Our FVEY nations - the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia & New Zealand - are no longer sovereign. We are under the control of a global enterprise and enslaved to their transnational corporate interests.
"The Forum dogmatically argues that a globalised world should be governed by a self-selected coalition of multinational corporations, governments and civil society organizations (CSOs),which it expresses through initiatives like the "Great Reset" and the "Global Redesign"."
Under the facade of safety, security & health, the global imperialist enterprise is transforming our countries to serve their interests, including using our tax dollars to do so. Behind these promises of safety, sustainability & inclusion are premeditated agendas of domination.
Every single sector has been captured. The best way to fight this escalating takeover, is to recognize that it's happening, to educate others, and to boycott as many businesses involved as possible, among other things...
"A behavior control research project was begun in the 1950s, coordinated by the British psychological warfare unit called the Tavistock Institute, with the Scottish Rite Masons, the Central Intelligence Agency, and other British, U.S., Canadian, and United Nations agencies."
Hello, I am one of thousands of Targeted Individuals- a victim of covert 21st century terrorism. According to family, friends & authorities, I am refused investigation or help bc:
- it sounds crazy
- I am not important enough
- people wouldn't do that
- it would cost a lot...
...it would require extreme organization
- it would require large numbers of participants
- the technology does not exist
- its impossible
- you're imagining it, etc etc etc
However, if one were to examine our complaints, they could easily see they all fall within the categories
...of modern unconventional warfare & multi-domain operations.
So, the message conveyed by family, friends & authorities we TIs beg for help from is:
If a crime is bizarre, well organized & high-tech enuf,
we will not believe it exists,
belittle victims as crazy & do nothing.
"The US military spends billions a year on training its forces for military operations in urban terrain (MOUT)."
And that training has grown to include covert operations in cities across the nation & world, using activists, journalists, dissidents & "subversives" as Targets.
Multi-domain data link is essential to turning any city into a "smart city" and/or "battlespace", inside which anyone can be targeted.
With augmented reality (AR), gaming companies, Big Tech, corporations, governments, organized crime, etc. can covertly label & tag PEOPLE, w whatever status & overlay they wish, including instructions how they are to be treated by their players & "collaborators" in the community.
This is already happening to Targeted Individuals (TIs) in every city across the G20 & beyond. Without notification or Due Process, innocent people are being tagged, tracked, & harassed wo their knowledge- stalked like AR video game villains by protected, crowdsourced syndicates.
When victims of this crowdsourced, gamified crime complain to family, friends, or authorities, rather than receiving help, we are accused of being "paranoid", asked to identify the anonymous multitudes of gamer stalkers & asked "what makes us so important?".
Mobile applications are one of the many tools being used to anonymously report, patrol/stalk, harass & traffick info on Targeted Individuals, activists, whistleblowers, dissidents, "subversives", or anyone else these organized syndicates & their "stakeholders" deem "suspicious".
...all under the facade of safety & security. Programs intended to keep communities safe are being abused to target innocent citizens wo notification or Due Process by Law enforcement, security & intelligence agencies, multinational corporations, etc. dallas.iwatch911.us
Essentially turning these applications into tools of harassment, trafficking & oppression the Stasi could only dream of.