2/ We talked about the wildly successful mint last week - we sold out in roughly 8 minutes during the Public Whitelist sale. Now let's talk about our sales volume! Number of trades, Total LUNA trading hands, big sales, and more!
5/ Almost 500k LUNA in ~4,500 trades, how about the timing? When was the peak-hype for Galactic Punks sales? Find that info in hourly increments here: velocity-app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity/visua…
6/ We can clearly see that the first 8 hours are the heaviest volume, while sales more recently have calmed down a bit. We hit almost 35k LUNA in one hour after first going live on the marketplace!
7/ How about the most expensive sales? What are the breakdowns on cheap sales and expensive sales? I decided to break those down into the following groups:
9/ Very interesting breakdown of sales. The majority of sales have taken place in the 50-99.99 LUNA range with 2,486 sales (54.8%) - A few folk paper-handed (or likely fat-fingered the numbers) when selling for < 10 LUNA. There have also been 23 sales over 1,000 LUNA - amazing!
10/ This tells me some real whales may be scooping up some Galactic Punks. But let's take a look at the top 5 highest sales!
11/ Interesting. The fifth highest sale was for 2,999 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #9455 (rank 63 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
12/ The 4th highest sale was for 3,000 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #584 (rank 14 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
13/ The 3rd highest sale was for 4,069 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #6500 (rank 64 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
14/ The 2nd highest sale was for 5,000 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #4911 (rank 3 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
15/ The highest sale for a Galactic Punk was for 15,300 LUNA and it was Galactic Punk #7692 (rank 45 on notfoundterra.com/galpunk)
16/ Amazing. A wide range of rankings/rarity for the top 5 sales, with the lowest rank of 64 and highest rank of 3. The total top 5 sales add up to 30,368 LUNA. A current USD value of ~$1.2 Million.
2/ Traders & Collectors || How many unique GP holders are there, currently? Of these holders, what is the breakdown on the number of punks they have? Who are our frequent traders?? Define frequency if your own words. (bonus - include rarities!)
3/ Where My Punks At? || Of all of our GP holders, what other projects do they have a hand in? Are they LUNA stakers? Anchor users? Mirror? Pylon? Do they collect other NFTs? If so, which ones?
2/ We talked about the mint a couple days ago - we sold out in roughly 17 minutes during the Public Whitelist sale. Now let's talk about our sales volume! Number of trades, Total LUNA trading hands, big sales, and more!
1/ @LunaBulls@flipsidecrypto Similar to my dashboard and tweet storm for Galactic Punks - let's look at the minting data for Luna Bulls. The link to the dashboard containing this information can be found here, but let's break it down in this thread now. kiwi-paradox-650.notion.site/Luna-Bulls-NFT…
2/ For the minting of all 10,069 NFTs, there were 4 sections to the Luna Bulls mint.
Let's break down the numbers for all 4 sections.
3/ - Airdrop || 120 Bulls (~1.2% of total minted)
- Community Whitelist || 1,904 Bulls (~18.9% of total minted)
- Public Whitelist || 8,045 Bulls (~79.9% of total minted)
- All Luna Bulls || 10,069