dani 🍄 nahyuck au 📌 Profile picture
Nov 5, 2021 436 tweets >60 min read Read on X
Jaemin was just supposed to be another lucky fan who won a raffle, it’s a little impossible when Donghyuck decides that he isn’t

#nahyuck #nahyuckau ImageImage
side notes

- cute & angsty
- dream focused with mentions of other members
- purely fictional

- 21
- studying to become a vet
- dream fan, biases haechan
- mahae shipper
- doesn’t do serious relationships, not anymore

- 21
- member of idol group dream
- soloist
- falls in love easily
1. yes I did ImageImage
2. 20 more ImageImage
3. You can’t keep doing this ImageImage
4. I’m so nervous ImageImage
5. You never did Image
6. I can’t sleep ImageImage
7. wasnt prepared ImageImageImage
8. That’s perfect ImageImage
9. another month ImageImageImage
10. No I don’t ImageImageImage
11. it’s not a bad idea ImageImage
12. we miss you ImageImageImageImage
13. could be us ImageImage
14. extra pretty ImageImageImage
15. just a minute ImageImage
16. it happened ImageImageImage
17. that’s so pretty ImageImageImage
18. very flattered ImageImage
19. totally valid ImageImage
20. my pinned ImageImage
21. pretty bestie ImageImageImageImage
22. I kinda did something ImageImageImage
23. shes here ImageImage
24. I’m broke ImageImageImageImage
25. once again ImageImage
26. I was so happy ImageImage
27. never gonna come ImageImageImageImage
28. so excited ImageImage
29. the slow burn ImageImageImage
30. Who else? ImageImageImageImage
31. I look good ImageImage
32. We meet again ImageImage
33. all to myself ImageImage
34. I demand to know ImageImageImageImage
35. get it together ImageImageImage
36. Hello ImageImage
37. the way it did for me ImageImageImageImage
38. a new bed ImageImageImageImage
39. won’t be seeing my bf ImageImageImage
40. heartbroken sigh ImageImageImage
41. That should be me ImageImageImageImage
42. Not happening ImageImage
43. I’m being serious ImageImageImage
44. Research ImageImageImage
45. And he’s gone ImageImageImage
46. good one ImageImage
47. I didnt say no ImageImage
48. so optimistic ImageImage
49. your intentions ImageImage
50. exactly what I need ImageImageImage
51. it’s been a while ImageImage
52. stage name bases ImageImageImage
53. number 4 ImageImage
54. just two days ImageImage
55. mood to complain ImageImageImage
56. My treat ImageImage
57. pretty boys ImageImage
58. the lucky number ImageImage
59. movie night ImageImageImage
60. still very salty ImageImage
61. an exclusive one ImageImageImage
62. someone I used to know ImageImage
63. kind of hot ImageImage
64. u would think ImageImage
65. he wasn’t you ImageImage
66. It was a lie ImageImageImageImage
67. that’s over ImageImage
68. Question ImageImage
69. Why would I be? ImageImageImage
70. it’s nice to pretend ImageImage
71. right in front of you ImageImage
72. So much ImageImageImage
73. nothing new ImageImage
74. it happens ImageImageImageImage
75. Tell me more Image
76. I always end up here ImageImage
77. that was nice ImageImageImage
78. So inappropriate ImageImageImage
79. two and four ImageImageImage
80. Who says I won’t? ImageImageImage
81. but it’s not me ImageImageImage
82. it makes reality so much harder ImageImageImage
83. You’ve become so mean ImageImageImageImage
84. You remind me of him ImageImageImageImage
85. well it should ImageImageImage
86. then go right ahead ImageImage
87. excited and hopeful ImageImage
88. I have a plan ImageImageImage
89. he’s mine ImageImageImage
90. Help me ImageImageImage
91. he was so obvious ImageImageImage
92. is that me? ImageImageImage
93. think about me instead ImageImageImageImage
94. whatever it was ImageImage
95. Respectfully ImageImage
96. what do they call it ImageImageImageImage
97. And that’s the door ImageImageImage
98. I would ImageImage
99. I’m outside ImageImageImage
100. big yet cozy ImageImageImage
101. none of my business ImageImage
102. the disrespect ImageImage
103. sounds kind of silly ImageImageImageImage
104. so sweet ImageImage
105. my number one ImageImage
106. Did we what? ImageImageImageImage
107. pregame ImageImageImageImage
108. he’s gonna be so tired of me ImageImageImage
109. you didnt make me do anything ImageImageImageImage
110. 3am baking ImageImageImage
111. you owe me ImageImageImage
112. ok fine ImageImageImageImage
113. sneakpeak ImageImage
114. thread of memories ImageImageImageImage
115. a little exchange ImageImageImage
116. but at the end of the day ImageImageImage
117. you figured it out ImageImageImage
118. that’s why I like you ImageImageImageImage
119. Probably not ImageImageImage
120. at least until I move on ImageImageImageImage
121. that was a little aggressive ImageImageImage
122. it feels like it ImageImageImageImage
123. I think I’m already doing enough ImageImageImage
124. lol anyway ImageImage
125. no we didn’t ImageImageImageImage
126. he’s mine to look at ImageImageImageImage
127. little bit of both ImageImageImageImage
128. pretty for you ImageImageImage
129. he hung up ImageImageImage
130. a blushing mess ImageImage
131. happier things ImageImage
132. so what if ImageImage
133. You forgot? ImageImageImageImage
134. so scary ImageImage
135. for me only ImageImage
136. He can’t have one ImageImageImage
137. get unbored ImageImageImageImage
138. that’s what teams do ImageImageImageImage
139. I’ll fix this ImageImageImage
140. just as distracted ImageImageImage
141. the one that’s not me ImageImageImageImage
142. while hes in my car ImageImageImageImage
143. night over ImageImage
144. It’s okay ImageImageImage
145. wait ImageImage
146. really happy ImageImageImage
147. no change ImageImageImage
148. There’s a situation? ImageImageImageImage
149. very far away place ImageImageImage
150. I’m alone ImageImageImage
151. You mean fortunately ImageImageImage
152. He distracts me from him ImageImage
153. Are you calling him a liar? ImageImage
154. He learned a lot from you ImageImageImage
155. he is not home ImageImage
156. he got to you ImageImageImage
157. Exactly like me ImageImage
158. no one talk to me ImageImage
159. 3 days ImageImage
160. 4 days ImageImage
161. monthly visit ImageImageImage
162. You can’t resist me ImageImageImage
163. I like getting to know you ImageImageImageImage
164. he’s so interesting ImageImageImageImage
165. ugly outfits ImageImage
166. maybe that’s the goal ImageImage
167. height and muscles ImageImageImageImage
168. would things be different ImageImageImageImage
169. yes you do ImageImageImageImage
170. clingy and ugly ImageImageImageImage
171. go with the flow ImageImageImageImage
172. the second time ImageImageImageImage
173. I know better ImageImageImageImage
174. did he leave ImageImageImageImage
175. he’s so lovely ImageImageImage
176. not that I imagined it often ImageImageImage
177. hello milo ImageImageImageImage
178. Was this a date? ImageImageImage
179. push my luck ImageImageImage
180. Don’t make it a big deal ImageImageImageImage
181. it’s not anymore ImageImageImage
182. he’s just a friend ImageImageImageImage
183. it’s a big deal ImageImage
184. too soon ImageImage
185. you want me so bad ImageImage
186. I believe u ImageImage
187. the only good picture

