So yeah.
This Education Committee.
In bed with the so called medical freedom folk & UsForThem.
Here may well be the reason why we aren't seeing sensible mitigations in schools.
No wonder COVID is ripping through schools.
The high COVID case rates currently in this country (and consequent 1000 admissions a day / 1000 deaths a week) are unquestionably partly due to this ridiculous push to let COVID rip unabated through schools.
I am livid that this agenda has been allowed to influence UK policy.
If we had been allowed to keep/ initiate sensible mitigations such as masks, ventilation, sensible household isolation policy etc (like some other countries), we could have kept case rates down and it would have been safer for all.
They need calling out. And ousting.
Where you see the pink flower
These are those aligned with the values of the Liberal Spring movement.
Their list of pledges is unashamed.
@apsmunro@nearlytoolate I'm sorry. I don't really understand what your point is here.
I've just pulled off the ONS data on COVID deaths (on the death certificate) in 2021 so far. I think I counted 48 child deaths (<19 as they report) up to last week.
Does that sound correct?…
@apsmunro@nearlytoolate (by <19 I mean </=19 years... not sure why all the data is including that age, but we have to work within the limits of what we have, I guess)
@apsmunro@nearlytoolate This figure gives total tally ONS deaths registered with COVID on the death certificate per age group over the whole pandemic so far.
It shows 72 COVID related deaths in those aged 19 & under in England & Wales only.
Perhaps I will now see if I can find the NI & Scotland data.