Highway Program head Abdollah Ansari introducing item - he is presenting saying that Metro will take on highway projects that cities are not getting done - also working on Caltrans highways. Says Metro received a grant for a VMT (vehicle miles traveled) study
(Ansari sounds excited to build freeways - then
stumbles/pauses/grasps for words when he's talking about studying VMT.)
Ansari talking more about Metro doing environmental and design work for SGV cities projects.
Ansari says there will be an appeals process - for resolving projects - apparently for north 710 corridor cities that don't just want to do car-centric streets?
@MayorButts says South Bay having problems with projects rejected by Metro highway staff. Asks if these disputes can come to the board? Ansari says yes - this is the appeals process he mentioned.
Dupont-Walker requests highway project specifics come to the board. Wants to see multi-modal projects - especially in lower income areas. Ansari says that the board is getting in the way of these sorts of projects. [ugh]
Ansari says Metro projects will do bike components if the cities pay for it. but "not to expand to areas that would kill the project." Complains that highway projects are getting done due to these sorts of problems [um - just not true]
@HildaSolis@HildaSolis asks for state legislation on highway construction displacement - prevent harms to communities.
@HildaSolis Ansari: "the projects that we are now pursuing are the projects of no impact" [meaning no home demolitions] [again just not true for Metro's lower 710, 605 CIP, 71 widening, 5 widening projects]
@HildaSolis Now on to public comment: @ClimateResolve says urgent action needed on climate - set goal to reduce VMT (among the recommendations that Metro Highway Program responded to noncommittally.)
@HildaSolis@ClimateResolve Caller echoes climate emergency concerns. @ActiveSGV caller says highway reform critical - asks board to strengthen commitment to do no harm (no more demolitions) - take leadership role in addressing historic harms.
@HildaSolis@ClimateResolve@ActiveSGV Caller urges climate justice - stop widening freeways - criticizes non-committal language in staff report, and highway program resistance to working with cities on multi-modal projects, active transportation
LA County Sheriffs Dept & LA County Police Chief's Association just held a press conference on Metro policing facebook.com/LosAngelesCoun…
Villanueva criticizes Metro Public Safety Advisory Committee members - who voted against extending Metro transit policing - says "this is the definition of a woke advisory group"
Villanueva displays list of PSAC members with questionable "woke" affiliations highlighted - including "racial justice," "equity," "civil rights," and even: "urban planner"
West Santa Ana Branch expected to come to board for approval of a preferred alternative. Caltrans and Army Corps of Engineers cooperating agencies - due to 105 Freeway station and river crossings.
Torrance Green Line Extension: Metro doing "virtual walks" events - design work continuing - working with railroads, cities, +
Metro Plan Cmte meeting - now on to #OpenStreets / Slow Street grants item: $5 million to 13 new Open and Slow Streets events scheduled through December 2023