(this is the next day) ImageImageImage
188. that’s not what’s happening ImageImage
189. might as well ImageImage
190. you’re so wrong ImageImageImage
191. so giggly ImageImageImage
192. there’s a new one ImageImageImage
193. he never liked me ImageImageImage
194. I kind of wanted to see him ImageImageImage
195. peer pressured ImageImageImage
196. the eggs are green ImageImageImageImage
197. they make so much sense ImageImage
198. how lucky ImageImage
199. it’s cute ImageImageImage
200. set an alarm ImageImageImage
201. a cuddle session ImageImageImageImage
202. definitely leaving now ImageImage
203. love that ImageImageImageImage
204. I tried to ImageImage
205. this isnt fair ImageImageImage
206. date date date ImageImageImage
207. I know right ImageImage
208. eat more slow ImageImageImage
209. Can I? ImageImageImageImage
210. would’ve been better ImageImage
211. and imma do it ImageImageImage
212. not this time ImageImageImageImage
213. it wasn’t that bad ImageImageImage
214. way more than it should’ve ImageImage
215. if I could ImageImage
216. I’m fine ImageImage
217. such a liar ImageImage
218. He didn’t do anything ImageImageImage
219. I still liked it ImageImage
220. maybe he’s actually busy ImageImageImage
221. kiss me all u want ImageImageImageImage
222. it was a sparkle ImageImageImage
223. everyone could see it was you ImageImageImageImage
224. if I had known ImageImageImageImage
225. hey ImageImage
226. goodnight ImageImage
227. totally not upset ImageImage
228. delete this ImageImage
229. I didn’t yell ImageImageImageImage
230. I didn’t expect this ImageImageImageImage
231. working up the courage ImageImage
232. I just miss him ImageImageImage
233. Friends who communicate ImageImageImageImage
234. a couple of more days ImageImage
235. not because of you ImageImageImageImage
236. that was nice ImageImage
237. bus buddy ImageImage
238. I must confess something ImageImageImage
239. in the end ImageImage
240. 2 days again ImageImageImageImage
241. come see me ImageImage
242. Dance with me ImageImage
243. I don’t know why you even tried

