Mar is catching up on work 🖌️ Profile picture
Nov 13, 2021 140 tweets 23 min read Read on X
Good bye #OmegaKiriWeek2021 see you on the other side!
CW: Fated mates / mpreg / breeding / angst / body dysmorphia / so much fluff your teeth will rot / have you figured out the meaning of the emoji's yet? lol

Start here:
Two months later Eijirou had his second heat, at least it didn't seem like it'd be a monthly inconvenience like they'd thought at first, but they were even worse than expected.
This time around they had been better prepared sure, thanks to Denki's influence and aid, but it still took them by storm.

"Ngh... mate... I need more..." Eijirou begged, nails digging in the blond's scalp as he bobbed his head in time with the dildo he pushed into the redhead.
"I thought you'd never ask." Katsuki smirked before giving Eijirou's tiny tip a soft, barely-there, kiss and pulling his own sweats down. They'd been cycling in between different sex toy and actual licking downs through most of the omega's heat.
Now that it was almost over, Eijirou was mostly desiring for proximity rather than begging to be bred every 15 seconds, which to the blond continued to be both relief and disappointment. Without his rut he definitely could not keep up with Eijirou just by himself.
The blond figured that now that they were on the home stretch it couldn't hurt to please his beautiful mate. He reached for a condom from the night stand, like he'd been doing the last 48 hours, but Eijirou whined.

"Nooo... I want to feel you... please?" Eijirou begged again.
"You sure baby?" Katsuki asked, cupping his mates cheek.

"Yeah, you can pull out in time, I know it. Pretty please?" Katsuki couldn't say no to those puppy-dog-eyes and yeah, he could definitely pull out in time, definitely.

Yeah, definitely... not.
"Fuuuck..." Katsuki groaned, feeling Eijirou's walls contracting around his knot as he shot maybe the biggest load of his life into his now very satisfied omega. Somewhere along the third thrust of the alphas hips, Eijirou had reverted back into begging to be filled with pups.
"So full..." Eijirou purred caressing a decidedly bulging stomach. "Perfect mate... breed me so good." He pulled the alpha for a sweet kiss still in the bliss of the afterglow. Katsuki returned the kiss, his alpha preening at satisfying the omega, his mind already panicking.
Even then, he kept tending to the man still attached to him. Giving him murmured praises, soft kisses anywhere his lips could reach and caressing his body to keep him as happy and content for as long as possible.
They were still tied up together in bed, physically unable to separate from the other when Eijirou finally started coming down from the high of his heat. Realization sinking in as he did so.

"You didn't pull out." He gasped.

"Knot popped before I could." Katsuki apologized.
"Katsuki, I'm not on birth control!" Eijirou tried to pull himself off the alpha, but only managed to cause them both pain before giving in. "Why hasn't it gone down yet?!" Katsuki could see his mate was starting to really freak out and tried pumping out a calming scent.
"I don't know," Katsuki murmured, nuzzling the omega's scent gland, "s'lasting longer than normal... must be your pheromones, you smell so good right now... or the way you kept begging me to breed you, my alpha kinda took over for a bit there..."
"Katsuki, what if it actually catches?" Eijirou whimpered, letting himself be pampered by the blond. Katsuki had thought about it for endless minutes nearly driving himself mad, then something shifted after a while and calmed him down. But Ei's reaction made him anxious.
"Do you not want my pups?" He practically whined, mind slightly foggy. "I guess I can go get you plan b is that's what you want..." He sulked caressing the omega's still full belly, if he was honest, he couldn't wait to see his mate round with their pups. Eijirou seemed to agree.
"Of course I want your pups!" He exclaimed, half exasperated and half insulted. "It's just... we'd agreed to wait til we graduated..."

"I only have a few more credits to go anyway, we can figure it out... if that's something you'd want..." Katsuki looked at him with shiny eyes.
"Nothing would make me happier to start a family with you Katsuki." Eijirou sighed, relieved that Katsuki was on the same page as him, he'd only been nervous cause he'd thought his alpha would have wanted to wait.
"Good, cause I think it's too late already," the blond smirked and pecked him on the lips, "you've never smelled this much like me... kinda making me horny again." As in queue Eijirou moaned, feeling the twitch of the alpha's cock spurt the last of his load directly in his womb.
"Fuck..." He sighed with a smile growing on his face. "I'm definitely getting pregnant."
"You /cannot/ be serious." Kaminari said for the nth time since they'd told him that Eijirou was, you guessed it, very much pregnant, as he looked at the echo-sonogram screen in from of them. Eijirou had insisted he accompanied them to the doctor's appointment.
"What?" Him and Katsuki asked in unison, both equally worried.

