NEW: I've reviewed emails showing that then California Attorney General Kamala Harris had a much anticipated meeting with top Planned Parenthood officials in March 2016.
Two weeks later, her state DOJ agents raided pro-life journalist David Daleiden's home — looking for the videos that Planned Parenthood wanted.
(Video is sped up for brevity + audio removed)
The meeting was the culmination of much back and forth between Planned Parenthood and the CA DOJ, the emails show.
According to an Investigation Report dated Dec 3, 2015, Planned Parenthood Affiliates of California’s Beth Parker told agents that “Planned Parenthood would like the computers used to produce the videos seized.”
NEW: DOJ’s Kristen Clarke allegedly reached out to her ex-husband Reginald Avery in May 2021, he tells me, asking him for a statement saying that she was not a domestic abuser during a nomination process where she did not disclose her past arrest.
Avery says that at Clarke’s request, he sent an email on May 19, 2021, to his ex-wife’s publicist, @clo_ewing.
The email, which he shared with The Daily Signal, read: “Kristen Clarke was not an abuser in our relationship.”
Avery says that Clarke wanted him to say that Clarke was not “the” abuser in their relationship. He says he chose to say “an” rather than “the” to avoid giving the impression that he himself was an abuser.
NEW: DOJ's Kristen Clarke testified during her confirmation hearings that she was never arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime. I've obtained messages and records indicating Clarke may have been...less than forthcoming with this statement.
During Clarke's confirmation hearings, @ExposingBiden's Tom Jones did some digging, found a few some sus records, and reached out to Clarke’s ex-husband, Reginald Avery.
@ExposingBiden Avery ultimately said that Clarke attacked him with a knife, deeply slicing his finger to the bone, on the night of July 4, 2006. According to messages and documents reviewed by The Daily Signal, police arrested Clarke that night.
Yesterday, St. Patrick's Cathedral hosted the funeral of Cecilia Gentili, a transgender, atheist prostitute. Funeral was attended by hundreds of trans activists in thongs/fishnet/halter tops/fur. They celebrated the dead prostitute by mocking St. Cecilia, saying: "This whore. This great whore. St. Cecilia, Mother of all Whores!"
Huge question: how did @CardinalDolan allow this to take place?
Gentili is believed to be the first man who identifies as a transgender woman to have a funeral service at St. Patrick's Cathedral, according to funeral organizers (per TIME)
@NikkiHaley: “We want to make sure people can live any way they want to live…you should be free to live the way you want to live, government and everybody else can stay out of your way.”
EXCLUSIVE: Joe and Serena Wailes' 11-year-old daughter was on a cross country school trip when she found out that she had been assigned to share a bed/sleep with a boy who identified as a girl.
“I felt a bit helpless,” her father, Joe Wailes, told me. “I was 2,000 miles away. My daughter is scared in a bathroom trying to get herself out of a situation."