#zsww au

thinking of a fic where shape-shifters exist, and they display a/b/o characteristics.

Xie Yun is of course, an omega, and he has a lot of alpha geges loving and looking after him
Xie Yun, like his background, was a prince. His parents were killed during a revolt and he escaped with his teacher. However his teacher too died soon after, since shifu is already so old
After Shifu's death, a young six year old Xie Yun had to fend for himself. It was dangerous for a young child to be out and about since slavery was still common, and young orphan children were the target to be treated as commodities to be sold.
To survive, Xie Yun had to shape shift into his fox form, where he will forage for fruits in the forest, and sometimes lurk at the market place for any discarded food scraps
On one particular day, Xie Yun unfortunately met a very mean vendor. This vendor threw some stones at him to drive him away, and Xie Yun had no choice but to run back into the forest
Xie Yun was very sad because he had been especially hungry. His last meal was days ago, and that had only been some small berries he had been saving up.
When Xie Yun tried to close his eyes to sleep away the hunger, he heard footsteps coming towards him.
This alarmed Xie Yun as the forest was largely avoided by humans, due to some myth about demons and monsters inhabiting the forest.

Xie Yun was afraid that someone was there to catch him, to kill him and harvest his fur since winter was approaching.
Xie Yun tried to get up and run, but he was too weak to move since he was so hungry. He had been starving for months now since shifu's death.
The man who approached him picked Xie Yun up and petted him carefully, as if checking for injuries. When the man seemed happy with his inspections, he sat down on the forest floor, and from his sleeve, he brought out two meat buns and offered it to Xie Yun.
Xie Yun sniffed at the bun carefully, wary about the possibility of being given food that had been laced with drugs. The man chuckled at the action and petted his head softly.
"You're a shifter, aren't you, young one?"

Xie Yun froze when he heard it, fur raising as adrenaline courses through his body in preparation to run. But the man was quicker and cuddled Xie Yun to his chest.
"Do not be afraid. I too am a shifter. I am a grand priest of a nearby mountain. I saw you this morning in the market and I thought that you might need my assistance."
Xie Yun's fur was no longer raised, but he was still wary of the stranger.

The grand priest smiled as he placed Xie Yun on his lap. "If you'd like, I can transform too so you would believe me?"
Xie Yun continued to eye the grand priest warily. Even if he was a shifter too, it did not mean that he had no ill intention.
The grand priest transformed into a wolf right in front of Xie Yun's eyes. His fur was white as the snow, and Xie Yun had never seen anything as majestic. Not even when he was still living in the palace as the crown prince.
The wolf then turned back into his human form, and this time, Xie Yun took a proper look at the grand priest. He had kind eyes and honest smile.
As an heir to the throne, it was agreed upon since the olden days that upon birth, the rightful heir would be bestowed a blessing from the heavens. The Emperor and the Empress were allowed to request for any blessing upon their child.
Xie Yun's mother had requested for Xie Yun's blessing to be the ability to read another's heart.
This blessing had saved Xie Yun's life countless of times. Unfortunately, Xie Yun had been too young when the rebellion occured, thus he had not been able to use his gift to protect his kingdom, and more importantly his parents.
But now, he could use this gift to assess the man in front of him. Xie Yun had never seen any person with a heart as pure as his.
Xie Yun burrows himself at the grand priest's outer robe, hoping that his message would be understood.

The grand priest chuckled as he took off his outer robe and placed it around Xie Yun's body.
Xie Yun transformed back into his human form and kneeled before the grand priest in gratitude.

"Forgive my rudeness earlier. This one is called Xie Yun, and Xie Yun thanks Shizun for his kindness."
Shi Ying pulls Xie Yun up gently while wrapping his outer robe more securely around Xie Yun's body.

"There is no need. Now eat, you need to recover your strength."
Xie Yun nodded his head gratefully as he began to eat the buns given to him.

"Eat slowly, there are more," Shi Ying chided lightly as he produced a canteen for Xie Yun to drink from.
Xie Yun's face reddened at his improper manner and he began to eat slowly, savouring the taste while chewing carefully.
"Forgive my rudeness, little one. But I have to wonder, why are you out and about alone? Shifters usually live in packs. We are also stronger and we live longer than the average man."
Xie Yun swallowed the last of his bun before answering.

"I think it would be easier if I show Shizun where I have been living for the year."
Shi Ying could not help but to scoop Xie Yun into his arms, bouncing him lightly as he let Xie Yun guide them.

Xie Yun pointed into a cave, hidden from the whole forest.
The cave was clean, and well looked after even though it was bare. Xie Yun had been selling everything of value he could think of just to be able to eat.

There were however, items too valuable for him to sell.
Xie Yun activated the hidden mechanism of the cave, and leads Shi Ying to a hidden room, where Xie Yun's most valuable possessions were stored.
Xie Yun did not have much, really. All that were left from his parents and also his kingdom was a tome of the kingdom's ancestry, his parents' funeral tablets and a jade pendant that had been passed from one emperor to the next since the founding of the dynasty.
The only other item Xie Yun had was the brush his shifu used to taught him to write with. Even when starving, he could not bring himself to sell the brush, as it was the only thing Xie Yun had left of his shifu.
"You shouldn't be too trusting, my prince. What if I am an assassin sent by the new dynasty to get rid of you?" Shi Ying said in distress.
"You have a pure heart, I trust you," Xie Yun replied as he shifted back into his fox form, returning Shi Ying's outer robe.

Xie Yun shimmied inside his own ragged, worn robes before shifting back into his human form.
"How long have you been living here alone?" Shi Ying asked, concerned. Just how long had the young prince been surviving on his own?

"It has been four months since shifu died. I have been living here with shifu for three years."
"Would you come with me, to Jiu Yi mountain? I live with other shifters too. We will take care of you."
Xie Yun looked at Shi Ying in surprise. He knew that Shi Ying was a good person, but taking in a child would be burdensome. Xie Yun knew that currently, due to the political turmoil of the land, everyone had been suffering. There were hardly enough for people to eat.
Taking in a child, who was not capable of any labour would just add another mouth to feed. There would be less for Shi Ying and the people he live with.
"We live comfortably in mountain. We have our own land to farm and our own cattle. I would like to take you back with me. I could not leave you here alone without any means to put food on the table," Shi Ying said kindly, knowing what was going through Xie Yun's mind.
"I.. I do not want to burden you or your clan," Xie Yun said softly.

"Not a burden. You are a child in need. Plus, we would be happy to have someone as adorable as you around. Our youngest just turned twelve, we could hardly play with him now."
"If you are sure.. If you are sure that the other people wouldn't mind.."

