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Nov 8, 2021 198 tweets 33 min read Read on X
#OmegaKiriWeek2021 Day 2:
CW: Heat / nesting / sex toys / A/B/O / mentions of past abuse / cont. of day 1 so please read it first / belly bulge and lotsa cum ig / once again sorry if I miss tags


Bakugou Katsuki was the luckiest man on the planet.
He thought after coming down from the high of the best orgasm he'd had in his life, granted it was the first one that actively involved another person, but just the fact that it was /his/ omega had him twitching in interest all over again all while still buried deep in his lover.
"Ngh... no, no more." Eijirou groaned next to him, walls clamping down on the alpha's knot in contradiction of his words. "... too full, good alpha." he added sleepily patting the blond's cheek, gaining a chuckle from the taller man.
Katsuki contented himself with wrapping his arms around his omega and gaze at his beautiful body. Both had always thought the redhead would become a sort of short yet built like a tank alpha, Eijirou had put in the blood sweat and tears into honing his gorgeous muscles.
The admiration Katsuki felt for his best friend didn't change now that he was his omega. Sure he looked nothing like the traditionally attractive twinky omega, too tall and built to look 'graceful' and 'delicate' but that was bullshit and Katsuki knew it.
Eijirou was the perfect omega for him, and if he was completely honest, he might have been afraid of breaking him like a twig otherwise. The blond himself presented at the apex of a traditional alpha, closer to 7 feet than 6, the 'tall' omega looked downright dainty next to him.
His gazed traveled from Eijirou's actually delicate face to the angry red spot on his neck and the air was punched out of Katsuki's lungs for a second. He really did have claimed his best friend, the love of his life.
Eijirou moved in his sleep drawing Katsuki's attention to the hand resting on his bulging stomach and Katsuki felt cold sweat on his nape as a low growl rolled came from his proud alpha, not only had he claimed the omega, he had freaking bred him, thoroughly.
If he didn't know it was damn near impossible for an omega to actually catch during his presentation, what with the insane amounts of hormones and the fevers, he'd be absolutely terrified right about then.
Not because he wouldn't love to have a family with Ei, god just the idea of having put a pup in him had heat pooling in his stomach already, but because Denki would /actually/ murder him.
He was in enough trouble as is, remembering the other blond's threat to castrate him if he claimed Eijirou and he had half a mind to think the omega might really go through with it. Just as he started devising an escape plan to some tropical island, his knot started deflating.
Immediately, wetness spread between their bodies and on the bedsheets. Katsuki couldn't tell if he'd groaned in pride at how fucking fertile he seemed to be, disappointment that his seed was going to waste, aka not getting his omega very fucking pregnant,-
or in annoyance at the completely ruined sheets.
"Ei... babe, we gotta get off the bed." The only thing he wanted less than to let their mess ruin his mattress too was to wake up his omega, but his need for cleanliness won. When Eijirou showed no sign of life, Katsuki simply lifted him with a sigh as he finally pulled out.
The omega whimpered in the alpha's arms, still too far gone to do much beside cling to him trying to stay as close as possible. Katsuki pulled the sheets with a wet sticky patch the size of beach ball of the mattress and carried Eijirou across the apartment to his own bathroom.
When they'd moved in, Katsuki had convinced his now lover to take the master bedroom since the bathroom there had an actual tub and the blond knew how much the redhead loved to take lengthy scented bath bubbles to unwind after a long day.
Katsuki turned on the faucet and putting the stopper in place he sat with Eijirou still dozing peacefully on his lap, a proud purr formed in his chest at seeing his omega so utterly fucked out. A yellow blob he hadn't noticed before caught his attention and he chuckled.
"Of course you'd bathe with a rubber ducky." Katsuki purred in his omega's ear, reaching for a bottle of something he guessed made the bath bubbly and smell nice and tipped it in. When the warm water finally reached Eijirou he woke with a bit of a startle.
"Alpha?" He muttered and katsuki nuzzled his scent gland, making him all too aware now of the throbbing pain there. Right, Katsuki had claimed him earlier that day. He hadn't been an omega for all of 24 hours and he had already gotten himself mated, Denki was gonna be pissed.
"I'm here, omega," Katsuki's breath ghosted over the sensitive bite as the alpha hugged him closer from behind. Eijirou sighed when Katsuki licked his claim tentatively ad he bared his neck to give him better access. "Does it hurt?" The blond asked.
"A little," he hissed when Katsuki's tongue smoothed over it, moaning when the stinging and throbbing subsided, turning into molten pleasure in his veins. The alpha kept lapping and sucking at the bitten gland, tasting the clear nectar it produced drove him half mad.
It was ever so slightly different now, as was Eijirou's scent, there was an ever so slightly hint of caramel in it now and he couldn't help but moan on the omega's neck, wondering what he'd smell and taste like when the alpha finally put a pup in him.
Somewhere in Eijirou's room, Katsuki's phone rang, bringing him back to reality.

"Fuck, Denki said he'd be coming over to check on you after his shift." The alpha groaned.

"Crap!" Eijirou squealed jumping off his alpha and causing the larger man to whine at the loss.
"When's that?!" Eijirou asked standing fully naked on the bath. Katsuki glanced at his watch, somehow he hadn't lost or wrecked the thing through it all.

