A test that is 100% accurate to detect infectious ppl will only *APPEAR* to be 30%-60% sensitive when compared to PCR-particularly asymptomatics
PCR stays positive LONG AFTER contagious period
for Public Health, PCR is NOT Specific - it’s a wrong comparison
Although rapid tests are not 100% sensitive to detect infectious levels of virus, they are >95% and do approach 100% for “superspreader” levels of virus.
We just (ignorantly) continue to compare them to PCR - which has led to massive confusion.
This issue with PCR has caused us to isolate millions of ppl who were no longer infectious and lead contact tracers to trace and quarantine many many millions who were never exposed.
For public health, we need tests that are not only sensitive, but as importantly are highly SPECIFIC to what it is we are trying to detect - INFECTIOUS ppl.
PCR excels in the former but fails miserably when it comes to specificity to detect infectiousness.
For testing in a pandemic - we MUST let the goal determine the gold-standard
We have thus far used a gold standard borrowed from medical diagnostics and it’s been disastrous
We need gold standards for public health testing. Where speed and accuracy for infectiousness matter
And here is a graphic to demonstrate this concept:
One of the most common tropes is that measles is fine & doesn’t cause damage…
This is highly inaccurate
Measles literally grows by infecting and killing memory immune cells. It causes loss to existing immunity creating vulnerabilities & acute damage that is often severe
To discover the massive-stealth-impact measles has on immune protection against infections not associated w measles, we looked at what happened in populations after measles outbreaks swept through, decade after decade across nations…
For a number of decades, syphilis has been trending up in the U.S.
The cause isn’t singularly but likely is associated with relaxations of prevention of STIs in the context of more effective prophylaxis for HIV (PrEP). Plus general lack of awareness
When left untreated, Syphilis can have devastating consequences on human health
Luckily there is very simple treatment for it (a form of Penicillin) but it only works if you take it - and you only take it if you know you have syphilis