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Oct 27, 2021 94 tweets 31 min read Read on X
Attempt 3 thread on a Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke🥴

Got a couple new pals, chose my starter Spheal this time (over Bulbasaur and Beldum, derp ball of cuteness is more fun haha) Still caught Kid the Bulbasaur on the first route, he prefers poison moves rather than grass Image
Holy F***

[Route 102 encounter attempt] Image
💪😎👍 Image
My encounters have been insane this time around, I missed out on a haunter on an earlier encounter route, but I was super lucky to get this fella in the forest! Sapo def gonna put in the work for this one

As far as powerful mons obtained this is by far my best run yet Image
When your local Pika mains don't know how to kill.. lol jk jk Image
Insult to injury at that lol, a wild shadow tag Vibrava really wanted Pika outta there

Rip CWA Pika Mains Image
I feel more ready than ever for Roxanne this time, her gym is grass type again, and even though Lileep is unlikely to appear again, I'm terrified of another ancient power sweep lol

Here we go again! Image
That was quick, Weepinbell is no Lileep, Charizard The Muscle one shot everything lol

If only I could one shot Roxanne for all my friends she's slain before this point 🥲

Finally got my W!! Image
So I guess in Emerald the second Gym leader comes in really quickly after the first one, it's a water type gym so I'll have to rely on my other team members this time.
Caught my two new mons from granite cave and fishing in town. Hope I'm ready Image
Second Gym fight was hard but not in the way I expected, the last mon was a Marill with slack-off, drizzle ability, bubblebeam, a sitris berry, and a trainer super potion. If it weren't for Kid the Ivysaur that was gonna be a blackout, all my other mons were in red health Image
A short lived team member but rip to Cytosine the Ariados, he was my most recent catch, but a crit from an Aaron steel attack and he was gone just like that Image
Just a personal reminder that Water Sport is different from Water SPOUT. One will just play in water and not do much, the other is a heavy hitting attack that could instakill if the user is at full HP.

And here I thought a Feebas wouldn't be so threatening to my newly caught mon Image
Early rip to Peace!2 the Swinub, another victim of Shadow Tag trapping from the Flygon family, this time from a Trappinch. I only have 6 mons remaining now, at least its still a full party, 3rd Gym coming soon Image
3rd badge obtained, the gym was filled with ghost types. Wattson wasn't so wise to initiate a sandstorm first before using his army Shedinja to fight right after. Easiest gym yet to say the least lol Image
Break a rock for the first time and get my route encounter which turns out to be this!

Pretty frail defensively, but really excited to see if I can do anything with it Image
I got unusually hype for this encounter, I'm so happy I got a Meganium on my side, too much hate goes on this mon, such a pretty sprite!🌺

Finally some extra mons to bulk up the roster a bit Image
The third death via shadow tag traps, turns out the Pidgey line also has that ability equipped. Flying types are unusually deadly. I would've beat it too but the Pidgeotto used bubblebeam to lower Absol's speed which gave it just enough of a speed edge to Aeroblast it to oblivion Image
Wait a sec!

> Shadow Tag ability (Traditionally only for Ghosts)
> Level 18
> Pidgeotto that knows Aeroblast
> Lone Pokemon

Oh my gosh its Tyraz from my first attempted run!!😱 Image
4th Gym Incoming, psychic types! this one might not be easy. Earlier I caught I SD the Medicham as well as received an egg from an old lady. Hopefully my team is as ready as I think it is Image
Result from facing Flannery the Psychic Gym leader

Bebop the Meganium was a true hero, defeating a Volt Tackling, 9 magnitude Claydol with ease, but liquid ooze ability from the level 29 Slowbro was just too much for the leafy gladiator. Kid saved the team in the end. RIP muscle Image
Hard to watch two of my favorites go, When I caught Bebop the Meganium it used the move "Sketch" on Fimbulver the Absol's Pursuit, so I had a pursuiting thug mon, I even gave blackglasses to give him just the right touch. Muscle the Charizard was my miracle starting catch, dang.. Image
First encounter in the middle of a volcanic cave lol Image
In the midst of a longer grind to get my team in shape, I'm nowhere near ready to face my gym leader dad yet, I'm thinking I'll get my current party up to lv. 32-34ish and I'll be okay enough. Gaining exp now earthquaking in the volcanic ashes where the steel Pokémon are Image
My Egg... Hatched???😳