"We've still got some time, no point in stressing about it, come back here." He pulled the redhead back down by his hand.
They were facing each other this time, Eijirou's legs cradling the alpha's slim waist, their eyes never leaving the other's. Katsuki had dreamt about this moment for so long he never thought it'd come true.

"I want you to claim me Eijirou." He sighed with a smile.
"You what?" Eijirou gasped. Sure times where changing and society was becoming more progressive, more kind to omegas. They had equal rights in almost every area, they were no longer treated as property to be bargained and could have their own lives and careers.
Even if the law had become egalitarian, sexism against omegas was still far too common, hell, hundreds of cases of crimes against them were still dismissed on the daily by traditionalist officials.
So even though it was biologically possible for an omega to claim their alpha, it was practically unheard of, taboo even. What Katsuki was asking him to do would put his alpha at the bottom of the societal food chain.
No self-respecting alpha would let himself be claimed by an inferior, which is why alphan couples were revered and almost feared, who knows how strong and violent they had to be to fight each other for dominance on the daily and /survive/.
He'd craved that reverence when he'd thought he'd present as an alpha, he wanted to be seen with Katsuki at his side, equals in every possible way.

But now, now he was an omega. He was supposed to submit to his alpha, hell part of him wanted to do it, craved it.
"I can't do that Kat." Eijirou teared up, hiding his face on the alpha's chest, unable to look him in the eye.

"Why the hell not?" Katsuki groaned, taking the opportunity to nuzzle the omega's neck once more.

"What if I'm not good enough?" he whined "you'd be stuck with me."
When an omega or an alpha were claimed, it was like nobody else existed in the world, so traditionally alpha's would remained unclaimed should their omega's prove lacking in any way, allowing them freedom to either break the bond or simply claim another one.
Honorable alphas would never dare break a bond, even in the olden times, as it was considered one of the foulest things anyone could do, an omega with a broken bond could quite literally lose his mind becoming only a shell of a person.
There were scarier cases in even recent history of it happening, of broken omegas murdering their entire families, even their own offspring in the madness of their breaking bond.
It was one of the reasons why omega's were still seen as inferior to both alphas and betas, they were weak. It was also the main reason why alpha never let their omega partners claim them, so they could have choice to pick a more suitable one.
((Ok, I should definitely tag for body dysmorphia here, sorry for forgetting it in the main tags, but like if you didn't guess this was coming idk what to tell you 😅))
Eijirou knew Katsuki would never break their bond, not even for a second did he doubt the alpha's honor and love for him.

Not after what happened to Denki anyway.
And although it killed him to think one day the blond might want a second omega, he couldn't shake his fear of not being enough for him. His alpha deserved the best and he knew that was not him. Built like a short alpha Eijirou was nothing like the beautiful omega he deserved.
Eijirou felt the alphas growl against his cheek before he heard it.

"Stop that!" Katsuki exclaimed pulling Eijirou away from him so he could look him in the eyes. "Look at me?" He pleaded with a softer tone when Eijirou refused to meet his gaze, when he did he started crying.
"Silly omega," Katsuki sighed, cupping the redhead's cheeks and wiping the tears away with his thumbs. "Can't you see that you're perfect for me? The only one for me?"

"You deserve a real omega," he whimpered, "someone beautiful you can show off, not me..."
"A real omega," Katsuki pondered for a second, "you mean twig like Denki or an actual doll-sized-human like Ochako?" Katsuki smiled when his hyperbole got a small giggle out of the omega.
"Sweetie look at me, I'd fucking crush them without even noticing." Eijirou laughed openly now and Katsuki's heart melted at the sunshine being born on his face.

"I'm being serious you knot!" Eijirou groaned then, splashing the alpha with now cool water.
"I am too." Katsuki leaned in, getting Eijirou to crawl backwards until he hit the other end of the tub, the alpha trapped his with muscular arms next to his face. "If you think there will ever be a stronger," he kissed Eijirou's forehead, "sweeter," he kissed his cheek-
"more beautiful omega," he kept trailing down Eijirou's face until he reach his scent gland, "one that can take me as perfectly as you do." The alpha lapped at the oozing gland, relishing the taste of his omega's arousal, "Then I guess I have my work cut out for me." He growled.
"To do what?" Eijirou gasped when Katsuki's hands moved to grope his built chest, flicking his cold and arousal hardened nipples.

"To convince you otherwise," the alpha breathed over his gland, suddenly pinching hard at the omega's nipples gaining a yelped moan from him.
"Claim me omega..." Katsuki moaned, his dick throbbing between them already.

"I... I can't Katsuki... I need time to think about it..." He whimpered under his alpha's ministrations, but then he was gone, and the omega felt colder than ever before.
"Well then," Katsuki stood, frustration clear in his eyes, as his dick bounced half hard in front of the omega's face. Eijirou had never wanted something in his mouth as badly as he wanted his alpha's cock. "I guess I need a could shower in that case, Denks should be here soon."
With that the blond left his omega's side for the first time since he presented the night before. It felt wrong, leaving him like that, unsatisfied, wet, and cold, and alone. But he was too frustrated and didn't want to do something he'd regret, like command him claim him.
Twenty minutes later the both of them were holed up in their respective rooms, sulking still and refusing to let the other know, Eijirou not wanting to give into Katsuki's request and Katsuki all too afraid to use a command.
Part of why he wanted the omega to claim him was that he'd be giving up the ability to use alpha commands. Nobody really knew why it happened, only that claimed alphas lost the ability the moment it happened, and he wanted it so bad.
He hated having the power to control Eijirou against his will. He'd had a front row seat to that shitshow with Denki and he never wanted to even risk being capable of such a thing.