"They wouldn't. None of them would turn away someone in need," Shi Ying said firmly.
"I'll tell you what, we have a berry garden, but the bushes are too low for us to collect the fruits from. If you come with me, I'll get you to pick them for us, how does that sound?"
Shi Ying would never ask a child to work to earn a meal, but he sensed that this would be the only way he could convince Xie Yun to come with him.
Xie Yun's eyes lit up immediately at the proposition. "I will work hard!" Xie Yun tried to bow again at Shi Ying, but Shi Ying caught him and took Xie Yun in his arms instead.
"There's no need for a bow, dear child," Shi Ying pokes Xie Yun's cheek softly. "Now, are these the only items you would like to bring?"

Xie Yun nodded his head. Those really were all Xie Yun had.
Shi Ying collected the items and placed them in his sleeve, taking those and Xie Yun with him back to Jiu Yi mountain.
Xiao Yunyun looking sad because he's hungry :< haven't eaten in a few days... Image
Little Xiao Yunyun in his fox form. He's just hungry for food and for love🥺 Image
Shi Ying carried little Yunyun in his arms as they rode on Shi Ying's sword to the mountain. Xie Yun looked around curiously. He had never seen anything like this before. And flying was a really fun experience!
When they finally reached the mountain, Xie Yun spotted a man wearing travel weary garb. He looked just like the grand priest, but this man was much more rugged. He also had some stubbles which Xie Yun thought looked really cool.
"Hoo who do you have over there, Shi Ying-shizun? Are we having him for lunch?" Ji Chong joked as he tickles Xie Yun's sides.
"Don't joke about that," Shi Ying frowned as he shielded Xie Yun from Ji Chong. "This little one is Xie Yun. I found him when I was at the market earlier today."
Understanding dawned on Ji Chong's face, and he patted Xie Yun's head gently. "Hello little Xie Yun. My name is Ji Chong. You'll be safe here with us, okay?"
Xie Yun nodded his head shyly as he buries his face into Shi Ying's clothes. Shi Ying-shizun was right. There were nice people living up in the mountain.
"Don't be shy, come with me, I have candies," Ji Chong laughed as he took Xie Yun from Shi Ying's arms and spun him around in the air. Xie Yun could only giggle as he held onto Ji Chong's shoulder so he wouldn't fall.
"No candies until after dinner," a stern voice said. This man looked almost like Shi Ying. He was even wearing similar clothes to Shi Ying.
"Ignore the sour puss," Ji Chong whispered as he took a candy from his pocket and slipped it into Xie Yun's palm. "Quick, quick hide it in your mouth before he finds it," Ji Chong whispered again at Xie Yun who giggled even louder while eating the candy.
"Just one candy, I promise. He will be able to eat dinner," Ji Chong pursed his lips at Yan Bingyun's disapproving looks.
Xie Yun ate his candy slowly, watching Yan Bingyun walking away, descending the mountain.

"Ignore him, he's not fun," Ji Chong said as he placed Xie Yun back at Shi Ying's arm. "I gotta go run some errands. I'll see you tonight, little one."
Xie Yun waved Ji Chong a goodbye as Shi Ying brought Xie Yun further up the mountain. They entered a large building and countless of hallways before arriving at the kitchen.
"Shi Ying-shizun, do you have something for me to cook - ah, I see you brought a little one with you."

This man looked like he's the chef of the place, and he seemed really friendly too.
"My name is Xie Yun, hello," Xie Yun grinned at him.

"Hello there, Xie Yun, my name is Zhang Xiaofan. I cook for everyone here. If you want to eat anything in particular, just let me know and I'll make it for you, hmm?"
Xie Yun nodded shyly. He didn't want to be a burden, really. It was good enough that he was taken in and would be given a roof above his head and from what he could see, enough food so he wouldn't starve. He hoped that one day he could repay their kindness.
"Have you seen Tang San? I want to ask him if he still have his old clothes for Xie Yun to wear. I'll ask Ji Chong to take Xie Yun to go shopping for new clothes tomorrow."
"I think Tang San is in his room. He was talking about some weapon design or something," Zhang Xiaofan said as he scooped a small bowl of beef noodle soup and placed it on the table and called Xie Yun over. "Come try the noodle, if you like it I still have more!"
Shi Ying placed Xie Yun on the sitting cushion so he could eat the meal.

"Shouldn't we wait for everyone? I could wait until lunch time and eat with everyone.."
"That's okay. I can see that you're hungry. Eat up, okay? And if you like it I can give you more."
"Will there be enough for everyone?" Xie Yun really wanted to eat the bowl of noodle soup. But he was afraid that he would be eating someone else's share.
Zhang Xiaofan smiled sadly at Xie Yun. This boy was still so considerate despite how hungry and frail he looked. Xiaofan lifted Xie Yun on his arms and showed him the pot. "There are plenty of food. And if anyone is still hungry I'll just have to cook more."
"But.. wouldn't the food store run out?"

"We have plenty of food! Really. We farm and we raise our own cattle. We could buy food stocks too from down the mountain."
Xie Yun nodded, still hesitating to eat even though he really wanted too. His stomach rumbled suddenly at the smell and sight of a delicious meal in front of him.
"Eat up, eat up," Zhang Xiaofan nudged Xie Yun gently as he encouraged him to eat. "I'll be happy if someone eats my meal. You want to make gege happy, right?"
Xie Yun nodded his head vigorously as he began to take a bite of the noodle. When he ate the beef slices Xie Yun thought that this must be what heaven felt like.
Zhang Xiaofan laughed at how cute Xie Yun looked. He took a few more slices of beef and placed it in front of Xie Yun. "As long as you're here with us, I promise you that you'll never go hungry again."
Xie Yun looked up, cheeks still full of food. He swallows them slowly before speaking. "I wish that I can repay everyone's kindness. I'm sorry that I do not have any way to repay all of you.."
Zhang Xiaofan stopped Xie Yun immediately, pulling him close into a hug. "Oh sweet child, there is nothing you have to do. You don't owe us anything. We have more than enough, and we are happy to share. You're family now."
Xie Yun nodded softly, squishing his cheeks into Zhang Xiaofan's chest. It had been a while since someone treated him so tenderly like this. He really missed his parents right now.
Zhang Xiaofan held Xie Yun gently, rubbing at his back. He couldn't imagine how hard the little one's life had been up until now.
Xie Yun finally let go when he heard footsteps. He saw Shi Ying coming back with an older child.
"Hello, my name is Tang San. We'll be roommates until your room is built! After you finish your meal I'll show you where to take a bath, I have fresh set of clothes you can change into."
Xie Yun nodded as he went back to finish his meal.