If Bulbasaur/Ivysaur is Kid, then this is definitely Fatkid lmao

I have no clue what to think of this rn haha Image
Its cute stat went down evolving😔
Tempted to keep an everstone on Kid the Ivysaur so he doesn't evolve, although idk if I'll get by doing that, especially since he's been so pivotal for the team Image
Okay I'm gonna go fight my dad the gym leader now, I think my Pokémon are at about the right level to do it, the hardest part with this battle is I have no idea what types he'll use, I don't think I have any extreme weaknesses though, here we go! Image
I'm dumb you do face pre-trainers before the leader in this gym lol

That's a relief Image
Gym #5 was a Flying type gym and started off with Dayday who got picked off by a sky attacking Delibird, so I sent the newly evolved Kid in and he rollout'd his team until the final mon Salamence killed him off. JuilusMaximus was able to cleanup for the victory, RIP two more.. Image
I wish I hadn't evolved Kid the Ivysaur, him leaving as a Venusaur just doesn't sit right. To think I almost had a Bulbasaur starter but instead got him on the first route, and he put in so much work too, I couldn't have gotten this far without him. Into Poké heaven he goes.. Image
Recap time:
Badges: 5
Deaths: 8
Currently have 7 Pokemon:
JuliusMaximus The Sealeo [Lv.34]
Sapo the Dragonair [Lv.33]
Skitsu the Spinda [Lv.28]
I SD the Medicham [Lv.27]
1% the Oddish [Lv.16]
Syncend the Sharpedo [Lv.25] (Caught in Mirage Tower)
Fatkid the Venusaur [Lv.5]
Time to get a wave of new Pokémon with surfing, and guess who's able to learn surf now? lol Image
First up is a rain summoning Torchic! [Drizzle ability]
Maybe I can teach it surf too
Weather Institute gifted me a Spinda, so I have two of those now. On a side note, I'm surprised Skitsu the Spinda wasn't death fodder yet, he's a good HM user and fights well

Here's the wave of newcomers so far: Image
On death's door right now😨 Image
"Oh three Pokemon, that's not so bad"
"Wingull lol"
"Chinchou now? okay this is an easy fight"
*Sapo is Paralyzed it can't move*
*I SD is Paralyzed it can't move*
1 Percent has fainted..

The surfing weed hit his final tides 😔 Image
Victim #0004 to Shadow Trapping Pokémon, another Vibrava taking down PZRT the Scyther

Right after I taught him Fly too, dang.. Image
The invisible wild Tauros attack!

Big nope gonna Poke Doll right outta there! lol Image
Just got out of a battle with almost unkillable Shedinja and just confirmed JuliusMaximus's hidden power type, flying! It can even learn the HM Fly, which I might teach it later on
Current team as of now. Got Sharmin8r the Cloyster who has levitate ability and extreme speed, really useful 'mon! Also caught a couple others that I'll show later

Gym 6 is Dark types, before I face the leader I think I'll grind my team up to at least lv. 35ish Image
That one battle went horribly wrong..
It was a random rock type trainer.. with good crits, it was supposed to be an easy exp grind win..

RIP JuliusMaximus & Sharmin8r. To lose my starter in such a anticlimactic way.. this one really hurt, it came outta nowhere... Image
Right now the goal is to get out of route 123 alive, its a one way route that goes down dozens of cliffs with trainers at every corner. I have to keep moving forward and hope my last 4 mons in my current party can pull through on this one Image
The new hope duo incoming to the party, it'll be a quite a grind to train them up, but I'm confident they'll both put in good work

Other recent mons encounters caught are Hellraid the Nidorina & Psycher the Plusle Image
Trijimon the Sandslash got up to speed just fine and is now the strongest in the team

Gambit the Skiploom well..
let's just say I forgot Unknown would have more than hidden power.. ☠️

Even still, Psycho Boost!?! Unknown finally acting like a legendary pokemon I guess lol Image
So many new first route encounters/catches from the ocean routes, Hoenn has so different ocean routes!
16 total Pokemon caught, active, and alive now.
Here's all my newcomers: Image
Gym leader challenge #6 incoming, took some time to get Break2k up to speed but I feel ready now. Dark types can mean a lot of different possible Pokémon and my team is full of glass cannons, I wonder if they'll all make it out of this one okay.. Let's do this! Image
That was an extremely easy gym fight with a full sweep with I SD, my team seems to be slightly over leveled right now, I'm back on track to actually have a chance to win this run! Image
I wonder what its like to ride on a flying Sandslash.. Image
The Team Magma leader's Psychic team almost swept me at multiple points, Metang's Mirror Coat, Starmie's Calm Mind setup, and Slowking's tankiness each almost had sweeping potential. Skistu, Break2k, Syncend, and Sapo barely pulled through on their parts to clutch the W. Image
Another batch of newcomers from new route encounters, I wonder if I'll use any of these guys eventually. That puts my total alive captured Pokémon at 21, and my graveyard count at 13 for this run so far Image
7th Gym is completely based around doubles battles, and their types are Steel type. This is going to be a hard gym as earthquakes and magnitudes effect all Pokémon in the field including doubles partners. If I'm not careful friendly fire could mean death in this place.. Image
I'm ready for this.. right..? Image
It's not what it looks like! No friendly fire kills I swear! lol