"Congratulations, you're carrying quadruplets." The doctor informed the couple, printing a picture with four minuscule little blobs. "I mean, there's always the chance one of them absorbs one or more siblings..."
"Why would you /tell/ them that, look at them!" Denki admonished her. "How did you pass your boards is beyond me, you have zero bedside manner." She ignored him.

"It's very unlikely to happen." She added when noticing the young couple looked like they'd seen a ghost.
"Anywho, here you go," she handed them /many/ copies of the scan, "please do keep track of any and all symptoms in the journal I gave you and see you in a few weeks!" She said by way of goodbye before leaving the room writing who knows what in her own journal.
They'd agreed to participate in her research on omega anomalies, and their pregnancies specifically, since who knew if their kid (or kids now) could turn out to be an anomaly too. They wanted to give them a chance to have a less scary presentation than Eijirou had had.
"You /cannot/ be serious." Denki said yet again, staring at his copy of the scan, Eijirou had asked for a whole stack so they could gift them to family and friends. "What kind of fucking swimmers you got in there Kacchan? Fucking olympians I'd guess."
The mates were still in shock, they kind of figured Eijirou might be carrying a litter because of course he would, but quadruplets??? That was way more than they ever expected!
"Katsuki?" Eijirou let out a distressed little sound, but the alpha could not move from his position holding the redhead's hand. It was too much, too soon, he was already worried he'd be a shitty father to one kid but with 4 his chances of being a shitty dad quadrupled.
"Hey, hey, it's gonna be fine." Denki intervened, smelling the distress of his friend. "You got this, right Bakugou?" Katsuki snapped his head at the slight threat in the other blond's tone. "And even if you don't you got me and the clowns to help you pair of horny dumdums."
Eijirou seemed to calm down a little and Katsuki swallowed and nodded his thanks to Denki, right, he got this, they got this. He'd be as great a father as he was everything else and Eijirou would be a perfect dad as well.
His mind drifted then to images of his mate giant with their four pups, the first time they'd meet them and scent them, of eijirou feeding them and nesting with them, of little brats with dark hair and crimson eyes toppling him over as they play fought. Yeah, they'd be just fine.
"I'm home!" Katsuki announced removing his shoes at the door, there was no response, he started typing to Ei and dropped on the couch. He was exhausted.

Besides his full college course load he had found a couple of side hustles, kids weren't cheap and he had four on the way.
Sure, after they'd told their parents about the pregnancy all four of them were ecstatic at both news, first that they'd finally gotten together and second that they were having grandchildren... which also got them overly excited to support the young couple in any way possible.
But Katsuki was too proud an alpha not to want to provide for his family, even if it killed them from exhaustion. He had managed to convince administration to cram his remaining credits into the current semester leaving only his thesis for after the kids were born.
Eijirou would be attending part-time after this semester, he already didn't want to be apart from his pups longer than he absolutely had to, which Katsuki found undoubtedly adorable along with everything else he did.

The bang of the door and rustle of bags startled him awake.
"I got it!" He exclaimed, darting to help his mate bring in the groceries. "I could've gone to the store you know."

"I know, I wanted to though." Eijirou replied simply, letting the alpha take the bags from his arms with a sigh and stretched his back.
They had /the/ scan appointment the week after, by now most people would barely be showing, babies that age were the size of bell peppers after all, but with four he looked close to term. It was starting to mess with him.
The physique he'd spent years building up was softening, getting rounder, and part of him hated it. Having his routine altered, being unable to go all out at the gym especially made him restless. Eijirou was slowly losing autonomy and he wasn't dealing with that well.
He looked at Katsuki, still the ever strong relentless alpha, even as obviously burnt out as he was and he resented him. Why did /he/ get to go all out to provide for their family while he had to sit back and rest like he was nothing but a fucking incubator?
"Ei? Ei!" Katsuki waved his hand in front of his mate's face. "You okay? You smell angry."