Tang San waited patiently, smiling brightly at Xie Yun. When Xie Yun was done, he offered his hand for Xie Yun to hold.
"How old are you, Xie Yun? Shi Ying-shizun only mentioned about finding you in the forest."
"I just turned six a few weeks ago," Xie Yun said timidly. "How old is gege?"
"I'm 11 now, but I'll turn 12 in two months!" Tang San grinned gummily. "That means we're going to have treats in two months, but wait, since it was only your birthday recently we should make you birthday treats. We'll make you sweet treats tomorrow!"
"No, no. Please, I do not want to impose," Xie Yun blushed brightly. He actually really wanted to eat some treats since he had not had that luxury ever since the rebellion.

"But you didn't have them for your birthday," Tang San frowned.
"That's okay! Being able to live here is already enough.."

Tang San couldn't help but to wrap Xie Yun in his arms and hug him tightly. "Making those treats is really easy. We'll make it together, okay? We'll make your favourite treats."
Xie Yun nodded his head, but he was unsure if treats were that easy to make and didn't cost a fortune to buy. He was used to eating those all the time in the palace, even when it was not his birthday, but it was not the same anymore ever since he was forced to flee.
Shifu had told him that those treats were too expensive and that they couldn't afford it. Shifu had promised him the treats when he had a little more money saved up, but Shifu had passed before he could fulfil that promise.
Tang San hugged Xie Yun a little tighter, promising himself that he would make every kind of treats he knew for Xie Yun. Xie Yun deserved more kindness and love.
"Do you need help with taking a bath?" Tang San asked as they arrived at the bath chamber.
Xie Yun's cheeks turned pink when he realised that he had not taken a bath in a proper bath chamber ever since he made his escape. He was used to wash himself in the stream instead of having a proper bath with soap and perfumed oils.
Tang San ruffled Xie Yun's hair and leads them inside. "I'll wash you when you're in the tub."

"I.. I can't let you, no.." Xie Yun protested, washing someone else was a servant's job. He couldn't let Tang San do something like that for him! He was no longer a prince after all.
"Xie Yun, let gege help, hmm?" Tang San coaxed him with a pout.

Xie Yun lowered his head, shaking it. "I can't.. Gege is not a servant. I can't let gege do this."
Tang San placed a finger under Xie Yun's chin to lift it, so that he could look into Xie Yun's eyes. "Well, since you call me gege, you should let me help you. Geges always have to help their didis, right?"
Xie Yun reluctantly nodded, as Tang San smiled while drawing warm water for the bath.

Xie Yun disrobed quickly, and entered the tub once Tang San called him over
"Is the temperature okay?" Tang San asked as he lathered his hand with soap.

"It is, thank you, gege."
Tang San smiled softly at Xie Yun, patting his head. "Close your eyes for me, alright? I'll be washing your hair."

Xie Yun closed his eyes immediately, and he purred when he felt Tang San's fingers massaging his scalp
Tang San couldn't help but to laugh at how cute Xie Yun was sounding. He continued working on Xie Yun's scalp until he felt that it was clean enough.

"Tilt your head back for me, A-Yun. I'll rinse it off now."
Xie Yun followed Tang San's instructions as Tang San meticulously rinsed all the soap suds in his hair. Xie Yun continued to purr as he was pampered by Tang San
"You can open your eyes now."

Xie Yun blinked his eyes open and sits forward in the tub again, waiting for Tang San to scrub his body clean.
Tang San placed some soap on his wash cloth, and begins to scrub at Xie Yun's back, arms, and then at the rest of him. Xie Yun giggled when Tang San cleans his sides and his belly, feeling ticklish.
Tang San couldn't help but to laugh too, and planted a kiss on Xie Yun's forehead. "You're so cute," Tang San kissed him one more time before finishing his task of washing Xie Yun.
"I'll just need to oil your hair. Just a bit more and we're done, okay? Then I can show you my chamber so you can take a nap there."

"Your chamber?" Xie Yun asked in confusion.
"Ah, we do not have enough bed chambers right now, so we will be roommates until your chamber has been built. I'm sorry that we can't give you your own chamber.."

"No, no," Xie Yun cut him off quickly. "I'm grateful to already be allowed to stay," Xie Yun insisted
"I.. if there's not enough bed chambers I could sleep in the hallway, or if there's any storage places.."

"Xie Yun," this time it was Tang San who cut him off. "I told you that you're family now. We're not letting you sleep somewhere uncomfortable."
"As long as there's a roof above my head, it would be enough.."

Tang San's heart broke at those words. Xie Yun really did have a rough past. "Oh, darling," Tang San grabbed a towel and lifted Xie Yun up to dry him while hugging him tightly.
"We're family now, truly. We will make sure that you'll live comfortably from now on, alright? You don't have to worry about anything. You're one of us now."
Xie Yun burrowed his face into Tang San's clothes. "Thank you, gege." He didn't know what he did to deserve such kindness, but Xie Yun really appreciated it
"Now, I have a few clothes for you to choose from, which one would you like to wear?" Tang San showed a few pieces of pretty robes, and Xie Yun's eyes were drawn to the blue set.

"Could I wear the blue one, please, gege?"
Tang San immediately get the robes and started to dress Xie Yun after drying him thoroughly.

"Sit here on this stool. I'll oil your hair," Tang San said gently as he worked on Xie Yun's hair
Xie Yun came out of the bath clean and fragrant. He relaxed into Tang San's arms who carried him to his chamber.

"This is it. Have some nap, A-Yun. I'll have some lunch and I'll be back later."
Xie Yun nodded sleepily, but he purred when Tang San scratched his scalp gently with his nails and fell asleep soon after, feeling warm and comfortable, and most importantly, loved
Xie Yun woke up sometimes later, initially feeling disorientated waking up in an unfamiliar place.

But Xie Yun remembered where he was, and he set to get out of the room to offer any help his small body could do.
When Xie Yun stepped out of the room, he met the unfriendly gege from earlier.

"Gege," Xie Yun bowed low politely, trying not to get in the way.
"Xie Yun," the gege said as he held out the item he had been holding. It turned out to be a very nice winter coat made of fur. "It's going to be colder soon, especially at night," the gege wrapped Xie Yun inside the furry coat and picked him up off the ground.
"I bought some fruits. I'll cut some for you," Yan Bingyun said as he carried Xie Yun to the dining area.

Xie Yun sat down on the table, eyeing the fruits on the table. It had been a while since he had any. Fruits were expensive, and they grow sparsely in the forest.
"Do you like peaches?" Yan Bingyun asked as he peeled one open. Xie Yun nodded his head eagerly. Peaches were his favourite fruit.

"Eat up then," Yan Bingyun said after peeling two peaches for Xie Yun.
Xie Yun ate them slowly, savouring the taste. It was really sweet and juicy, Xie Yun really loved the taste of peaches.
"I have other fruits too," Yan Bingyun gestured at the table. "Tell me which one you'd like to eat and I'll peel them for you."
Xie Yun eyed the bunch of grapes on the table. He really wanted some of those..

