Songpinganq Profile picture
Aug 22, 2021 157 tweets 46 min read Read on X
This is Chinese qr code vaccine passport system. It includes your name photo age family members address employer, whether you vaccinated or not, when you do covid test, where and when have you real time. Digital vaccine passport is far more dangerous than paper one Image
This is how it works and it makes life like hell for less fortunate less wealth people in china last two years
Without scanning qr code vaccine passport,you can't pass the covid checkpoint to go anywhere in china now
Without qr code vaccine passport,you may be sent to covid quarantine camp in china
Without a smart phone to scan qr code vaccine passport,this Chinese grandpa can't take bus. Maybe police had already send him to covid quarantine camp
Without qr code vaccine passport,you can't pass the covid checkpoint to go anywhere in china now
Without qr code vaccine passport,are you sure want to break through the covid checkpoint? Beat you to death in china!
Without qr code vaccine passport,are you sure want to break through the covid checkpoint? Handcuffed you to your motorbike in rural china
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will shut you down at your apartment in some areas
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will shut you down at your apartment in some areas
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will force you do covid test everyday and get jabbed vaccine
Take a look inside one cell of covid quarantine camp,it will cost you 770 dollars for 21 days
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will force you do covid test everyday and get jabbed vaccine
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will force you do covid test everyday and get jabbed vaccine
Without qr code vaccine passport,you can't pass the covid checkpoint to go anywhere in china now
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government may transport thousands people of entire apartment complex to covid quarantine camp!
Chaos of forcing this mother get into buses which are carrying thousands people of entire apartment complex to covid quarantine camp!
Without qr code vaccine passport,these people got kicked out hotel last year. They had to sleep outside in the winter. Qr code vaccine passport had created two tier society in china
Trying to fake a qr code vaccine passport,it is hard on digital world. Even if you are succeed such as the covid checkpoint guard didn't check your digital photo carefully,it still can trace you easily. This woman who are being transporting to court is a example.
Without qr code vaccine passport,life is hell in china!
At china- Myanmar border,everyday thousands of people are trying to escape from china to Myanmar!
To stop Chinese people escape to Myanmar or Vietnam,xi jinping are building thousands miles of barbed wire border wall! This is wall- Myanmar border.
Without qr code vaccine passport, life is hell in china! Everyone less fortunate less wealth wants to escape!
To stop Chinese people escape to Myanmar or Vietnam, xi jinping are building thousands miles of barbed wire border wall!
This is China- Myanmar border.
Sorry it's China- Myanmar border
Without qr code vaccine passport,life is hell in china. Everyone less fortunate less wealth wants to escape!
To stop Chinese people escape to Myanmar or Vietnam,xi jinping are building thousands miles of barbed wire wall!
This is China- Myanmar border.
Without qr code vaccine passport,life is hell in china. Everyone less fortunate less wealth people wants to escape!
To stop Chinese people escape to Myanmar or Vietnam, xi jinping are building thousands miles of barbed wire border wall!
