Creation myths all around the Finno-Ugric world are very similar. Almost all of them are diver myths, sharing similarities to creation myths in other parts of the world, such as Eastern Europe, Siberia, East Asia and North America.
Finno-Ugric creation myths almost always begin with a primordial ocean and a waterfowl (usually duck or loon). They can be further divided into two categories: ones where the head-god is born from the waterfowl's egg and ones where the head-god already exists.
In the Mari variant the primordial duck Ludo swims the ocean and lays two eggs out of which come the head-god Jumo and the devil Keremet. Jumo demands Keremet to dive into the ocean in the form of a duck and bring back mud for the creation of the earth.
Jumo uses the mud to create flat land while Keremet, much to Jumo's discontent, creates mountains with mud he kept in his mouth in secret. This establishes the themes of good and evil and the superiority of the head-god as the elder brother of the devil and ruler of the world.
In the Komi version the duck Čyž lays 6 eggs: 2 of which hatch into the head-god Jen and devil Omöl. The other 4 eggs drop into the ocean. Jen tries to save them while Omöl tries to stop him. Failing to save the eggs Čyž throws herself down and dies. Jen proceeds to create...
...the earth from Čyž's body. Omöl counterracts every good thing that Jen does. Jen creates good spirits, Omöl creates evil ones. Jen creates Heaven, Omöl attempts to create a second Heaven for himself. Finally Jen banishes Omöl and the evil spirits into the Lower World.
Soon Omöl's wife is born from his own blood. Jen tries to kidnap the wife, resulting in a deadly battle between him and Omöl. As a result the wife gives birth to Jen's children Voipel and Joma and Omöl throws them into the Middle World. They would become the ancestors of humans.
The Finnic version is more vague. It usually starts with a bird searching for land to lay eggs. She flies over a blue, red and golden bush, each representing one of the three worlds, and settles on the golden one. The laid eggs hatch into Heaven, Earth, sun, moon and the stars.
In the Mordvin creation myth the head-god Champaz exists before all else and is responsible for the creation of the primordial ocean and bird. After forming the physical aspects of the world, he creates the devil Idemevs embodying evil and the earthgod Ange-Patjai embodying good.
The Ob-Ugric variants of the creation story are very diverse and numerous. Unlike other Finno-Ugric creation myths the head-god plays a very passive role and the devil-god rarely appears at all. Instead, the attention is all on Mir-Susne-Hum and his adventures across the world.
In the beginning there is an island with a house in the middle of the primordial ocean, in it live the head-god Num-Toorum and earth-mother Kaltaš-Ekwa. One day an iron loon descends from the sky. As per usual Num-Toorum demands it to bring mud from the bottom of the ocean.
The loon rubs the mud on the house and in the following days it expands to cover the whole world. Eventually Kaltaš-Ekwa gives birth to her and Num-Toorum's son Mir-Susne-Hum. Mir-Susne-Hum is a very active deity, without waiting he mounts his winged horse to explore the world.
Usually Mir-Susne-Hum's adventures revolve around making the world suitable for humans. Each time asking his father for guidance, he ties the spinning world together with a belt to make it stay put, defeats demons, teaches the first humans to hunt and fish, etc.
In one Nenets creation variant the primordial loon is accompanied by an ermine. The loon goes on a bold journey to bring mud from far-away, after coming back with mud she falls asleep and the mud turns into the earth and sprouts to life. The ermine calls the gods to witness this.
The earth-god Jačel creates the first man and the head-god Num-Wesaku gives him fire to protect him and shares teachings about the importance of each deity:
“I myself will always watch you from heaven. My broad heavenly soul will always give you only joy and peace!"
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We need more thinking like this. A lot of ideas about Finnic etymology and history have to be reviewed in light of the recent archeogenetic discoveries, that Finnics settled in the Baltic only at around 800-500BC, and in Finland around 100AD through Estonia.
Understanding our history from a deeper perspective will also help to bring Estonians and Finns closer. Finnish and Estonian became separate languages only around 1000 yrs ago. During the "colonial" period, (Coastal) Finnics were one uniform ethnicity.
Dipping into mythology, a lot of the characters in the Kalevala could've lived during this colonial period, when nobles and warriors from Estonian provinces settled in Finland. The Kullervo cycle is basically about the Finno-Germanic war in Western Finland.
Reconstructions of Iron Age Finnic swords, scabbards and a spear. It was common for Finnics of the time to adorn their weapons and tools in silver and bronze ornaments.
The ornaments have various origins. This spear from Eura has a pattern imitating the typical Germanic serpentine style.
The tip of this scabbard is in a style common throughout Iron Age Finnic finds. The abstract but vaguely animal-like ornaments remind me of Permian Animal Style. Perhaps they descend from the same school of Finno-Permic bronze casters?
The idea that Estonians have lived in Estonia for thousands of years is surprisingly new. According to Æstonia Rediviva, a chronicle written by Baltic German David Werner in the 17th c, Estonians travelled and waged war around the ancient world, finally settling on the Vistula...
...river, where they replaced the Wends and made allies with the Scythians, with whom they became brothers-in-arms. According to Werner Estonians arrived in Estonia only in the 10th century, followed by a great war with the Danes and the eventual Christianisation of Estonians.
At the same time Johannes Schefferus theorised in "Lapponia" that the Tavastian god of war Turrisas or Turris-As (Turris, lord of Asia) was originally an ancient king who lead the ancestors of Finns and Estonians from Asia to their current territories.
The wedding was one of the most important events in traditional Estonian society. These wedding traditions are typical for a patriarchal clan-based society and similar customs are found all around the world, especially among Finno-Ugric people.
The whole marriage process was conducted by the groom's parents and other older relatives, they had the final say in the matter. Picking the right bride was of great importance, since the marriage wouldn't only secure the clan's survival...
...but also form an important alliance between the groom's and bride's clans. Contrary to popular belief, the wealth of the respective families were not so important. The hardworkingness and good reputation of the bride were valued above all.
Pjera is one of my favourite Finno-Ugric heroes of all time. He's an all-encompassing hero and it's almost as if he has had multiple reincarnations that lived in different time periods through history. In this thread I'll share some stories about him.
Despite the varying stories and "reincarnations", Pjera is always depicted as a strongman doing great deeds, preceded by episodes of peaceful labor as a hunter or farmer. He is kind, humble, quick-tempered and easy-going, and cannot stand injustice or dishonour.
As one of his earlier incarnations he is born as the son of the taiga Parma in a time when the sun was always shining and there was no mankind. Pjera became the master of the forest and the land. One day he climbed to heaven, met the daughter of the sun Zaran and married her.
Sirtyans are a mythical people, who once lived around the Nenets okrug, before they were replaced and assimilated by the migrating Nenets from the east. According to legend, they came from across the arctic to settle on Yamal.
They are described to be very short and with light eyes. They wore beautiful clothes with metal pendants. In general, they are described as great metallurgists and blacksmiths. Unlike the Nenets, they were mainly hunters, though legends also say they herded mammoths underground.
They apparently lived on sandy hills or underground, coming to the surface only at night. There were also cases of marriages and military clashes between Sirtyans and Nenets. The Sirtyans were said to come out and hide quickly, making fighting them very difficult.