"Gege, can I get some grapes please?" Xie Yun asked softly. He hoped he wasn't asking for too much.
Yan Bingyun took a whole bunch of grape, placing them on a plate and gave it to Xie Yun. "Eat up. If it's not enough let me know."

"It's plenty! It's more than enough, thank you, gege." Xie Yun beamed at Yan Bingyun and started to munch on the grapes slowly
Yan Bingyun smiled, watching him. It had been a while since their place was lively from the presence of a child.

When Xie Yun finished, he collected all the empty plates and utensils to be brought into the kitchen for him to wash.
"There's no need, I will get them cleaned later," Yan Bingyun scooped Xie Yun up in order to find Shi Ying.
"I think shizun would like to test how much education you have received previously. Then we can think about which institution you would like to attend the most, or if you would like to stay here and be taught by us."
Xie Yun nodded quietly, resting his chin on Yan Bingyun's strong shoulder. The unfriendly looking gege was actually a very nice man.
Xie Yun nodded as they entered Shi Ying's chamber, who smiled at them.

"Take a seat, both of you. I have a brush and a piece of paper over here. Xie Yun, could you show me what you have been taught so far?"
Xie Yun sat on the cushion, and began writing as he was instructed. Most recently, his shifu had taught him a poem from the previous dynasty, so Xie Yun wrote what he had memorised
Shi Ying was pleased at how much Xie Yun seemed to know. He was young and he was casted out of his kingdom, but it did appear that he indeed received the appropriate level of education for a prince.
Xie Yun's shifu must have risked everything to ensure that despite any adversity, Xie Yun would at least have enough skill to read and write, which would ensure that Xie Yun would at least be able to find a stable job to always have enough to eat.
"This is really good, Xie Yun. I don't see any problem of you entering any school of your choice once you are of age to go to school. Although you are also very welcomed to be taught by all of us here instead of going to school like Xiaofan chose to."
"I.. I'll have whatever is more convenient for everyone. I know that schools are expensive, but I also know that learning from geges would take a lot of geges time.." Xie Yun said timidly.
Xie Yun actually really wanted to go to school. It wasn't that he did not want to learn from his new geges, but he has never had the chance of attending any classes with other students. He always had his private tutor back when he was still the prince,
and shifu had been tutoring him after he was exile. He really wanted to have the opportunity to go to a place where he would be able to learn and make friends. But he did know that schools were expensive, and scholarships were not for commoners.
Scholarships were designed to help poor talented students, but all schools were corrupt, hence they would use scholarships to accept rich, undeserving students since they were able to pay more, and hence the schools would be able to pocket the profit,
on top of the scholarship funds provided by the kingdom. Xie Yun had always known that if he really wanted to go to school, he would have to go not as a student, but as someone who work in schools, most likely as a housekeeper.
"You have time to think about what you'd like for your education. And really, don't worry about the cost. We have enough for you to go to school," Yan Bingyun said as he patted Xie Yun's hair gently.
"And if you would like us to tutor you instead, we would be more than happy. When I told you that you are family now, I mean it, and so does everyone," Shi Ying said as he too patted Xie Yun's head.
Xie Yun could feel tears welling up in his eyes. He really missed having people doting on him like this. He hoped that he would never be kicked out by his geges. He had found his new home and he never wanted to leave again.
"We still have a little bit of time before dinner. Go play," Yan Bingyun nudged Xie Yun softly, but Xie Yun only looked at him in confusion.

"What do you usually do around this time, A-Yun?" Shi Ying asked.
"I usually help shifu. Shifu used to work as a bookkeeper for the village head, and I will be cleaning his inn so that they would be ready to open for dinner."
"Do you not play with kids your age?" Yan Bingyun frowned.

Xie Yun shook his head. Between being tutored by shifu and having to help shifu to earn some extra money, Xie Yun did not have time for anything else.
"Say, it's probably too late for you to go outside and explore. How about we teach you a game? I'm not sure if your shifu had taught you about weiqi yet," Shi Ying said as he took out the board and stones for them to play.
Xie Yun eyed the board with excitement. Shifu indeed had not taught him weiqi yet because shifu said he had been too young for it, so Xie Yun really really wanted to learn something new.
"Alright. Bingyun and I will demonstrate how to play it."

Xie Yun immediately took a seat next to Yan Bingyun, eyes fixed to the board.

A soft laugh came from the door, as a darkly dressed figure entered.
"I heard that we have a cute new addition. Now I see that the rumor is right," the man dressed in black robes and black veil said. "Hello little one, my name is Chan Yuan. Come sit on my lap while you watch these two from the sidelines. I will explain the game to you."
Xie Yun obediently sat on Chan Yuan's lap, as he saw Shi Ying and Yan Bingyun starting their match.

Chan Yuan patiently explained each moves to Xie Yun, and why those moves were the most strategical moves that could be made.
Xie Yun observed the match carefully, memorising everything that he had been taught.

"Would you like to try? I'll go very easy on you," Shi Ying offered
Xie Yun nodded excitedly, searing across Shi Ying as he began to play.

Xie Yun lost as expected, but everyone could see that Xie Yun was a brilliant boy who would be able to beat all of them in the near future.
"Wow, you're improving quickly. You're really good," Chan Yuan praised as he scooped Xie Yun into his arms.

Xie Yun only smiled shyly, holding on to Chan Yuan as they walked to the dining hall.
In the dining hall, Xie Yun saw the people he had met, and a few people he had not met. There were ten geges in the room. Xie Yun also noticed that all the geges had the same faces, but their ages seemed to vary.
"Let me introduce you to everyone," Chan Yuan, who was still holding Xie Yun said. "You know shizun, he's the oldest. And then there's me. Ji Chong is next, followed by Beitang Moran. Then it is Yan Bingyun. Linghu Chong is the sixth, and then Zhang Xiaofan is seventh."
"Lin Xiuya is next, followed by Mo Xuanyu, and Tang San is the youngest."

Xie Yun nodded as he tried to remember a their names and faces.
"From now on all of us here are your family. Do not hesitate to ask us for anything, alright?"

Xie Yun nodded again, shyly this time. He already felt so loved by how gentle and how warm everyone had been smiling at him.
"Food is ready! Xie Yun, eat as much as you want, but not too much. If you're hungry in the middle of the night please just let me know, I'll heat something up for you," Zhang Xiaofan said as he handed Xie Yun a bowl of rice filled with meats.
"Thank you," Xie Yun said gratefully as he began to eat his meal. He tried his best to eat as slowly as possible, because he was in the presence of such refined men. But the habit he had been forced to develop during his while was hard to grow out of.
Xie Yun had needed to eat as quickly as he could, or someone would steal his meals.
"Slow down a bit more, gou zaizai. That's it," Ji Chong said as he patted Xie Yun's back to calm him down.

