hey all! having a lazy sunday afternoon in a coffeeshop, purging the gigabyte of ref photos (!) i sent to @obazaldua and thought i'd share some of the stories informing WICCAN & HULKLING: LAST ANNIHILATION! In case you wanna dig through some back issues... #MarvelCosmicSpoilers
Billy and Teddy's high school years are obviously in V1 of Young Avengers, and their backstories are each depicted in YOUNG AVENGERS SPECIAL #1. In V2, Loki gives us the detail they were classmates, so these events actually must have occurred at the same school, in parallel.
Mary-Jo Altman's first scene in V1 is her death scene; in V2 her evil doppelgänger, "Mother," functions as the Big Bad. "Road to Empyre" and our own "Emperor Hulkling" gave a bit more of a glimpse into Teddy's childhood.
The Emperor's Suite of the Kree/Skrull imperial flagship was also established in "Emperor Hulkling"; they awake there in the LAST ANNIHILATION flashback on the morning of the wedding seen in EMPYRE: AFTERMATH.
The nega-bands are first introduced in CAPTAIN MARVEL #16. They are looted from Mar-Vell's tomb, as their thief Captain Atlas uses their switching mechanism to battle Wonder Man, and turned into the nega-bomb that destroys Hala during the events of OPERATION GALACTIC STORM.
The Kree Supreme Intelligence is introduced in FF #65. It is the architect of the Kree genocide in OPERATION GALACTIC STORM, and "killed" for this by Hercules and the Avengers who disobey Captain America. Its remains are fed to the Utopian Plex by Noh Varr in ROYALS #5.
Dormammu rules. 10/10 character, 10/10 design, no notes.
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3rd horseman is commonly called Famine, but he specifically does NOT blight crops, does not damage food. His weapon is the scales, and "destroys" not by weather or worm, but market manipulation.
A closer name might be "Inflation" or "Capital" or "Bread Fixing" or "Galen Weston."
i find it fascinating commentators/scholars are frequently puzzled about why Famine specifically does not damage the oil and the wine, because they take as given there is a blight happening. There isn't. Nothing is damaged - the goods are just priced out. It's the same thought.
The vision of John of Patmos's apocalyptic famine isn't a crop blighted to unwholesomeness by God; it's a world where there's plenty to eat, unspoiled, but no one can afford it.
although called “Count” Dracula, no such honorific was used in any of the centuries Dracula was operating in Transylvania. As he himself says, he is “Boyar”, one of the aristocrats of the region. He also frequently signs his letters as “-D.”
I can’t find any data on the meaning/origin of “Boiardi” but considering the variant “Boyardi” is also in the census data of the Romagna it’s very possible!
indeed, not only does Dracula do all the cooking in the castle (and Jonathan catches him making the bed), but Harker notes his roast chicken is “excellent”.
a theremin is going absolutely crazy as we pan through CGI “streets” that would have been unconvincing in a cut scene from a video game that came free with your computer in 1997 (the movie is supposed to be 3D!) so this already rules
delighted to discover this theremin is not just for the opening it is HERE TO STAY and it is STRESSED in even the MILDEST OF SCENES
watching shit-tier DRACULA movies as deep-tissue self-care
the monk fell down a mountain ravine and cracked his head and his busted-up bloody head fell into the open mouth of a frozen dracula! that’s how you start a fourth sequel baby
it was britain in the sixties so it’s less beefcake and more of a yorkshire pudding