(slight nsfw warning) ImageImageImageImage
244. I don’t think I mind ImageImage
245. and I wasn’t even lying ImageImageImageImage
246. you’re more important ImageImage
247. this is awkward ImageImageImage
248. I like it ImageImage
249. only come around once ImageImageImage
250. always belong to you ImageImage
251. I said I would ImageImage
252. I’m getting concerned ImageImageImage
253. Correction ImageImageImage
254. (best friend) ImageImageImageImage
255. back to practice ImageImage
256. acquaintances ImageImageImageImage
257. so much sense ImageImageImage
258. never been more wrong ImageImageImageImage
259. stop calling him that ImageImageImage
260. I should tell him ImageImageImage
261. I can do it ImageImageImage
262. I was thinking ImageImage
263. I can’t do it ImageImageImage
264. I am fine ImageImageImageImage
265. just another day for him ImageImageImageImage
266. He looks hot ImageImage
267. so much easier ImageImageImage
268. you’re late ImageImageImage
269. it’s okay ImageImageImage
270. Think I found the one ImageImageImageImage
271. don’t mind me ImageImageImage
272. definitely mad ImageImageImage
273. I can’t tell you ImageImage
274. I miss him already ImageImage
275. do u think ImageImageImage
276. he’d choose him ImageImageImageImage
278. like number 3 ImageImageImageImage
279. of course ImageImageImage
280. but you said ImageImageImageImage
281. there’s this guy ImageImage
282. this is distracting ImageImage
283. Wanna see my date? ImageImage
284. definitely not ImageImageImage
285. I can take you home ImageImageImageImage
286. it’s fragile ImageImageImageImage
287. not bad ImageImageImage
288. I did not ImageImageImage
289. hurt my feelings ImageImageImage
290. low blow ImageImage
291. I know the type ImageImageImageImage
292. it doesn’t mean anything ImageImageImageImage
293. take your time ImageImageImage
294. want them gone already ImageImage
295. his home ImageImageImageImage
296. mood to argue ImageImageImageImage
297. hard to resist ImageImageImage
298. don’t resist that ImageImageImage
299. I think he’s okay ImageImageImage
300. just having fun ImageImage
301. I won’t let it happen again ImageImage
302. You can’t do that ImageImageImage
303. what a loser ImageImageImageImage
304. like you’re still here ImageImage
305. I want one every day ImageImage
306. Can I tag along? ImageImageImage
307. I was thinking ImageImageImageImage
308. he likes you ImageImageImage
309. no more numbers ImageImageImage
310. gonna lose my mind ImageImageImage
311. gonna go broke ImageImage
312. just stop ImageImageImage
313. gotta prepare ImageImage
314. a year ago ImageImageImage
315. All I can do is wonder now ImageImageImageImage
316. on my way ImageImageImageImage
317. I got you ImageImage
318. no questions asked? ImageImageImage
319. he respected that ImageImageImageImage
320. he looks so sad ImageImageImage
321. refuses to break ImageImageImage
322. he’s okay ImageImage
323. fresh start ImageImageImage
324. people I can’t have ImageImageImageImage
325. update ImageImage
326. nvm I cant ImageImage
327. that happened ImageImageImageImage
328. why not ImageImageImageImage
329. yes u do ImageImage
330. change the subject ImageImageImage
331. one of them is missing ImageImageImageImage
332. that was fun ImageImage
333. maybe we will ImageImage
334. yet ImageImageImageImage
335. wish you were here Image
336. I did ImageImageImage
337. not only in my dream ImageImageImageImage
338. Is that what you want? ImageImageImage
339. I miss him too ImageImage
340. Not from you ImageImageImageImage
341. well now I’m mad ImageImageImage
342. Mine ImageImageImage
343. the only sober one ImageImageImage
