"Emmanuel Macron’s education minister has leapt to the defence of Latin and ancient Greek after “mind boggling” suggestions from US universities that pushing the study of the classical languages could foster institutional racism."
"Jean-Michel Blanquer, the education minister, was joined by his counterparts from Italy, Greece and Cyprus in signing a charter pledging a “global and international strategy for the promotion and development of Latin and ancient Greek”."
"Latin and Greek would be introduced...where [students] study vocational courses to train them for jobs in places such as restaurants, factories, beauty parlours and garages.
He said he wanted these pupils to “develop their culture” by reading authors such as Sophocles."
Education minister condemns inclusive writing as "not the future of the French language".
"Critics deem them American imports that aim to pit people with different identities against each other, chipping away at the French ideals of unity and equality."
The attacks on M.M. and 3 other girls — two 16-year-olds and a 15-year-old — occurred at Mr. Belter’s home over an 18-month period.
Still, the judge said, “It seems to me that a sentence that involves incarceration or partial incarceration isn’t appropriate.”
"The girl was 16 when Christopher Belter raped her, according to court documents.
He was a teenager too, a student at an elite private boys school whose family’s western New York home was known as a party house where teens gathered to consume liquor, marijuana and Adderall."
"[R]egime legitimation is achieved by what is identified and prioritized as foreign policy problems.
This is similar to the Raja-centered leadership of the past and how Malay rulers saw themselves in relation to their community."
"The theme also implies a desire for elite recognition, and in foreign policy analysis this is attributed to regime legitimation, and the need to be perceived as just, confident, independent, and respectable."
"The nine-year-olds taken as sex slaves by Christopher Columbus were not like ‘this is a great guy’. While they were being raped or beaten and thrown overboard, they certainly knew that these men were bad."
"Among union members — air crew and workers alike — and Air India loyalists, the idea that Praful Patel “killed” the airline to benefit Jet Airways, Kingfisher and other private carriers is an article of faith."
"A sizable increase in capacity [was] granted to foreign airlines to operate in India without securing reciprocal terms. The 2011 CAG report notes that “foreign airlines derived disproportionate economic advantage out of the traffic rights” negotiated in these agreements."
"By 2010, Emirates, was operating 185 international flights into and out of India each week, more than any Indian airline. A senior official at the DGCA, which monitors bilateral agreements, told me with a smirk that “they say Emirates is India’s national carrier these days.”"
"Brazil’s highest court has upheld a ban on missionary activity inside reserves that are home to isolated or recently contacted Indigenous people, in a bid to protect the communities against COVID-19."
"Besides the risk of disease spread, the presence of missionaries in these reserves undermines traditional cultures and social cohesion, and compels these nomadic communities to settle down, making the land more vulnerable to invasions by illegal ranchers and loggers"
“The culture of our people is also weakened because certain practices are forbidden [by the missionaries], like traditional medicine. The relationship with the territory also changes. Before, we used to move around a lot, but the missionaries want us to stay in one place only.”
"A climate refugee and migrant crisis is looming at the Eastern borders of India, which if ignored now, could pose a serious threat to national security.
[Requiring laws to] ensure a systematic assessment of refugees fleeing for survival and differentiate between econ migrants."
"Political instabilities often trigger revived insurgencies ... Scarcity of resources and climate catastrophe make the state machinery and government weak and intrastate conflict ensues — giving rise to the non-state actors to take away the control of resources from the state."
"Despite being a country that has historically welcomed refugees, the ‘Eurocentric’ nature of the refugee convention has been a major source for India’s reluctance.
The convention disregards India’s historical realities and experiences."