This is china- Vietnam border.
Without qr code vaccine passport,you may starve to death in china
Without qr code vaccine passport,your neighborhood may catch you and send you to covid quarantine camp in china!
Qr code vaccine passport is very similar with Chinese government another society project- social credit score system
Chinese social credit score system Image
In china,every corner has a covid checkpoint to check your temperature,your covid test result within 48 hours,your vaccine status...
If you have a qr code vaccine passport,you get in. If not,bus nearby will carry you to vaccine point to get jabbed immediately
Without qr code vaccine passport in china, there are serious consequences.
You can't go anywhere to shopping,work,exercise...basically you are trapped in your home.
This girl from northeast china couldn't bearable lockdown and hungry,she commited suicide.
I am at risk of being caught by Chinese government to warn you: qr code vaccine passport is far different from paper one. It's more dangerous.
Qr code vaccine passport and AI, big data are making ordinary Chinese people more miserably, insufferable!
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will force you get jabbed vaccine
Without qr code vaccine passport,Chinese Government will break through your home and get you jabbed vaccine!
Without qr code vaccine passport, Chinese government will break through your home and get you jabbed vaccine!
12th February 2020. Beijing.
To get into Beijing,you must scan your qr code vaccine passport!
In china once an area is in lockdown, the drones will patrol the sky of the area. If drones find out you are wondering around, either government shut you down at your home or you will be sent to covid quarantine camp!
Compulsory vaccination of disabled people at the roadside in china!
24th August 2021.
Without qr code vaccine passport,life is hell in china!
Everyone less fortunate less wealth wants to escape From china!
To stop Chinese people escape to laos,xi jinping are building thousands miles of barbed wire wall!
This is china-laos border.
Without qr code vaccine passport,life is hell in china!
Everyone less fortunate less wealth wants to escape from china!
To stop Chinese people escape to Vietnam,xi jinping are building thousands miles of barbed wire wall and iron fence.
This is china-vietnam border.
Meet Chinese border patrolman who is in Yunnan province.
They are usually patrolling at night especially midnight, Because there are covid checkpoints everywhere at the day,so no one wants to illegally cross the border at the day.
He personally captured more than sixty people.
The covid robot o-r3
Wuhan August 2021
This is a covid test robot mounting on the van.
China train station.
This robot can sanitizing.
It has facial recognition camera.
It can measure your temperature.
Once it detects your temperature is unusually high,it will send a signal to police. Then polices and nurses will come to you do a covid test
The facial recognition helmets police have been wearing about china have been converted into fever finders. Nothing instills public trust during an outbreak quite like robocop-style gear to target the covid sick. Also generally these thermal cameras aren't super effective.
Chinese police can facial recognition you to national wide criminal big data center to catch criminals and dissidents...
Qr code vaccine passport gives a perfect tool to expansion and improve the national wide criminal big data center
Chinese police can facial recognition you at any place at anytime.
25th August 2021. Jinan city shandong province china
This is how facial recognition helmets and 5g supposed to work.
This is Chinese government smart city plan.