Xie Yun flushed but he tried his best to follow their instructions and ate as slowly as he could.
"Do you want more?" Zhang Xiaofan asked after Xie Yun finished his meal.
"It's alright. Thank you, gege. But I am full now," Xie Yun said with a big smile on his face. He knew that now there would still be food for him in the morning and that he no longer had to worry about his next meal.
"Good. Wake us up if you are feeling hungry at night, alright?"

Xie Yun nodded cheerfully as he waited for the rest to finish their meals.
When everyone had finished dinner, Xie Yun began to stand to collect the plates, but he was stopped by Lin Xiuya. Lin Xiuya placed Xie Yun in his lap, cuddling him and blowing raspberries into his skin.
Xie Yun giggled at the attention, and let himself being passed around the table for hugs and kisses.
Xie Yun also tried to help with the dishes, but Mo Xuanyu, who was scheduled to do the dishes for the night, gently told Xie Yun to rest instead. "You can help next time, but you just got here. Go rest up first."
Tang San took Xie Yun's hand to lead them to his quarters to sleep. After preparing for bed and helping Xie Yun change into sleeping robes, Tang San tucked Xie Yun in to the bed before blowing out the candle.
Xie Yun was afraid of the dark. Nothing in life frightened him more than the dark since the coup that took his parents' lives occured in the dark. But Xie Yun did not want to be a burden, so he did not dare to say anything.
He tried to be as still as he could at his side of the bed, but after a while, his whole body started to shake from fear.
"Xie Yun?" Tang San asked worriedly, woken up just when he had just started to drift off to sleep as he checked on Xie Yun beside him.

Xie Yun immediately clinged into Tang San, sobbing.
"Oh, baobei. What's wrong? Tell me," Tang San coaxed as he cuddled Xie Yun close to his chest, but Xie Yun kept sobbing and clinging into Tang San even harder.

Just when Tang San started to panic because he himself did not know what to do, the door swung open
"What's wrong?" Mo Xuanyu who had just finished his chores walked in, hearing Xie Yun's cries.

"I'm not sure, he just started to cry," Tang San said, still hugging Xie Yun close.
Mo Xuanyu then placed a hand on Xie Yun's back as well. "It's okay, you can tell us, baobei."

It took a long time for Xie Yun to stop crying. Xie Yun sniffled as he told them that he was really afraid of the dark.
"We can turn on the candle," Tang San suggested but Xie Yun shook his head vigorously.

"If I can hold someone in my sleep, I'll be okay.."
"We can hold you," Mo Xuanyu suggested, closing the door before joining Tang San and Xie Yun in the bed.

Tang San and Mo Xuanyu slept on either sides of Xie Yun, singing him lullabies waiting for him to fall asleep.
Xie Yun woke up the next morning to a smiling Tang San. Mo Xuanyu was still asleep.

"Gege I'm sorry for the trouble last night," Xie Yun's fox ears which manifested over night drooped. He did not want to be a burden, but here he was creating troubles.
Tang San smiled and shook his head. He kissed Xie Yun's very round cheek. "I quite like hugging you in my sleep. Don't worry, you are a very comfortable pillow."
"Really?" Xie Yun perked up again, smiling shyly at Tang San.

"Yes. All of us do, actually, you're just too cute."

Xie Yun grinned as he moved to hug Tang San again.
"I have to go to my classes soon, but you can follow Xuanyu around today, and see if you'd like to be home-schooled instead of going to institutions like us."

Xie Yun nodded as he watched Tang San getting ready for the day, and turned to the still sleeping Mo Xuanyu.
Mo Xuanyu slowly opened his eyes, and when he saw Xie Yun he pulled Xie Yun close as he started to fall asleep again.

Xie Yun giggled quietly, snuggling into Mo Xuanyu's warm body.

They were woken up when Zhang Xiaofan came to look for them.
"Breakfast is getting cold! Get up, you two," Zhang Xiaofan said fondly as he took Xie Yun in his arms and carried him to the dining table. Mo Xuanyu pouted but followed them to the now empty dining room.
"Bingyun-gege is not going to be happy that you're late again, Xuanyu," Zhang Xiaofan chided lightly but served buns for both Xie Yun and Mo Xuanyu. Mo Xuanyu only pouted more.
Xie Yun giggled as he ate his meal, and laughed even louder when Yan Bingyun's unimpressed face greeted them in the dining room.

"You're late again, Xuanyu. I'm going to make you copy more notes."

Mo Xuanyu stuck out his tongue at Yan Bingyun, causing Xie Yun to laugh again.
"Well, if you make Xie Yun here sit nicely with you maybe Bingyun-gege won't make you stay back as long," Zhang Xiaofan suggested. Mo Xuanyu nodded even though he was still pouting.
They started their first lesson soon enough, Xie Yun sitting beside Mo Xuanyu. Yan Bingyun provided Xie Yun with a piece of paper and a brush as well, to copy what he was teaching.

Xie Yun did his work almost perfectly, but there were some words that he had not learnt yet.
Yan Bingyun placed little Xie Yun on his lap and corrects him for any mistakes. Mo Xuanyu's pout deepened.

"I want to hold A-Yun too, this isn't fair."

Yan Bingyun snorted, "After you're done, take the little one to play with you, you can hold him as much as you want then."
Mo Xuanyu did his work a little quicker then, so that he could be off to play with Xie Yun sooner. Xie Yun giggled softly as Yan Bingyun played with his hair, brushing and braiding it as Xie Yun had not done that when he got up in the morning
When Mo Xuanyu was done with his lesson, he immediately took Xie Yun from Yan Bingyun's arms and ran towards the field. He placed Xie Yun down and held Xie Yun's hand as they ran through the field, towards the flower garden.
Mo Xuanyu picked up a white peony and tucked it behind Xie Yun's ear, before picking up more flowers to make a flower crown for Xie Yun.
They had fun playing around in the field until lunch time, where Zhang Xiaofan found them. Xie Yun, who had been making flower crowns as well presented one for Zhang Xiaofan. "I make one for everyone! I hope you'll like it."
Zhang Xiaofan accepted the flower crown with a big smile on his face. He then motioned for both Xie Yun and Mo Xuanyu to follow him to the benches in the garden where he already set up a picnic area for them to have lunch at.
"I made pork buns for lunch today. There are also soup in the kitchen. I'll get you some when we go back, Xie Yun," Zhang Xiaofan said as he ruffled Xie Yun's hair carefully, mindful of the flower crown on his head.
Xie Yun nodded cheerfully. He ate the buns slowly and carefully, savouring the taste. He also drank the perfectly brewed tea. It went so well with the bun, cutting the greasiness of the food.
They ate their lunch leisurely, and when they were done, Mo Xuanyu took a small ball out of his sleeve.

