"Wuhan scientists were planning to release enhanced airborne coronaviruses into Chinese bat populations to inoculate them against diseases that could jump to humans, leaked grant proposals dating from 2018 show."
"They also planned to create chimeric viruses, genetically enhanced to infect humans more easily, and requested $14million from the [US] Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) to fund the work."
"The bid was submitted by British zoologist Peter Daszak of EcoHealth Alliance, the US-based organisation, which has worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) researching bat coronaviruses. Team members included..Shi Zhengli, the WIV researcher dubbed 'bat woman'"
"Darpa refused to fund the work, saying: 'It is clear that the proposed project led by Peter Daszak could have put local communities at risk', and warned..the team had not properly considered..dangers of enhancing..virus (gain of function research) or releasing a vaccine by air."
"Viscount Ridley..called for..investigation..in..House of Lords..'For more than a year I tried..to ask questions of..Daszak with no response. Now it turns out he..authored this vital piece of information about..work in Wuhan but refused to share it with the world. I am furious.'"
"So should the world be."
* The proposal calls for aerosol delivery of recombinant SARSr CoV spike proteins in nanoparticles or in orthopoxviral vectors. Not aerosol delivery of SARSr CoVs.
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"Dismissal of…lab leak…was always a curious stance…There were more than 300 known laboratory-acquired infections…this century. The same year...Covid erupted in Wuhan, 10,000…fell ill following leakage from a…research centre in another Chinese city."
"Wuhan was home to one of China’s two maximum bio-security labs — and hundreds of miles from the nearest colonies of wild bats with most similar coronaviruses."
"Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) contained the world’s biggest repository of bat coronaviruses, had known safety concerns and conducted high-risk 'gain of function' research to boost the infectivity of mutant bat viruses."
1) Pandemic caused by bat SARS-like coronavirus emerged in Wuhan--city 1000 km from wild bats with SARS-CoV-2-like coronaviruses, but that contains labs conducting world's largest research program on bat SARS-like coronaviruses.
2) In 2015-2017, scientists and science-policy specialists expressed concern that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) was conducting and contemplating research that posed an unacceptable risk of lab accident and pandemic (nature.com/articles/natur……; nature.com/articles/natur……).
3) In 2017-2018, with NIH funding, WIV constructed a novel genetically modified SARS-like coronavirus that was able to infect human cells and that had 10,000x enhanced viral growth in lungs, 1,000,000x enhanced viral growth in brains, and 3x enhanced lethality.
"Potential pandemic pathogen...research conducted at an inappropriate biosafety level should be considered an abnormally dangerous activity subject to strict liability."
LASST (Legal Advocates for Safe Science and Technology) Amicus Brief Project lasst.org/2024/12/23/las…
"Applying a strict liability standard to an activity means that the person or entity conducting the activity will be held liable for any harm the activity caused, even if they were not negligent in conducting the activity."
"We believe a body of law that applies a strict liability standard when irresponsibly unsafe research causes harm could serve an important role in disincentivizing unreasonably dangerous research in the future."
"Hundreds of vials containing live viruses have gone missing from a lab…in Australia, sparking an investigation…323 samples of live viruses—including Hendra virus, Lyssavirus and Hantavirus—went missing…in a 'serious breach of biosecurity protocols.'"
"The breach was discovered in August 2023, with nearly 100 of the missing vials containing Hendra virus, which is deadly. Two of the vials contained hantavirus, while 223 vials contained samples of lyssavirus."
"Hendra virus has a 57 percent fatality rate in humans"
"While we may not be aware of all the instances in which Fauci funded gain-of-function experiments despite the ban, we do know of at least one hugely significant case, as it ultimately led to the creation of Covid."
"In 2016, Eric Stemmy, a program officer in Fauci’s NIAID found out that the experiments funded by Fauci at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, through a shady organization called EcoHealth Alliance, were creating viruses that were significantly more dangerous than…natural viruses"
"Upon identifying this violation of federal regulations, specifically the gain-of-function ban, Stemmy halted the funding to EcoHealth."
"[H]umanity will…need new governance mechanisms…to prevent the deliberate use of biological pathogens and minimize their unintentional release…They will also need to create more robust mechanisms to reduce the risks of catastrophic accidents."
"Two immediate priorities stand out. The first is strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention...The second priority is managing the biosafety and biosecurity risks of the democratization of biotechnology."
"Spectacular advances in gene editing and synthetic biology…risk opening the door for state governments and malicious nonstate actors to create or modify deadly, naturally occurring viruses"