"In Symbolic Masonry, the yod has been replaced by the letter G. But in the high degrees it is retained, and within a triangle, thus, constitutes the symbol of the Deity."
"G. As in all Roman Catholic and in many Protestant churches the cross, engraved or sculptured in some prominent position, will be found as the expressive symbol of Christianity, so in every Masonic Lodge a letter G may be seen in the east, either painted on the wall or
sculptured in wood or metal, and suspended over the Master's chair. This is, in fact, if not the most prominent, certainly the most familiar, of all the symbols of Freemasonry."
Albert G. Mackey was a 33rd degree freemason, and we will now study "his" letter 'G'.
"The Letter 'G'
In all Masonic blue lodges a capital letter 'G' is mounted or suspended directly above the Worshipful Master’s chair. (...)
Bacon’s general use of the letter 'G' was for the purpose of displaying his name.
Hence (in accordance with the Kaye Cipher) the letter 'G' above the Worshipful Master’s chair represents the number 33. And, as we’ve seen, the number 33 = Bacon (Simple Cipher)."
Note: Valid in the Elizabethan alphabet which contained just 24 letters.
Altiyan Childs [137, 56] said somewhere in his 5h+ video "confession" that G stands for "Generative principle". Which actually makes sense, since "everything" is created and under control.
Altiyan referred to Morals & Dogma, and I looked some of the "generation" up in that book.
"The Sun, at the Vernal Equinox, was the fruit-compelling star that by its warmth provoked GENERATION and poured upon the sub-lunary world all the blessing of Heaven (...)
The first inhabitants of Egypt and Ethiopia (...) saw in the Heavens two first eternal causes of things,
or great Divinities, one the Sun, whom they called Osiris, and the other the Moon, whom they called Isis; and these they considered the causes of all the GENERATIONS of earth. This idea, we learn from Eusebius, was the same as that of the Phoenicians. (...)
You have learned how Typhon, his brother, slew him. His body was cut into pieces, all of which were collected by Isis, except his organs of GENERATION, which had been thrown into and devoured in the waters of the river that every year fertilized Egypt. The other portions were
buried by Isis, and over them she erected a tomb. Thereafter she remained single, loading her subjects with blessings. She cured the sick, restored sight to the blind, made the paralytic whole, and even raised the dead. From her Horus or Apollo learned divination and the science
of medicine. Thus the Egyptians pictured the beneficent action of the two luminaries that, from the bosom of the elements, produced all animals and men, and all bodies that are born, grow, and die in the eternal circle of GENERATION arid destruction here below.
When the Celestial Bull opened the new year at the Vernal Equinox, Osiris, united with the Moon, communicated to her the seeds of fruitfulness which she poured upon the air, and therewith impregnated THE GENERATIVE PRINCIPLES which gave activity to universal vegetation."
There we have it! GENERATIVE PRINCIPLES - Let's search for that.
"The union of the Monad and Duad produces the Triad [see Tetractys], signifying the world formed by the creative principle out of matter. (...)
In geometry, a line cannot represent a body absolutely perfect.
As little do two lines constitute a figure demonstratively perfect. But three lines form, by their junction, the TRIANGLE, or the first figure regularly perfect : and this is why it has served and still serves to characterize The Eternal : Who, infinitely perfect in His nature,
is, as Universal Creator, the first Being, and consequently the first Perfection.
The Quadrangle or Square, perfect as it appears, being but the second perfection, can in no wise represent God: Who is the first. It is to be noted that the name of God in Latin and French (Deus,
Dieu), has for its initial the Delta or Greek Triangle. Such is the reason, among ancients and moderns, for the consecration [association with the sacred] of the Triangle, whose three sides are emblems of the three Kingdoms, or Nature, or God. In the centre is the Hebrew JOD
(initial of יהוה), the Animating Spirit of Fire, THE GENERATIVE PRINCIPLE, represented by the letter G., initial of the name of Deity in the languages of the North, and the meaning whereof is GENERATION."
