#BradfordBypass thread 🧵 1/ Firstly, I want to thank everyone who followed me and shared my tweet from November 8th. The research I have done over the past couple of days has no ties to Nipissing University or any opinions about this project.
Sources are listed at the end.
2/ The objective of my research was to gather information about the Bradford Bypass project from the Environmental Assessment Report. I hope you enjoy it!
3/ In 1997, an Environmental Assessment Report (EAR) was completed which outlined the environmental assessment processes for the route selection and future commitments for the highway 400 – highway 404 link (Bradford Bypass).
4/ Preliminary design environmental studies covered topics ranging from Agricultural impacts, air quality impacts (use source #1 for the full list). In the 1997 EAR, the analysis of the municipal development plans indicated that there would be a continuation of growth in travel.
5/ This growth was projected to increase congestion on the east/west roadways linking the 400 to the 404 (e.g. Davis Drive). At the time of the EAR, the current approved plans to upgrade regional roads around this area would not be able to handle all of the traffic.
6/ The Environmental Assessment Act (EAA) requires alternatives to be considered when planning a project. “The purpose of this Act is the betterment of the people of the whole or any part of Ontario by providing for the protection, conservation, and wise management in Ontario...
7/ of the environment. (3)” In the Bradford Bypass EAR, there were four groups of “alternatives to the undertaking.” These are as follows; Do nothing, manage transportation demand, improve existing roadway and/or roadway-based models (e.g. Transit) and,
8/ introduce new non-roadway-based facilities and/or non-roadway-based models (e.g. Rail). The only alternative to the undertaking that was determined to be reasonable for this location was the ‘roadway infrastructure addition’ (improve existing roadway and/or
9/ roadway-based models). After the completion of the travel demand analysis in section of the report, it demonstrated that a two-lane highway would be insufficient in accommodating the traffic volumes forecasted in the long term...
10/ which proved a four-lane highway was needed. More information about the rationale for selecting the preferred route is available in the EAR (1). The attached image from the EAR visualizes the Bradford Bypass route alternatives that were drafted during the EA.
11/ The final route was determined based on it being the shortest, most direct route between the 400 and 404 and it would impact the least number of water crossings and the least amount of wildlife habitat. In the EAR one of the key environmental concerns was centered on the...
12/ potential impacts of crossing the Holland Marsh. It was determined that it was impossible to avoid all impacts. With discussions through the MTO/MNR they agreed to only cross narrow sections of the Holland Marsh, utilize portions of the designated Holland Marsh that have...
13/ been previously disturbed and, use an elevated structure on piers rather than earth-fill embankments to cross the designated wetland. Approximately 9.5 hectares of the Holland Marsh Wetland Complex will be crossed by the recommended plan. Mitigation efforts would consist...
14/ of restoration plans for areas of the wetland, which were temporarily disturbed by the construction and, the installation of equalizer culverts to preserve dynamics of wetland hydrology by maintaining sheet flow through the wetland and facilitating wildlife crossing for...
15/ small mammals and amphibians. There is more information in the EAR that I could have included but, I felt like the information above was a great summary of the key information. If you would like to read the EAR, click source #1 at the bottom of this thread.
All the information in the tweets above was accessed via the sources below.