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Sep 23, 2021 146 tweets 39 min read Read on X
1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4622: FBI and Washington Post Videos of Washington DC Pipe Bombing Suspect — 5 January 2021
#BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #PipeBomb #DCPipeBomber
2/ The following thread is an analysis of multiple videos published by the FBI and the Washington Post of the 5 January 2021 Pipe Bombing Suspect. I apologize for the length of this thread, but the details are many and necessary.
3/ There are multiple videos cited and linked within this thread. The original sources of the videos do not have them in chronological order, so in an effort to discuss them in the order in which they actually occurred, it is necessary to switch back between them multiple times.
4/ Please watch these videos 2-3 times in a quiet environment. It's best to use a large-screen device, as, even with excellent visual acuity, we all will miss detail when viewing with small screens. See what clues you are able to discern.
5/ This image/map (from FBI video) shows walking routes of the suspect on the night of 5 January 2021 (between 7:34 - 8:18 pm EST). It also shows the two locations where the pipe bombs had been placed. The FBI believes the suspect used Folger Park (or nearby) as a staging area. Image
6/ After placing the first pipe bomb outside the DNC, the FBI believes that the suspect returned to Folger Park or nearby to get his second pipe bomb.
7/ This satellite image/diagram overlay is from an article published by the Washington Post on 29 January 2021. While the perpetrator's route had yet to be determined, this WP map also shows the locations where the bombs had been placed. Image
8/ *Note that both the FBI & the WP give identical (and highly specific) bomb map/photo placement locations.*
9/ Notice that the suspect walked around the DNC first. Their walking path comprised a much wider circumference around the building compared with their path in the vicinity of the RNC (310 First St SE). This demonstrates more familiarity with the RNC than the DNC...but wait... Image
10/ ...The suspect never even walked around the RNC that night. In multiple sources, it's also been falsely reported (verbally and written) that the suspect left a pipe bomb at the RNC: behind the RNC, in the alley behind the RNC, etc. — but this is NOT correct.
11/ The Suspect walked around/reconnaissanced the building *adjacent to* the RNC — the 'Capitol Hill Club' (300 First St SE) — and behind that building is where they left the pipe bomb (again, note both maps). The suspect did not walk, *even once*, around the RNC.
12/ This bears repeating: The second pipe bomb was not left at the RNC, but behind the building adjacent to the RNC — the Capitol Hill Club. Image
13/ Why was this error made & repeated in multiple sources? Despite information being conveyed accurately on the maps, to my knowledge, no source has written this or spoken it accurately (If I'm in error, please DM me & I'll add the information to this thread & provide links).
14/ The Capitol Hill Club (CHC) is a highly exclusive Republican club. capitolhillclub.org/Membership_Info
15/ Via their website: "Membership in the Capitol Hill Club is by invitation only. No person shall be considered for election to membership until proposed by a member and seconded by another member, provided at least one of the two members is a voting member of the Club." Image
16/ The Capitol Hill Club and RNC are adjacent, so a bomb left btwn the two buildings, would damage both. However, the bomb was placed well around the corner/on back side of the CHC building so that any blast would be shielded by the CHC, preventing shrapnel from hitting the RNC.
17/ It is not clear why the bomb left behind the Capitol Hill Club is referred to as the "RNC bomb", if the maps provided by both the FBI as well as the Washington Post shows the bomb was placed behind the Capitol Hill Club.
18/ While these two buildings are adjacent, and both organizations serve Republicans, *this is a profoundly important distinction.*
19/ In the event the reported location is in error (doubtful), images of the pipe bomb at Capitol Hill Club site where it was found, can be matched w/ the pebbled-pattern of pavement easily seen in this photo as well as matching it w/ idiosyncrasies in portions of the building. Image
20/ The suspect walked around the DNC twice (and two portions of their pathway, 4 times) compared w/ circumnavigating the CHC only once (w/ one portion of the block covered 3 times). Image
21/ Along with the much wider route taken around each of these areas, these differences in repetition of scouting/reconnaissance demonstrate a pattern of greater familiarity with the CHC-RNC area versus the DNC area.
22/ The suspect also took multiple breaks — reorienting, checking their phone, checking landmarks and/or road signs during their DNC portion of their walk.
23/ Although some of this checking/reorienting behavior may have been performance, in an effort to camouflage/disguise their behavior/intent, the videos did not show this same hesitancy and/or unfamiliar behaviors when the suspect walked on the CHC portion of their walk.