Qr code vaccine passport is a highway to total surveillance of xi jinping's china…
This is one article talk about this
This Australian are complaining life in covid quarantine camp.
He didn't know he lived in luxury compared Chinese.
At least he had enough space and fresh air and sunshine
Check this northern Chinese covid quarantine camp
It doesn't give you enough space and sunshine. And it doesn't air-conditioned. That is why you see some Chinese covid-inmates are half naked. If you have been into shipping container under the sun before, you know what i mean.
Without qr code vaccine passport,you can't go anywhere include schools,hospitals, can't work anymore in china.
Everyone less fortunate less wealth wants to escape from china.
To stop this,xi jinping is building thousands miles of barbed wire fence wall.
July 10th 2021. China- Vietnam border Yunnan province.
These people who didn't have qr code vaccine passports got caught when they tried to escape from china to Vietnam.
They mostly would be sent to covid quarantine camps do covid test,get jabbed vaccine and get a jails sentence
July 9th 2021. China- Myanmar border Xishuangbanna Yunnan province.
These people who didn't have qr code vaccine passports got caught when they tried to escape from china to Myanmar
Chinese government were public shaming parade them.
These people also would be sent to covid camp
September 11th 2021. xianyou city fujian province.
Chinese covid-inmates are transporting to detention house or covid quarantine camps.
February 5th 2020.
Before Chinese qr code vaccine passport was born which was February 11th 2020, you would be chained and public shaming parade if you were caught not wearing mask...
Before Chinese qr code vaccine passport was national wide operation,Chinese government would chained you and public shaming parade you if caught you didn't wear mask.
February 15th 2020 china
Before Chinese qr code vaccine passport was national wide operation,Chinese government would tie you to a tree and force you wear a bra (in this case they couldn't find mask which was lack of supply at this time) if they caught you didn't wear a mask
China - Vietnam border.
Official covid sign:
This barbed wire fence wall has facial recognition cameras and the shock sensors, AI system. Once People who have criminal record or dissdents are near it,it will give out the alarm horn.
It will connect to high voltage electricity.
It also has skynet cameras every a few hundred meters apart to monitor the surround every angle of 360 degrees.
September 14th 2021.
Putian city fujian province epicenter of this new covid outbreak.
This 4 years kid was sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
Heart broken!
Kindergarten kids are waiting in line to do covid test.
Once one kid tested positive, He would be sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
September 14th 2021.
Putian city fujian province new epicenter of covid outbreak.
September 14th 2021 night.
Putian city the new epicenter of covid outbreak in china.
The Kindergarten and primary school kids here were not allowed to go back home. They were all sleep at school. ImageImage
Every child has a qr code on him to identify him or her and register for national wide covid big data center after done covid test.
September 15th 2021.
putian city fujian province china. ImageImage
Sorry It's fuzhou city. But all cities under fujian province are same now!
I feel helpless and angry now again!
Remember If one child test positive,he or she will be sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship in china now!
Once a child is test positive,he or she will be sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
It's this child's last glance at his mother!
This 2 years old child is being sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
It's his or her last glance at parents! Image
This 4 years old child is being sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
Kindergarten children are being test covid now!
Once a child is tested positive, he or she will be sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
Living conditions at Chinese covid quarantine camp
This 2 years old child is being sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
It's his or her last glance at parents!
Living conditions at Chinese covid quarantine camp
More pictures of Chinese children are being sent to covid quarantine camps alone without parents's guardianship! ImageImageImageImage
Every child has a qr code on him to identify him or her later register for national wide covid big data center after done covid test.
Once a child is tested positive,he or she will be sent to covid quarantine camp alone without parents's guardianship.
September fujian province.
Without qr code vaccine passports,Chinese government easily knows you didn't get jabbed vaccine.
They will force you get jabbed...
This child have done covid test many times last few days. And he is afraid of it now.
He begged'' nurse! Nurse! Please let me go! I can not bearable doing covid test anymore!''
This is this baby's sixth covid swab test and he or she accidentally swallowed cotton balls...
September 18th 2021. xianyou city fujian province china
Fuqing city have built a new wall at border encircle putian city which is the new epicenter of covid to stop putian people escape to fuqing city.
Both cities are in fujian province.
September 18th 2021.
Uk's qr code vaccine passport!
Is it quite similar to chinese qr code vaccine passport?
I don't know how much your personal information it required. But i have seen a British online post says'' it share your facial recognition information with police''... Image
There it is
Uk's nhs app share your facial recognition information with police...
Italian own covid quarantine camps were being building!
Chinese social credit score system and how government use it on dissidents
My old videos
Over 20 000 people of 12 villages were being taken to covid quarantine camps by bus!
January 12th 2021
Shijiazhuang city hebei province china.
My old video
After found a covid positive case,the people of this whole apartment building were taken to covid quarantine camp!
January 5th 2021.
