it's looking like in 10.2.7 PTR the addon comms (something primarily used for addons like TRP3) is going to be severely rate-limited server-side, making them effectively unusable. This is going to disproportionately affect the RP community. (1/8)
@WatcherDev @WarcraftDevs
Where many profiles would load within seconds, 1 v 1 tests profiles are around 20-90 seconds. This value increases with the amount of players requesting/sending data. Between 3 people, a test of 2 people request 1 other person's profile made it last 2-3 minutes. (2/8)
2 minutes to load a profile, in an extremely low population test setting, crank that up by 100+.
This is going to literally kill RP addons, full stop. I don't like being hyperbolic, but I cannot stress enough how severely detrimental this is going to be (3/8)
Going over some of these new 10.2 PTR books. Very possible #spoilers More hints heavily implying westward stuff, and a name drop of "Storming Sea". A green dragon attempts to travel above the storms west of Kalimdor and never returns... (1/10)
In the annotated version of "The Old Gods and the Ordering of Azeroth", there were also a few peculiar details I think others caught on to. What if the storming weather is so severe is because of the Old Gods keeping the spirits enraged? (2/10)
Also worth mentioning, in the Chronicle book, it's referenced that there was "Azeroth's main landmass". Peculiar that the annotated book mentions "one *perfect* continent." as well. One of the Titans' ordering, perhaps. (3/10)
so the new store items don't appear to be the encrypted286 armour set sitting in data since 8.3 but they are the new items added in 9.1.5. There's also still a variety of other encrypted model stuff from 9.1.5. So we're still looking at a whole transmog set encrypted still.
this texture which was datamined and quickly encrypted later was called shopgametimebundlelunarnewyear.blp which didn't actually reveal anything. shopbundles915.blp also is also still encrypted which contained a new faerie dragon pet / faerie dragon bundle, and some other bundle.
we still have a "gronn" (uses gronn sounds) mount, some model that has a LOT of unknowns and textures, and another model with fewer unknowns and textures (likely the tiger new year mount). All 3 I believe appear in mount.db2 and of course pets and stuff
yo wait this wasn't even nearly close to everything I had written, this is just the one post that was put on reddit... I had given 2 examples per class except paladins but this just features priest, mage, warlock, hunter, monk, warrior