"Sorry I'm not always a ball of sunshine!" Eijirou snapped, eyes like plates right after. "I... sorry... hormones. What'd you ask?"

"What you want for dinner?" Katsuki repeated.
"Humm... your spicy curry would be nice." Eijirou mused, helping the blond put the groceries away and Katsuki nodded. "I wanna help." He added absentmindedly.

"You can start peeling and chopping the veggies."

"No, I mean sure, but I meant wanna help help." He stated.
"Ei this is temporary, just so we can save up a bit before they arrive." Katsuki knew he meant help him. "It's just so you keep your studies without worry cause I'll be here with them."

"I feel like I'm taking advantage of you." Eijirou mumbled.
"I'd love it if you took advantage of me," Katsuki smirked at his mate and Eijirou blushed.

They cooked and ate enjoying each other's company, later Eijirou drew Katsuki a bath while the blond washed the dishes.

"Join me?" Katsuki asked walking in and pulling off his shirt.
Eijirou nodded and took off his clothes as well, avoiding to look at the mirror, Katsuki did not miss that. They sat in silence, Eijirou's back on Katsuki's broad chest, enjoying the warm water while the omega toyed with his rubber duckie.
Katsuki reached for a loofa and started softly scrubbing Eijirou's skin, every now and then lingering for a few moments to caress his mate.

"You are so perfect mate," Katsuki whispered in his ear and he shivered. "So good carrying my pups, our pups."
"I feel like that's all I do these days." Eijirou bit back.

"Of course not," Katsuki grunted, "nor would I want you to. You're my partner not my broodmare. You know that, so what's this really about?" He bit Eijirou's lobe and he moaned. "I saw you hide from the mirror..."
"I don't feel like myself anymore..." the redhead pondered, sinking the rubber toy and letting come afloat again. "I don't look like myself anymore."

"You wanna know what I see?" Katsuki mused, lapping at the omega's scent gland and reaching around his torso. Ei just sighed.
"I see you, my beautiful, perfect mate, doing an impossible task of holding and protecting and taking care of our pups all by yourself." Katsuki's hands moved to his mate's chest and the smaller man hitched a breath. "It is only fair you let me take care of you for a while."
Eijirou moaned while Katsuki ever so lightly caressed his nipples, waking goosebumps in the omega's pecks. He had noticed the, for now, subtle changes Eijirou was going through.
How he'd gained a bit of weight, his nipples were ever so slightly starting to grow, as did his pecks and bless whoever is above did Eijirou's already juicy ass. Sure it wasn't all muscle like he knew the omega loved for himself, but he loved every version of him.
He moved his hands to a previously rock hard abs now soft and swole with their babies.

"I see the amazing parent you're gonna be, and how there is nothing we can't do together, even helping you keep baby weight at bay." He caressed Eijirou's belly.
"I hate having no control over this." Eijirou groaned but draped his head over the alpha's shoulder and intertwined their fingers together on his belly.

"I love you Ei, let me take care of you." Katsuki said as he leaned to kiss his mate. "I'll help you keep seeing yourself."
"Do you want to know their sexes?" The doctor asked them. "Can also test them for indicators their secondary genders too, it's perfectly safe."

"Uhm we'd like to just wait it out, if that's okay." Eijirou replied. "Denki did mention that test was part of your research."
"You can do the test if you want, just don't tell us the result." Katsuki confirmed smiling at the omega. The doctor nodded and handed them consent forms.

"Very well," she said when she was done, "all 4 of them still there and doing just fine. Ready to meet them in 10 weeks?"
"Wait, what?" They said in unison.

"Oh, I figured Denki would've told you, the more pups the shorter the pregnancy, usually. What I meant is it's likely to be shorter, around that time is when we have to be more vigilant for any complications or early labour."
They returned home with more print outs of their now baby shaped babies and sat on their nest to bask in it all. Katsuki squinted at the picture and smiled.

"I think that's a lil' p" He snorted.

"Katsuki! Stop that!" Eijirou cut him off laughing himself.
They'd been going back and forth over whether which of their pups would would be male the whole way back, they may have not wanted to actually know, but debating it was still pretty entertaining.

"How're you feeling?" Katsuki leaned in and brushed his lips on Eijirou's temple.
"A little nauseous," he replied, "but I can't tell if it's like a pregnancy thing or a holy shit our babies might be born too early thing." He stirred in his alpha's arms. "There's also like this fluttering..." He stopped mid-sentence, eyes wide.