Dalian city jinzhou district liaoning province china.
My old video
After tested positive, he and the people of his apartment building and all contacted with him were being sent to covid quarantine camp.
June 13th 2020
Beijing city fengtai district china
My old video
This grandma couldn't buying groceries and go to hospital in China's first national wide lockdown
She wanted to commit suicide.
Fortunately she was saved.
February 17th 2020
chongqing city china
This grandpa couldn't bearable Chinese first national wide covid lockdown.
He couldn't see his grandchildren anymore!
He committed suicide!
February 21th 2020.
chongqing city china
This small business owner committed suicide after her business went broken!
Without qr code vaccine passport,people couldn't work,move freely...small business went bankruptcy!
Her last words'' l am sorry! i owe So much money to all people i know! I have no money left!''...
This happened at June 28th 2021 nantong city china.
An example: after security guards found a woman's qr code vaccine passport turned to red which means she contacted with someone who tested positive last 14 days,this supermarket was in lockdown immediately!
All people trapped must do covid test
Negative you leave if not stay!
This black humour comedy tells us:
What is most terrified thing when you get out of your home? It's you contact with someone whose qr code vaccine passport turned to red which means either he or she tested positive or contacted with someone's qr code vaccine passport also is red
People were rushed to exit to escape from potential lockdown or being sent to covid quarantine camp!
May 30th 2021 guangzhou city china
My old video
In ten days there were two people committed suicide at this community.
One was jumped building, the other was hanging himself to exercise equipment.
January 22th china
This factory owner committed suicide after foreigners cancelled the order.
March 28th 2020 china
This girl couldn't go back home in china because Chinese strictly's policy of strictly controlling Chinese people entry the border of china.
She committed suicide in Philippines after got stuck in this country about two months!
She was a tourist of Chinese new Year.
Harbin city northeast china
Now you need not only to scan your qr code vaccine passport,but also you must pass through the disinfection tunnel to get back your home in this city!
September 22th 2021 china
chongqing city's disinfection tunnel!
These people are waiting in line to do covid test now after new covid cases found in this city
Basically the disinfection tunnels and covid test points are using similar tents in harbin city.
In china vaccine mandates is beyond discussion.
Party officials, community leaders, polices all will show at your room to force you get jabbed even if you are intellectual disabled.
The man being held is an example!
Sorry for my broken English. ImageImageImage
Sorry i found a spelling mistake.
It should be Chinese government's strictly policy
Harbin city 10pm now
Everybody is waiting in line to do covid test and it's raining. Temperature is 10'c
Today all residents's qr code vaccine passports are disqualified immediately. City is in lockdown.
It means even if you successful escaped,you can't find hotel,restaurant...
Harbin 11pm
It's raining very heavily now!
What i mean '' qr code vaccine passports are disqualified'' is '' qr code vaccine passports have three colors. Green means you can move freely, yellow means you can't get into supermarkets, means you must quarantined
All residents of harbin city qr code vaccine passports's color turned yellow today! You must do covid test everyday from now on. If result is negative,you get your green pass back...
Under Xi jinping's brainwashing,increasingly Chinese nationalists are attacking those who don't agree Xi jinping's policy.
I am not only at risk of being caught by authority,but also attacked by nationalists.
I love my country! But l hope China become more free,democratic,justice
Chinese government propaganda
This is how government catch people who want to illegally cross Chinese border!
In china you can't work anymore without green qr code vaccine passport. Even prostitutes must have green pass...
Sorry l Don't mean disrespect these sex workers. Just speaking the truth...
It is not about virus. It is about control from beginning!
Family members whose qr code vaccine passport was red were quarantined,whose qr code vaccine passport was green let free to go! Despite they were contacted with each other!
It's formalism,bureaucracy!
March 24th 2020.
scientifically speaking,only covid PCR test will tell us who have virus or not...
People were waiting in line to scan qr code vaccine passport to take the bus!
This is how you take public transportation in china now!
March 27th 2020 china
This grandma didn't have a smart phone to scan qr code vaccine passport.
The bus driver didn't let her take the bus.
So she was protesting.
March 30th 2020
And bus driver couldn't do anything about it, because government had installed many cameras on bus to monitor people's every move including bus driver
After one passenger scanning his or her passport and it turned to red, polices and health officials had arrived. The bus was in lockdown immediately and would be disinfected. People were forbidden to get near it. All passengers and bus driver would be sent to quarantine camp!
August 4th 2021.
Xi'an city shanxi province china
Sorry It's August 5th
What makes things worse is most Chinese don't use cash anymore
Qr code payment or facial recognition payment make government control you much much easier
Imagine someone pushes a button, you qr code vaccine passport is disqualified and your bank account is frozen,what can you do?
When people heard about one customer's qr code vaccine passport turned to red,they rushed to exit to escape from lockdown and later covid test before security guard locked this shopping mall up...
August 10th 2021 Beijing China
Millions of people continued waiting in line to do covid test at third day after found a covid case in the city.
In other cities people need to do covid test 56 times to lift lockdown.
September 23th 2021 harbin city china