"Darling I'm... What the fuck is that smell?" Kaminari's voice echoed in the apartment, shit.
"Smells like sex." Katsuki heard Tetsu's voice and he could also sense Shinsou's presence in his empty living room.

"It's rude to barge in like this Denki, they could've been... busy." He heard Shinsou hesitate before bracing for impact as small feet stomped in his direction.
"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Kaminari barged into his room and upon seeing the soiled sheets still on the floor and the naked bed where Katsuki sat the smaller blond socked him across the face and then whimper in pain.
Katsuki's cheek throbbed, it'd been a good punch, even if the dumbass hurt himself in the process. The alpha's lack of response infuriated the omega even more.

"YOU CLAIMED HIM DIDN'T YOU?" The omega snarled in his face, punching his chest with tiny ineffective fists as he stood
Katsuki only grabbed him by the wrists and looked at the hand that punched him.

"You're supposed to keep your thumb out so you don't dislocate your finger pikachu." He said flatly.

"What the hell is /wrong/ with you?" Denki pulled his fist back.
"He won't claim me." Katsuki sulked looking down at the sheets, mind fogging up with longing, he missed his omega already. In front of him three pairs of eyes widened at his confession.

"You two, stay here, Imma go check on Ei." Denki left the room full of alphas in pure shock.
It wore off, however, as soon as he walked back out into the living room and saw Eijirou standing there, tear streaked face and angry red claim on his neck. His rage returned but for the sake of the other omega he forced himself to calm down.
He embraced the younger, albeit taller, omega and guided him back to his own room where the window was still open and the air smelled like nothing but outside.

"What happened? Is Katsuki okay? Please don't hate him." Eijirou pleaded and it made Denki all the more angry.
"Did he claim you against your will?" He asked, holding Eijirou by the shoulders to make himself be heard.

"No!" Eijirou exclaimed "Katsuki would never..."

"Never what?!" Denki cut in "Use a command on you?! Oh but he did already, he told me as mu..."

Eijirou hissed at him.
"He was just trying to help!" the younger omega yelled, Denki rolled his eyes in disbelief. "For fuck sake Denki, not every alpha is like that fucking asshole! But you clearly you can't see that as you have not one but who alphas that adore you and would do anything for you!"
Eijirou couldn't stop the venom coming out of his mouth, for once he wanted to hurt someone other than himself. "Not that it's any of your business but I've wanted to be mated to Katsuki as long as I can remember! And how fucking dare you!" Denki sat unmoved, face like stone.
"How fucking dare you question him when he was there for you through it all! He's one of your best friends, you'd figured you'd back off him for once! It's not his fault what that bastard did to you!"

"Ei... stop it." Katsuki pleaded from the door, the other two behind him.
"No Katsuki, I'm tired of him always questioning you, treating you like you're some random asshole alpha. It wasn't your fault!" He spat at his alpha.

"Except it was," Katsuki said and Eijirou's stomach dropped, "I introduced them."
"You really think that?" Denki whispered and then turned to Katsuki, "That it was your fault?"

"I... I should have known Denki," Katsuki walked to the omegas and dropped to his knees, holding the other blond's hand. "I could've stopped it." Tears pooled in the alpha's eyes.
"No," Denki teared up as well, "you couldn't have known. And I wouldn't have listened to you had you tried to stop me." He sighed, petting the alpha's spiky hair while they both cried. "I've been such a shitty friend to you for years, haven't I?"

"Deserved it." He replied.
"No you didn't." Both omegas said in unison
"Is this why you want Eijirou to claim you? Some bullshit martyr complex cause you claimed him?" Denki continued and Eijirou actually growled at the older omega, whom just ignored him.

"No, it's just..." he sighed turning to his omega, still on his knees reaching for his face.
"I've always loved you Ei, there was only ever you and I want... I need you to know that. That's why I want you to claim me, I want you to never doubt I'll bet yours forever." Eijirou was crying again.

"But what if I can't give you pups? You've always wanted them." He sobbed.
"I only want a family with you, baby. If we can't have our own pups then we'll just adopt or something, we'll figure it out." Katsuki assured him, kissing the omega's knuckles.

"But what about what people would say?"

"Fuck what people say." Both blonds blurted then chuckled.
"All that matters to me is you Ei, I wanna be yours just as you are mine, love." Katsuki finished.

"Okay," Eijirou jumped hugging his Alpha's neck and kissing him deeply, forgetting they had an audience.