24/ This less-oriented/multiple checking behavior pattern displayed during the DNC portion of their walk, again demonstrates more familiarity with the CHC-RNC area versus the DNC area.
25/ The suspect's walking speed and stride length is substantially quicker during the CHC-RNC segment. Moreover, the suspect's gait, arm swing, and shoulder posture were all more relaxed around the CHC-RNC area versus those displayed near the DNC.
26/ One of the most telling portions of all the videos is seen during the chronologically-first portion of the suspect's walk that night — from 0:09 second — 0:20 seconds of the above video ().
27/ It's duplicated here, in this isolated/slightly higher-resolution video:
28/ The suspect is walking on the sidewalk, heading north, in front of the homes on West side of New Jersey Avenue S.E., just north of its intersection with North Carolina Ave. S.E.
29/ The suspect can be seen raising their entire left arm and hand — and crucially, including an elevated elbow/upper arm, to a level equal to the base of their neck/slightly higher — and keeping it elevated there to protect their face (and protect their psyche). Image
30/ It's profoundly important to note, that this is their Non-dominant hand (the suspect is right-handed), so this is even a less natural movement (ergo a bigger psychological hurdle) versus if that had been their dominant hand/arm.
31/ Note the height to which they raise their arm — this is not a casual touching of their glasses, touching of face, etc. Replicate this movement right now yourself — raising one's arm/elbow up to the height of the base one's neck is not a natural or common illustrator/gesture.
32/ Short of physical protection/physical guarding, the thought-emotion which causes a person *to lift their ENTIRE arm this HIGH is RARE* — and in this context, it was done for an emotional reason, *which was SO STRONG, it felt to the suspect like a momentary PHYSICAL THREAT.*
33/ The suspect was feeling strong vulnerability, and fear — and the need for psychological shielding/psychological protection.
34/ Notice the suspect did NOT ever turn their head toward the camera during this segment — thus they did not see the camera — nor were they in close proximity to any other people.
35/ Yet despite the presence of a medical face mask (5 Jan. 2021 was during COVID), glasses, and a tightly pulled hoodie — they still felt the psychological need to cover their face-head. Image
36/ It's possible that the suspect and/or their accomplice(s) undertook reconnaissance prior to 5 January in order to familiarize themself with the locations of security cameras and they knew that there was a security camera here.
37/ However, there's no *physical* need for the suspect to cover their face, as their face is not anywhere close to being visible — and they're not near another person — but there was a *strong psychological* need.
38/ Moreover, just a few minutes later, the suspect looks directly into a security camera just prior to planting the first pipe bomb outside the DNC — which appeared to be taunting behavior. Why taunt there, but not here?
39/ In addition, this is Washington DC, and this particular location is just 3-4 blocks from the US Capitol grounds, in an extremely high-security city. Security cameras are *ubiquitous*. Why did they cover their face at *this particular* location?
40/ Answer — Because despite being physically covered from head to toe, the suspect felt emotionally naked and indeed, fearful, vulnerable, and highly visible.
41/ And the reason the suspect felt emotionally naked/emotionally vulnerable/fearful/visible, is that the suspect knows someone who lives in one of these homes. *The suspect has, with very high probability, been inside one of these homes before.*
42/ THIS POINT CANNOT BE EMPHASIZE ENOUGH: *The suspect felt particularly emotionally vulnerable/psychologically naked/fearful because they know the occupants of one of these homes on New Jersey Avenue S.E. and, with extremely high probably, they had been inside one of them.*
43/ Note also, details on the Map provided by the FBI: When the suspect walked back to Folger Park after placing the DNC bomb, they crossed to the opposite side of New Jersey Ave S.E. — so that they were further physically (*and more psychologically protected*) from these homes. Image
44/ Chronologically, the next segment of the main video (from 0:24 to 1:18 in the longer video, in first link above), and seen here, in an isolated and higher-resolution 0:55 segment here
45/ In this video segment, the suspect is walking south on the East Side of South Capitol Street S.E., just south of D Street S.E.
46/ As this segment begins, the suspect stops, rotates 90º to their right (West) with an additional rotation/twisting of their torso, and extends their neck/head, looks both upward and to their right (WNW and NW).
47/ There's a disparity of their feet relative to torso/head/eyes is important here (0:01 sec). What are they looking at? — because across the street, there is only a large parking lot. Image
