🪡 Here’s the face of a victorious fighter who’s got more fights in him. When we read that Alejandro Castro spent 299 days in an Oregon hospital battling Covid 19, & then the complications from it, we wanted to know more.
Today, we spent the day with him & his family at their home, 45 minutes outside of Portland. What we didn’t know was the degree to which he fought in the hospital and how that part of the story makes his recovery amazing & inspiring.
1 of his nurses, Levi Cole: “Alex had the heart of a lion. He fought like an animal & he made it out of here against every possible odd…it’s impossible for me to sort of quantify the level of pain & the amount of suffering his family & he went through for him to make it out…”
“In my ECMO career, 108 days is unheard of & for him to leave the hospital was very, very touch and go for a very long time. And after we got him off the ECMO. The day they took him off ECMO…I crawled in bed with him. I gave him a big hug and we were both laughing…”
“…I had tears in my eyes from pure joy. Having had to watch him suffer for many and many months here before he got to go home was very difficult. He was incredibly demoralized & I think he wanted to throw the towel in many many times. And Amanda (his wife) wouldn’t let him…”
“…And his kids wouldn’t let him. And his son (oldest son) would come in here and play bad cop, worse cop with me & everybody else. We all dragged him across the finish line but he did it himself.”
Alex spent 108 days on ECMO! I’ve covered Covid stories for the last year and a half. I had no idea you could be awake while on ECMO and even walk down a hall. Alex did both, and we have the videos to show you.
This story is one of amazement but it’s sobering to see what’s ahead for Alex. He’s just 44 years old.
As of today, Louisiana is the first state in the country to require that the 10 Commandments to be displayed in every classroom in the state. On the flip side, Louisiana is ranked last in the U.S. in crime and corrections, 47th in education, 46th in health care, 49th in infrastructure, and 49th for the overall state of the economy. fox8live.com/2024/05/16/lou…
“The measure in Louisiana requires that the commandments be displayed in each classroom of every public elementary, middle and high school, as well as public college classrooms. The posters must be no smaller than 11 by 14 inches and the commandments must be “the central focus of the poster” and “in a large, easily readable font.” nytimes.com/2024/06/19/us/…
Louisiana’s Governor said: “I can’t wait to be sued.”
He later said: “If you want to respect the rule of law,” he said, “you’ve got to start from the original law giver, which was Moses.”
ABSURD & LAUGHABLE: A Louisiana public high school principal allegedly told the student government president that she was kicked out of student government and that he wouldn’t help her with college scholarships because the student was seen on video Twerking at a private party. The principal allegedly said the female student wasn’t “living in the Lord’s way” and that the video was inappropriate.
“..He told her she wasn’t living in the Lord’s way and questioned who her friends were and if they followed the Lord. She said she didn’t know how to answer that and they said it’s a yes or no question. Meanwhile, she’s sobbing.”
Rachel Timonet said St. Pierre printed out Bible verses and highlighted sections. Most devastating to Kaylee, he told her she was no longer eligible for student of the year...”
This is the principal, Jason St. Pierre. Last year he got a “school spirit principal of the year” award. theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/ne…
BREAKING: Travis Ikeguchi has been named as the man who shot and killed Lauri Carleton outside her store in Cedar Glen, Calif. Ikeguchi tore down a pride flag outside of Carleton's store before killing her. An X account matching that name shows this as his most recent post. It shows fire destroying a pride flag. The day before the shooting, the suspects family reported him missing to police.
The suspects X account is filled with homophobic ratings, anti vaccine propaganda, and religious ramblings. His X bio reads: There is only one way to the path of salvation and to have eternal life and that is through Jesus Christ. And yes, the path is narrow.
Hertz rental car employees in Louisiana treat a Puerto Rican man like he’s a foreigner and deny him a rental car that he’s already paid for. That’s the gist and facts of the story. But it doesn’t in there. Watch for the resolution and takeaway.
Hertz statement: “Hertz accepts Puerto Rican driver’s licenses from our customers renting in the U.S. without requiring a valid passport. We sincerely regret that our policy was not followed and have apologized to Mr. Marchand and refunded his rental. We are reinforcing our… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
I called the police department and they say they checked the body camera that the officer was wearing. They claim that the body camera does not show what the complainant told me. However, it’s unclear as to when the body camera was turned off. Mr. Merchand says that it happened… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
“No comment” is all that was said by the attorney representing the City of Wetumpka, Alabama after the city quietly told a judge they didn’t want to further pursue charges against two women who were feeding cats, but only after the city arrested charged prosecuted & punished… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The ladies, according to their lawyers, will file suit against the city for violation of their civil rights & malicious prosecution.
Better yet, look at the video of the arrest. The officers told the ladies they were trespassing on PUBLIC PROPERTY.
Then one officer lied to his supervisor saying the women (ages 85 & 60) nearly beat the officers’ ass*s”. You clearly see on video that never happened. The… twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
BREAKING: Judge in Wetumpka, Alabama finds U.S. Army veteran Beverly Roberts, 85, and Mary Alston, 61, GUILTY of trespassing & disorderly conduct in connection to feeding & trapping cats (for neutering) on public property, which is not illegal.
The city found it be a nuisance.
Reaction from Alice Burton
Animal welfare advocate & trainer
Former animal control officer
Director of Programs @alleycatallies