Almost time for our next game of #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
Tonight’s topic: Slavery
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Time for our next game of #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
>>> According to the 1860 Census, what percent of Southerners owned slaves?
Be sure to check back for hints, vote and retweet!
There is a strong, persistent myth pushed by historical revisionists and slavery apologists about slave holding in the Southern states and confederacy.
Thanks for playing #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
Hint #2
Here’s a map showing the distribution of the slave population of the southern states of the United States. Compiled from the census of 1860.
Source: Library of Congress
Thanks for playing #StumpARepublican - the finest Twitter trivia game to ever stump a Republican!
Final hint!
Apologists on slavery and the confederacy push a pervasive false narrative that only the wealthiest 1% in the South owned slaves. The actual number is much higher.
Answer! Looks like we’ve stumped more than a Republican!
Over 30% of Southerners owned slaves. The slave population was over 57% in South Carolina where the first traitorous shots were fired on American troops.
1/10: Pass Universal Background Checks:
33 states don't require background checks for all gun sales. Close the Gun Show Loophole & expand background checks to include magazines and ammunition.
2/10: Close the Charleston Loophole:
Each year hundreds of thousands of potentially prohibited people buy guns from licensed dealers without a completed background check. Extend the time to complete one.
2 - On Ronald Reagan’s birthday, it’s fun to remember how he took my dead father’s social security survivor benefits away from my struggling single mom, taxed social security to pay for massive tax cuts on the rich, & how Republicans are pushing for more!
3 - On Ronald Reagan’s birthday, it’s fun to remember how he reclassified KETCHUP as a vegetable to cut funding for school lunches while he transferred billions to the top, exploded deficits, and widened income inequality with his trickle down idiocy.
Republicans have spent decades trying to abolish gov’t agencies including EPA, FDA, & FBI, pass massive tax cuts for the wealthy & big oil, eliminate minimum wage, slash Medicare, & dismantle Social Security.
Marco Rubio getting honest on the Republican play book: Cut taxes on the rich, use their resulting deficits as ammo against Democrats and an excuse to gut programs like Social Security and Medicare.
1) As Russian forces close in on the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, and face brave resistance, I wanted to share a short story of my mother, a Freedom Fighter from another brutal Russian invasion: Hungary, 1956.
She taught me freedom is not free. History repeats.
2) The Soviet Union occupied half of Europe after WWII & built a very real iron curtain right down the middle. Ignoring agreements, Stalin redrew the map and installed puppet governments. He even took a piece of Hungary & annexed it to Ukraine, dividing families for decades
3) Khrushchev’s "secret speech" in February 1956, denounced the crimes of Stalin and his cult of personality. This "de-Stalinization" led reformers across the Eastern bloc to openly express their discontent with Soviet occupation and oppression.
2) In 1987 Soviet diplomats & KGB arranged a Moscow visit. On his return, Trump spent $100,000 on full-page ads criticizing US foreign policy on “why America should stop paying to defend countries that can afford to defend themselves."
3) Trump’s love affair with authoritarianism & dictators is nothing new. Trump saw breakup of Soviet Union as weakness, praised communist China for massacre at Tiananmen, & praised China’s Xi for becoming “President for life.”