"Have you ever played cuju before?" Mo Xuanyu asked.
Xie Yun shook his head. He had seen it being played by the other kids in the streets, but he had always been too busy to help up shifu to get some extra money to be able to play.

Mo Xuanyu and Zhang Xiaofan grinned as they launched into an explanation of the game.
Both of them taught Xie Yun how to play it, starting from the rules of the game, to the method of locking the ball well and effectively to get it to go where Xie Yun wanted it to.

It took a while for Xie Yun to master the game, but he started to get a hand of it soon enough.
When the sun started to set, all of them made their way back to the housing compound. Zhang Xiaofan needed to start on dinner, and Xie Yun was very eager to help.

"You can help stir the pot for the congee," Zhang Xiaofan said as he got a stepping stool for Xie Yun to stand on.
Xie Yun eagerly stirred the pot of congee. But due to his excitement, he stirred it too fast at the beginning so he got tired easily. Zhang Xiaofan laughed when he saw Xie Yun pouting when Mo Xuanyu took the ladle from him and started stirring the pot in Xie Yun's stead.
"Well, why don't you help me wash the vegetables then, A-Yun?" Zhang Xiaofan said as he brought the stool over to the sink for Xie Yun to wash the vegetables.

Xie Yun had often wash vegetables to earn extra money, so he was very good at it.
"Now we know where to put you in the kitchen," Zhang Xiaofan joked but he presented a few sweets for Xie Yun to have.

Xie Yun beamed, eating one of them, and decided to keep the rest for after dinner.
"You can have more sweets after dinner even if you eat these, you know," Mo Xuanyu said.

"But Bingyun-gege said to eat a meal first before eating sweets.."
Zhang Xiaofan laughed at the face Mo Xuanyu was making.

"Xie Yun is a kid, yet he is so much wiser than you!" Zhang Xiaofan laughed.

Mo Xuanyu stuck out his tongue at him. "He's just charmed by Bingyun-gege's good looks."
"Or maybe Bingyun-gege is mostly right but you like to annoy him and do the opposite of what he says anyway," Zhang Xiaofan said. "Do not follow his example. Listen to your geges, okay, Xie Yun?"

Xie Yun giggled but nodded his head. He would be good and listen to his geges.
Dinner time soon came and everyone was home just in time for dinner. Xie Yun walked towards each geges and gave them a flower crown each.

In return, Xie Yun received all the hugs and kisses he could ever ask for.
"Thank you, Xie Yun," Ji Chong, the last person to arrive said as he kissed Xie Yun's plumping cheeks soundly. "Sorry I was busy today, but tomorrow, I'll be sure to go to the market with you to get you some new robes."
"Thank you, gege, but I don't think I need a new one. I have been given a few clothes and all of them are well made and are still in excellent condition," Xie Yun said. He didn't want his geges to waste any more money on him, especially when there wasn't a need to.
"Aiya, this kid. Just let your gege spoil you," Ji Chong said as he pulled Xie Yun into a hug.

"But clothes are expensive, and I don't need a new one now.."
Ji Chong shook his head fondly. This child is really a good child. "Let me buy you just one, okay? A welcome present from all of us?"
"Oh! Chong-ge! I'll give you a list of groceries to make some treats for Xie Yun. I have completely forgotten about it," Tang San said sheepishly.

Xie Yun wanted to decline having so much spent on him, but his geges wouldn't listen to it.
"You're our family now, Xie Yun. Let all of us spoil you," Chan Yuan said. He took a few pieces of meat and placed it on Xie Yun's bowl.
Xie Yun nodded finally. He felt really happy that he had found a place where he was loved on doted on. But he really didn't want to be a burden..

"Is it really okay to spend so much on me? Is there anything I can do in return?"
"You don't talk about burdens and returns in a family," Beitang Moran admonished gently. "We have more than enough money to live very comfortably, and to splurge every so often. Your of age geges are all earning good incomes too."
"You are a young child, Xie Yun. We took you in because we wish to take care of you," Shi Ying said as he too, placed some meat on Xie Yun's bowl.
Xie Yun nodded his head as he was assured that he wasn't a burden to the kind geges who had taken him in. But Xie Yun was determined to grow up to be a person his geges could be proud of, so that one day Xie Yun could truly pay off this debt he owed to his geges.
After they finished their meals, Ji Chong still held on to Xie Yun despite Tang San telling Ji Chong that it was now Xie Yun's bed time.

"I'll bathe him and he can sleep with me tonight, so it's easier for us to go shopping tomorrow."
Tang San pouted as he was denied the opportunity to cuddle with Xie Yun again, but he figured that he would steal Xie Yun from whoever was in his way tomorrow.
Ji Chong smirked triumphantly as he whisked Xie Yun to the bath.

Xie Yun told Ji Chong that he was a big boy and that he could bathe by himself, so Ji Chong just kept an eye on Xie Yun as he bathed.
Ji Chong helped to oil Xie Yun's hair, and to dry his body quickly so that Xie Yun wouldn't catch a cold.

After Xie Yun had finished, Ji Chong quickly had his turn to bathe.
When they were done, Ji Chong carried Xie Yun once again, and brought Xie Yun to his room.
"I heard that you do not like the dark. Would you like me to keep the candles lit up?"

Xie Yun shook his head as he latched on Ji Chong, holding tightly to his robes. "I'll sleep fine if gege holds me.."
Ji Chong laughed, but he kept Xie Yun close to him. He blew out the candle and settled on the bed, with Xie Yun lying on his chest.

"Sleep well, little one. We'll have a fun day tomorrow," Ji Chong promised.
Xie Yun made some happy noises as he quickly fell asleep on Ji Chong's chest.
Xie Yun woke up to soft touches. His hair was being smoothed over, and any hair sticking to his face tucked carefully away. He blinked open his eyes to see Ji Chong smiling softly at him.

"Good morning little one," Ji Chong whispered softly, still petting his hair
"Good morning, gege," Xie Yun chirped as he got up to cuddle into Ji Chong. Ji Chong laughed heartily, holding onto Xie Yun tightly.

"We'll get dressed and we'll go out. We'll buy breakfast in the markets, okay?"

"We have food at home, isn't it cheaper to eat at home?"
Xie Yun would love to eat at the markets, there were so many yummy things he had never tried before, but he knows that buying food was more expensive than cooking.
Ji Chong smiled sadly at Xie Yun. He really reminded him of the kids his executed comrades had left behind. He was just glad that his brother had finally taken over the throne and had finally providing the left over families a mean to support themselves.
"We can go out once in a while to eat a meal outside," Ji Chong said. He really wished to take care of Xie Yun. Whatever Xie Yun would want, he would give it. He just wanted to spoil Xie Yun rotten because that was what a sweet child like Xie Yun deserved.
"Okay," Xie Yun nodded as he sat up on bed.

"Is there anything in particular you would like to eat?"