"What is it?" Katsuki worried.
Eijirou was tearing up, as he looked the blond in the eyes. "Baby what's wrong?!"

"I... think they're moving..." Eijirou answered, a smile creeping on his face. "Here, feel." He grabbed Katsuki's hand and placed it where he'd felt it, and it happened again, Katsuki's widened.
"Was that a kick?" Katsuki gasped, eyes burning.

"Yeah..." Eijirou sobbed, leaning into his mate's marked scent gland, basking in the scent of pure love coming off his alpha. "We're really gonna be dads."
"Yeah," Katsuki purred, "which one you think it is?" he grabbed the photo with his free hand.

"I have no idea," Eijirou laughed, "that one kinda looks like a kicker tho."

"Totally." Katsuki mused.
They both knew then that the other felt the same, that they hoped to forever be as happy as they were in that very moment.
CW: birth / postpartum depression / premie babies / hella angst / kiri is really struggling / lactation / eventual smut / happy ending
Against all expectations they'd managed to make it to 35 weeks and Eijirou was scheduled for a c-section in three days. The last few weeks had been no walk in the park though, he was miserable, or his omega was to be precise.
He'd been sulking for days now about not being able to carry his pups to term or actually have a natural birth. It made Eijirou feel like shit, that he wasn't a good enough omega. It also didn't help that he was fucking huge now.
Yeah Katsuki had kept his word and helped him maintain his physique as much as possible but he /was/ carrying four pups. In the dark of night, when he couldn't sleep from heartburn or just anxiety, he could admit to himself that he hated it.
He hated feeling like he had no control over his body anymore, he hated the clumsiness, the difficulty doing simple things by himself, the random crying at all times because of stupid hormones. But most of all he hated himself for it all, he was the worst dad ever.
Katsuki saw all that, even if Eijirou thought he hid it well, he could see his mate drifting away when he thought he was alone. He had no idea how to help him besides trying to alleviate the redhead's physical symptoms.
"You just gotta be there for him Kacchan," Denki told him over the phone, "it'll get easier when the pups are here for him to hug and scent and nest with... he'll get back to training with Tetsu and get some of his routine back."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Katsuki replied.
The day before his surgery Katsuki had class all day and Eijirou had managed to think himself into a panic attack. It was too soon, his pups weren't supposed to be out yet, he wouldn't even be able to come home with them like this, they'd have to stay in the nicu, away from him.
His phone rang and jolted him out of it if only momentarily.

"Katsuki?" He answered, voice breaking.

"Ei? You okay? Katsuki won't stop texting me saying he can't get ahold of you, I'm on my way there now." Kaminari replied.
"I... I can't do this Denki... I..." Eijirou stammered before cutting himself off, there was water on the floor below him. "Denks... my water broke." He muttered breathless.

"Crap, I'm there in five minutes hun try to stay calm okay?" He replied, a horn blared in the background.
A few moment's later Denki is bursting through the door.

"I'm here sweetheart, let's get you to the hospital, yeah?" The petit omega took their already packed hospital bag and ushered his friend out the door, "I texted Katsuki on the elevator, he's meeting us there."
Inside the car Kaminari pushed calming pheromones out to no avail.

"What does this mean Denki?" Eijirou was a legitimately freaking out, how in the hell was he in labour?

"Just means you get to have what your omega wanted boo." Denki squeezed Eijirou's hand and he yelped.
Then he was screaming while crushing the blond's hand.

"Was that..." Ei gasped out of breath from the pain.

"A contraction, yeah," Denki replied.

"I'm scared Denks." Eijirou whimpered as another contraction coursed through him.

"We're almost there sweetie."
Half an hour later they were in a birthing suite. Denki was trying his best to help his friend to feel safe and at home with the nesting items Eijirou and Katsuki had packed, but the fact that Eijirou's mate still wasn't there yet had him on edge.
"LET ME THROUGH DUMB EXTRAS MY MATE NEEDS ME" They heard down the corridor.

"Sir! If you do not calm down you'll be asked to leave!" Replied a furious little voice, most likely a very displeased nurse.

