Reducing the amount of code you need to write, and removing unnecessary re-renders are some of the primary goals of React Hook Form.
A JavaScript library built on top of Facebook's React library, which aims to bring a native desktop experience to the web, featuring many macOS Sierra and Windows 10 components.
Draft.js fits seamlessly into React applications, abstracting away the details of rendering, selection, and input behavior with a familiar declarative API.
For the last 15 years, he has been a world-renowned expert in decision-making.
I've read 100 hours of content by him to improve my judgment.
7 razors to think more clearly (and become a better entrepreneur):
1. Action Bias
When you're always doing something, you neglect thinking.
Ask yourself:
• Is it worth it?
• Is this the best way to do it?
• Am I trying to control things outside my control?
This aligns my long-term goals with my short-term goals.
2. Fundamental Attribution Error
People underestimate external factors.
You sometimes fail to recognize that results are still out of your control, no matter how hard you work. As people think, "I've given my best, but it didn't work out."
After reading it, I stopped being busy and started being impactful.
7 principles from him to make smart decisions in your life:
1. The essentialist
Essentialism is not about how to get more things done.
It's about doing things less but better. It's a method of choosing between good things and a few really great things.
It's a way to think, eliminate, and execute your priorities.
2. Rule of 90%
The way you choose your options is under your control.
One way to do so is to adopt the 90% rule. Start by prioritizing important tasks. Then give each task a score b/w 0-100. Any task less than 90 (even 89) is a 0.
7 skills you can learn to stay ahead of the curve:
1. AI content creators
We're already seeing the rise of AI content creation tools.
In the next decade, we'll need more creators who can use AI to deliver quality content at a much quicker speed. So, keep playing around with those tools.
You'll see it pays off.
2. Integration Specialist.
AI is removing anything that is low effort.
Companies are continuously looking at their systems to find what can be replaced by AI. Now, this process needs expert supervision to find those parts.