Magneton carried more of a punch than I thought, and it costed the life of I SD the Medicham.. I didn't think Medicham was a good or cool Pokémon at all before but he put in so much work this run. RIP Image
"So Who's taking I SD's position on the team now?"
*entire box raises their hand*

(All-Mando the Nuzleaf, and Bladesi the Lapras are my most recent new route encounter catches) Image
My train on thought when choosing the next pokemon in my party🥴

[this was originally gonna be a twitlonger but I couldn't figure out how to latch it on to a thread lol] Image
This randomizer knows me, I love this!! lol Image
Steven: "You ready to do dubs with me?"
Yeah sure they're just grunts right?
"yeah sure😏"
*Level 42 mons enter*😨

Holy was underleveled!! I'm lucky I lived through that one, I mean Sapo and Syncend almost died cause I had to switch Lv.30 Slayer out, but we good lol Image
Most obnoxious opponent award for this run goes to Forretress trainer

Iron Defense, Synthesis, Signal Beam, and Silver Wind. It refuses to die, and you'd think the Silver Wind boosts would give him scary kill power but it just doesn't, it just makes him uber tank that can't kill Image
Recap time again
Badges: 7
Deaths: 14
Pokémon on hand: 24
Party -
Sapo the Dragonite [Randomizer set max lvl up evo at Lv.40]
Skitsu the Spinda [Lv.39]
Syncend the Sharpedo [Lv.41]
Trijimon the Sandslash [Lv.40]
Break2k the Jolteon [Lv.39]
Slayer the Steelix [Lv.32]

RIP to Slayer the Flying Steelix, I didn't have him for long but Steelix is one of my favorite Pokémon, special defense is just too crucial right now..😭 Image
Another new party member lost, filling a slot on the team always comes with many sacrifices before one finally sticks.. Image
More new route captures!
Alto the Nosepass
Weroup the Feebas
KB the Typhlosion
Minty the Glalie
Doctor W the Swablu
Ghosty the Shuppet
Bouncing Fish the Umbreon
Fool Swerve the Ratatta
Tikitorch the Torkoal
Akira the Kabutops

I swear there's 15+ water routes in Hoenn its nuts.. Image
Two more from ocean routes once more,
GucciPoochie the Chinchou and
Famedblade the Hoothoot

I think that's all the ocean route Pokémon done!
Now to pause this run for a bit and to get ready for Port Priority 6 because I just remembered that's still a thing haha Image
Archie fight! No idea how ready I am for this, I had to ask friends to help me figure out what to do next in the game after finding out the 8th gym was still locked up lol Image
His Pokémon were actually water type! I thought it was neat until his Kabutops landed a heavy rock slide into Syncend the Sharpedo and killed him.. another really strong party member down again, this game is going to be much harder without him.. Image
These two look like they're having fun together so cute! #BestFriendsForever Image
Tikitorch the Torkoal and Bladesi the Lapras have entered the party, hopefully both their bulkiness and power help hold the current team together. Image
8th and Final Gym type is Rock type!
"Remember when you got wrecked by an ancient power Lileep in your first run?"
Yeah well Lileep has truant ability in this version, screw Lileep! but yeah an opposing ancient power boost could be an endrunner for my team, clutchtime! Image
The saga continues..

I swapped out Tikitorch the Torkoal for Akira the Kabutops for better matchups against rock types for the final gym leader battle. Here is my current team now, lets see how this goes! Image
Oh no.. Akira is slowed down by an earlier rock tomb, idk what this Corsola is gonna do but I'm terrified after my last encounter with one!! Image
I switched out to Skitsu, I was ready for him to sacrifice himself for a turn advantage..

