"The #Dastarbandi graduation ceremony—wherein a senior scholar would adorn the graduating students with a turban—took place at the blessed hands of Mawlana Rashid Ahmad Gangohi in 1883. That year, #Deoband held an exceptionally grand graduation..."
"In the midst of the ceremony, Mawlana Thanwi came before Mawlana Nanotwi with his classmates seeking to excuse himself from the ceremony out of humility saying, “We are neither worthy nor do we have the future potential that would warrant such an honor being bestowed upon us…”"
"Hearing this, Mawlana Nanotwi passionately responded, “Your notion is completely wrong. You do not recognize your own worth and value since your teachers are currently present in front of you—and that is how it should be...”"
“However, when you go out into the world, then you will truly recognize your significance and importance amongst the people. By Allah, I swear that wherever you go it will be you and nothing but you; the whole field will be cleared out for you.” And that is exactly what happened.
Rasulullah ﷺ said, “O people! Acquire knowledge, for it can only be acquired through tutorship. You will only understand if you are made to understand (i.e. by a teacher). Allah ﷻ grants the understanding of religion to those whom he intends good for.” (Tabarani & others)
Hafiz Ibn Hajar رحمه الله, mentioned, “This means that reliable knowledge is only that which is acquired from the Ambiya (Prophets) and their heirs (the ‘Ulama).”
Imam Abu Hanifah (rah) was informed of a group of people that sit in a halaqa discussing Fiqh (issues of jurisprudence) in the Masjid, he enquired, “Do they have a leader (teacher)?” The reply was negative to which he responded, “These people will never acquire (true) fiqh ever”