48/ They're looking in the same direction as the Humphrey Building (NW) &/or adjacent HHS building (immediately to its south, but still WNW from POV of suspect) — but these buildings are 1200-1500 feet away on the opposite side of a large parking lot with an interstate between.
49/ They could be looking at something in one of the trees or on one of the light posts, however, given this context, this is highly probably a ruse.
50/ Given this context, this is similar behavior as a teenager at a HS dance or a person at a gym — trying to appear as if they're looking at something which demands their attention. It's an attempt at behavioral camouflage.
51/ They also reach for their glasses with their left hand, keeps their hand adjacent to their glasses/eye (anxiety, 0:03) — but they do not take them off (yet, they will in a few moments). Image
52/ They then lower their hand to their neck and hold in there for a moment (much like a nervous man might adjust his tie, or a nervous woman might adjust her necklace), (0:04- 0:06). Image
53/ Rubbing one's neck directly or indirectly stimulates the Vagus nerve (courses bilaterally through the neck) and is a common subconscious behavior display seen during moments of anxiety — as doing so gently will slow down heart rate, respiration, and calms the nervous system.
54/ The suspect is nervous because someone is approaching walking their dog. Simultaneously, the suspect also elevated on his toes (0:04 & 0:05 - 0:06) as he begins to turn his upper body and partially - rotating/twisting his lower body toward the oncoming dog and person. Image
55/ The suspect once again reaches up to adjust their glasses. This is probably a false adjustment and a manifestation of their anxiety (0:08 - 0:10) Image
56/ The reflection from the suspect glasses can be seen clearly during 0:13. Image
57/ During the 0:15 mark, the suspect catches their shoe on the brick pavement and stumbles slightly. Image
58/ Everyone stumbles or catches their shoe on the pavement occasionally, but this, along with some of their gait pattern suggests the shoes are over-sized.
59/ Over-sized shoes, along with their particular type of shoes, ("black and light grey Nike Air Max Speed Turf shoes with a yellow logo", per FBI), ... Image
60/ ...head to toe clothing, tight hoodie, mask, glasses, etc. all suggest, that the suspect, along with their identity, the suspect is trying to disguise their gender.
61/ Of course, disguising one's gender makes a perpetrator's identity more difficult to discern. And, more specifically, wearing shoes that are deliberately large will also alter one's gait.
62/ A person's gait is highly idiosyncratic. You probably recall memories when you were over 100 meters away from a person, or even 200 or 300 meters, and yet you could recognize them simply by the way they walked.
63/ Thus, disguising one's gait dramatically diminishes our ability to identify a suspect in this and similar scenarios.
64/ Note the way the suspect walks during the few seconds prior to setting down their backpack. Their gait is particularly odd, almost as if they were walking on high-heeled athletic shoes (i.e., during 0:19 - 0:20). Image
65/ The Suspect then stops in front of the white-brick house. The manner in which suspect bends over and leans forward over when placing their backpack against the low stone wall suggests that they're female (0:25). Watch this section of video several times and note the dynamics. Image
66/ Moreover, notice the suspect's feet — placed close together. In this context, this foot configuration is particularly suggestive of the suspect being female.
67/ The suspect then takes off their glasses, cleans them (0:28-0:32), places them back on (0:33) and then takes a small step forward, elevates back up on their toes — w/ their head/neck tilted looking up to the WSW/SW (0:38 - 0:39) just as the dog and walker appear on the video. ImageImageImage
68/ Next, the suspect covers their face again (0:43) — this time a person is very close by (their heads are ~ 1 to 1.5 meters apart), they feign to clean their glasses. Image
69/ Notice that their elbow is lifted high as is seen in the example previously noted on New Jersey Ave, S.E. (0:45) — despite another person being so close. These are profoundly important distinctions to contrast given their relative contexts. Image
70/ This contrasting behavior further underlines the suspect's familiarity and emotional connection/guilt/shame/vulnerability relative to someone who lives/lived on West side New Jersey Ave S.E., (just north of its intersection with North Carolina Ave S.E.).
71/ They remove their glasses once again, still feigning to clean them (0:47). Then the suspect picks up their backpack (0:51), and turns around and begins to backtrack (0:54) to the corner of S Capitol Street SE and D Street SE. ImageImageImage
72/ This segment of the video shows the suspect during their first, back-tracking behavior. Image
73/ The suspect probably double-backs/retraces their path because they saw and/or heard a person walking a dog behind them — and they wanted to distance themself from the dog walker as they didn't want any witnesses (or a dog) nearby.