Xie Yun had assumed that Ji Chong would be taking him to eat what Ji Chong liked. He did not expect Ji Chong to want to bring him to eat what Xie Yun would like.
Xie Yun looked at Ji Chong shyly. "I would like to have some scallion pancakes..."

Ji Chong smiled and kissed Xie Yun's cheek. "Then we will have pancakes for breakfast."

Xie Yun grinned brightly, hugging Ji Chong tightly once more. "Thank you, gege!"
Ji Chong laughed and patted Xie Yun's head gently. "Come, turn around and I'll fix your hair."

Xie Yun obediently followed Ji Chong's instructions. He stayed still as he let Ji Chong tie up his hair. Ji Chong took out a nice hair pin to use for Xie Yun's hair while tying it up.
"What do you think?" Ji Chong asked as he picked up Xie Yun and set him in front of a mirror.

Xie Yun gasped as he saw the pretty hairpin in his hair. "Gege, this is so pretty!"
Ji Chong grins at him. "I'll buy you more of these pretty hairpins when we go out today, okay?"

Xie Yun looks at Ji Chong in surprise. "It's expensive! Gege, you should spend your money more wisely!"
Ji Chong blinked his eyes at Xie Yun. He had never met such a child who was very economical.

"I'll buy one for you. It's a gift from all of us to you."
"You're already buying me a set of robes," Xie Yun pouted.

Ji Chong couldn't help but to hug and squeeze Xie Yun. "You're too cute, you know that? And we want to buy you a full set of outfit. Shoes too."
When Xie Yun tried to protest, Ji Chong quickly cut him. "Yours are too worn already, and I know Tang San doesn't have anything nice for you to wear. And soon you'll outgrow your pair. We would be teaching you martial arts, and comfortable footwear is important."
"I don't want you to ruin your feet because you're wearing ill-fitting shoes. When we told you that we will take care of you, we mean it, Xie Yun. You're one of us now, we will provide you with the best we can."
Xie Yun couldn't do anything but to hug Ji Chong tightly. He was very grateful to have been found and been taken home by people who loved him wholeheartedly.
Ji Chong cuddled Xie Yun back and picked him up. He carried Xie Yun as they descended the mountain and into the busy streets below.

Xie Yun peeked his head meekly from Ji Chong's hold, too many bad memories haunted him in those streets as he used to be chased away and beaten.
"Shh.. it's okay, you're safe now.." Ji Chong whispers as he rubs comforting circles on Xie Yun's back as the walk along the streets. Ji Chong held Xie Yun protectively as they walked around in search of breakfast.
They quickly found a stall selling scallion pancakes. Xie Yun also recognised the owner as someone nice who would let him eat the scraps of his pancakes as long as Xie Yun does not approach close enough to scare the customers away.
"Two pancakes," Ji Chong ordered. The owner quickly wrapped two pancakes in a piece of paper and handed it to Ji Chong. Ji Chong grinned as he gave it to Xie Yun.
Xie Yun wanted to tear the wrapping paper into two, so that Ji Chong could have the other pancake but Ji Chong stopped him. "They are both yours. I'll bring you to a place selling youtiao and soymilk, I'll be having that for breakfast."
Xie Yun nodded but he still had to ask, "Do you not want the scallion pancakes at all? One is enough for me.."

Ji Chong smiled as he takes a bite from one of the pancakes. "There. I've had it, eat up the rest."
Xie Yun but at the pancake too, munching on it in small bites, savouring it. His cheeks puffed up cutely as he ate.

Ji Chong couldn't help but to kiss Xie Yun's cheek, as they get to Ji Chong's usual breakfast haunt.
"The usual, with an extra bowl of soy milk," Ji Chong called server, setting Xie Yun on the seat next to his.

When the food arrived, Ji Chong placed a bowl of soy milk in front of Xie Yun. "Drink this too, Xiao Yun. Do you want to try the youtiao?"
Xie Yun looked at the fried dough. He loved them, but he had two pancakes in his hands. He already had so much food, he couldn't ask for more..

As if reading Xie Yun's thoughts, Ji Chong offered his youtiao. "Have a bite and I'll have another bite of your pancake."
Xie Yun happily traded the food, and he took a small bite out of the youtiao while drinking his soy milk.

"You can eat more," Ji Chong said kindly as he made a show of taking a big bite out of the pancake.

Xie Yun then took another bite of the youtiao before handing it back.
Ji Chong traded the pancake back to Xie Yun as he finished his youtiao and soymilk. Xie Yun took longer to finish his first pancake.

"Do you want to look around for other food?" Ji Chong asked.
Xie Yun immediately shook his head. He still had one more pancake to finish..

"I'm still hungry," Ji Chong pouted to get Xie Yun to tell him what else he wanted to eat. But instead, Xie Yun only offered his remaining pancake.
"I want something else," Ji Chong tried again. "What else might be good around here?"

Xie Yun stopped chewing for a moment, trying to recall what else was good. He then remembered the steam buns Shi Ying gave him when they first met. "Steam buns?"
"Ohh I love meat buns," Ji Chong smiled as he picked Xie Yun back up. He left the table some money before heading out again in search for a steamed bun stall.
As they walked, they passed by a famous eatery that Ji Chong frequented. He knew they have special steamed buns here filled with meats and eggs. Ji Chong happily walked in and find them a table before requesting for two special steamed buns.
He offers one to Xie Yun, who was still finishing his pancake.

"I.. I already ate the pancake.."

Ji Chong only smiles indulgently. "And now there's steamed buns. Eat up, these are really good."

Xie Yun nodded, finishing his scallion pancake before moving on to the bun.
As they ate, Xie Yun kept on glancing to the other table with an egg pancake. It used to be his favourite food when he was still in the palace, but ever since he needed to run away, that dish was always too expensive for him and his shifu to afford.
Ji Chong noticed this, and he flagged the server to bring them a plate of the egg pancake.

Xie Yun did not notice Ji Chong ordering it as he was too busy looking at the other table while eating his bun slowly.
Xie Yun was surprised when he saw the egg pancake on the table.

Ji Chong grinned, cutting the egg dish up, and immediately eating a piece of it. He then picked up another piece with his chopsticks, and held it in front of Xie Yun's lips.
Xie Yun opened his mouth slowly, savouring the taste before he quickly ate his buns so that he could have more of the egg pancake.

Ji Chong laughed softly, patting Xie Yun's head. "Eat slowly. It's all yours."
Xie Yun looked up, surprised, as blush coloured his cheeks. He had thought that Ji Chong ordered the food for himself. He didn't realise that Ji Chong noticed him looking at the other table.
"Gege barely ate anything.. I ate everything," Xie Yun pouted.

Ji Chong smiled fondly at him. "I'll order a congee for myself, okay?"