"I'll go get him." Denki sighed before leaving his friend's side.
"Eijirou!" Katsuki blasted the door on its hinges, rushing to his mate's side. "My love, are you okay? How are you feeling?" He took the omega's hand just as another contraction wicked his frame.

"Good, my hand was starting to die on me." Denki said at Eijirou's other side.
"His contractions are about five minutes apart and doc will be here any second now." He added.

"This is actually happening..." Eijirou panted.
The labor had been downright awful and, though yet mercifully short, Eijirou had passed out by the end of it. Denki had stayed with Katsuki as the doctors and nurses rushed the pups to the nicu, two boys and two girls.

But when Eijirou awoke, he was alone.
His entire body hurt but he didn't care about that, he needed his alpha, he needed his pups. The bathroom door opened and light flooded the dark room.

"Mate!" Katsuki gasped, rushing to Eijirou's side as he tried to get up. "You're supposed to stay in bed."
"Where are our pups Katsuki?!" Eijirou whimpered. "I need to see them!"

"Ei, I can't take you to them right now, doc said you needed bedrest." Katsuki tried getting him back to lie down.

"I need to see them Katsuki! They need me!" Eijirou fought back.
"Okay, okay," he placated his mate, "I'll get a nurse to bring them to us, but please, please lie down mate." Katsuki begged him and then whispered, "I cannot lose you my love." Eijirou looked at him confused, but did as was told, and only then did Katsuki dare leave his side.
"He said he'd bring them over, need to be fed anyways..." Katsuki said when he got back.

"What do you mean lose me?" Eijirou interrupted.

"It was so scary Ei, you were in so much pain and bled so much and there was nothing I could do about it." Katsuki muttered caressing him.
Before the omega could reply, assure his alpha he was fine, Denki and another nurse walked into the room rolling an incubator each. Eijirou whimpered at the sight of his pups, they looked so tiny, and fragile and so utterly perfect.
"Now, now, love," Denki interrupted his line of sight, "let me have a look at you." He let the other omega check him out and after saying he was doing alright he pushed the incubators next to his bed. "Ladies first right?" He smiled taking one of them out and passing her to Ei.
Eijirou's hands trembled as he took his little girl in arms, whips of black hair coming out of her little beanie, her nose a little button like Katsuki's.
"Here, let me help." Denki whispered an untied the back of his hospital gown. "It might be a bit difficult for them to latch at this age, so don't be discouraged okay?" Luckily the first one showed no such hardship. "Had you guys settled on names yet?"
"No, not yet." Katsuki replied, Eijirou being too enamored with the little girl in his arms, he looked radiant. "We wanted to meet them first, but I think I already have the perfect name for this one." He added caressing her head as she let go of Ei with a sneeze. "Hikari."
"It's perfect." Eijirou agreed. "It's so good to finally meet you Hikari." He then scented her and gave her to his mate to do the same as Denki moved on to the next pup, another black-haired girl.

"This one looks jus like you." Denki smiled and she opened her eyes for a second.
They were the deepest red the pair had ever seen.

"Akane." The mates looked at each other as they said simultaneously and she too had no difficulty feeding.

"Dorks." Denki snorted taking Hikari from the alpha to snuggle her back to pleasantly sleep. "On to the boys?"
The first of the boys was as dark-haired and equally strong and handsome as his sisters, and like them showed no difficulty to latch on and fed heartily.

"Kenichi?" Eijirou ventured.

"I was thinking Sora." Katsuki replied.

"Might I suggest Denki?" The omega smirked.
"We ain't calling him after you pikachu." Katsuki bit back with no real heat.

"I like Sora best," Eijirou intervened, exhaustion returning to him slowly, he scented his beautiful boy and passed him to the alpha. "And the last one?" He asked and Denki's smile faltered a second.
"Here he is," Denki took him from the incubator and gave it to the other omega. The first thing Eijirou noticed was his blind little head, then that he was lighter and smaller than his siblings, and finally that his breath was troubled and uneven at times.
Eijirou held his own breath, suddenly feeling like he might break him if he held him wrong, his eyes prickled.

"Is he okay?" He whimpered.

"He will be, he just needs a bit of time to catch up to his siblings." Denki replied.

"He's not latching." Eijirou sobbed.
"Ei, love," Katsuki gave Sora back to Denki and hugged his mate. "remember Denks said this could happen, that it's normal at this stage."