74/ The next segment (isolated video link included here, ). It's also redundant in the above, longer, above posted video from 1:19 to 2:35, ) at the NE corner of Canal Street SE and South Capitol Street SE:
75/ The suspect is probably right handed (note initial use of their mobile phone with their right hand/phone kept in right side pocket [leaning to left to retrieve phone from right back pocket] — although not universal, this implies right hand dominance). ImageImage
76/ Notice the ambidextrous (both thumbs) use of smartphone for a portion of this video. Although some older people do operate their phones with both hands, this usually implies a relatively younger age. It also is more common with people who are more athletic. Image
77/ Although over-all this segment doesn't give as many gender-specific display behaviors — indeed, some are more feminine in this segment, while others are a bit more masculine ....
78/ ... however, dynamics displayed during the suspect's process of sitting-down are slightly more feminine (knees closer together, more careful/slower). Image
79/ Also, the suspect's behavior of holding on to their backpack for the first few seconds after they sat down, is protective. Protecting the bomb is reminiscent of holding onto a purse or an infant, and moderately more feminine. Image
80/ The dynamics of transitioning from a sitting to a standing position without pushing off with one's hands against the bench or against one's knees/thighs is also more commonly displayed in women. Image
81/ The suspect then leaves the location without depositing the pipe bomb only to return a few minutes later. Image
82/ The suspect walks counterclockwise (first east then north) halfway around the block, then turns back around, and walking clockwise (south then west) — returns back to the same location (on the bench immediately adjacent) a few minutes later.
83/ Chronologically, the next segment takes place *during the 1:15 - 1:46 time markers* of this next video-montage, viewing the suspect at the other bench at this same location (viewed from different camera):
84/ The suspect sat down with their knees relatively close together, a pattern more correlative with female behavior. Image
85/ The suspect then displayed a particular bilateral arm dynamic, which, in this context, correlates with self-righteous beliefs. It involves first their left, then their right arm flexing backward — almost like a bird momentarily opening, then closing its wings. ImageImageImage
86/ While this involves a stretching of the anterior deltoids as well as the pectoralis muscles, this behavior is rooted in self-righteousness and indicates the suspect believes they're "more than just a delivery person" for the pipe bombs for which they're about to deploy. ImageImageImage
87/ The suspect then appears to look directly at the surveillance camera (taunting behavior), tilts their head slight (clarifying/questioning) and then proceeds to deploy the pipe bomb. ImageImage
88/ The suspect then reaches down in their pack, primarily with their right hand, ... Image
89/ Looks back up toward the surveillance camera again ... Image
90/ and stands up with the bomb visible in their right (dominant) hand. Image
91/ Backs up sits back down, and deposits the bomb in the bushes. Image
92/ Here's an image of DNC Pipe Bomb taken by law enforcement on morning of 6 January 2021 (the day of Capitol Insurrection). Image
93/ The suspect's path thus far: Image
94/ An important detail, published on the FBI map, but for which we don't have a published video, shows the pathway of the suspect after they planted the DNC bomb, and were presumably on their way back to Folger Park to get the second pipe bomb.
95/ The suspect crossed New Jersey Ave, S.E. north of its intersection with Ivy Street S.E. and continued to walk south. Image
96/ This crossing allowed them to walk on the other side of the street (East Side) from the home(s) noted earlier — affording further distance/insulation from the home(s) for which they knew the owner/occupant(s) — the homes from which they had shielded themselves.
97/ The next series of videos, involves the suspect in *the vicinity of* the RNC — but again, the suspect *did NOT plant the bomb at the RNC*, but in back of the adjacent building, the Capitol Hill Club (please see earlier tweets in thread).
98/ This link: washingtonpost.com/investigations… , provided by The Washington Post, contains multiple videos on this page.
99/ In the first video on this page, (labeled in the upper left portion of the video, "Suspect spotted in Rumsey Court at 8:13 pm"), you can see *and hear* the suspect walking on their way to their one (and only) circumnavigation of the Capitol Hill Club. Image
100/ Note the suspect's more relaxed posture. The asymmetrical sound to their walk (listen to accompanying audio) suggests the awkwardness of carrying the backpack away from their leg, as it contains a bomb — or possibly it suggests that they're growing tired (or both). Image
