Do you mean the feminists who bragged that they succeeded in making men's innocence almost impossible to demonstrate (…, p.66)?
@MichaelGLFlood That paper that @MichaelGLFlood cites is "Sexual Violence in the ‘Manosphere’: Antifeminist Men’s Rights Discourses on Rape" by Lise Gotell and Emily Dutton and published in 2016 in the _International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy_ (…).
@MichaelGLFlood "In this paper, [the authors] explore the role that antifeminist men’s rights activism (MRA[]) is playing in a contemporary backlash to feminist anti‐rape activism" (…, p. 66).
@MichaelGLFlood "While these highly misogynist discourses are challenging … feminist research, [the authors] contend that it is important to engage as there is a real danger that MRA claims could come to define the popular conversation about sexual violence" (…, p. 66).
@MichaelGLFlood The authors "did not come to this research through scholarly interest. Instead, when MRAs sought to undermine a local anti‐sexual violence campaign, this project found" the authors (…, p. 66).
@MichaelGLFlood "Edmonton has been home to an award‐winning campaign against sexual assault, ‘Don’t be THAT Guy’[, that] … used social marketing directed at men as a tool of sexual violence prevention" (…, p. 66).
@MichaelGLFlood "In July 2013, Men’s Rights Edmonton (MRE)… created a copycat poster that distorted one of… [the] original ads[ e]ntitled ‘Don’t be THAT Girl’" (…, p. 66).
@MichaelGLFlood "Largely as a result of feminist law reform and litigation, Canada has… an affirmative consent standard…. [with] no implied consent…; silence and ambiguity cannot… indicat[e] agreement to engage in sex; and consent must be active throughout…" (…, p.66).
@MichaelGLFlood Let's look at the Canadian affirmative consent standard more closely. Since the law was the result of feminist advocacy and Dr. @MichaelGLFlood wrote that "[m]en’s rights advocates … portray men as the victims of … feminism" (
@MichaelGLFlood "Canada has moved towards an affirmative consent standard…. There is no implied consent in Canadian law; silence and ambiguity cannot be taken as indicating agreement to engage in sex; and consent must be active throughout a sexual encounter" (…, p.66).
@MichaelGLFlood Canadian Criminal Code § 273.2(b): "the accused believed that the complainant consented to the activity…, where … the accused did not take reasonable steps, in the circumstances known to the accused at the time, to ascertain that the complainant was consenting."
@MichaelGLFlood Canadian Criminal Code § 273.2(c): "the accused believed that the complainant consented to the activity…, where … there is no evidence that the complainant’s voluntary agreement to the activity was affirmatively expressed by words or actively expressed by conduct."
@MichaelGLFlood Canadian Criminal Code § 276(2): "…evidence shall not be adduced by or on behalf of the accused that the complainant has engaged in sexual activity other than the sexual activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge…."
@MichaelGLFlood Canadian Criminal Code § 276(4): "[f]or the purpose of this section, sexual activity includes any communication made for a sexual purpose or whose content is of a sexual nature." (Note that "sexual activity" was in italics and bold in the original code.)
@MichaelGLFlood The relevant part of Canada's Criminal Code can be found here:
@MichaelGLFlood If you record consent to sex, each consent recording constitutes a separate sex act different from the sex act that is charged as sexual assault (read: rape).
Thus, each such consent recording requires special permission to be admitted (making innocence harder to prove).
@MichaelGLFlood When one needs to prove that one sought and got affirmative consent by law in order to show that the sex one engaged in wasn't rape, but the evidence of that consent can also be excluded as a matter of law, the possibility of any false accusations should concern everyone.
@MichaelGLFlood In such a legal climate where one might reasonably fear that one would be legally forbidden from demonstrating one's innocence, it's entirely reasonable to campaign for women to not falsely accuse men of rape (even if such false accusations were rare since there isn't a remedy).
@MichaelGLFlood In presenting the article by Lise Gotell and Emily Dutton to support his contentions about "[m]en’s rights advocates," @MichaelGLFlood presents the idea that campaigning against false rape allegations is acting "against efforts to stop sexual violence," which is nonsensical.
@MichaelGLFlood Moreover, in presenting the article by Lise Gotell and Emily Dutton to support his contentions about "[m]en’s rights advocates," @MichaelGLFlood presents the idea that campaigning against false rape allegations is an example of "pervasive sexism and women-hating" which is absurd.
@MichaelGLFlood This is made worse by the Canadian context where proving one's innocence is not reasonably possible.
So feminists who brag that they succeeded in making men's innocence almost impossible to prove is NOT evidence of "men as the victims of … feminism," Dr. @MichaelGLFlood?