"Did they just get engaged?" Tetsu whispered to Hitoshi and Denki laughed.
A month later life seemed to have returned to normal, or to a new normal at least. After Eijirou accepting to claim his alpha with their friends as witness, which to him felt like pretty much having gotten married or something, the lot of them set out to clean up the apartment.
When they were done Kaminari had pulled Eijirou to the side and asked him if Katsuki had ever told him the whole story, when he shook his head Denki told him everything.
From being tricked into getting claimed at sixteen, his family kicking him out after it, the abused at his alpha's hands, how the older man commanded him to do anything he wanted and when he was done basically using him like any object how he'd broken his bond.
Eijirou had hugged him as they both cried, begging him to forgive his harsh words, and Denki assuring him he forgave him as soon as he said them. He knew he didn't mean them, at least not to him the blond sighed to himself.
Later they'd joined the alphas and ate together, happily
((CW: specifically for this next part, dark themes, mentions of suicide ideation and attempt, mentions of miscarriage, mentions of past abuse, mentions of past self-harm. buckle up, our boys have been through a lot I swear it gets better pretty soon tho))
"It was the middle of the night on winter, a really cold one too, and the asshole threw him to the street like he was garbage with nothing but the skimpy clothes he'd forced him to wear. I still don't know how he got to my place, he was so broken Ei, it was like he wasn't there."
Katsuki told him one afternoon when he asked about the time after the bond break like Kami had suggested the day after he presented. The older omega said he couldn't remember most of those nine months, but the Katsuki had been there and could, /should/ ask the alpha.
"We weren't that close yet, I was going through my asshole post alpha presentation phase, but after seeing Denki go through that, thinking it was all my fault it was too much to bear." A shadow passed through the alpha and Eijirou kissed him softly.
"Then he had the miscarriage, he hadn't even known he was pregnant. After that it all went even more to shit, for weeks he'd said he wanted the pain to stop and I didn't know what to do. When tried getting him help the doctor simply said he'd either make it or not." Katsuki cried
"I'd never felt so powerless, or so I thought, until Denki tried to end things for himself. I don't know how I managed to get him to a hospital in time and just when I thought he'd finally get some help they locked him up in a psych ward doping him with all kinds of drugs."
They were both crying now, Eijirou could feel the tears of still all too alive impotence and frustration damping the top his head while his own tears of sympathy and fear something so horrible could happen to someone so good created a wet patch on Katsuki's chest.
The omega snuggled closer to the alpha, trying to find some kind of comfort for the both of them but failing miserably. And yet, he didn't stop Katsuki's story, as much because he felt like he needed to hear it as because he knew the alpha needed to tell it.
"That was four months after he showed up in my dorm, I'd been keeping him with me, hoping that my company would help. When they took him away and I saw how they had him drugged five ways to Sunday I lost it." He swallowed.
"I tried reaching out to his parents, try to convince them to get him out of that place, but they wanted nothing to do with their ruined omega son. There was nothing I could do, I was a kid too after all." He sigh lifting his arms from around the omega, palms facing upward.
"That's when these happened." He muttered as Eijirou caressed all too familiar scars. "School breaks were the hardest, being with my parents, whom actually loved me while Denki was all alone made me hate myself even more. That's how my mom caught me. She was so pissed."
"I told her and pa everything, they promised they try to help. Took them another two months to keep that promise and get him released into their custody. Still, I was back in school so I couldn't actually see him. Next time I did tho, he was starting to come back."
"That's around the time you and I started hanging out more," Katsuki hissed the top of his head, "being around you was like being touched by the sun in the best of ways, and I knew Denki needed that, we both did. That's how our little group was born, sorry." He was embarrassed.
"Don't be, I'm glad I could help, that the Bakusquad could help." He chuckled remembering the name they'd gone by in their school days. "I remember all the rumors that went around when Denki came back, I just thought he looked... alone." He sat up looking the alpha in the eye.
"Like there was a part of him missing." He shivered at the thought.

"That'll never happen you," Katsuki promised with a kiss, each wiping the other's face clean, "to either of us." Katsuki reminded him of his promise to claim the alpha.
Katsuki had agreed to give him time to get used to the idea, until he was ready they'd kept on living their lives, relishing the heightened connection of Eijirou's claim. That had him wondering how things would change once Katsuki became his too.
He'd gone to an omega specialist Denki had recommended, apparently the doctors research was focused on anomalies such as himself and after going through all kinds of tests and scans the three of them sat with the doctor to discuss her findings.
"Besides the excess of testosterone, which might be why you presented this late, you're pretty much an average omega male. I'm sorry I can't tell you more about why your presentation had such adverse side effects, there's still too much we don't know about anomalies." She stated.
"What I can tell you, however, is that there are some statistics that show that omegas with adverse reactions in their presentation have a tendency for stronger, harder to bear heat cycles. Also that anecdotal evidence suggest male anomalies have more frequent cycles too."
"What's that mean?" Katsuki asked in a clear effort of being polite, which went obviously unnoticed by the mildly annoyed beta doctor.

"It's kind of like a remnant of past human female genes, we haven't managed to isolate exactly which one yet." She explained.
"Female homosapiens, our predecessors, had a monthly fertility cycle, even though they didn't have heats nor the males had ruts. For some reason that specific trait has been reported only on male anomaly omegas."
"Meaning he'll have more heats per year." She added at Katsuki's furrowed brow. "So the both of you should discuss contraceptives unless you're planning to start a family sooner rather than later. If you're one of such anomalies it could mean you're also hyper fertile."
"You mean we can have pups?" Eijirou perked up after all that medical talk, that was the one bit of information he cared the most about, and Katsuki could only marveled at how beautiful his omega looked when excited.
"Yes, but if and when you do get pregnant it will most likely not be an easy pregnancy. Like I said there's much we still don't know about it and with your testosterone levels it could mean a higher risk of losing the pups." She explained.
Eijirou's heart sunk a little when he'd nodded at that, and Katsuki wanted to hurt the doctor for taking Eijirou's happiness away. It seemed even her cold medical mask melted a little at the omega's mood.
"Like I said, much we don't know, as far as we can tell, barring regular pregnancy complications, you should both be able to raise a troop of muscly pups." She finished with a kind smile and Ei smiled radiantly again. The doctor wasn't so bat after all, Katsuki thought.
"Thank you so much for taking Ei in as your patient in such short notice doctor." Denki shook her hand as they got up to leave.