101/ Note that their gait sounds more like a shuffle (again, deliberately larger shoes to disguise their gender and their gait). Their stride is shorter (consistent with anxiety, shorter height, being cold).
102/ Close your eyes and listen to the sound of them walking. To what gender would you correlate the sound of this walking pattern? (Do the same with the other two videos of the suspect on Rumsey Court further down this page as well).
103/ The next video, which can be seen on the same above linked WP page (the second video labeled "Suspect carries backpack in alley at 8:15 p.m.), in the first tweet on this thread (2:57 - 3:11), or isolated in this video:
104/ It shows the suspect at the west end of Rumsey Court immediately prior to them walking between the RNC and the Capitol Hill Club. Image
105/ Watch the pattern of walking, particularly as they rounded the corner of the building. This gait pattern is considerably more correlative with the suspect being female. ImageImage
106/ Note also, that the suspect walked close to the corner of a building as they were entering an alley and they did not look up. All the while they had a relaxed gait. ImageImage
107/ This nighttime-alley-level-of-comfort only arises as a result of significant familiarity. This person has walked this street (Rumsey Court) and alleyway at least several times, perhaps many. Why? Because they frequently entered the RNC and/or the Capitol Hill Club.
108/ It also strongly suggests this person grew up in a low crime area (suburbs or country/small town) and not in a large city. It's more than a bit naive to walk with such a lack of caution around a corner, with one's head down in an alleyway at night.
109/ In the next chronological video segment is 1:47-2:04 in
110/ The suspect can be seen from above, and behind, adjusting their glasses (anxiety) as they walk into the alleyway between the RNC (building on the left side of this video, upon which surveillance camera is mounted) and the Capitol Hill Club (on the right side of the screen). Image
111/ Note that the pace of their walking has slowed. They also walk closer to the opposite (RNC) side of the alleyway as they approach the stairwell — more cautious of security personnel, etc. of the building they're about to bomb. Image
112/ However they still have the walk of familiarity — almost childlike at times, most of the time walking with their head down. ImageImageImage
113/ The next chronological video segment is seen as the suspect walks in front of the Capitol Hill Club (2:04 - 2:16 in this video: ) or (3:11 - 3:23 in this video: ) or in this isolated video ()
114/ Again, the suspect adjusts their glasses (anxiety and shielding themself physically/emotionally) as they approach the front of the Capitol Hill Club. ImageImage
115/ They look into the entrance of the Capitol Hill Club. *Doors which they have almost certainly walked through before*. Image
116/ Reorienting, they turn their head straight, but wait ... Image
117/ ... they feign a yawn/false relaxation/pandiculation — stretching out both of their arms. ImageImage
118/ ...Because a police car had just turned the corner onto First Street S.E. They maintain their false pandiculation for several seconds (a screaming red flag) — trying to appear relaxed. We've all seen this behavior acted in films, in sitcoms, and in real-life. Image
119/ For the next chronologic video, please return to the same Washington Post page as was cited earlier and see the third video on that page (labeled "Suspect retraces steps at 8:16 p.m.") washingtonpost.com/investigations…
120/ Note they are walking in the same direction as the previous time they were shown on Rumsey Court — because they've gone around the (small) block once (not twice, as with the DNC pipe bomb — because they're more familiar with this area/these buildings). ImageImage
121/ Notice too, the suspect is maneuvering their backpack as they're preparing to place the second pipe bomb behind the Capitol Hill Club (Not the RNC). Image
122/ The suspect then places the bomb behind the Capitol Hill Club. There are no published videos or photos of the suspect doing this — however, here is an image of the bomb as it was photographed by authorities on the morning of 6 January 2021 (Day of Capitol Insurrection). Image
123/ This is where the suspect placed the second pipe bomb — behind the Capitol Hill Club, not the RNC. Image
124/ For the next (and final) chronologic video, please link, once again to the same Washington Post page as was cited earlier and see the fourth video on that page (labeled "Suspect walks eastbound on Rumsey Court at 8:17 p.m.") washingtonpost.com/investigations…
125/ Note this is the only time we see video of the suspect having the backpack placed on their back (presumably it did not contain another bomb). ImageImage
126/ Notice too, the quick stride, the arms which were less dynamic (held closer to the sides of their torso), the shuffling gait (with a substantial toe-walking component). Image
127/ Close your eyes and listen to this the audio portion of this video. Do you think this walking pattern has a gender correlation?