Chinese social credit score warning on Chinese high speed train.
It was recorded by this british man james o'malley.
Hope you can all check his original Twitter.
Hope you can Google translate it.
If you don't do mandatory covid test, government will lower your social credit score and you will face lengthy prison time too!
August 13th 2021
Yangzhou city police department jiangsu province china Image
This man was caught which he had have a cigarette at his seat.
This train conductor asked him to sign a paper of social credit score.
He can not take high speed train anymore in rest of his life!
Chinese central bank official
In the near future when mother-in-law meet her son-in-law first time, she will ask his personal social credit score!
This Chinese man's english is better than me.
It's his thread about social credit score
People were waiting in line to install suzhou city's local social credit score app and check their scores Image
This is suzhou city's social credit score app ImageImage
These people's ID NO.,names,their criminal behaves,and which police department arrested them all can search on Chinese government online social credit score platform Image
WeChat forum
School note: if only one parent's social credit score is too low, their child can't get in this school! Image
A lot of people are against this.
They refer this to ''Identity History Summary Checks'' of Nanjing city people under Japanese occupation in ww2... Secretly!
This video was about Chinese people get their ''Identity History Summary Checks'' under Japanese occupation in 1938
This is Chinese people under Japanese occupation's version'' papers please!''
If your social credit score is too low, Chinese government will public shaming you on every public billboard or tv include bus,shopping mall,government building...
Your name,ID NO.,address,picture,offence court decision... will be published!
Kunshan city 2017/5/28 Image
If your social credit score is too low,Chinese government will public shaming you on bulletin boards which will be displayed everywhere!
It includes your name,ID NO.,address,photo,offence court decision...!
Fei country shandong province 2018/12/17 Image
Sorry for a spelling mistake. It should be '' fei county''
If your social credit score is too low,Chinese government will public shaming you on subway billboards too.
It includes your name,ID NO.,address,photo,offence court decision...!
Dalian city liaoning province 2018/5/13 Image
If your social credit score is too low,Chinese government will public shaming and man-hunt you through the texts of wireless carriers!
It includes your name,address,your offence case of the judge and his or her contact No.!
2021/8/18 china Image
These people can't take all kinds of trains in their rest of life anymore! Because they are on Chinese government social credit score system's '' blacklist''. Image
Within a week Chinese government found this former billionaire who was hidden in a small mountain's village which is located in hunan province.
He is on Chinese government social credit score system's blacklist.
Because he owed 1.7 billion yuan from banks and his ex-girlfriend. Image
This baby was on chinese social credit score system's '' blacklist'' too along with his or her parents
When he or she grew up to go to school, this record will follow his or her whole life!
Because this family was caught by the facial recognition cameras when they were jaywalking Image
There is no privacy at all in china!
This businessman's name,ID NO.,his company name and address,offence court decision...all were published on Internet for public shaming and man-hunt!
He can't take train, plane...he can't get loans anymore!
His kids can't get in good schools! Image
There is wechat map of Chinese government's social credit score system's '' blacklist'' too.
If one person in that blacklist is within 500 meters radius from you, your phone will sent a red alert vibration immediately! ImageImageImage
Do you think the blacklist map idea is great or not?
Please leave a comment below.
Before you watch the movie''the avengers'' at the cinema, you watch Chinese government's '' blacklist''of your local city first! Image
This is the wechat map- ABC NEWS called it'' deadbeat debtors'' within a 500 meters radius, So that people can report those who seem capable of paying their debts.
But in reality a lot of dissidents who are against government are also in this map! They don't owe anyone's money!
Tibet airport
Chinese social credit score system's blacklist
2019/9/13 Image
Facial recognition big screen detects your face and displays flight info.
You don't give consent for this,you're automatically enrolled!
If you are in Chinese government social credit score system's blacklist,you can't buy tickets at airline app. Even if you succed,see above...
You are broking the law!
And we are watching you!
Your name ,ID NO., employer,your jaywalking crime time must come to xxx police station at xxx time to get investigated!
All are displaying on this big screen! Image
Jinan city shandong province
Without green pass you can't work in china anymore!
Even prostitutes must have one!
Sorry no offense to these sex workers.
I just speak the harsh reality in china now!
What is your opinion about the green pass?
Please leave a comment below!
Harbin city (near Russia)
Health officials clicked a button on a computer,every residents's qr code vaccine passports was switched to yellow!
Buses all had stopped!
Everyone must do home quarantine and mandatory covid test day after day until the lockdown is lifted!
Dalian city zhuanghe district liaoning province
Just one covid case
All residents's qr code vaccine passports are switched to yellow.
You must do mandatory covid tests day after day many times until the lockdown is lifted!
Wuxi city jiangsu province
Wanted notice:
One man scanned his qr code vaccine passport,it came back red.
Then this man escaped.
He should be quarantined.
There are all his personal information.
Man-hunting begins...
7/28/2021 Image
dalian city zhuanghe district
Chinese government is using buses block roads.
All traffic lights are red now!
This area is in lockdown!
Health officials are doing mandatory covid test from house to house!
11/5/2021 ImageImage