"The pleasure is mine Denki," she turned to the couple, "do feel free to contact me should any questions or problems arise."
That'd been two weeks ago and Eijirou's first heat had yet to come. He did feel like it was close tho, the last couple of days he'd been craving more sweets than usual, which had Katsuki worried he'd become diabetic but unable to deny his omega of anything.
So they'd gone to the store and stock piled on Eijirou's favorite treats, as well as a bunch of highly nutritious food Katsuki was ready to bargain anything for so the omega would eat it.

He'd also been a lot more clingy recently, like a lot, a lot.
Hence why they'd lazed in bed most of that afternoon as Katsuki told him about his past before him.

They were making out when Eijirou let out a frustrated groan, there was something wrong but he couldn't put his finger on what it was.
The omega got off the bed without a word leaving Katsuki utterly perplexed, and horny, on his bed.

"What the fuck?" He exclaimed. He tried calling the omega but he'd forgotten his phone in their apartment, so he called Denki telling him what had happened by way of hello.
"I'm not the omega whisperer, you knot." Kaminari barked at him. "Did you try his cell?"

"How could I not think of that, thanks pikachu, you're a genius." He heard the other blond's alphas chuckling in the background. "You put me on speaker?!"
"I could have told you, but you just started whining your problems away, figured it was rude to interrupt." Denki replied.

"Why you little..." He started a threat but Tetsu interrupted.

"Hey Bakubro, Denki did something like that once." He said thoughtfully.
"I did?"

"Yeah when you'd just moved in with us." Hitoshi interjected. "You kept saying everything was in the wrong place and before we knew it you built a pillow fort of a nest in our living room. If I had to guess Kirishima's just nesting, give him his space."
Katsuki could reply as the call ended with a beep after Hitoshi said his piece, clearly he'd interrupted something and the other alpha wasn't pleased. Oh well, he didn't care. What he did care about though was his frustrated omega.
Was their home not inviting enough? Not warm enough? He'd always advocated for a clean home, happy home mentality, and Eijirou seemed to be in sync with that.
So after a few minutes of giving Eijirou 'his space' and frantically investigating only he bolted from one corner of their apartment to the other gathering multiple things he settled to work in Eijirou's room. An hour later he was satisfied with his work just as the door opened.
“What’s all this?” Eijirou stood at the threshold, shopping bags still in hand, clearly having gotten sidetracked on his impromptu run if Katsuki had to guess.

“I… uh…” suddenly the alpha felt silly, unable to find the words.

Eijirou gazed at the objects covering his bed.
He noticed Katsuki’s favorite hoodies, their coziest blankets and pillows, his stuffed shark at the center of it all, right next to his rubber ducky.

“You made me a nest?” Eijirou whimpered and the alpha thought he’d fucked up before the sweaty redhead jumped to hug him.
“This is the manliest thing anyone’s ever done for me,” he laughed and the omega’s unadulterated joy warmed Katsuki’s chest, “well, beside fucking my brains out.” He kissed the alpha but before Katsuki could even start to catch up the redhead had already dashed to grab a shower.
It seemed impossible that only an hour ago he could barely convince his mate to let him go long enough so he could pee when now he couldn’t keep him in his arms for more than a second.
The whiplash inducing behavior didn’t stop there. Eijirou spent the next few hours inviting Katsuki to help him add the things he’d bought, along with other items from the apartment he hadn’t thought off, into the nest one second and pushing him away the next
The omega claimed the blond was doing something wrong only to do it exactly like the alpha had a second later.

“Give him his space.” He echoed Shinsou’s words and flipping him off in his mind. He settled for cooking dinner and when he finished, he called for the omega.
“It’s ready!”Eijirou skipped into the kitchen, looking proud of himself and smiling radiantly. “Wanna see?”

“How about after we eat?” The blond replied and Eijirou nodded, but pouted through the entire meal. If their pups were half as adorable as him, Katsuki was in trouble.
When they were done, Eijirou all but urging him to inhale the last bites of his plate, the omega dragged him to his room to show off his creation.
Katsuki’s alpha purred when noticing the foundation of it all was what he’d built for the omega.
The bed was covered almost entirely with both the alpha’s and the omega’s clothes and other soft belongings. Along with new stuffed animals and soft looking pillows.

“I didn’t realize I was buying them for our nest until I got here and saw what you’d done, thank you alpha.”
Katsuki turned to kiss his omega, happier than ever that he shared a home with him, but the smell of something intoxicatingly sweet stopped him in his tracks.