After detailed analysis of the videos cited above, what follows are highly likely characteristics of the suspect:

With high probability, the suspect is:

• Female
• Between 5'1 and 5'5" in height
• Right hand dominant w/ significant Ambidexterity

129/ Summary (continued):

• Athletic
• Was wearing shoes that were deliberately too large (in order to disguise their gender and disguise their gait)
• Conservative/Republican

130/ Summary (continued):

• Suspect and/or their collaborator/superior were declined membership in the Capitol Hill Club (and/or had a significant grudge with the owners/operators of the Capitol Hill Club).

131/ Summary (continued):

• Had been in the RNC and/or the Capitol Hill Club multiple times before
• Grew up in a small town/country/suburbs

132/ Summary (continued):

• Knows someone personally who lives/lived in one of the homes on the West side New Jersey Ave S.E. just North of its intersection with North Carolina Avenue S.E. (see map and above detailed description).
133/ Summary (continued):


The act of a diversionary bombing tactic is further evidence that the Insurrection at the Capitol was planned well in advance.

134/ Summary (continued)

The act of a diversionary bombing tactic is also evidence that those who had planned the Capitol Insurrection had also planned and/or ordered the bombing (coordination of such tactics strongly suggests senior level planning, knowledge, and approval).
135/ Summary (continued):

While the *Primary Motive* of suspect & their collaborators was diversionary — to draw attention & law enforcement away from planned Insurrection of Capitol — their *Secondary Motive* was revenge against the Capitol Hill Club or its owners/operators
136/ Summary (continued):

While it's possible suspect delivering pipe bombs may have simply been someone hired to deploy/deposit the pipe bombs, & may not have participated in decision to bomb, the choice of specific targets, the planning of the insurrection, etc. however

137/ Summary (continued):

... given their above-cited behaviors, the unique and unprecedented motives of coordination with an armed insurrection of the U.S. Capitol,
138/ Summary (continued):

... there is a very high likelihood that the suspect delivering the pipe bombs knows all or many of those involved with the Capitol Insurrection and other related actions.


139/ Summary:

• Suspect is probably 30-50 years old (texting with both thumbs)
Addendum C:

141/ Summary:
Using shadows and brick lengths/widths along with some high-school trigonometry and a few on-site measurements will be able to estimate/measure the height of the perpetrator. Image
Addendum D:

142/ Here is a higher resolution image of the pipe bomb left outside of Capitol Hill Club: Image
Addendum E, part 1:

143/ The suspect wore glasses as one of the primary ways she disguised her identity. They were probably over-sized glasses with thick rims.
Addendum E/ part 2:

144/ Reasons glasses were so frequently adjusted was primarily Covering Her Face & Anxiety. A complete list includes:

1.Covering her face
3.Feigned behavior to stall/creating casual ruse
4.Didn't normally wear glasses/poor fit
5.Glasses fogging up
Addendum F/ part 1:

145/ Clarification: With high probability, the suspect knows someone who lives on the West side of New Jersey Ave SE, just north of its intersection with North Carolina Ave SE, has been in their house — however, ... Image
Addendum F/ part 2:

146/ .... I'm not implying that whoever lives/lived in one of those houses is collaborating/or collaborated with the suspect — i.e., Criminals may know us, but we may not know they are criminals/have perpetrated a criminal act.

• • •

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