Australian soap opera actress says that the “scamdemic” was single-handedly brought down by Albertan man who proved in court the virus doesn't exist.
Context: I’ve seen a lot of this today on Facebook and Instagram. Basically King contested a social distancing fine last December and tried to serve a subpoena on Alberta’s CMOH Deena Hinshaw. This paper was allegedly part of Alberta’s defense. But it doesn’t admit anything.
It seems to be a motion to quash his subpoena. It argues that Hinshaw has “no material evidence” related to King’s $1200 fine. King complained on the Stew Peters Show that opposing attorneys argued that it was irrelevant. Yeah, that’s their point—not that the virus doesn’t exist.
As far as I can tell, King lost. A week ago he told his TikTok followers the case is over. He complained that the magistrate gave bad advice. But when Alberta announced they were lifting restrictions, I guess he decided to declare victory after the fact.…
Wish I could post documents from the case, but as far as I could tell, it requires sending a lot of Canadian dollars to Canada. (I guess that's what I get for ever complaining about PACER.)
In his TikTok, King mentioned distributing them by thumb drive. Will tweet if I get any.
Thread further breaking this down, which QTs and embeds many of King's confused videos.
TLDR: No evidence "material to" and "available" for King's bonkers (quashed) subpoena does not mean the virus has never been isolated. It has been.
Context: This is either a lie, or a wild misunderstanding, so of course it's gotten almost 10,000 retweets, being amplified by the usual suspects.
At the time the test was developed, the CDC did not have quantified samples of virus (meaning: where the number of RNA copies is nailed down). But that doesn't mean they used the common cold. They tested it against synthesized RNA strands matching the sequenced virus.
"VAIDS" has been circulating for a while, be really perked up when an mRNA AIDS vaccine trial was announced. Antivaxxer theory: vaccines cause AIDS, which will be treated with new vaccines! Ka-ching!
Context: The media did cover this to say that it's wrong. Because it is. There are dozens of authorized PCR tests, and it just happens that an obsolete one was phased out.…
This meme got started in July, but I've seen a lot recently as the imaginary end date for PCR tests approaches. I predict I'll see more next year when folks claim that PCR is illegal or something. Misinformation is immortal.
Context: This is an incredibly disingenuous plot that conceals an absurdly broad age range (10-59!) to falsely suggest vaccinations increase death. What's going on is >85% of people in their 50s are vaccinated (incl. 94% high risk) and 0% under 12 are.…
Older people just die more of heart disease and other conditions in general. When one group is mostly under 25 and another group is mostly over 40, the second group will have more deaths.