Xie Yun nodded happily. He wanted Ji Chong to eat a lot as well.
Ji Chong ordered it, and when it came, he ate a few spoonfuls, before taking another one, blowing at it to cool it before holding it in front of Xie Yun's lips to try.
Xie Yun tried it, looking pleased from how good the congee tasted. It was nowhere as rich and silky as what he used to have in the palace, but that congee was good enough for a non royalty dish.
"Do you like it?" Ji Chong asked as he scooped another spoonful for Xie Yun. Xie Yun nodded, still eating his egg pancake.

"I'm guessing that you prefer the egg," Ji Chong smiled softly, ruffling Xie Yun's hair as he ate his congee.
Xie Yun looked at Ji Chong cutely, nodding at him seriously.

Ji Chong laughed, eating slowly as he watched Xie Yun eat.

When he's done, Xie Yun felt really full, but he felt so happy. These were the meals he had always wanted to try, but could never afford previously.
Xie Yun however, also felt a little guilty for wasting so much money on food.
"Is there anything else you would like to eat?" Ji Chong asked. Xie Yun immediately shook his head. He was full, but more importantly, he had just realised how much he had made Ji Chong spend on him.
"Don't worry about money," Ji Chong said again, patting Xie Yun's head. He hugged Xie Yun close and carried him out after paying when Xie Yun still look troubled.
Ji Chong brought them to a wanted board, and he showed Xie Yun how much bounties cost.

"I can catch a criminal a day, or even more. So even if it's just me, I make enough for all of us. But I'm not the only one earning income. Everyone else get as much money as I do."
"Shizun is a priest so he's really the one earning the most. Both Chan Yuan and sourpuss teach, so they earn good income too. Linghu Chong sells alcohol at a really high price, and Beitang Moran earns from the tax sent from his country."
"So really, all of us can afford to spoil you as much as we want," Ji Chong grinned.

"What about the ones who have not earned? Are they given things too?"
"We give them allowance. Well start giving you money too when you're a little older."

Xie Yun immediately objected. "I don't need it. I'm already allowed to live with all of you. It really is enough for me to just have a roof over my head.."
Ji Chong frowned. It was not okay, he wanted to give Xie Yun so much more. "Hmm think of it more as a salary. Xiaofan is given the most allowance, because he cooks for everyone. He also controls our money purse since he manages the household spendings."
"Lin Xiuya is next, because he is in charge to inspect the security around the mountain. Tang San is next because he makes us weapons. Mo Xuanyu gets the least amount because he doesn't want to take on jobs, he would rather pursue his own hobbies."
"When you're older, depending on what task you chose to undertake, we will give you a suitable allowance. It's more of a salary, really."
Xie Yun nodded. It still felt excessive, he didn't mind doing things around in exchange of just a roof and food to eat...
"Well, we'll talk about it when you get older. For now, let's walk around again. We need to buy you clothes." Ji Chong said.
Xie Yun nodded as he looked around. The market was really nice when you could take the time to admire it, instead of scurrying around just for food scraps.
They arrived at a clothes stand, selling bright, beautiful clothes and more refined, muted clothes. Xie Yun didn't like to draw attention to himself, so he would prefer the muted robes. However, judging form the materials they would be much more costly than the bright ones.
Xie Yun chose a plain grey coloured robes that feels a little rough to the touch. He was very sure that it was the cheapest robe the store offered.
Ji Chong frowned at the choice. The robe did not feel comfortable at all. He placed Xie Yun down as he conversed quietly with the stall owner.

"Which one is the finest robe that you sell?"
The stall owner quickly brings out a finely woven silk light blue robe for Ji Chong to inspect. Ji Chong seemed happy with he quality and he also ordered three sets of inner robes for Xie Yun.
Xie Yun was still holding the rough grey robes when Ji Chong has finished making his purchase.

"Chong-ge!" Xie Yun looked horrified looking at how many robes Ji Chong had bought for him.

Ji Chong merely laughed and returned the grey robes to the stall owner.
The stall owner gifted them a free sash and belt that matched the new fine robes.

"My brother owned a shoe stall just at the end of the road. He sold shoes specifically made for martial art practitioners."
Ji Chong whisked Xie Yun to get the new shoes. Xie Yun no longer tried to fight Ji Chong's attempts to spend money on him because he knew that it would be useless. If he did not choose what he liked best, Ji Chong would just buy him whatever was the most expensive.
In the end Xie Yun had gotten a new black pair of shoes that fit him very well. Ji Chong wanted to buy another pair but Xie Yun stopped him, and promised him that once he started to outgrow this pair he would let Ji Chong know immediately so they could get a bigger one.
Ji Chong did not bring Xie Yun to buy any hair pins, because he knew that Xie Yun would refuse them all. He planned on going back to the market the next day to buy it for Xie Yun, so Xie Yun could not refuse them. Afterall, it had been bought and it would be troublesome to return
Before going home, Ji Chong made sure to buy the list of ingredients given to him so that they could make Xie Yun his treats. It would be perfect, Xie Yun could wear his pretty new robe while eating on his treats and birthday spread tomorrow.
The shopping took a while, and by midday, Xie Yun had started feeling sleepy. Ji Chong hugged Xie Yun close to him and let him sleep while he continued shopping.

Xie Yun woke up after lunch time, but he was not feeling too hungry because of the big breakfast he had.
Xie Yun however was eyeing the tanghulu stall they had just walked past, so Ji Chong backtracked to buy him a stick, while making sure to also buy extras especially for Tang San back home.
Xie Yun ate the tanghulu happily while savouring it. He really loved them but he rarely got to eat them. Tanghulu was probably one of the cheapest things that could be bought in the market, but it was still a rare treat for him because of how poor he and his shifu were
Ji Chong took a little longer to shop because he was not very familiar with grocery shopping, but they were done by the afternoon. Before they went back home, they met up with Beitang Moran who had just finished his own errands and they headed to the most expensive eatery.
Beitang Moran ordered a few roasted meat dishes and some alcohol for himself and Ji Chong. He stole Xie Yun from Ji Chong's arms and hand fed Xie Yun the meats that were ordered.
Xie Yun who was hungry again at this point ate a lot of the food on the table.

Beitang Moran and Ji Chong took turns to order more and more food while keeping Xie Yun distracted so that he would not feel bad about eating a lot of food.
Xie Yun was a growing boy who needed to eat a lot. It was only right to feed Xie Yun a lot of food, especially tasty food so that he would grow healthy and strong.

By the end of the meal, Xie Yun had felt really full and he began to feel sleepy again.
This time, Beitang Moran carried him home while Ji Chong carried all the groceries back.

Ji Chong was pouting the whole way home at not being able to carry Xie Yun. But he was happy to see how comfortable Xie Yun was, resting his plumping cheeks on Beitang Moran's shoulder.

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