.
19. Overall, in my conversation with Piper it became clear to me that she had not read the literature on degrowth and ecological economics. This is not responsible journalism. We must do better when it comes to representing science.
20. It seems that Piper decided her conclusion before she even started this piece. I understand, degrowth is a challenging idea. But at minimum the argument should be represented fairly and objectively, so that people can make up their own minds.
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Social democracy is not a viable alternative to capitalism. It is a tempting prospect, but ultimately suffers from violent contradictions that cannot be sustained.
Social democracy tries to establish a compromise between (a) capitalism, and (b) socialist demands for fair wages, good public services, and environmental protections. But the latter represents a real problem for capital. It increases input prices, and increases workers’ bargaining power, and makes capital accumulation very difficult to achieve.
One way to resolve this tension is to abandon capital accumulation and transition to a post-capitalist economy where production is democratically organized around human well-being and ecology (in other words, socialism).
But social democracy, which is ultimately committed to capitalism, takes a different approach. It resolves the tension through imperialism. Social democratic states appropriate cheap labour and nature from the global South, from an external “outside”, thus allowing them to offer good wages and public services at home while also maintaining the conditions for capital accumulation.
Even states that may seem neutral or benevolent, like some of the Scandinavian countries, benefit from a massive net-appropriation of labour and resources from the global South through dynamics of unequal exchange, which enables them to sustain the social democratic compromise.
Crucially, while this option is available to states in the imperial core, it is generally not available to states in the periphery. In the periphery, when capitalists face progressive demands from unions and environmental defenders, they don’t have the option of conceding and then relying on imperialist appropriation to maintain accumulation. There is no “outside” for them. Their only option is to crush the progressive demands. Indeed they often do this with the direct support of the core states.
This is why so many capitalist states in the South are characterized by violence and repression. It is not because they are somehow intrinsically given to violence… it is because capitalism *requires* violence. By contrast, the core states can have nice human rights at home because they externalize the violence that capitalism requires.
Social democracy offers only the illusion of a solution. An illusion for some, that is. The Congolese coltan miners and Bangladeshi sweatshop workers that supply Western multinational firms are of course under no such illusion.
The only real solution is to overcome capitalism and achieve a post-capitalist economy. It is 100% possible to have a functioning economy that ensures human well-being and ecological stability *without* needing imperialism. But it requires abandoning capital accumulation.
"The North net-appropriated 12 billion tons of embodied raw materials, 822 million hectares of embodied land, 21 exajoules of embodied energy, and 188 million person-years of embodied labour from the global South in a single year": sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
"In 2021, the economies of the global North net-appropriated 826 billion hours of embodied labour from the global South, across all skill levels and sectors. The wage value of this labour was equivalent to €16.9 trillion in Northern prices." nature.com/articles/s4146…
China is overturning mainstream development theory in astonishing ways.
China's GDP per capita is only $12,000. That's 70% less than the average in high-income countries.
And yet they have the largest high-speed rail network in the world. They've developed their own commercial aircraft. They are the world leaders in renewable energy technology and electric vehicles. They have advanced medical technology, smartphone technology, microchip production, aerospace engineering...
China has a higher life expectancy than the USA, with 80% less income.
We were told that this kind of development required very high levels of GDP/cap. But over the past 10 years China has demonstrated that it can be achieved with much more modest levels of output.
How do they do it? By using public finance and industrial policy to steer investment and production toward social objectives and national development needs. This allows them to convert aggregate production into development outcomes much more efficiently than other countries, where productive capacity is often wasted on activities that may be highly profitable to capital, or beneficial to the rich, but may not actually advance development.
Of course, China still has development gaps that need to be addressed. And we know from some other countries that higher social indicators can be achieved with China's level of GDP/cap, by focusing more on social policy. But the achievements are undeniable and development economists are taking stock.
I saw some US neoliberal commentator argue that China's industrial policy and credit guidance is a constraint on development. This is just total denialism. Whatever your ideological priors, the reality is that China's industrial policy is *extremely* effective.
But I will also say this again, which I have said several times before... while China's efficiencies in converting aggregate output into development outcomes are impressive, they still suffer substantial ecological inefficiencies. There are several countries in the global South that achieve better social indicators than China not only with similar GDP/cap (as I mentioned above) but with substantially less material and energy use per capita.
Here’s a quick roundup of highlights from research we published in 2024, on unequal exchange, ecosocialism, and post-capitalist transformation.
As always, free PDFs are available via the link at the end of the thread. 🧵
1) This is my top highlight. We found that the global North net-appropriates more than 800 billion hours of labour from the South per year. This occurs because Southern wages are 83–98% lower than Northern wages for work of equal skill in the same sector. nature.com/articles/s4146…
2) Around 80% of humanity lives in conditions of deprivation. But this scarcity is artificial. If we directed production toward meeting human needs rather than mindlessly pursuing capitalist growth, we could ensure good lives for 8.5 billion people👇 sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
People often assume that capitalist globalization is closing the wage gap between workers in the global North and global South.
But it's not happening. In fact, the North-South wage gap is *increasing*.
And this is not due to sectoral differences. It is occurring across all sectors, even as the global South's share of industrial manufacturing and high-skilled labour in the world economy has increased dramatically over this very period.
This Bloomberg report is a stark reminder: we cannot rely on capital to achieve green transition. Capital is not investing enough in green energy because it's not as profitable as fossil fuels. The solution? We need a public finance strategy and fast.
Public finance, together with a credit guidance framework. Central banks have the power to force capital to stop making climate-destroying investments and direct investment instead in necessary activities: foreignpolicy.com/2024/08/16/cli…
People assumed that renewable energy development would increase once it became cheaper than fossil fuels. But capital doesn't care about cheapness. It cares about *profits*. Capital won't invest when the outlook is like this. You need to make the necessary investments directly.
I strongly disagree with these remarks. They are empirically incorrect, but also illustrate a terrible reactionary tendency among some environmentalists that must be rejected.
The claim is that ecological collapse will undermine industrial production, so we should not pursue development to meet needs in the South.
For instance, we should not ensure refrigerators for people b/c this would inhibit their ability to migrate away from uninhabitable zones!
Going further, the OP says instead of pursuing human development, we should be preparing for a world where we have no capacity to produce things like refrigerators and phones.