“Alpha?” Ejjirou moaned, knees buckling as the first wave of his heat washed over him.
Katsuki’s nerves went haywire, the hairs on his nape standing on end and his fangs itching to bite. He approached the omega helping him up by his hand but the redhead immediately slammed his lips against the blond’s
Ok so, we threading #OmegaKiriWeek2021 day 3 into this thread 👀👀
CW: A/B/O / Heat / Rut / Knots / Role reversal / Toys
Katsuki's alpha growled and he dug his fingers in the omega’s bubble ass lifting him off the floor and climbing into their nest with Eijirou’s legs wrapped around his waist.

They clawed at each other's clothes, soft objects getting tossed in their wake. They'd rebuild it later.
Eijirou whimpered against Katsuki's lips when he finally felt the blond's already throbbing cock against his own smaller one. He felt like his body was on fire in the best possible way, Katsuki's hands trailing goosebumps wherever he touched.
The alpha had opted for letting go of the redhead's ass in favor of exploring his abdomen, already picturing it full with his cock. Eijirou gasped when his hand reached the omega's chest, flicking and pinching his nipples.
Katsuki then moved to lap at his omega's scent gland, purring at the sight of the mostly healed claim mark, he didn't think he'd ever get used to it. Eijirou's pheromones were sweeter than ever, his scent completely engulfing Katsuki's senses.
In his mind, at that moment, there was nothing else in the world /but/ his omega.

"Fuck..." he groaned "I think your heat is triggering my rut." he managed to say and the Eijirou moaned, gushing slick and pheromones.

"Need your knot alpha..." Eijirou begged.
In the month since Eijirou's presentation, they'd developed a healthy if not a little too eager routine. When at first Eijirou had struggled some with Katsuki's sizable weapon of destruction, as the omega dubbed it, now he could take it like a champ with little prep involved.
"Perfect omega." Katsuki purred in Eijirou's ear, having half a mind to reach for a condom in the night stand, he didn't miss the little disappointed whine the redhead let out. "Gonna make you feel so good." He tried distracting him by taking his nipple in his mouth.
Eijirou moaned and Katsuki flicked his tongue over the sensitive nub, grazing a blunt nail over the other. His remaining hand rolled the condom on and lined up his dick to Eijirou's entrance and he bottomed out in one go, eliciting moans from the bath of them.
"Tsuki..." Eijirou pleaded, hands holding onto whatever he could reach as the blond started thrusting at a merciless pace, mind fogging up with the first waves of his rut. Fuck, this is not how he'd wanted to spend Eijirou's first heat. "Knot please!" Eijirou seized around him.
Katsuki let out a self-satisfied growl as the omega's walls milked his cock, that was the fastest he'd made him come thus far. He fucked him through his orgasm and Eijirou whined at the overstimulation but kept begging for his alpha's knot. And the blond was happy to oblige.
The moment his knot popped inside the omega, he bit down on the fading claim mark, eliciting yet another orgasm from Eijirou. He growled against the omega's neck as he tried to uselessly milk the alpha, stupid condom, he should be breeding the omega properly.
In the momentary clarity of their afterglow, still attached by the much too full knot, they looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"Of course you knothead would rut with my heat!" Eijirou teased.

"What can I say, you're just too delicious to resist." Katsuki threw back and Eijirou blushed. "I need to get us supplies while I can, doesn't look like we're leaving our nest any time soon."
"Is it really gonna be that bad?" Eijirou asked with his brow raised incredulously.

"Oh baby, the moment my rut actually hits I won't be letting you further than a centimeter away from me." Katsuki licked his lips in anticipation. "Not that you'd want to anyways."
"What do you mean?"

"Has Denki never subjected you to his endless boasting about how great sex during heat is?" Eijirou shook his head, "well, you're lucky then. I couldn't look Shinsou in the eye for weeks. Apparently one time pikachu held them hostage in bed the entire heat."
"Not even to..." Eijirou widened his eyes.

"I didn't ask, and trust me, we don't wanna know." Katsuki cut him off shaking his head almost desperately, a shiver creeping down his frame and they both laughed again agreeing that their friends were weird.
About fifteen minutes of idle chatting, soft kisses and touches, Katsuki's knot finally deflated enough for him to pull out. He disposed of the used rubber and headed for the kitchen to grab them enough water and food to last them at least through the next 24 hours.
They still had no idea how long Eijirou's heats would be, so they'd been preparing all kinds of supplies they might need in a pinch, like boxes of protein bars and cases of bottled water. When he walked back into the room Eijirou was hugging his knees staring at the ruined nest.
"We'll make and even better one next time." Katsuki assured him while placing the things he'd gathered right next to the bed. When Eijirou didn't react, he sat next to the omega and asked, "What's the matter?"

"I think I'm ready." The redhead mumbled and Katsuki's heart stopped.
Ready for what exactly? Pups? No, they'd agreed to wait until they both finished college...

"I want you to be mine like I am yours, alpha." Eijirou stated with newfound confidence as he straddled the blond's legs.

"Are you sure?" Katsuki grinned unable to contain his excitement
"Yes." Eijirou mewled, pushing the alpha into the mattress by his shoulders and leaning into his neck. Katsuki writhed under him at the contact of the redhead's lips against his scent gland, and Eijirou moaned as clear liquid flooded his mouth, he tasted like caramel.
Katsuki bucked his hips up, rubbing his now clothed cock against the omega's naked ass and Eijirou growled.

