法国需要尽快站出来:2016年法国巴斯德研究所世界卫生组织(WHO)狂犬病协作中心(法国国家狂犬病参考实验室)Herve Guy Marie Bourhy与长春兽医研究所狂犬病组人员就狂犬病流行传播及蝙蝠病毒流行分布开展了深入的探讨交流,主要介绍了其在狂犬病病毒演化、传播、跨种属传播流行病学方面所做的研究。
On 21 Sep 2018 Hicham Nejmi, Secretary-General of the Moroccan Ministry of Health, visited Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. He said grateful to School of Medicine for its contribution and promised to provide policy support.shsmu.edu.cn/xxgk/info/1096…
Questions: What contribution of Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine has been received by Hicham Nejmi personally in China in exchange for promised policy support for Sino-Morocco cooperation projects?