"But he's so small Katsuki!" Eijirou cried, holding the pup closer to his heart and scenting him. "Can't we do something?"
"Here, hold him like this," Denki whispered, aiding Eijirou. "Good, now caress his back... just like that, it lets him know you're right there with him." The pup then sneezed and moved its little head toward Eijirou's nipple, latching at last eliciting a relieved sob from him.
"He's a little fighter, that one." Denki smiled. "It might take a while but he'll be just fine, don't worry Ei." Then he added. "So, what cheesy name you two gonna give this one?"

"Fuck off pikachu." Katsuki growled and the pup let go of his dad with a similar growl sound.
Denki snorted a laugh.

"So small yet growling like a feral animal, he really is your son Katsuki." Denki continued laughing and Eijirou joined.

"Tch, like there was ever a doubt," Katsuki bit back, "feral animal... if anything it'd be something cooler like..."
"Like a dragon," Eijirou smiled at his mate, "hello little Ryu," he held the pup closer to his face, rubbing their noses together. "You're my strong little dragon aren't you?"

"Ryu... I like it." Katsuki said, scenting the pup now in his arms. "Strongest of all."
"God, you both are a literal wheel of cheese." Denki groaned but smiled immediately. "Ryu, our little warrior will do well with a strong name like that, you'll see." Eijirou yawned. "Now, it's time for all five of you to get some rest." Eijirou whined but sleep took him suddenly.
CW: postpartum depression / suicidal thoughts /
Denki had always hated being wrong, but never as much as he did a couple of days after Eijirou’s birth. All the pups seemed to be doing well even after being born later, the doctor said a few more days and they could be discharged from the nicu. All except Ryu.
The little pup was having difficulty to thrive, after that first feeding he’d been unable to latch again and not long after he was struggling to breathe on his own. To top it all off, Eijirou was distraught over it, almost to the point of refusing bonding with his other pups.
“What’s the point Katsuki?!!” Denki heard him yell at the alpha through the door. “If I can’t help him… if he dies… I might as well be dead too, at least then I can be with him!”

“Yeah go ahead and do that, leave Hikari, Sora, Akane and me behind to grieve you both!”
“Katsuki! They need you in admin, something about Eijirou’s id or something.” Denki barged in, pretending he hadn’t heard any of that.

“What?” The other blond was completely disoriented, eyes sunken with despair for his mate and pup. “Can’t it wait?”
“No can do, they said it was important, better head there now.” Denki replied, taking out his stethoscope, “besides it’s time for a check up.”

Katsuki hesitated before nodding and walking out the door, head hung low.
"If I hadn't made an oath to do no harm as a nurse, I'd slap the fuck out of you right now Ei." The blond omega muttered. "Even though I know it's not really your fault." He sighed quietly before adding. "Doc should be here any minute now for your check up."
"How is he?" Eijirou mumbled, avoiding Denki's gaze as he moved around him.

"He's doing fine, they finally got him off the respirator," Denki replied, "doc will bring him up with the rest."
A few moments later Katsuki re-entered the room without a word and held the door open as the doc and another nurse pushed in the two incubators. They had decided it was best to co-bed the healthy quads, but with the special care Ryu needed he'd had to remain alone.
Since they'd had to intubate him Eijirou hadn't been able to hold him in his arms again. He looked so small in comparison to his siblings, whom he'd been able to hold and nurse. Seeing him again, breathing on his own had the omega's eyes burning, arms stretching to pick him up.
"I'm discharging you." Doc announced after giving Ryu to Eijirou, the omega immediately scenting his pup.

"What?" Katsuki exclaimed, the redhead to focused on his littlest babe. "I thought it'd be at least a couple more weeks." There was worry in his tone as he eyed his mate.
"I'm staying over with you guys for a bit," Denki intervened "right now it's best for the pups to be in their nest." The way he glanced at Eijirou convinced the alpha that there was more to it than just it being good for the pups.
"We're going home?" Eijirou chirped at his mate, eyes barely leaving the tiny bundle in his arms.

"Yeah, we're going home baby." Katsuki replied, brushing his lips against the omega's temple. "Denks, a word?" The petit blond nodded and followed him out the door, doc followed too
"Are you both out of your goddamned minds?" the alpha whisper-shouted.