344. Just kiss me now ImageImage
345. sounds like him ImageImage
346. nope ImageImageImageImage
347. could be anyone ImageImageImage
348. new boyfriend Image
349. through a fancall event ImageImageImageImage
350. he’s with someone else ImageImageImageImage
351. just trust me ImageImage
352. Is something wrong? ImageImageImageImage
353. guess not ImageImageImageImage
354. a tiny something ImageImage
355. no comment ImageImage
356. Let’s make it real ImageImageImageImage
357. That’s okay ImageImageImageImage
358. leave him alone ImageImage
359. we’re dating ImageImageImageImage
360. I think so ImageImageImage
361. question ImageImageImage
362. no take backs ImageImageImage
363. no breaks ImageImageImageImage
364. that’s not happening ImageImageImageImage
365. just like u asked ImageImageImageImage
366. the difference ImageImageImage
367. it’s too soon ImageImageImageImage
368. I thought it would be ImageImageImage
369. because I like him ImageImageImageImage
370. you guys knew ImageImageImageImage
371. reserved just for him ImageImageImageImage
372. I should change that ImageImageImageImage
373. you’ll be fine

(that’s supposed to say bc kids are stupid in the third pic 😭😭😭) ImageImageImageImage
374. I miss you ImageImageImageImage
375. you almost did ImageImageImage
376. Happy first day ImageImageImage
377. I think I’m genuinely happy ImageImageImageImage
378. I’m nervous ImageImage
379. I hate them ImageImageImage
380. cute and dumb ImageImage
381. not when it’s you ImageImageImage
382. serious inquiries only ImageImageImageImage
383. mutual in law ImageImageImage
384. mine and my boyfriend’s ImageImage
385. I can ignore it ImageImageImage
386. and I like that ImageImageImageImage
387. cos u like him ImageImageImage
388. surprisingly okay ImageImageImageImage
389. keep the door open ImageImageImage
390. I had fun ImageImageImage
391. a good day ImageImage
392. the third grade ImageImageImage
393. a big deal ImageImageImageImage
394. You want me to? ImageImageImage
395. starting fresh ImageImageImageImage
396. his heart might flutter ImageImageImage
397. he has a crush ImageImageImage
398. Maybe ImageImageImage
399. so cute ImageImageImageImage
400. not in my apartment ImageImageImage
401. he’s happy for you ImageImage
402. I’ll take care of you Image
403. the best ImageImageImage
404. come back ImageImageImageImage
405. it is me ImageImageImage
406. It’s not a bad thing ImageImageImage
407. I was thinking ImageImageImage
408. I miss his hugs ImageImageImageImage
409. I do it too ImageImageImageImage
410. he’s mine ImageImageImageImage
411. double exposed ImageImageImage
412. q&a ImageImageImageImage
413. made me feel things ImageImageImageImage
414. does it still hurt ImageImageImage
415. boring ImageImageImageImage
416. congrats ImageImageImageImage
417. I always do ImageImageImage
418. pre boyfriend activities ImageImage
419. I can see it whenever you look at me ImageImageImageImage
420. I remember that ImageImageImage
421. For the last time ImageImage
422. for everyone asking ImageImage
423. of course I did ImageImageImageImage
424. me n you ImageImage
425. like I’m betraying him ImageImageImage
426. You can if you need to ImageImageImage
427. like he really meant it ImageImageImage
428. We’re falling in love ImageImageImageImage
429. I respect that ImageImageImage
430. I’ve got him ImageImage
431. it’s not terrifying at all ImageImage
432. to my loser ImageImage
& shes officially done. Sorry this took so long 😭 & thank u so much to everyone who took the time to read 😭 I appreciate it so much!! I’ll see u guys hopefully soon with a new au.. let me know what u thought (: curiouscat.me/jaemsgyu