"Stay still." He said, immediately sucking hard at the alpha's gland, he wanted to taste him more.
Katsuki tried his best to be good for his omega, to make him comfortable for what he was about to do, but it felt /so/ good he actually whimpered. He was about to cave when Eijirou released the now swollen and sensitive gland and sat back, grinding his butt on the alpha's dick.
"Good alpha," Eijirou praised and Katsuki damn near came in his underwear with a whimper, "you like that? when I tell you how good you are?" Eijirou asked and Katsuki trembled under him, nodding as the omega pealed off the now sticky underwear and pumped his cock.
"You are the best alpha Kat," Eijirou continued, lining Katsuki's dick with his entrance and sinking slowly. The blond wasn't sure whether the moan that ripped through his throat came from the praise or the impossible heat now surrounding him.
"So manly," Eijirou started moving, slowly at first working up to bounce on the alpha's cock, "built me a nest and everything. Such a good mate." He dug his nails on the alpha's chest, feeling heat rise up his entire body. soon enough he wasn't even sure what he was saying.
"Gonna breed me so good aren't you?" Eijirou kept talking as he moved, "I bet you'd give me a full litter at once too, that's how perfect you are." Katsuki whined, reaching for the omega's dick and matching the movement of Eijirou's hips, his knot starting to swell again.
"So perfect," Eijirou leaned down, whispering next to the blond's neck, raising goosebumps with his breath "you'd even let me claim you." Katsuki moaned and let go of the omega's cock in favor of grasping his hips and meeting their movement with short stuttered thrust of his own.
"Do you really wanna be mine?" Eijirou asked and Katsuki could tell this wasn't just his heat, the omega was conscious of what he was doing.

"I'm already yours omega," he panted, knot starting to catch for the second time that day.
"Good. Cause I'm never letting you go." Eijirou purred slamming his hips down, forcing the knot in, just as he sank his little omega fangs on the alpha's scent gland. Katsuki's orgasm triggered his own with a moan as hot come filled him up, still latched onto the alpha's neck.
Katsuki didn't know what an out of body experience felt like, but he figured it had to be something like this. His entire body felt like electricity ran through it bolting from his neck, his mind going completely blank as white light burned in his eyes.
It felt like an eternity and a second passed simultaneously until he came back to himself, suddenly more aware of his omega than ever before. He wasn't sure if he'd actually screamed but the soreness in his throat told him yes. Somehow, he wanted to go back to that moment before.
"Katsuki?" He heard Eijirou's voice as if far away through the ringing in his ears. "Alpha? Are you okay?"

"What happened?" he tried responding, his voice hoarse.

"I... I claimed you," Eijirou reached for the alpha's face and blushed, "then you passed out. Well, we both did."
"How long were we out?" He tried sitting up, but his body felt like it was made of cotton and a thing of his knot still in the omega answered for him, he chuckled then saw the omega's expression. "What's wrong?"

"I'm afraid." Eijirou answered simply, looking away.
"What are you afraid of? That I regret it?" Katsuki turned Eijirou's face back to him, making their eyes meet, the omega nodded. "Silly omega, I will never regret being /your/ alpha, being only yours always and forever."

"It's just..." he hesitated,
"it did something to you." He nodded to the mark. "You smell different...."

"More like you?" Katsuki ventured and the omega nodded. "The same thing happened to you when I claimed you, I think that's just normal." The omega didn't look convinced.
"How's it look?" Katsuki asked with a grin and stretching his neck to show off his brand new mark, trying to assure his omega that he was fine and proud of being claimed.
"Like someone tried to bite off a chunk of your neck," Eijirou sighed, "I really should've waited longer to sharpen all my teeth." He giggled and Katsuki snorted and ugly laughed.
CW: overstimulation / sex toys / sex marathon ig? / more horniness and fluff to come henceforth 👀👀
"Ei... baby..." Katsuki grunted, every muscle on his body screaming at him, worst of all was his poor dick, "omega I can't come again, please, please, please." The blond kept begging but Eijirou ignored him, the knot catching for the nth time on his rim clearly agreed with him.
Katsuki's rut had come and gone and the omega's heat fucking kept going! He had no idea how much time had actually passed. Their phones had long died and the supplies had ended maybe a few hours ago, he thought
Somewhere along the end of his rut the peak of Eijirou's heat arrived and after that there was no satiating him. He'd managed to keep the alpha pinned under him and continued on riding his dick like there was no tomorrow. At this rate Katsuki was sure it'd fall off.
Somehow it was that thought that sent him over the edge, though much to the omega's disappointment nothing came out.

"Holy shit..." Katsuki gasped, collapsing back on the bed. He'd just dry orgasmed.
"No knot?" Eijirou whimpered, climbing off the blond and staring at the dwindling appendage with a pout, half wanting to poke it and see if it came back alive.

"Sorry baby, looks like you got all there was to get." Katsuki grunted, kicking himself for not satisfying his omega.
"Ngh... no fair!" Eijirou sulked, however leaning down on top of the alpha, trying to be as close to him as possible.