"Bakugo, Ryu has been stable for over 48hrs, out of the tube for 24. There is no reason why I couldn't just monitor him with home visits." Doc responded.

"What about Ei? Don't he need to stay?" He worried.
"Medically, he's in tip-top shape, almost completely recovered from the birth complications. All he gotta do now is be with his pups, keep healing and not lift weight for at least another six weeks. But I don't recommend bedrest anymore." She assured him.
"And I'll be there to help on anything he might need." Denki put a hand on the alpha's shoulder. "You keep focusing on getting your thesis done and being a good mate, let me take care of my friend, yes?"

"I'm terrified." Katsuki whispered, voice shattered.
"Kacchan you're an amazing alpha, and already a great dad from what I hear from the gushing nurses at the NICU, you've got nothing to be afraid of."

"I'm afraid I'll lose him Denks. He's not himself anymore, you have to have noticed." Katsuki admitted.
"And that is why I'm prescribing him with antidepressants." Doc intervened. "His hormones are all over the place right now, he's gonna need time, maybe a lot of it, before he starts feeling like himself again, and with his history it'd be irresponsible of me not to worry about-
post-partum depression." She explained. "Of which, he shows clear symptoms."

"She would know," Denki smiled at the taller blond, "she has like two doctorates in psychiatry or something. I'll get the prescription filled on my way there tonight." Katsuki simply nodded in response.
Not two hours later, the new family walked into the apartment. Eijirou refused to let go of Ryu since he'd gotten him and so Katsuki was tasked with transporting the rest of their offspring in a trolley.
As soon as they stepped in Eijirou made a beeline for the nest he had been preparing weeks ago when his contractions had started, and that Katsuki had since finished setting up. His omega purred in the back of his mind in appreciation but started noting things he wanted to add.
His entire body ached but finally being able to bury himself with Ryu in their nest, being surrounded by his and his alpha's scent, awakened a warmth in him that made the pain more bearable. At the hospital they'd tried to get him to move around but he was always so tired.
He looked around while pulling Ryu closer to his chest and spotted a red dragon plushie among the rest of the stuffed animals. There was an orange ribbon tied around its neck and when Eijirou brought it to his nose he smelled the salted caramel scent of his mate,-
it reminded him of when they first got together. He rubbed it against his primary scent gland and then held it close to Ryu. The pup sniffed it and sneezed but then snuggled closer to the stuffed animal.

"That's right, your papa got this for you." Eijirou nuzzled his head.
He smelled the sea and a woodsy forest.

"He kinda smells like you." Katsuki mused from the door, taking in the sight of his mate and child.

"He's perfect." Eijirou replied.
Anyone else would think the omega was neglecting his other pups in favor of Ryu but Katsuki knew the redhead just missed him. At that moment the little blond snuggled closer to the omega's chest and started mouthing at him, his little hands grasping at fabric.
Eijirou gasped and let go of the plushie in favor of pulling down the neck of his off-shoulder sweater, a second later Ryu had latched on and started suckling.
The omega gasped as relief flooded him, even though there was a world of difference between the strong big gulps of his other pups and the delicate short ones from Ryu, he was just so happy to see his baby boy eating placidly.
"Thank fuck," Katsuki sighed crawling in the nest. "Thought I'd never see you smile like that again."

"Drama queen," Eijirou mumbled, "he hasn't done this since he was born." He started sobbing, whether from relief or self-loathing he couldn't tell anymore.
"Hey, hey..." Katsuki pushed calming pheromones and rubbed the omega's back in an attempt to soothe him. "He's doing just fine baby, they're all doing great. How about I get the rest of them, huh? Get the whole family in our nest at last." Eijirou nodded as Ryu continued to nurse
unaware of anything else. He must have been so hungry, Eijirou thought.

A moment later Katsuki walked in holding all three pups in his arms, the sight made Eijirou chuckle as his omega purred in satisfaction at his big, strong, perfect mate.
Ryu let go when they were all settled in, all six of them finally together in their home. Eijirou snuggled close to his babies, taking in each of their distinct developing scents, happy that he wasn't missing out on anything of their lives.
Katsuki kept pumping calming pheromones right up until his mate fell asleep in his arms, he admired his family for endless moments convincing himself that if they could just be like this forever, they'd all be just fine. They'd all be happy.

• • •

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