@MichaelGLFlood Is fighting against false allegations in a legal jurisdiction that nearly prohibits the use of evidence of innocence wrong, Dr. @MichaelGLFlood?
The article you cite supporting your contention that MRAs are acting against the interests of rape accusers suggests it is wrong.
@MichaelGLFlood Well, Dr. @MichaelGLFlood, you have gone so far as to call fighting against false allegations in a legal jurisdiction that nearly prohibits the use of evidence of innocence evidence of "pervasive sexism and women-hating" (
@MichaelGLFlood In such a context, how would anyone NOT conclude that you, Dr. @MichaelGLFlood, are in favor of punishing the innocent accused when you posted that MRAs are acting against rape accusers and support it with an article arguing that fighting false accusations is wrong.
@AnEriksenWife Broadly speaking, strategy is the overall game plan and tactics are the methods employed to achieve the overall strategy. Generals make strategies; captains, lieutenants, and the like employ tactics. There is a slight overlap between the terms and who uses them.
@AnEriksenWife Both strategies and tactics are goal-oriented planning; the difference (to the degree there’s one) is that strategy is more abstract and tactics are more concrete and grounded. For example, Sun Tzu’s Art of War (孫子兵法) is a book of (general) strategies, not (specific) tactics.
@AnEriksenWife Chess is considered a strategy game because you are moving big pieces (or units) across a battlefield and the particular tactics employed by the units are not supposed to matter or change the outcome (which is a vast over simplification of real battles).
I think for mundane everyday evil, this is a perfect definition and distinction of good and evil. The spectacularly evil doesn’t fit this definition precisely as it originates from a desire to do real lasting good, and it is that desire to do good that creates the greatest evil.
“What came to mind was sort of terrifying…. ‘Only I can stop this; only I know how to save the people.’ Frankly, it’s paradoxical. What turned Rudolph [von Goldenbaum] into a cruel dictator was his sense of duty and responsibility towards all of humanity.”
—Yang Wen-Li
The above quote of Yang Wen-Li is from _Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These_, Episode 24: “My Friend,” 06:34–06:44.
If you have not seen the original or the remake (labeled “Die Neue These”), they are well worth your time.
@Mephitus_Skunk @TheRabbitHole84 The regressive solution seems to be the only solution.
@Mephitus_Skunk @TheRabbitHole84 The simple solution to the fertility crisis is to decrease female education which increases fertility as “[a] negative correlation is most clearly seen between different levels of female education and the total fertility rate … in a population” ()…
@Mephitus_Skunk @TheRabbitHole84 Likewise, “[w]omen’s wage employment is negatively correlated with total fertility rates” ().
Decrease women’s employment outside of the agricultural sector and thereby increase the total fertility of a…
There is a faction in both parties that want to get rid of disability benefits for disabled citizens, disabled workers, and disabled veterans in order to teach young men the value of being responsible; women aren’t responsible.
Veterans are irresponsible moochers to these folks.
“One great, and valid, complaint about Social Security is that it is paternalistic: … it commits the twin transgressions of forcing some people to support others and making the beneficiaries the servile dependents of the state” ()…
“[I]n providing old-age, survivors, and disability benefits, it usurps the individual’s responsibility to make prudent provision for his old age or disability and for the well-being of dependent family members who would suffer financially if he died” ()…
@Fat_Electrician @TheEconomist There is a faction in both parties that want to get rid of disability benefits for disabled citizens, disabled workers, and disabled veterans in order to teach young men the value of being responsible; women aren’t responsible.
Veterans are irresponsible moochers to these folks.
@Fat_Electrician @TheEconomist “One great, and valid, complaint about Social Security is that it is paternalistic: … it commits the twin transgressions of forcing some people to support others and making the beneficiaries the servile dependents of the state” ()…
@Fat_Electrician @TheEconomist “[I]n providing old-age, survivors, and disability benefits, it usurps the individual’s responsibility to make prudent provision for his old age or disability and for the well-being of dependent family members who would suffer financially if he died” ()…
@KateRos78419369 @HoneyBadgerBite The Department of Labor gets similar numbers in their surveys.
In both surveys, when considering both paid work and unpaid domestic labor for the household, men (generally) work more hours than women consistently (whether or not there are children in the picture).
@KateRos78419369 @HoneyBadgerBite If you add up both the unpaid labor and paid labor, on average, men work more total time than women creating a #GenderedLaborGap pursuant to (as an example) the @BLS_gov's 2017 American Time Use Survey (…) and @pewresearch's data (…).
@KateRos78419369 @HoneyBadgerBite @BLS_gov @pewresearch American Time Use Survey (with 2017 as an example) shows that women on average are not spending enough more time with their kids, doing chores, or anything else to explain women's lack of time working. On average, men just work more in America (considering both paid and unpaid).