"I'm sorry love." Katsuki brushed the omega's hair off his face and kissed him sweetly. "That don't mean I can't make you feel good though."
Eijirou gasped when he felt the alpha's fingers prodding at his overstretched entrance, sliding in easily and curling onto his sweet spot. Katsuki shifted them so they were lying in their side as he worked the redhead up, reaching between them for his cock.
The blond massaged the omega's tip with his thumb, spreading the pre gathering there as his fingers thrusted into him. Eijirou moaned letting the alpha do as he pleased, bucking his hips into the larger man's hand one moment and pushing back into his fingers the next.
(Ahh I forgot CW: face sitting)
"I wanna taste you," Katsuki sighed onto the omega's neck and Eijirou responded by pulling himself away from the alpha and climbing back on top of him. Katsuki panicked for a second, afraid of another assault on his out of commission dick, but then Eijirou turned around.
The moment the redhead's glistening hole was in his line of sight, Katsuki's alpha growled savagely, which got slick to gush out of the omega's perfect pink entrance. He pulled Eijirou's hips onto his face and dug in, lapping circles around it before thrusting his tongue in.
The blond groaned against Eijirou's body at the unfiltered taste of slick, the reverberations getting the omega to climax and more nectary slick pooled in Katsuki's mouth. If he was physically able to, he'd have come right there and then at the taste of his omega alone.
Katsuki kept enjoying it as he reached around the omega's waist and finding his dick still half hard, he started stroking him and a relentless pace.

"Ahhh..." Eijirou whimpered above him. "Too much... I... I can't." But Katsuki kept pushing on, he knew he could take it.
After Eijirou's third orgasm in a row, unable to hold himself up any longer, he flopped to the side a panting and teary mess. A wicked smile growing on his face and mirrored by the alpha's, though instead of drool running down his chin it was pure slick.
"You're /so/ mean." Eijirou grunted, his dick spasming still from overstimulation.

"Revenge never tasted so sweet." The alpha replied, scooping him up and leaning back with him into the pillows. Eijirou licked Katsuki's lips clean.

"More like salty." They both laughed.
"We /are/ buying you heat toys Eijirou!" Kaminari exclaimed, dragging his friend into the sex store the blond had decided they absolutely had check out.

"Lower your voice!" Eijirou begged, head snapping around checking for familiar faces. "And I don't wanna!" he whined.
"Why on earth not?" Denki out his hands on his hips, momentarily giving up on trying, and failing, to move the taller omega by force.

"Ugh, don't laugh okay?" Denki nodded, "I just know they won't feel like Katsuki's okay? I'd miss him." To his surprise Denki didn't laugh.
"You... you do realize he can use them /with/ you, right?" He face-palmed.

"Yeah, but it's not the same!" Denki face-palmed again. "I just like it better if it's him-him... Stop doing that!" He stopped the blond from a third face-palm.
"Fine, fine. Suit yourself, /I'm/ getting some stuff. Keep me company?" The blond asked and Eijirou considered it for half a second before deciding it wouldn't be manly to leave his friend alone.
Inside the store Eijirou felt intimidated. Sure, before presenting he had amassed a small collection of toys, namely a fleshlight, a small bullet vibe and a few other trinkets, but he'd bought them online. Being physically surrounded by everything sex was a whole other thing.
He trailed after Denki, trying not to pay too much attention to the items he added to his shopping bag until they walked into the clearly more kinky section of the store and he saw the blond grabbing a set of ropes and cuffs.
Before he could worry, given his knowledge of the blond's past, he saw the fond smile Denki had as he bagged the items and decided it was indeed none of his business. After all, Denki's boyfriends were standup alphas and now he knew how to take care of himself.
He chose then to browse the section dedicated to heats and ruts, there was no harm in just seeing what was around. He saw a package that read "Why knot?" and realizing it was a diy dildo set he figured why not indeed? It'd be nice to have Katsuki's knot around even if he was away
After taking one, he started reaching for other things that called his attention. Some he put back on the rack, others he kept. He may have just recovered from his first heat, but he was definitely looking forward to the next one, hopefully, with the extra help Katsuki would too.
They met up with the three alphas in the food court for a quick lunch, the trio having been on a secret mission they did not share with the omegas, and with the lack of shopping bags Eijirou couldn't even try to guess what it was. It annoyed him, he hated secrets.
"Get anything interesting?" Katsuki asked wrapping his arm around his shoulders and Eijirou's annoyance was substituted by embarrassment as the blond peered into his bag.

"You'll have to wait and see." He teased back, lifting his face in plea for a kiss, which Katsuki obliged.
"I still cannot believe you two finally got together." Tetsu chuckled.

"Truth," Denki agreed, "the mutual pining was honestly getting embarrassing.

"Says you pikachu," Katsuki bit back with no real heat, "how long it take you to ask these idiots out?"
"Hummm..." Denki pretended to think about it, "Like five minutes? When I know what I want I take it." The petite blond smirked, grabbing both alpha's by their chins and leaning in to kiss each of them softly.

"Yeah right," Katsuki cackled and the rest joined.
In reality, it'd taken Kaminari the good part of a moth to even brave up enough to talk to Shinsou, let alone bring up the throuple thing to the both of them. He just had a lot of love to give, he'd said when he told Katsuki about.
"And deserve to receive back tenfold of what you give." He'd thought to himself, already preparing himself to fight not one but two alphas if they made his friend cry. Luckily, they weren't knotheads and loved Denki deeply, as they did each other apparently.
Final part coming up... or is it the finale? 👀

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Nov 13, 2021
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Start here:
Two months later Eijirou had his second heat, at least it didn't seem like it'd be a monthly inconvenience like they'd thought at first, but they were even worse than expected.
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