So, Albert Pike gives us the answer to what G stands for on page 632 -> 11
What would this kabbalistic thread be without quoting the beginning of Sepher Yezirah?
Yah, the Lord of hosts, the living God, King of the Universe, Omnipotent, All-Kind and Merciful, Supreme and Extolled, who is Eternal, Sublime and Most-Holy, ordained (formed) and
created the Universe in thirty-two mysterious paths of wisdom by three Sepharim, namely: 1) S'for, 2) Sippur, and 3) Sapher which are in Him one and the same. They consist of a decade out of nothing and twenty-two fundamental letters. He divided the twenty-two
consonants into three divisions: 1) three mothers, fundamental letters or first elements; 2) seven double; and 3) twelve simple consonants.
The decade out of nothing is analogous to that of the ten fingers (and toes) of the human body, five parallel to five, and in the centre of which is the covenant with the only One, by the word of the tongue and the rite of Abraham.
Ten are the numbers out of nothing, and not the number nine, ten and not eleven. Comprehend this great wisdom, understand this knowledge, inquire into it and ponder on it, render it evident and lead the Creator back to His throne again." #Decism archive.org/details/sepher…
One triangle symbolizes 3.
Two triangles symbolize 33.
"Many low-level Masons will not understand the true meaning of these symbols, although they believe (and I emphasize BELIEVE) they know everything about them because they're given a false explanation during their initiation."
Twitter was rebranded to X on July 23, 2023, with the changes taking effect on July 24, 2023. Elon Musk announced the rebrand, replacing the iconic blue bird logo with an "X" and signaling the beginning of his vision to transform the platform into an "everything app.
Let me check my summation in tens of that date July 24, 2023:
7 + 24 + 20+23 = 74
That is good. The numerology of 74 is 11. To bad though that summation in ones results in 20, i.e. the digital root 2. No master number 11 when counting that way.
"JOHANNES KEPLER, the father of modern astronomy, fabricated data in presenting his theory of how the planets move around the Sun, apparently to bolster acceptance of the insight by skeptics, a scholar has found.
The scholar, William H. Donahue, said the evidence of Kepler's scientific fakery is contained in an elaborate chart he presented to support his theory.
Kepler showed that the planets move in elliptical orbits rather than in circles
as Copernicus suggested. In his book describing the insight, he said it was confirmed by independent calculations of the planets' positions. In fact, Dr. Donahue says, Kepler derived the data by calculations based on the theory itself.
Let me start with saying that the heliocentric model has been proven wrong and it is only up to yourselves to study this matter. The fall of heliocentrism will not be televised in the thesis nor antithesis media.
“You remember that I traced for you the story of evolution in its journey from the atom to the star. And I showed you that the hypothesis of the indestructibility of the atom was simply a creed of cruelty writ large,
I now proceed on the lines of true science to show you how that hypothesis is false; that as the atom is destructible— as you have seen by our experiments (the last of which resulted in a climax not intended by me) — the whole scheme of what is called creation falls to pieces.
"Ofta blir himlen helt grådisig och igenmulen efter sprutningar, trots lovande prognoser om soligt väder. Sedan 1998 har militära och civila luftfartstjänstemän insisterat på att spåren vi kan se bara [är] 'kondensstrimmor' (...)"
"Sedan när har 'regelbunden normal flygtrafik' till exempel helt plötsligt börjat uppvisat mättade himlar i veckor? Bara för att helt plötsligt upphöra så att en normal blå himmel visar sig igen, för att sen börja om igen någon/några veckor senare?"
"Dagen gryr och sedan kommer dom, från öster i en solfjäderformad spridning av spår över himlen. Vid middagstid eller under tidig eftermiddag blir sedan himlen stadigt igenmulen. Jag är en pensionerad pilot. Jag ser tydlig skillnad på chemtrails och contrails!"