• • •

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More from @jaemsgyu

May 7, 2021
When he was younger, Donghyuck thought marriage was about love and happiness. Now that he’s older and smarter, he realizes that marriage isn’t what he thought it’d be. It can’t be, not when he’s marrying a mean businessman named Jaemin.

#nahyuck #nahyuckau ImageImage
side notes

- mentions of cheating (not between nahyuck)
- dream focused au with rare mentions of other members
- attempt at humor, fluff & some angst
- they’re both (especially jm) mean to each other in the beginning but they get better 😭

- he’s the son of a CEO and works for his dad
- known for being an asshole
- doesn’t have close friends, his closest friend would probably be his secretary
- doesn’t have a good relationship with his dad
- jisung is his new step brother
Read 457 tweets
Dec 23, 2020
I should’ve realized it sooner, at some point you started chasing your dreams while I was still chasing you.

or ex boyfriends jaemin and donghyuck end up fake dating.

#nahyuckau #nahyuck ImageImageImageImage

- rookie actor
- dongyuck’s ex boyfriend and childhood best friend
- jisung is his cousin
- renjun & chenle are his best friends Image

- idol
- jaemin’s ex boyfriend and childhood best friend
- jeno & mark are his best friends
- part of nct Image
Read 199 tweets
Apr 21, 2020
I’m watching a little thing called first love n I’m on episode 5... would die for kuanlin
Nooo this one part made me so sad )): he drew that for his mom huh n then his dad just 😔😔
Read 5 tweets
Mar 25, 2020
everyone always says no when I ask if they’ve seen school 2013.. SHOCKED, CONFUSED, AND HURT
Namsoon n Heungsoo soulmates if u really think abt it
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Mar 16, 2020
Beomjun au where Beomgyu runs a popular fansite for Yeonjun and gains even more attention when fans start to notice that Yeonjun always looks into his camera.

#beomjun #beomjunau ImageImage
or mydarlingcyj is to Yeonjun what honeyjoonie94 is to Namjoon 🤪
- not gonna be very long
- crack, fluff, maybe some angst, I’m not sure yet
- time stamps don’t matter
Read 195 tweets
Dec 29, 2019
beomjun au where Yeonjun is a soloist & with fame comes hate. Beomgyu is a well known anti, so well known that even Yeonjun knows about him. When they meet, Yeonjun decides he wants to change Beomgyu’s mind about him & in the process, falls in love
#beomjun #beomjunau ImageImage
Soobin is Yeonjun’s best friend & personal assistant. Yeonjun’s fans love him & think he’s adorable

Taehyun is known for being a fanboy & a moarmy, he’s best friends with Beomgyu & Kai

Kai is also known for being a fanboy, he’s a moarmy, best friends with Taehyun & Beomgyu ImageImageImage
Yeonjun & Beomgyu ImageImageImageImage
Read 145 tweets

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