Yesterday’s inflation report showed inflation raging so you are now seeing inflation erode your wealth. That is no surprise. (1/4)
Some people make the mistake of thinking that they are getting richer because they are seeing their assets go up in price without seeing how their buying power is being eroded. (2/4)
Today I am sharing a part of the Determinants chapter of my new book, Principles for Dealing with The Changing World Order, to remind you of key principles that are relevant now. (3/4)
I hope it is of some value for positioning yourself for what is going on. You can read it here:…
Because humans are capable of conscious, memory-based learning, we can evolve further and faster than any other species, changing not just across generations but within our own lifetimes. (1/9)
This constant drive toward learning and improvement makes getting better innately enjoyable and getting better fast exhilarating. Though most people think that they are striving to get the things (toys, bigger houses, money, status, etc.) that will make them happy... (2/9)
...for most people those things don’t supply anywhere near the long-term satisfaction that getting better at something does. Once we get the things we are striving for, we rarely remain satisfied with them. The things are just the bait. (3/9)
In the “Determinants” chapter from my book “Principles for Dealing with The Changing World Order,” I described a number of determinants that repeatedly drove the rises and declines of empires. (1/4)
I explained that I would embellish on some of them in subsequent posts showing how they pertain to what is now happening in the world. The next one covered today is the big, multi-generational cycle of psychology ... (2/4)
... that drives how people and nations’ experiences determine how they think and what they do—which affects what happens and therefore shapes the next generations’ experiences and actions and so on in a cycle that has repeated throughout history. (3/4)
If nothing bad is happening to you now, wait a bit and it will. That is just reality. My approach to life is that it is what it is and the important thing is for me to figure out what to do about it and not spend time moaning about how I wish it were different. (1/4)
Winston Churchill hit the nail on the head when he said, “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” You will come to enjoy this process of careening between success and failure because it will determine your trajectory. (2/4)
It makes no sense to get frustrated when there’s so much that you can do, and when life offers so many things to savor. Your path through any problem is outlined in these principles—and in others you’ll discover yourself. (3/4)
The quality of your life ultimately depends on quality of your decisions, and since work is such a big part of life, you need to make sure that how you spend your work time is aligned with your goals. What’s important to you? (1/5)
Being on a fulfilling mission? Making money? Stability? Or excitement and unpredictability? (2/5)
Your answers to these questions may evolve over time, but what’s constant is the need to answer them and closely visualize different opportunities to see which path is aligned with the type of life you want. (3/5)
Anything that requires change can be difficult. Yet in order to learn and grow and make progress, you must change. When facing a change, ask yourself: Am I being open-minded? Or am I being resistant? (1/4)
Confront your difficulties head-on, force yourself to explore where they come from, and you'll find that you'll learn a lot. #principleoftheday (2/4)
I'm so excited to have shared with you PrinciplesYou to learn about yourself and PrinciplesUs to learn about your relationships with those you work with. (3/4)
I find it puzzling that interviewers freely and confidently criticize job candidates without knowing them well but won’t criticize employees for similar weaknesses even though they have more evidence. (1/4)
That is because they view criticism as harmful and feel more protective of a fellow employee than they do of an outsider. If you believe that truth is best for everyone, then you should see why this is a mistake, and why frank and ongoing evaluations are so important. (2/4)
I'm so excited to have shared with you PrinciplesYou to learn about yourself and PrinciplesUs to learn about your relationships with those you work with. (3/4)