This week we are looking at the second point of our mission statement, the creation of a United Kingdom that is ACTIVE ON THE GLOBAL STAGE
Being active on the global stage can be broad in scope and have many implications which would be impossible to cover in a simple definition of terms. What we do not mean is for Britain to be involved in forcibly exporting its ideology across the globe. 1/11
Whilst we believe the British Empire to have been a net positive, global land empires are part of the rich tapestry of history and appear likely to remain so. 2/11
What we do believe is that it is the responsibility of the institutions of the United Kingdom to prioritise the long term interests of the United Kingdom and its subjects in primacy to those of other Nation States or Federal bodies. 3/11
To this end we assert that it is the duty of our government to work with those governments around the globe which are cooperative, in order to obtain the benefits of mutual free trade and security for our respective peoples. 4/11
Where agreements for cooperation become onerous on the part of the United Kingdom, that is to say they cease to provide a benefit in excess of the cost, they must be terminated. 5/11
Additionally we maintain that it is the right of every nation state to see to its own defence and to preserve its national integrity. This may be through both conventional and unconventional means which may encompass the operation of a blue-water navy... 6/11
... for the adequate projection of military power overseas, an independent nuclear deterrent, provisions for cyber warfare and so on. These means must be available for our use without seeking permission from extra-national bodies. 7/11
Although in the spirit of international cooperation they ought to be informed where this does not compromise our national interests. 8/11
Whilst there may be practices or affairs in countries which we would not accept on our own soil, where these do not compromise the integrity or security of the United Kingdom we believe that these practices or affairs ought to be for those countries to manage internally. 9/11
Although we may petition those countries, or make their compliance with our own moral standards a condition of our cooperation, regardless of whether their own cultural or moral standards may fall short of our own... 10/11
... it is our conviction that countries must be free to govern themselves as we also seek the right to govern ourselves. 11/11