*Corsola used Hydro Cannon*
*Corsola used Hydro Cannon again*
*Corsola used Hydro Pump*

Skistu the Spinda used Mega Drain Image
Final badge obtained, no deaths taken from the final gym leader battle. We really made it this far, I'm sort of in disbelief at how well this run has gone.. Image
The victory road (and likely last) encounter is the same one that's been shadow tag trapping and killing so many of the Pokémon I tried to train up. idk if I even have a CWA tag that could reflect how much trouble this Pokemon has dealt lol Image
Wait!! No!! I'm not ready!! 😱😱😱 Image
Wally was actually really easy and I had nothing to worry about 😅

The rest of the victory road trainers have been harder than usual so far, a howling linoone was ready to egg bombed sweep the team but a miss saved us there

This current doubles fight on the other hand.. wow... Image
Skitsu the Spinda, I gave you wayyy to much grief. At first I thought you were a useless Pokémon but you rose to the challenge and far surpassed everything I thought you would be.. I was even going to take you to the elite 4 to fight after that badge 8 fight

I'm gonna miss you.
I keep going in circles on victory road, I feel so lost rn 🥴😵‍💫 Image
Wild Glalie landed a Sheer Cold mid exp grind. RIP Tikitorch the Torkoal

Leveling up a 6th party member successfully is going to be rough for awhile this late into the game.. Image
I forgot to mention the ones that I caught on the final routes which include:

Ronin the Sneasel
GucciPoochie the Chinchou
Grim the Salamence
Superbottle the Makuhita, who is currently the 6th party member, we'll see how his training grind goes.. Image
Secret base made! I'll have to get more monies to decorate it better, but between the grinds its nice to have a little home base with the homies

Also RIP to Superbottle the Makuhita, I forgot he was underleveled because I was so excited to make this base and he died, whoops lol Image
Closing recap for now:
Badges: 8!
Deaths: 20
Box 1 Club: 26 Members
Sapo the Dragonite [Lv.46]
Trijimon the Sandslash [Lv.45]
Break2k the Jolteon [Lv.45]
Bladesi the Lapras [Lv.45]
Akira the Kabutops [Lv.45]
Bouncing_Fish the Umbreon [Lv.13 lol]
Bouncing_Fish the Umbreon was almost another victim of Flygon shadow tag trap and then I realized I had a solution for it all along!! Image
I am Team Magma, there's wayyy too much water in this game, almost all the decent leveling grind spots are in the middle of the ocean 😵‍💫
I was training on victory road, and after a long grind and using all my pp on two of Pokémon in my party, I rush back to the Pokémon center and before I heal I accidentally ended up at the Elite 4...

I can't turn back, this is it?!? Crap. Image
Elite 4 member #1 was a normal type user, but most of the team was Normal/Flying type with Pidgeot and Fearow blasting Aeroblasts point blank, at first I had Sapo dent the team and then Break2k the Jolteon to clean up most of them

The last Pokemon though was insanely difficult. Image
RIP Break2k the Jolteon, death by enraged Ursuring, his electric attacks just weren't packing enough of a punch to deal with him quickly..

I now have 5 team members left for 4 more trainers, with Bouncing_Fish vastly underleveled, so more like 4 fighting members left.. Image
Elite 4 Member #2 was an Ice type trainer, I let Akira the Kabutops take the lead for this fight and it went unbelievably well, he solo'd the entire team with rock slide pulling in a ton of work! Image
Elite 4 Member #3 was a Fire type trainer, Akira once again lead this fight, and once again solo'd another entire team! This time mostly using waterfall, I'm starting to get hopeful that this run could really be the one! Image
Elite 4 Member #4 was a Flying type trainer with a swarm of Aerodactyl. Akira the Kabutops once again kept sliding rocks, casting waterfalls until the last foe Gyarados at the end, which I had to switch to Sapo to take out. We could barely handle that Gyarados, I was so lucky.. Image
One battle left, I have no idea how this will go, but I can only hope my current party is enough, I went into these battles by accident and completely unprepared, I wish I had at least healed my party and got to use some last preparations, but it be what it be..

Champion time.
The champion dealt in dragons.
Specifically Kingdra.

Outrage. A maniacal Pokémon with a maniacal burst of rage, murderously ripping through every last party member. Trijimon the Sandslash, Sapo the Dragonite, Akira the Kabutops, Bouncing_Fish the Umbreon, Bladesi the Lapras.. Image
"JuaniSQ Whited Out"

RIP Attempt #3 of the Pokemon Emerald Randomizer Nuzlocke

Until next time... Image

• • •

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