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Nov 3, 2023
China's WeChat app tells users whether they are within a 500-meter radius of someone, who have the lowest social credit scores and are on the social credit blacklist.

It maps ppl near you with their social credit score, so you move away from undesirables & not lose your points.
It's called a "map of deadbeat debtors." 

It shows people if they're standing near someone in debt (to Chinese government, so they are blacklisted) — a part of its intrusive 'social credit' policy.
If you are on social credit blacklist, you become a ghost, a 'unperson' like in '1984', people are trying to get away from you like you have infectious disease.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 30, 2023
Now, a minimum social credit score of 550 is required to charge your electric car and buy food from self-service grocery stores & vending machines in China.

If your score is below 550, you can't eat or travel. Chinese people are prisoners living in open air digital prison!
China names and shames citizens with the lowest Social Credit Scores, by displaying their faces, IDs, addresses...on billboards in LED trucks, driving around the town for all to see.

This also alerts who you may want to 'stay away' from, lest your social credit score goes down!!
China is integrating Central Bank Digital Currency into its Social Credit System.

To make payment with your face, you'll now need a minimum Social Credit Score of 650.

The face payment is powered by Alipay or WeChat, two Chinese digital wallet apps.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 19, 2023
A look inside China's social credit system.

Now, a minimum social credit score of 550 is required to buy food from unmanned grocery stores.
China is integrating Central Bank Digital Currency into its Social Credit System.

To charge your electric car, you'll now need a minimum Social Credit Score of 550. These charger stations run on Alipay, a Chinese digital wallet.
To charge your electric car, you'll now need a minimum Social Credit Score of 550. Image
Read 4 tweets
Oct 12, 2023
Once you are blacklisted by social credit system, you can no longer do online shopping in China. Because all online shopping sites require real name to login in, and you need to make payments with digital wallets Alipay and WeChat.
China's Social Credit Scoring System

If your social credit score gets so low that you get 𝘽𝙡𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙 by Chinese government, your children can be barred from attending high school.
#China publicly humiliates citizens with a 'D' Social Credit Rating by displaying their faces, IDs, and addresses...on billboards in LED trucks travelling around town for all to see.

Notifies you to individuals you should 'avoid' in order to keep your social credit score intact!
Read 4 tweets
Feb 22, 2023
China's surveillance state starts from digital ID

Thread 1/
Citizens must apply for a ID card, which contains information: name, gender, nationality, date of birth, address, ID number, and biometric information, such as photos, facial features, palm features, fingerprints, DNA.

In China, facial recognition (digital ID) is mandatory to get into airport and board your plane now.

This was in 2019 Beijing airport

In China, facial recognition (digital ID) is mandatory to get into the train station and take your train now.

This was in 2018 Shanghai train station.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 16, 2023
When cash goes digital, bringing the risks of exclusion, discrimination, and surveillance...Chinese government think facial recognition gives them new instrument that will perfect their rule.

Meet China's Grab and Go grocery store and their numbers are growing fast
American Grab and Go grocery store.
Look at those surveillance cameras!
Xiamen City, 2018
Travellers scanned their ID cards and faces to get into the train station

China builds the world’s largest state security apparatus, including a massive facial recognition surveillance network, a corresponding biometric database, and a national ID card system.
Read 4 tweets

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